smtlib2-1.0: A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver.

Safe HaskellNone




data Type Source #

Describes the kind of all SMT types. It is only used in promoted form, for a concrete representation see Repr.


GCompare Type NumRepr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NumRepr a b #

GCompare Type Repr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering Repr a b #

GCompare Type Value Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering Value a b #

GCompare Type NoVar # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NoVar a b #

GEq Type NumRepr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NumRepr := a) b) #

GEq Type Repr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Repr := a) b) #

GEq Type Value Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Value := a) b) #

GEq Type NoVar # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NoVar := a) b) #

GShow Type NumRepr Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow Type Repr Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow Type Value Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow Type NoVar # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GCompare Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) a b #

GCompare ([Type], Type) fun => GCompare Type (EvalResult fun) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (EvalResult fun) a b #

Ord v => GCompare Type (UntypedVar v) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (UntypedVar v) a b #

GCompare Type (ValueExt m) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (ValueExt m) a b #

GEq Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Field (DynamicValue l sig) := a) b) #

GEq ([Type], Type) fun => GEq Type (EvalResult fun) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((EvalResult fun := a) b) #

Eq v => GEq Type (UntypedVar v) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((UntypedVar v := a) b) #

GEq Type (ValueExt m) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((ValueExt m := a) b) #

GShow ([Type], Type) fun => GShow Type (EvalResult fun) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

Show v => GShow Type (UntypedVar v) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow Type (ValueExt m) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

(GCompare Type v, GCompare Type e) => GCompare Type (LetBinding v e) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (LetBinding v e) a b #

(GEq Type v, GEq Type e) => GEq Type (LetBinding v e) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((LetBinding v e := a) b) #

GShow ([Type], Type) fun => GShow Type (ArrayModel fun idx) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

(GCompare Type v, GCompare Type qv, GCompare ([Type], Type) fun, GCompare Type fv, GCompare Type lv, GCompare Type e) => GCompare Type (Expression v qv fun fv lv e) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Expression v qv fun fv lv e) a b #

(GEq Type v, GEq Type qv, GEq ([Type], Type) fun, GEq Type fv, GEq Type lv, GEq Type e) => GEq Type (Expression v qv fun fv lv e) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Expression v qv fun fv lv e := a) b) #

(GShow Type v, GShow Type qv, GShow ([Type], Type) fun, GShow Type fv, GShow Type lv, GShow Type e) => GShow Type (Expression v qv fun fv lv e) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

HasMonad (m (List Type e tp)) Source # 

Associated Types

type MatchMonad (m (List Type e tp)) (m :: * -> *) :: Constraint Source #

type MonadResult (m (List Type e tp)) :: * Source #


embedM :: (Applicative m, MatchMonad (m (List Type e tp)) m) => m (List Type e tp) -> m (MonadResult (m (List Type e tp))) Source #

GCompare [Type] (DynamicConstructor sig) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (DynamicConstructor sig) a b #

GCompare [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) a b #

GEq [Type] (DynamicConstructor sig) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((DynamicConstructor sig := a) b) #

GEq [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Constr (DynamicValue l sig) := a) b) #

GCompare ([Type], *) NoCon # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NoCon a b #

GCompare ([Type], Type) FunRepr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering FunRepr a b #

GCompare ([Type], Type) NoFun # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NoFun a b #

GCompare (*, Type) NoField # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NoField a b #

GEq ([Type], *) NoCon # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NoCon := a) b) #

GEq ([Type], Type) FunRepr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((FunRepr := a) b) #

GEq ([Type], Type) NoFun # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NoFun := a) b) #

GEq (*, Type) NoField # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NoField := a) b) #

GShow ([Type], *) NoCon # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow ([Type], Type) NoFun # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GShow (*, Type) NoField # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GCompare ([Type], Type) fun => GCompare ([Type], Type) (Function fun) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Function fun) a b #

Ord v => GCompare ([Type], Type) (UntypedFun v) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (UntypedFun v) a b #

GEq ([Type], Type) fun => GEq ([Type], Type) (Function fun) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Function fun := a) b) #

