-- |
-- Copyright   : (C) 2015 Dimitri Sabadie
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Dimitri Sabadie <dimitri.sabadie@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- A @Spline s a@ represents a curve in which 'a' is very likely to be
-- 'Additive' (see "linear") and 's' is the sampling type.
-- The library exports two useful functions: 'spline' and 'smooth'. The former
-- enables you to create splines while the latter enables you to sample from
-- them using their control points.

module Data.Spline (
    -- * Spline
  , spline
    -- * Smoothing values along splines
  , smooth
  ) where

import Data.List ( sortBy )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Data.Spline.CP
import Data.Spline.Polynomial ( Polynomial(..), bsearchLower )
import Data.Vector ( Vector, (!?), fromList )

-- |A @Spline@ is a collection of control points with associated polynomials.
-- Given two control points which indices are /i/ and /i+1/, interpolation on
-- the resulting curve is performed using the polynomial of indice /i/. Thus,
-- the latest control point is ignored and can be set to whatever the user wants
-- to, even 'undefined' – you should use hold, though. Yeah, don’t go filthy.
data Spline s a = Spline (Vector (CP s a)) (Vector (Polynomial s a))

-- |Create a spline using a list of control points and associated polynomials.
-- Since 'spline' sorts the list before creating the 'Spline', you don’t have to
-- ensure the list is sorted – even though you should, setting control points
-- with no order might be… chaotic.
spline :: (Ord a,Ord s) => [(CP s a,Polynomial s a)] -> Spline s a
spline = uncurry spline_ . unzip . dupLast . sortBy (comparing fst)
    dupLast s = s ++ [last s]
    spline_ cps polys = Spline (fromList cps) (fromList polys)

-- |Smoothly interpolate a point on a spline.
smooth :: (Ord s) => Spline s a -> s -> Maybe a
smooth (Spline cps polys) s = do
  i <- bsearchLower (\(CP s' _) -> compare s s') cps
  p <- polys !? i
  unPolynomial p s cps