% % Original Version by Erik Meijer % Further hacked on by Sven Panne % cgiVars -- kyagrd added this 2002-03-11 % \section[CGI]{Haskell binding for CGI/HTTP/HTML} \begin{code} module CGI ( -- Interface HTML -------------------------------------------------- Name, Value, URL, Tag, HTML, TextPlain, prose, -- :: String -> HTML attributedElement, -- :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML unclosedAttributedElement, -- :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML element, -- :: Tag -> [HTML] -> HTML unclosedElement, -- :: Tag -> [HTML] -> HTML set, -- :: [(Name,Value)] -> (HTML -> HTML) -- Interface HTMLWizard -------------------------------------------- Color, Face, Size, Widget, Wrap, CLSID, page, -- :: String -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML vanillaPage, -- :: [HTML] -> HTML backgroundPage, -- :: URL -> String -> [HTML] -> HTML format, -- :: Tag -> String -> HTML h, -- :: Int -> String -> HTML h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7, -- :: String -> HTML p, -- :: [HTML] -> HTML font, -- :: Color -> [Face] -> Size -> [HTML] -> HTML href, -- :: URL -> [HTML] -> HTML name, -- :: String -> [HTML] -> HTML img, -- :: String -> URL -> HTML ul, ol, -- :: [[HTML]] -> HTML dl, -- :: [(String,[HTML])] -> HTML table, -- :: String -> [String] -> [[ [HTML] ]] -> HTML widget, -- :: Widget -> Name -> HTML checkbox, -- :: Name -> Value -> HTML hidden, -- :: Name -> Value -> HTML password, -- :: Name -> HTML radio, -- :: Name -> Value -> HTML reset, -- :: Name -> Value -> HTML submit, -- :: Name -> Value -> HTML textfield, -- :: Name -> HTML file, -- :: Name -> HTML clickmap, -- :: Name -> HTML group, -- :: (Name -> Value -> HTML) -> Name -> [Value] -> HTML menu, -- :: Name -> [Value] -> HTML textarea, -- :: Name -> Int -> Int -> Wrap -> Value -> HTML gui, -- :: URL -> [HTML] -> HTML object, -- :: CLSID -> String -> [(Name,Value)] -> HTML StatusCode, Reason, CgiOut(..), simpleWrapper, -- :: Show a => ([(Name,Value)] -> a) -> IO () wrapper, -- :: Show a => ([(Name,Value)] -> IO a) -> IO () cgiVars -- kyagrd added this 2002-03-11 ) where import Char ( ord, chr, toUpper, isDigit, isAlphaNum, isHexDigit ) import System ( getEnv ) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ as Pretty ( (<+>), (<>), nest, sep, text, Doc ) import Monad(MonadPlus(..), guard) infixr 5 +++ \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-Parser]{Yet another combinator parser library} %* * %*************************************************************************** NOTE: This is all a little bit of a sledgehammer here for the simple task at hand... The parser monad \begin{code} newtype Parser a = Parser (String -> [(a,String)]) instance Functor Parser where -- map :: (a -> b) -> (Parser a -> Parser b) fmap f (Parser p) = Parser (\inp -> [(f v, out) | (v, out) <- p inp]) instance Monad Parser where -- return :: a -> Parser a return v = Parser (\inp -> [(v,inp)]) -- >>= :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b (Parser p) >>= f = Parser (\inp -> concat [papply (f v) out | (v,out) <- p inp]) instance MonadPlus Parser where -- zero :: Parser a mzero = Parser (\_ -> []) -- (++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a (Parser p) `mplus` (Parser q) = Parser (\inp -> (p inp ++ q inp)) \end{code} Other primitive parser combinators \begin{code} item :: Parser Char item = Parser (\inp -> case inp of [] -> [] (x:xs) -> [(x,xs)]) force :: Parser a -> Parser a force (Parser p) = Parser (\inp -> let x = p inp in (fst (head x), snd (head x)) : tail x) first :: Parser a -> Parser a first (Parser p) = Parser (\inp -> case p inp of [] -> [] (x:_) -> [x]) papply :: Parser a -> String -> [(a,String)] papply (Parser p) inp = p inp \end{code} Derived combinators \begin{code} (+++) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a p +++ q = first (p `mplus` q) sat :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char sat p = do {x <- item; guard (p x); return x} many :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many p = force (many1 p +++ return []) many1 :: Parser a -> Parser [a] many1 p = do {x <- p; xs <- many p; return (x:xs)} sepby :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a] p `sepby` sep = (p `sepby1` sep) +++ return [] sepby1 :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser [a] p `sepby1` sep = do x <- p xs <- many (do {sep; p}) return(x:xs) char :: Char -> Parser Char char x = sat (x==) alphanum :: Parser Char alphanum = sat isAlphaNum string :: String -> Parser String string "" = return "" string (x:xs) = do char x string xs return (x:xs) hexdigit :: Parser Char hexdigit = sat isHexDigit \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-MIME]{MIME types} %* * %*************************************************************************** A