{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (C) 2015 Dimitri Sabadie
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Dimitri Sabadie <dimitri.sabadie@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable

module Data.Spline.Key (
    -- * Key type
  , keyValue
    -- * Interpolation
  , interpolateKeys
  , normalizeSampling
  ) where

import Data.Aeson
import Linear

-- |A 'Key' is a point on the spline with extra information added. It can be,
-- for instance, left and right handles for a 'Bezier' curve, or whatever the
-- interpolation might need.
-- @H'old' v@ is used to express no interpolation and holds its latest value
-- until the next key.
-- @'Linear' v@ represents a linear interpolation until the next key.
-- @'Cosine' v@ represents a cosine interpolation until the next key.
-- @'CubicHermite' v@ represents a cubic hermitian interpolation until the next
-- key.
-- @'Bezier' l v r@ represents a cubic 'Bezier' interpolation, where 'l' refers
-- to the input – left – tangent of the key and 'r' is the
-- output – right – tangent of the key.
data Key a
  = Hold a
  | Linear a
  | Cosine a
  | CubicHermite a
  | Bezier a a a
    deriving (Eq,Show)

instance Functor Key where
  fmap f k = case k of
    Hold a         -> Hold (f a)
    Linear a       -> Linear (f a)
    Cosine a       -> Cosine (f a)
    CubicHermite a -> CubicHermite (f a)
    Bezier l a r   -> Bezier (f l) (f a) (f r)

instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Key a) where
  parseJSON = withObject "key" $ \o -> do
    interpolation :: String <- o .: "interpolation"
    value <- o .: "value"
      | interpolation == "hold"          -> pure (Hold value)
      | interpolation == "linear"        -> pure (Linear value)
      | interpolation == "cosine"        -> pure (Cosine value)
      | interpolation == "cubic-hermite" -> pure (CubicHermite value)
      | interpolation == "bezier" -> do
          left <- o .: "left"
          right <- o .: "right"
          pure $ Bezier left value right
      | otherwise                        -> fail "unknown interpolation mode"

-- |Extract the value out of a 'Key'.
keyValue :: Key a -> a
keyValue k = case k of
  Hold a         -> a
  Linear a       -> a
  Cosine a       -> a
  CubicHermite a -> a
  Bezier _ a _   -> a

-- |@'interpolateKeys' t start end@ interpolates between 'start' and 'end' using
-- 's' as a normalized sampling value.
-- Satisfies the following laws:
-- @
--   'interpolateKeys' 0 start _ = start
--   'interpolateKeys' 1 _ end   = end
-- @
interpolateKeys :: (Additive a,Floating s) => s -> Key (a s) -> Key (a s) -> a s
interpolateKeys s start end = case start of
    Hold k         -> k
    Linear k       -> lerp s b k
    Cosine k       -> lerp ((1 - cos (s * pi)) * 0.5) b k
    CubicHermite k -> lerp (s * s * (3 - 2 * s)) b k
    Bezier _ k0 r0   -> case end of
      Bezier l1 k1 _ -> interpolateBezier s k0 r0 l1 k1
      _              -> interpolateBezier s k0 r0 r0 b
    b = keyValue end

-- @'interpolateBezier' s k0 r0 l1 k1@ performs a 'Bezier' interpolation
-- between keys 'k0' and 'k1' using their respective right and left tangents.
interpolateBezier :: (Additive a,Floating s)
                  => s
                  -> a s
                  -> a s
                  -> a s
                  -> a s
                  -> a s
interpolateBezier s k0 r0 l1 k1 = (u ^+^ v) ^* s
    u = k0 ^+^ (r0 ^-^ k0) ^* s
    v = l1 ^+^ (k1 ^-^ l1) ^* s

-- |Normalize a sampling value by clamping and scaling it between two 'Key's.
-- The following laws should be satisfied in order to get a coherent output:
-- @
--   sampler :: a s -> s
--   sampler ('keyValue' k1) <= s >= sampler ('keyValue' k0)
--   0 <= 'normalizeSampling' sampler s k0 k1 <= 1
-- @
normalizeSampling :: (Fractional s)
                  => (a s -> s)
                  -> s
                  -> Key (a s)
                  -> Key (a s)
                  -> s
normalizeSampling sampler s k0 k1 = (s - s0) / (s1 - s0)
    s0 = sampler (keyValue k0)
    s1 = sampler (keyValue k1)