Eq v => GEq ([Type], Type) (UntypedFun v) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((UntypedFun v := a) b) #

GShow ([Type], Type) fun => GShow ([Type], Type) (Function fun) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

Show v => GShow ([Type], Type) (UntypedFun v) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

GCompare ([Type], Type) (UserFun m e) # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (UserFun m e) a b #

GEq ([Type], Type) (UserFun m e) # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((UserFun m e := a) b) #

GShow ([Type], Type) (UserFun m e) # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

HasMonad (List Type e tp) Source # 

Associated Types

type MatchMonad (List Type e tp) (m :: * -> *) :: Constraint Source #

type MonadResult (List Type e tp) :: * Source #


embedM :: (Applicative m, MatchMonad (List Type e tp) m) => List Type e tp -> m (MonadResult (List Type e tp)) Source #

(Same ((:) Type tp tps), (~) Type tp (SameType ((:) Type tp tps))) => Same ((:) Type tp ((:) Type tp tps)) Source # 

Associated Types

type SameType ((:) Type tp ((:) Type tp tps) :: [Type]) :: Type


sameType :: List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) ((Type ': tp) tps)) -> Repr (SameType ((Type ': tp) ((Type ': tp) tps)))

sameToAllEq :: List Type e ((Type ': tp) ((Type ': tp) tps)) -> List Type e (AllEq (SameType ((Type ': tp) ((Type ': tp) tps))) (Length Type ((Type ': tp) ((Type ': tp) tps))))

Same ((:) Type tp ([] Type)) Source # 

Associated Types

type SameType ((:) Type tp ([] Type) :: [Type]) :: Type


sameType :: List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) [Type]) -> Repr (SameType ((Type ': tp) [Type]))

sameToAllEq :: List Type e ((Type ': tp) [Type]) -> List Type e (AllEq (SameType ((Type ': tp) [Type])) (Length Type ((Type ': tp) [Type])))

Unlift ((:) Type t2 ts) idx => Unlift ((:) Type t1 ((:) Type t2 ts)) idx Source # 


unliftType :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) idx) -> (List Type Repr ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)), List Type Repr idx) Source #

unliftTypeWith :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) idx) -> List Type Repr ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) -> List Type Repr idx Source #

Unlift ((:) Type tp ([] Type)) idx Source # 


unliftType :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': tp) [Type]) idx) -> (List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) [Type]), List Type Repr idx) Source #

unliftTypeWith :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': tp) [Type]) idx) -> List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) [Type]) -> List Type Repr idx Source #

type MonadResult (m (List Type e tp)) Source # 
type MonadResult (m (List Type e tp)) = List Type e tp
type MatchMonad (m (List Type e tp)) m' Source # 
type MatchMonad (m (List Type e tp)) m' = (~) (* -> *) m m'
type MonadResult (List Type e tp) Source # 
type MonadResult (List Type e tp) = List Type e tp
type MatchMonad (List Type e tp) m Source # 
type MatchMonad (List Type e tp) m = ()

type family Lifted (tps :: [Type]) (idx :: [Type]) :: [Type] where ... Source #


Lifted '[] idx = '[] 
Lifted (tp ': tps) idx = ArrayType idx tp ': Lifted tps idx 

class Unlift tps idx where Source #

Minimal complete definition

unliftType, unliftTypeWith


unliftType :: List Repr (Lifted tps idx) -> (List Repr tps, List Repr idx) Source #

unliftTypeWith :: List Repr (Lifted tps idx) -> List Repr tps -> List Repr idx Source #


Unlift ((:) Type t2 ts) idx => Unlift ((:) Type t1 ((:) Type t2 ts)) idx Source # 


unliftType :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) idx) -> (List Type Repr ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)), List Type Repr idx) Source #

unliftTypeWith :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) idx) -> List Type Repr ((Type ': t1) ((Type ': t2) ts)) -> List Type Repr idx Source #