type a is in class Mime whenever it can be parsed and unparsed and moreover it has a method mimeType for printing its MIME type. This is a VERY naive view of MIME types. Read the documentation for more excitement: http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1521.html. However, all PERL libraries I have seen so far are even more primitive. They just dump raw data on stdout. \begin{code} class (Show a, Read a) => Mime a where mimeType :: a -> String \end{code} Defining a new MIME type instance usual takes the following steps: \begin{itemize} \item Define a newtype synonym or algebraic data type that describes the decoded form of the type. \item Make that type instance of Show by providing an unparser, and an instance of Read by providing a parser. For all but the most simple types you cannot use deriving. \item Make the type an instance of Mime by telling what the MIME type is. \end{itemize} Here is the most simple one: text/plain. It is a shame that we cannot make String an instance of Mime directly. We have to define a type synonym :-( I want Gofer! \begin{code} newtype TextPlain = TextPlain String instance Read TextPlain where readsPrec _ s = [(TextPlain s,"")] instance Show TextPlain where showsPrec _ (TextPlain s) = showString s instance Mime TextPlain where mimeType _ = "text/plain" \end{code} Common type declarations \begin{code} type Name = String type Value = String type URL = String \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-HTML]{HTML abstract syntax} %* * %*************************************************************************** \begin{code} type Tag = String data HTML = Element { tag :: Tag, attributes :: [(Name,Value)], html :: [HTML] } | Text{ text :: String } \end{code} element tag html = html \begin{code} element :: Tag -> [HTML] -> HTML element tag html = attributedElement tag [] html \end{code} attributedElement tag [(name1,value1),...,(namen,valuen)] html = html \begin{code} attributedElement :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML attributedElement tag attributes html = Element{tag=tag, attributes=attributes, html=html} \end{code} TODO!!! \begin{code} unclosedElement :: Tag -> [HTML] -> HTML unclosedElement = element unclosedAttributedElement :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML unclosedAttributedElement = attributedElement \end{code} prose text = text \begin{code} prose :: String -> HTML prose text = Text{text=text} \end{code} \begin{code} set :: [(Name,Value)] -> (HTML -> HTML) set _ e@Text{} = e set newAttributes e@Element{attributes=attributes} = e{ attributes = newAttributes ++ oldAttributes } where oldAttributes = [ (n,v) | (n,v) <- attributes, not (elem n ns) ] ns = [ t | (t, _) <- newAttributes ] \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-HTM-Util]{HTML utility combinators} %* * %*************************************************************************** \begin{code} type Color = String type Face = String type Size = String type Widget = String type Wrap = String type CLSID = String \end{code} page title attributes html = title html \begin{code} page :: String -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> HTML page title attributes html = element "HTML" [ element "HEAD" [element "TITLE" [prose title]] , attributedElement "BODY" attributes html ] vanillaPage :: [HTML] -> HTML vanillaPage = page "" [] backgroundPage :: URL -> String -> [HTML] -> HTML backgroundPage url title body = page title [("BACKGROUND",url)] body \end{code} format tag text = text \begin{code} format :: Tag -> String -> HTML format tag text = element tag [prose text] \end{code} h i heading = heading \begin{code} h :: Int -> String -> HTML h n heading = element ("H" ++ show n) [prose heading] h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7 :: String -> HTML h1 = h 1 h2 = h 2 h3 = h 3 h4 = h 4 h5 = h 5 h6 = h 6 h7 = h 7 \end{code} p html =


\begin{code} p :: [HTML] -> HTML p = element "P" \end{code} font color [face1,...,facen] size html = html \begin{code} font :: Color -> [Face] -> Size -> [HTML] -> HTML font color face size html = attributedElement "FONT" [ ("COLOR", color) , ("FACE" ,(tail . init . show) face) , ("SIZE" , size) ] html \end{code} href url html = html \begin{code} href :: URL -> [HTML] -> HTML href url html = attributedElement "A" [("HREF",url)] html \end{code} name label html = html \begin{code} name :: String -> [HTML] -> HTML name label html = attributedElement "A" [("NAME",label)] html \end{code} image alt src = alt \begin{code} img :: String -> URL -> HTML img alt src = unclosedAttributedElement "IMG" [("SRC",src), ("ALT",alt)] [] \end{code} ul [item1,...,itemn] = \begin{code} ul :: [[HTML]] -> HTML ul is = element "UL" [ element "LI" i | i <- is ] \end{code} ol [item1,...,itemn] =
  1. item1
  2. ...
