{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} -- | -- Copyright : Anders Claesson 2012-2015 -- Maintainer : Anders Claesson -- License : BSD-3 -- module Main (main) where import Data.List import Data.Aeson import Data.Bits (xor) import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import Data.Map (Map, (!)) import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import System.Directory import System.Console.ANSI import System.IO import Sloane.OEIS import Sloane.Entry import Sloane.Options import Sloane.Config import Sloane.Download import Sloane.Bloom import Sloane.DB nameVer = "sloane 4.1.2" :: String oeisURL = "https://oeis.org/search" :: URL strpdURL = "https://oeis.org/stripped.gz" :: URL namesURL = "https://oeis.org/names.gz" :: URL type Query = B.ByteString type Width = Int type Limit = Int type View = (Width, Palette, [Key]) data QA = QA Query [Reply] instance ToJSON QA where toJSON (QA q rs) = object [ "query" .= String (decodeUtf8 q) , "reply" .= toJSON rs ] data Input = SearchLocalDB (DB Sequences) (DB Names) Bool Limit View [Either ANum PackedSeq] | SearchOEIS Bool Limit View String | FilterSeqs (DB Sequences) Bool [PackedEntry] | UpdateDBs FilePath FilePath FilePath | Empty data Output = OEISReplies View [QA] | OEISRepliesJSON [QA] | Entries [PackedEntry] | NOP nonEmptyLines :: BL.ByteString -> [B.ByteString] nonEmptyLines = map BL.toStrict . filter (not . BL.null) . BL.lines readStdin :: IO [B.ByteString] readStdin = nonEmptyLines <$> BL.getContents readInput :: Options -> Config -> IO Input readInput opts cfg | version opts = return Empty | update opts = return $ UpdateDBs (sloaneDir cfg) (seqDBPath cfg) (namesDBPath cfg) | filtr opts = do db <- readSeqDB cfg FilterSeqs db (invert opts) . map parsePackedEntryErr <$> readStdin | oeis opts = return $ SearchOEIS (tojson opts) (limit opts) view (unwords (terms opts)) | otherwise = do sdb <- readSeqDB cfg ndb <- readNamesDB cfg let parseInp t = fromMaybe (error "cannot parse input") $ (Right . getPackedSeq <$> parsePackedEntry t) <|> (Left <$> parseANum t) <|> (Right . packSeq . map fromIntegral <$> parseIntegerSeq t) SearchLocalDB sdb ndb (tojson opts) (limit opts) view . map parseInp <$> case map B.pack (terms opts) of [] -> readStdin ts -> return ts where view = (termWidth cfg, palette opts, keys opts) few :: [a] -> Bool few (_:_:_) = False few _ = True allANum :: [QA] -> Bool allANum= all (\(QA q _) -> B.head q == 'A') printReply :: View -> Reply -> IO () printReply (width, pal, ks) (Reply (ANum anum) (Table table)) = forM_ (ks `intersect` M.keys table) $ \key -> do let entry = table ! key let crop' = crop key (width - 10) let mono = monochrome pal forM_ entry $ \line -> do unless mono $ setSGR [ SetColor Foreground Dull Green ] putStr [key] unless mono $ setSGR [ SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow ] B.putStr $ indent anum unless mono $ setSGR [] IO.putStrLn $ indent (crop' (decodeUtf8 line)) where indent s = " " <> s dropLastField = T.reverse . T.dropWhile (/= ',') . T.reverse cropText f cap s = if cap < T.length s then f cap s else s crop key = cropText $ \cap s -> if key `elem` ['S'..'X'] then dropLastField (T.take cap s) else T.take (cap-2) s <> ".." printOutput :: Output -> IO () printOutput NOP = return () printOutput (Entries es) = forM_ es $ \(PackedEntry (PPrg p) (PSeq s)) -> B.putStrLn $ p <> " => {" <> s <> "}" printOutput (OEISRepliesJSON rss) = mapM_ (BL.putStrLn . encode) rss printOutput (OEISReplies view rss) = do let hideQuery = few rss || allANum rss let noReplies = null $ concat [ rs | QA _ rs <- rss ] forM_ (zip [1::Int ..] rss) $ \(i, QA q replies) -> do unless hideQuery $ do when (i > 1) $ putStrLn "" B.putStrLn ("query: " <> q) forM_ replies $ \r -> do putStrLn "" printReply view r unless noReplies $ putStrLn "" -- Construct a list of replies associated with a list of A-numbers. mkReplies :: Map ANum PackedSeq -> Map ANum Name -> [ANum] -> [Reply] mkReplies s n anums = [ Reply k (Table $ M.fromList [('S', [unPSeq (s!k)]), ('N', [n!k])]) | k <- anums , M.member k s && M.member k n ] sloane :: Input -> IO Output sloane inp = case inp of SearchLocalDB sdb ndb jsonflag maxReplies view ts -> do let sm = M.fromList $ parseStripped (unDB sdb) let nm = M.fromList $ parseNames (unDB ndb) let qas = [ QA q (mkReplies sm nm ks) | (q, ks) <- [ case t of Right s@(PSeq r) -> (r, grepN maxReplies s sdb) Left (ANum anum) -> (anum, [ANum anum]) | t <- ts ] ] return $ if jsonflag then OEISRepliesJSON qas else OEISReplies view qas SearchOEIS jsonflag lim view q -> do let kvs = [("n", B.pack (show lim)), ("q", B.pack q), ("fmt", "text")] replies <- requestPage oeisURL kvs let qas = [QA (B.pack q) (parseReplies replies)] return $ if jsonflag then OEISRepliesJSON qas else OEISReplies view qas FilterSeqs db invFlag es -> do let bloom = mkBloomFilter db return $ Entries [ e | e@(PackedEntry _ s) <- es , not (B.null (unPSeq s)) , invFlag `xor` (s `isFactorOf` bloom && not (null (grep s db))) ] UpdateDBs sloanedir sdbPath ndbPath -> do createDirectoryIfMissing False sloanedir let msg1 = "Downloading " ++ strpdURL ++ ": " let msg2 = "Downloading " ++ namesURL ++ ": " putStr msg1 >> hFlush stdout download (length msg1) strpdURL sdbPath >> putStrLn "" putStr msg2 >> hFlush stdout download (length msg2) namesURL ndbPath >> putStrLn "" return NOP Empty -> putStrLn nameVer >> return NOP -- | Main function and entry point for sloane. main :: IO () main = do c <- getConfig t <- getOptions readInput t c >>= sloane >>= printOutput