Unlift ((:) Type tp ([] Type)) idx Source # 


unliftType :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': tp) [Type]) idx) -> (List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) [Type]), List Type Repr idx) Source #

unliftTypeWith :: List Type Repr (Lifted ((Type ': tp) [Type]) idx) -> List Type Repr ((Type ': tp) [Type]) -> List Type Repr idx Source #

type family Fst (a :: (p, q)) :: p where ... Source #


Fst '(x, y) = x 

type family Snd (a :: (p, q)) :: q where ... Source #


Snd '(x, y) = y 

class (Typeable dt, Ord (Datatype dt), GCompare (Constr dt), GCompare (Field dt)) => IsDatatype dt where Source #

Associated Types

type Parameters dt :: Nat Source #

type Signature dt :: [[Type]] Source #

data Datatype dt :: * Source #

data Constr dt (csig :: [Type]) Source #

data Field dt (tp :: Type) Source #


datatypeGet :: (GetType e, Length par ~ Parameters dt) => dt par e -> (Datatype dt, List Repr par) Source #

Get the data type from a value

parameters :: Datatype dt -> Natural (Parameters dt) Source #

How many polymorphic parameters does this datatype have

datatypeName :: Datatype dt -> String Source #

The name of the datatype. Must be unique.

constructors :: Datatype dt -> List (Constr dt) (Signature dt) Source #

Get all of the constructors of this datatype

constrName :: Constr dt csig -> String Source #

Get the name of a constructor

test :: dt par e -> Constr dt csig -> Bool Source #

Test if a value is constructed using a specific constructor

fields :: Constr dt csig -> List (Field dt) csig Source #

Get all the fields of a constructor

construct :: Length par ~ Parameters dt => List Repr par -> Constr dt csig -> List e (Instantiated csig par) -> dt par e Source #

Construct a value using a constructor

deconstruct :: GetType e => dt par e -> ConApp dt par e Source #

Deconstruct a value into a constructor and a list of arguments

fieldName :: Field dt tp -> String Source #

Get the name of a field

fieldType :: Field dt tp -> Repr tp Source #

Get the type of a field

fieldGet :: dt par e -> Field dt tp -> e (CType tp par) Source #

Extract a field value from a value


(Typeable Nat l, Typeable [[Type]] sig) => IsDatatype (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 

Associated Types

type Parameters (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: Nat Source #

type Signature (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: [[Type]] Source #

data Datatype (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: * Source #

data Constr (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) (csig :: [Type]) :: * Source #

data Field (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) (tp :: Type) :: * Source #


datatypeGet :: (GetType e, (Nat ~ Length Type par) (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig))) => DynamicValue l sig par e -> (Datatype (DynamicValue l sig), List Type Repr par) Source #

parameters :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Natural (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig)) Source #

datatypeName :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> String Source #

constructors :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> List [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) (Signature (DynamicValue l sig)) Source #

constrName :: Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> String Source #

test :: DynamicValue l sig par e -> Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> Bool Source #

fields :: Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> List Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) csig Source #

construct :: (Nat ~ Length Type par) (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig)) => List Type Repr par -> Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> List Type e (Instantiated csig par) -> DynamicValue l sig par e Source #

deconstruct :: GetType e => DynamicValue l sig par e -> ConApp (DynamicValue l sig) par e Source #

fieldName :: Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> String Source #

fieldType :: Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> Repr tp Source #

fieldGet :: DynamicValue l sig par e -> Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> e (CType tp par) Source #

type family CType (tp :: Type) (par :: [Type]) :: Type where ... Source #


CType BoolType par = BoolType 
CType IntType par = IntType 
CType RealType par = RealType 
CType (BitVecType w) par = BitVecType w 
CType (ArrayType idx el) par = ArrayType (Instantiated idx par) (CType el par) 
CType (DataType dt arg) par = DataType dt (Instantiated arg par) 
CType (ParameterType n) par = Index par n 

type family Instantiated (sig :: [Type]) (par :: [Type]) :: [Type] where ... Source #