  3. itemn
\begin{code} ol :: [[HTML]] -> HTML ol is = element "OL" [ element "LI" i | i <- is ] \end{code} dl [(label1,item1),...(labeln,itemn)] =
\begin{code} dl :: [(String,[HTML])] -> HTML dl tds = element "DL" [ e | (dt,dd) <- tds, e <- [ element "DT" [format "B" dt] , element "DD" dd ] ] \end{code} table caption [th1,..., thn] [[td11,...,td1n] ,... ,[tdm1,...,tdmn] ] = ...... ... ...
\begin{code} table :: String -> [String] -> [[ [HTML] ]] -> HTML table caption header rows = attributedElement "TABLE" [("BORDER","")] ( element "CAPTION" [prose caption] : element "TR" [ element "TH" [prose th] | th <- header ] : [ element "TR" [ element "TD" td | td <- row ] | row <- rows ] ) \end{code} widget w name = \begin{code} widget :: Widget -> Name -> HTML widget w name = unclosedAttributedElement "INPUT" [("TYPE",w), ("NAME",name)] [] checkbox :: Name -> Value -> HTML checkbox name value = set [("VALUE", value)] (widget "CHECKBOX" name) hidden :: Name -> Value -> HTML hidden name value = set [("VALUE",value)] (widget "HIDDEN" name) password :: Name -> HTML password name = widget "PASSWORD" name radio :: Name -> Value -> HTML radio name value = set [("VALUE", value)] (widget "RADIO" name) reset :: Name -> Value -> HTML reset name value = set [("VALUE",value)] (widget "RESET" name) submit :: Name -> Value -> HTML submit name value = set [("VALUE",value)] (widget "SUBMIT" name) textfield :: Name -> HTML textfield name = widget "TEXT" name file :: Name -> HTML file name = widget "FILE" name clickmap :: Name -> HTML clickmap name = widget "IMAGE" name group :: (Name -> Value -> HTML) -> Name -> [Value] -> HTML group w name values = table name [] buttons where buttons = [ [ [w name value], [prose value] ] | value <- values ] \end{code} menu name [choice1,...,choicen] = \begin{code} menu :: Name -> [Value] -> HTML menu name choices = attributedElement "SELECT" [("NAME",name)] [ element "OPTION" [prose choice] | choice <- choices ] \end{code} textarea name rows cols wrap text = \begin{code} textarea :: Name -> Int -> Int -> Wrap -> Value -> HTML textarea name rows cols wrap text = attributedElement "TEXTAREA" [ ("NAME",name), ("ROWS", show rows), ("COLS", show cols), ("WRAP", wrap)] [prose text] \end{code} gui action html =
\begin{code} gui :: URL -> [HTML] -> HTML gui action html = attributedElement "FORM" [ ("ACTION",action), ("METHOD","POST") ] html \end{code} object classid id [(name1,value1),...,(namen,valuen)] = ... \begin{code} object :: CLSID -> String -> [(Name,Value)] -> HTML object classid id params = attributedElement "OBJECT" [ ("CLASSID", "clsid:"++classid), ("ID", id) ] [ attributedElement "PARAM" [("NAME",n),("VALUE",v)] [] | (n,v) <- params ] \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-HTML-Pretty]{Pretty printing HTML} %* * %*************************************************************************** \begin{code} (<>),(<+>) :: Pretty.Doc -> Pretty.Doc -> Pretty.Doc (<>) = (Pretty.<>) (<+>) = (Pretty.