[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/pdlla/smarties.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/pdlla/smarties) # smarties Smarties is a general purpose [behavior tree](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_tree_(artificial_intelligence,_robotics_and_control)) (BT) library written in Haskell. The library supports utility AI for advanced decision making. Smarties implements many of the design patterns outlined in this [paper](https://course.ccs.neu.edu/cs5150f13/readings/dill_designpatterns.pdf) and some that aren't. BTs are written in a DSL built with the **NodeSequence** monad. Monadic return values are used for computing utility and passing state between nodes. To jump right in, please see the this tutorial example implementing [Conway's Game of Life](https://github.com/pdlla/smarties/tree/master/examples/tutorial). There are other examples in the examples folder that I either put in too little or too much effort. ## Terminology - **perception**: input and computation state of the BT. Named perception because it represents how the tree perceives the outside world. It's possible to write nodes that modify **perception** so that your BT has mutable perception (or state). Since you are already writing in Haskell, you probably don't ever want to do this. - **sequence**: control node that executes each child node in sequence until it hits a FAIL node and collects all output. - **selector**: control node that executes the first SUCCESS node. - **utility**: optional monadic output for a node that can be used for more complex control flow. For example **utilitySelector** executes the node that has the largest utility. ## Understanding the NodeSequence Monad **NodeSequence** is a computation that executes all it's internal nodes. At each **>>=** it will check the output and early exit if it reaches a **FAIL**. **NodeSequence** has the following definition ```haskell data NodeSequenceT g p o m a = NodeSequence { runNodeSequenceT :: g -> p -> (a, g, p, Status, [o]) } ``` The sequence represents a computation that takes a generator and perception and returns an output with the following types: - **a**: monad output type, typically used for computing utility - **g**: random generator - **p**: perception type - **Status**: Status of executing NodeSequence, either **SUCCESS** or **FAIL** - **o**: output type (or action type) **NodeSequence** looks a lot like **StateT (p,g) Writer [o]** except with an additional Status output. The difference is that with each **>>=** if the input computation has Status **FAIL**, the monad will stop accumulating changes on **p** and appending to **[o]**. Note that it will continue to pass through **p** and **g** to evaluate the monadic return value **a** which is needed for things like utility selectors. Thus running **NodeSequence** produces an **a** and two thunks representing the perception and output up until the first **FAIL**. The monadic return value is useful for passing general information between nodes. For example it's possible to implement loops: ```haskell howQueerIsMyFriend = sequence $ do x <- getFriend n <- numberFriendsOf x clique <- forM [0..(n-1)] (\n' -> do s <- getFriendOf x n' return queerness s ) return (mean clique) ``` ## Builders Smarties provides the `Smarties.Builders` module for building your own logic nodes which are needed to actually use Smarties in a project. It supports the following types of nodes: - `Condition`: create a condition node - `Action`: create an action node - `Utility`: create a node that returns a utility score - `Perception`: create a node that modify the perception Each builder (except for `Perception`) has a simple variant (prefixed by `Simple`) which ensures the **perception** is immutable. You'll want to use the simple variants in most cases. To keep the syntax simple in most cases, there are non-transformer variants of each builder which wrap the transformer ones. ## Other - Smarties gives access to the (rather simple) BT control methods in `Smarties.Nodes`. Most of its power comes from the flexibility of monadic syntax. In some cases, it may be better/simpler to use something like **StateT (p,g) Writer [o]**. Sequence and selectors are still possible with monadic operations like [`ifM`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extra-1.7.1/docs/Control-Monad-Extra.html). ## Additional Features: Some ideas for features to add to this package. I'll probably never get to these but feel free to submit a PR. - Built in support for [Statistic.Distribution.Normal](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/statistics- for modeling risk reward. This includes [basic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sum_of_normally_distributed_random_variables) [operations](https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/sasp/Product_Two_Gaussian_PDFs.html) on distributions. - It is possible to modify **perception** during tree execution. This is only recommended in the special case where the input state is same as what the tree is operating on as a whole in which case the tree represents a sequential set of operations on a value. e.g. **NodeSequence g Int (Int->Int)** represents operations on an Int value. In these cases, ensure the **SelfActionable p o** constraint is satisfied and use **SelfAction** which is the same as **Action** except also applies the output to the perception. The current implementation is a little idiosyncratic and I may remove in the future so it's mentioned here for now.