Instantiated '[] par = '[] 
Instantiated (tp ': tps) par = CType tp par ': Instantiated tps par 

data ConApp dt par e Source #


Length par ~ Parameters dt => ConApp 


dependencies Source #


:: IsDatatype dt 
=> Set String

Already registered datatypes

-> Datatype dt 
-> (Set String, [[AnyDatatype]]) 

constrSig :: IsDatatype dt => Constr dt sig -> List Repr sig Source #

instantiate :: List Repr sig -> List Repr par -> (List Repr (Instantiated sig par), Length sig :~: Length (Instantiated sig par)) Source #

ctype :: Repr tp -> List Repr par -> Repr (CType tp par) Source #

determines :: IsDatatype dt => Datatype dt -> Constr dt sig -> Bool Source #

typeInference Source #


:: Repr atp

The type containing parameters

-> Repr ctp

The concrete type without parameters

-> (forall n ntp. Natural n -> Repr ntp -> a -> Maybe a)

Action to execute when a parameter is assigned

-> a 
-> Maybe a 

typeInferences :: List Repr atps -> List Repr ctps -> (forall n ntp. Natural n -> Repr ntp -> a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Maybe a Source #

partialInstantiation :: Repr tp -> (forall n a. Natural n -> (forall ntp. Repr ntp -> a) -> Maybe a) -> (forall rtp. Repr rtp -> a) -> a Source #

partialInstantiations :: List Repr tp -> (forall n a. Natural n -> (forall ntp. Repr ntp -> a) -> Maybe a) -> (forall rtp. Length tp ~ Length rtp => List Repr rtp -> a) -> a Source #

registerType :: (Monad m, IsDatatype tp, Ord dt, Ord con, Ord field) => dt -> (forall sig. Constr tp sig -> m con) -> (forall sig tp'. Field tp tp' -> m field) -> Datatype tp -> TypeRegistry dt con field -> m (TypeRegistry dt con field) Source #

data DynamicDatatype par sig Source #


Eq (DynamicDatatype par sig) Source # 


(==) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

(/=) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

Ord (DynamicDatatype par sig) Source # 


compare :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Ordering #

(<) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

(<=) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

(>) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

(>=) :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> Bool #

max :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig #

min :: DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig -> DynamicDatatype par sig #

data DynamicConstructor sig csig where Source #


DynConstructor :: Natural idx -> String -> List (DynamicField sig) (Index sig idx) -> DynamicConstructor sig (Index sig idx) 


GCompare [Type] (DynamicConstructor sig) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (DynamicConstructor sig) a b #

GEq [Type] (DynamicConstructor sig) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((DynamicConstructor sig := a) b) #

data DynamicField sig tp where Source #


DynField :: Natural idx -> Natural fidx -> String -> Repr (Index (Index sig idx) fidx) -> DynamicField sig (Index (Index sig idx) fidx) 

data DynamicValue plen sig par e where Source #


DynValue :: DynamicDatatype (Length par) sig -> List Repr par -> DynamicConstructor sig csig -> List e (Instantiated csig par) -> DynamicValue (Length par) sig par e 


GCompare Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) a b #

GEq Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Field (DynamicValue l sig) := a) b) #

Eq (Datatype (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


(==) :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Bool #

(/=) :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Bool #

Ord (Datatype (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 
Show (Datatype (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 
GCompare [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) a b #

GEq [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Constr (DynamicValue l sig) := a) b) #

(Typeable Nat l, Typeable [[Type]] sig) => IsDatatype (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 

Associated Types

type Parameters (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: Nat Source #

type Signature (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: [[Type]] Source #

data Datatype (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) :: * Source #

data Constr (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) (csig :: [Type]) :: * Source #

data Field (DynamicValue l sig :: [Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) (tp :: Type) :: * Source #


datatypeGet :: (GetType e, (Nat ~ Length Type par) (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig))) => DynamicValue l sig par e -> (Datatype (DynamicValue l sig), List Type Repr par) Source #

parameters :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> Natural (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig)) Source #

datatypeName :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> String Source #

constructors :: Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) -> List [Type] (Constr (DynamicValue l sig)) (Signature (DynamicValue l sig)) Source #

constrName :: Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> String Source #

test :: DynamicValue l sig par e -> Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> Bool Source #