<+>) nest :: Int -> Pretty.Doc -> Pretty.Doc nest = Pretty.nest sep :: [Pretty.Doc] -> Pretty.Doc sep = Pretty.sep txt :: String -> Pretty.Doc txt = Pretty.text htmlify :: String -> String htmlify cs = [ c2 | c <- cs, c2 <- htmlifyChar c ] where htmlifyChar '<' = "<" htmlifyChar '>' = ">" htmlifyChar '&' = "&" htmlifyChar '"' = """ htmlifyChar '\228' = "ä" -- 0xe4 htmlifyChar '\246' = "ö" -- 0xf6 htmlifyChar '\252' = "ü" -- 0xfc htmlifyChar '\196'= "Ä" -- 0xc4 htmlifyChar '\214' = "Ö" -- 0xd6 htmlifyChar '\220' = "Ü" -- 0xdc htmlifyChar '\223' = "ß" -- 0xdf htmlifyChar c = [c] instance Show HTML where showsPrec _ html = shows (ppHTML html) instance Read HTML where readsPrec _ = error "Reading HTML not yet implemented" instance Mime HTML where mimeType _ = "text/html" ppHTML :: HTML -> Pretty.Doc ppHTML Element{tag=tag, attributes=attributes, html=html} = ppElement tag attributes html ppHTML Text{text=text} = txt (htmlify text) ppElement :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> [HTML] -> Pretty.Doc ppElement tag attributes [] = ppOpenTag tag attributes <> ppCloseTag tag ppElement tag attributes html = sep [ ppOpenTag tag attributes , nest indent (sep (map ppHTML html)) , ppCloseTag tag ] ppOpenTag :: Tag -> [(Name,Value)] -> Pretty.Doc ppOpenTag tag [] = txt "<" <> txt (htmlify tag) <> txt ">" ppOpenTag tag attributes = sep [ txt "<" <> txt (htmlify tag) , nest indent (sep [ txt (htmlify name) <> txt "=\"" <> txt (htmlify value) <> txt "\"" | (name, value) <- attributes ]) , txt ">" ] ppCloseTag :: Tag -> Pretty.Doc ppCloseTag tag = txt " txt (htmlify tag) <> txt ">" indent :: Int indent = 2 \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-HTTP-Resp]{HTTP Responses} %* * %*************************************************************************** The output of a CGI script is a HTTP response (part of, the server adds additional noise), which is either some MIME content, a redirection to some other location, or an error status. We make CgiOut an instance of the Show class so that we don't have to worry about the exact format of the response that is required by the HTTP definition. I think what we really want is to use an existential type here! data CgiOut = Mime a => Content{content :: a} | .... We are not interested in the content type, we only need to know it is in the Mime class. What is missing is a table of (StatusCode,Reason)-pairs such as (503, "server busy") and (200, "Transaction ok") etc. \begin{code} type StatusCode = Int type Reason = String data Mime a => CgiOut a = Content{mime :: a} | Location{url :: URL} | Status{status :: StatusCode, reason :: Reason} instance Mime a => Show (CgiOut a) where showsPrec _ Content{mime=mime} = showString "Content-type: " . showString (mimeType mime) . showString "\n\n" . shows mime showsPrec _ Location{url=url} = showString "Location: " . showString url . showString "\n\n" showsPrec _ Status{status=status,reason=reason} = showString "Status: " . shows status . showString " " . showString reason . showString "\n\n" \end{code} %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-Decode]{Decoding application/x-www-form-urlencoded data} %* * %*************************************************************************** The MIME type application/x-www-form-urlencoded is used to encode tables of (name, value)-pairs that are transmitted from the client to the server. \begin{code} newtype ApplicationX_Www_Form_UrlEncoded = URLEncoded [(String,String)] instance Read ApplicationX_Www_Form_UrlEncoded where readsPrec _ e = papply (do{f <- env; return (URLEncoded f)}) e instance Show ApplicationX_Www_Form_UrlEncoded where showsPrec r env = showsPrec r (ppEnv env) instance Mime ApplicationX_Www_Form_UrlEncoded where mimeType _ = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \end{code} An URL encoded value consist of a sequence of zero or more name "=" value pairs separated by "&" Env ::= [Name "=" Value {"&" Name "=" Value}] Names and values are URL-encoded, according to the following table character | encoding ----------|--------- ' ' | '+' '<' | "%XX" c | "%"hexval(ord c) \begin{code} urlDecode :: String -> [(Name,Value)] urlDecode s = case readsPrec 0 s of [] -> [] ((URLEncoded e,_):_) -> e env :: Parser [(Name,Value)] env = (do n <- urlEncoded string "=" v <- urlEncoded return (n,v)) `sepby` (string "&") urlEncoded :: Parser String urlEncoded = many ( alphanum `mplus` extra `mplus` safe `mplus` do{ char '+' ; return ' '} `mplus` do{ char '%' ; d <- hexadecimal ; return $ chr (hex2int d) } ) extra :: Parser Char extra = sat (`elem` "!*'(),") safe :: Parser Char safe = sat (`elem` "$-_.") hexadecimal :: Parser HexString hexadecimal = do d1 <- hexdigit d2 <- hexdigit return [d1,d2] type HexString = String hex2int :: HexString -> Int hex2int ds = foldl (\n d -> n*16+d) 0 (map (toInt . toUpper) ds) where toInt d | isDigit d = ord d - ord '0' toInt d | isHexDigit d = (ord d - ord 'A') + 10 toInt d = error ("hex2int: illegal hex digit " ++ [d]) \end{code} Pretty printing URL encoded name=value pairs \begin{code} ppEnv :: ApplicationX_Www_Form_UrlEncoded -> Pretty.Doc ppEnv (URLEncoded []) = txt "" ppEnv (URLEncoded (e:es)) = sep (ppAssoc e : [ txt "&" <+> ppAssoc f | f <- es ]) where ppAssoc (n, v) = txt n <+> txt "=" <+> txt v \end{code} A function to do URL encoding and proving its correctness might be a nice exercise for the book. We don't usually need it for CGI scripts though. The browser does the encoding and the CGI script does the decoding. %*************************************************************************** %* * \subsection[CGI-Hide]{Hide the CGI protocol from the programmer} %* * %*************************************************************************** \begin{code} cgiVars = do qs <- getQueryString cgiVars <- getCgiVars return (cgiVars ++ urlDecode qs) simpleWrapper :: Show a => ([(Name,Value)] -> a) -> IO () simpleWrapper f = wrapper (return . f) wrapper :: Show a => ([(Name,Value)] -> IO a) -> IO () wrapper f = do qs <- getQueryString cgiVars <- getCgiVars a <- f (cgiVars ++ urlDecode qs) putStr (show a) myGetEnv :: String -> IO String myGetEnv v = catch (getEnv v) (const (return "")) getQueryString :: IO String getQueryString = do method <- myGetEnv "REQUEST_METHOD" case method of "POST" -> do len <- myGetEnv "CONTENT_LENGTH" inp <- getContents return (take (read len) inp) _ -> myGetEnv "QUERY_STRING" getCgiVars :: IO [(Name,Value)] getCgiVars = do vals <- mapM myGetEnv cgiVarNames return (zip cgiVarNames vals) cgiVarNames :: [String] cgiVarNames = [ "DOCUMENT_ROOT" , "AUTH_TYPE" , "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" , "SERVER_SOFTWARE" , "SERVER_NAME" , "REQUEST_METHOD" , "SERVER_ADMIN" , "SERVER_PORT" , "QUERY_STRING" , "CONTENT_LENGTH" , "CONTENT_TYPE" , "REMOTE_USER" , "REMOTE_IDENT" , "REMOTE_ADDR" , "REMOTE_HOST" , "TZ" , "PATH" , "PATH_INFO" , "PATH_TRANSLATED" , "SCRIPT_NAME" , "SCRIPT_FILENAME" , "HTTP_CONNECTION" , "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" , "HTTP_ACCEPT" , "HTTP_HOST" , "HTTP_UA_COLOR" , "HTTP_UA_CPU" , "HTTP_UA_OS" , "HTTP_UA_PIXELS" , "HTTP_USER_AGENT" ] \end{code}