fields :: Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> List Type (Field (DynamicValue l sig)) csig Source #

construct :: (Nat ~ Length Type par) (Parameters (DynamicValue l sig)) => List Type Repr par -> Constr (DynamicValue l sig) csig -> List Type e (Instantiated csig par) -> DynamicValue l sig par e Source #

deconstruct :: GetType e => DynamicValue l sig par e -> ConApp (DynamicValue l sig) par e Source #

fieldName :: Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> String Source #

fieldType :: Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> Repr tp Source #

fieldGet :: DynamicValue l sig par e -> Field (DynamicValue l sig) tp -> e (CType tp par) Source #

type Parameters (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 
type Parameters (DynamicValue l sig) = l
type Signature (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 
type Signature (DynamicValue l sig) = sig
data Datatype (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 
data Constr (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 
data Field (DynamicValue l sig) Source # 
data Field (DynamicValue l sig) = DynField' (DynamicField sig tp)

newtype BitWidth bw Source #





GCompare Nat BitWidth Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering BitWidth a b #

GEq Nat BitWidth Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((BitWidth := a) b) #

Eq (BitWidth bw) Source # 


(==) :: BitWidth bw -> BitWidth bw -> Bool #

(/=) :: BitWidth bw -> BitWidth bw -> Bool #

Show (BitWidth bw) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> BitWidth bw -> ShowS #

show :: BitWidth bw -> String #

showList :: [BitWidth bw] -> ShowS #

getBw :: Integer -> (forall bw. KnownNat bw => BitWidth bw -> a) -> a Source #

data Value a where Source #

Values that can be used as constants in expressions.


GetType Value Source # 


getType :: Value tp -> Repr tp Source #

GCompare Type Value Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering Value a b #

GEq Type Value Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Value := a) b) #

GShow Type Value Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

Embed Identity Value Source # 

Associated Types

type EmVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Value :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmQVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Value :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmFun (Identity :: * -> *) (Value :: Type -> *) :: ([Type], Type) -> * Source #

type EmFunArg (Identity :: * -> *) (Value :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmLVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Value :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #


embed :: Identity (EmbedExpr Identity Value tp) -> Identity (Value tp) Source #

embedQuantifier :: Quantifier -> List Type Repr arg -> (forall m e. (Embed m e, Monad m) => List Type (EmQVar m e) arg -> m (e BoolType)) -> Identity (Value BoolType) Source #

embedTypeOf :: Identity (Value tp -> Repr tp) Source #

Bounded (Value BoolType) Source # 
KnownNat bw => Bounded (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
Enum (Value BoolType) Source # 
Enum (Value IntType) Source # 
KnownNat bw => Enum (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
Eq (Value t) Source # 


(==) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

(/=) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

Fractional (Value RealType) Source # 
Integral (Value IntType) Source # 
KnownNat bw => Integral (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
Num (Value IntType) Source # 
Num (Value RealType) Source # 
KnownNat bw => Num (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
Ord (Value t) Source # 


compare :: Value t -> Value t -> Ordering #

(<) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

(<=) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

(>) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

(>=) :: Value t -> Value t -> Bool #

max :: Value t -> Value t -> Value t #

min :: Value t -> Value t -> Value t #

Real (Value IntType) Source # 
Real (Value RealType) Source # 
KnownNat bw => Real (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
RealFrac (Value RealType) Source # 
Show (Value tp) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Value tp -> ShowS #

show :: Value tp -> String #

showList :: [Value tp] -> ShowS #

KnownNat bw => Bits (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
KnownNat bw => FiniteBits (Value (BitVecType bw)) Source # 
type EmVar Identity Value Source # 
type EmQVar Identity Value Source # 
type EmFun Identity Value Source # 
type EmFunArg Identity Value Source # 
type EmLVar Identity Value Source # 

pattern ConstrValue :: forall a. () => forall par dt csig. ((~) Nat (Length Type par) (Parameters dt), (~) Type a (DataType ([Type] -> (Type -> *) -> *) dt par), IsDatatype dt) => List Type Repr par -> Constr dt csig -> List Type Value (Instantiated csig par) -> Value a Source #

data AnyValue Source #


AnyValue (Value t) 

data Repr t where Source #

A concrete representation of an SMT type. For aesthetic reasons, it's recommended to use the functions bool, int, real, bitvec or array.


BoolRepr :: Repr BoolType 
IntRepr :: Repr IntType 
RealRepr :: Repr RealType 
BitVecRepr :: BitWidth bw -> Repr (BitVecType bw) 
ArrayRepr :: List Repr idx -> Repr val -> Repr (ArrayType idx val) 
DataRepr :: (IsDatatype dt, Length par ~ Parameters dt) => Datatype dt -> List Repr par -> Repr (DataType dt par) 
ParameterRepr :: Natural p -> Repr (ParameterType p) 


GetType Repr Source # 


getType :: Repr tp -> Repr tp Source #

GCompare Type Repr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering Repr a b #

GEq Type Repr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((Repr := a) b) #

GShow Type Repr Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

Embed Identity Repr Source # 

Associated Types

type EmVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Repr :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmQVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Repr :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmFun (Identity :: * -> *) (Repr :: Type -> *) :: ([Type], Type) -> * Source #

type EmFunArg (Identity :: * -> *) (Repr :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #

type EmLVar (Identity :: * -> *) (Repr :: Type -> *) :: Type -> * Source #


embed :: Identity (EmbedExpr Identity Repr tp) -> Identity (Repr tp) Source #

embedQuantifier :: Quantifier -> List Type Repr arg -> (forall m e. (Embed m e, Monad m) => List Type (EmQVar m e) arg -> m (e BoolType)) -> Identity (Repr BoolType) Source #

embedTypeOf :: Identity (Repr tp -> Repr tp) Source #

Eq (Repr tp) Source # 


(==) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

Ord (Repr tp) Source # 


compare :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

(>) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Bool #

max :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Repr tp #

min :: Repr tp -> Repr tp -> Repr tp #

Show (Repr t) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Repr t -> ShowS #

show :: Repr t -> String #

showList :: [Repr t] -> ShowS #

type EmVar Identity Repr Source # 
type EmQVar Identity Repr Source # 
type EmFun Identity Repr Source # 
type EmFunArg Identity Repr Source # 
type EmLVar Identity Repr Source # 

data NumRepr t where Source #


GetType NumRepr Source # 


getType :: NumRepr tp -> Repr tp Source #

GCompare Type NumRepr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering NumRepr a b #

GEq Type NumRepr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((NumRepr := a) b) #

GShow Type NumRepr Source # 


gshowsPrec :: Int -> t a -> ShowS #

Show (NumRepr t) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> NumRepr t -> ShowS #

show :: NumRepr t -> String #

showList :: [NumRepr t] -> ShowS #

data FunRepr sig where Source #


FunRepr :: List Repr arg -> Repr tp -> FunRepr '(arg, tp) 


GCompare ([Type], Type) FunRepr Source # 


gcompare :: f a -> f b -> GOrdering FunRepr a b #

GEq ([Type], Type) FunRepr Source # 


geq :: f a -> f b -> Maybe ((FunRepr := a) b) #

class GetType v where Source #

Minimal complete definition



getType :: v tp -> Repr tp Source #


GetType NumRepr Source # 


getType :: NumRepr tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetType Repr Source # 


getType :: Repr tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetType Value Source # 


getType :: Value tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetType NoVar Source # 


getType :: NoVar tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetFunType fun => GetType (EvalResult fun) Source # 


getType :: EvalResult fun tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetType (UntypedVar v) Source # 


getType :: UntypedVar v tp -> Repr tp Source #

GetType (ValueExt m) Source # 


getType :: ValueExt m tp -> Repr tp Source #

(GetType var, GetType qvar, GetFunType fun, GetType farg, GetType lvar) => GetType (SMTExpr var qvar fun farg lvar) Source # 


getType :: SMTExpr var qvar fun farg lvar tp -> Repr tp Source #

(GetType v, GetType qv, GetFunType fun, GetType fv, GetType lv, GetType e) => GetType (Expression v qv fun fv lv e) Source # 


getType :: Expression v qv fun fv lv e tp -> Repr tp Source #

class GetFunType fun where Source #

Minimal complete definition



getFunType :: fun '(arg, res) -> (List Repr arg, Repr res) Source #


GetFunType NoFun Source # 


getFunType :: NoFun (([Type], Type) arg res) -> (List Type Repr arg, Repr res) Source #

GetFunType fun => GetFunType (Function fun) Source # 


getFunType :: Function fun (([Type], Type) arg res) -> (List Type Repr arg, Repr res) Source #

GetFunType (UntypedFun v) Source # 


getFunType :: UntypedFun v (([Type], Type) arg res) -> (List Type Repr arg, Repr res) Source #

GetFunType (UserFun m e) Source # 


getFunType :: UserFun m e (([Type], Type) arg res) -> (List Type Repr arg, Repr res) Source #

bw :: KnownNat bw => Proxy bw -> BitWidth bw Source #

bool :: Repr BoolType Source #

A representation of the SMT Bool type. Holds the values true or false. Constants can be created using cbool.

int :: Repr IntType Source #

A representation of the SMT Int type. Holds the unbounded positive and negative integers. Constants can be created using cint.

real :: Repr RealType Source #

A representation of the SMT Real type. Holds positive and negative reals x/y where x and y are integers. Constants can be created using creal.

bitvec Source #


:: BitWidth bw

The width of the bitvector

-> Repr (BitVecType bw) 

A typed representation of the SMT BitVec type. Holds bitvectors (a vector of booleans) of a certain bitwidth. Constants can be created using cbv.

array :: List Repr idx -> Repr el -> Repr (ArrayType idx el) Source #

A representation of the SMT Array type. Has a list of index types and an element type. Stores one value of the element type for each combination of the index types. Constants can be created using constArray.

dt :: (IsDatatype dt, Parameters dt ~ Z) => Datatype dt -> Repr (DataType dt '[]) Source #

A representation of a user-defined datatype without parameters.

dt' :: (IsDatatype dt, Length par ~ Parameters dt) => Datatype dt -> List Repr par -> Repr (DataType dt par) Source #

A representation of a user-defined datatype with parameters.

liftType :: List Repr tps -> List Repr idx -> List Repr (Lifted tps idx) Source #

getTypes :: GetType e => List e tps -> List Repr tps Source #

typeSize :: Maybe (List Repr par) -> Repr tp -> Maybe Integer Source #

Determine the number of elements a type contains. Nothing means the type has infinite elements.

withBW :: KnownNat bw => (Proxy bw -> res (BitVecType bw)) -> res (BitVecType bw) Source #

bvSucc :: Value (BitVecType bw) -> Value (BitVecType bw) Source #

Get the smallest bitvector value that is bigger than the given one. Also known as the successor.

bvPred :: Value (BitVecType bw) -> Value (BitVecType bw) Source #

Get the largest bitvector value that is smaller than the given one. Also known as the predecessor.

bvMinValue Source #


:: Bool

Signed bitvector?

-> Repr (BitVecType bw) 
-> Value (BitVecType bw) 

Get the minimal value for a bitvector. If unsigned, the value is 0, otherwise 2^(bw-1).

bvMaxValue Source #


:: Bool

Signed bitvector?

-> Repr (BitVecType bw) 
-> Value (BitVecType bw) 

Get the maximal value for a bitvector. If unsigned, the value is 2^(bw-1)-1, otherwise 2^bw-1.

bwAdd :: BitWidth bw1 -> BitWidth bw2 -> BitWidth (bw1 + bw2) Source #

datatypeEq :: (IsDatatype dt1, IsDatatype dt2) => Datatype dt1 -> Datatype dt2 -> Maybe (dt1 :~: dt2) Source #

datatypeCompare :: (IsDatatype dt1, IsDatatype dt2) => Datatype dt1 -> Datatype dt2 -> GOrdering dt1 dt2 Source #