{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

Description: definition of the SMTP monad and its terms.

module Network.Mail.SMTP.SMTP (


  , smtp

  , command
  , bytes
  , expect
  , expectCode

  , SMTPContext
  , smtpContext

  , getSMTPServerHostName
  , getSMTPClientHostName

  , startTLS

  , SMTPError(..)

  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.State

import Network
import Network.BSD
import Network.Mail.SMTP.Types
import Network.Mail.SMTP.ReplyLine
import Network.Mail.SMTP.SMTPRaw
import Network.Mail.SMTP.SMTPParameters

-- STARTTLS support demands some TLS- and X.509-related definitions.
import Network.TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher (ciphersuite_all)
import System.X509 (getSystemCertificateStore)
import Data.X509.CertificateStore (CertificateStore)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Crypto.Random

import System.IO

-- | An SMTP client EDSL: it can do effects, things can go wrong, and
--   it carries state.
newtype SMTP a = SMTP {
    runSMTP :: ExceptT SMTPError (StateT SMTPContext IO) a
  } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO)

-- | Run an expression in the SMTP monad.
--   Should be exception safe, but I am not confident in this.
smtp :: SMTPParameters -> SMTP a -> IO (Either SMTPError a)
smtp smtpParameters smtpValue = do
  smtpContext <- makeSMTPContext smtpParameters
  case smtpContext of
    Left err -> return $ Left err
    Right smtpContext -> do
      x <- evalStateT (runExceptT (runSMTP smtpValue)) smtpContext
      closeSMTPContext smtpContext
      return x

-- | Attempt to make an SMTPContext.
makeSMTPContext :: SMTPParameters -> IO (Either SMTPError SMTPContext)
makeSMTPContext smtpParameters = do
    clientHostname <- getHostName
    result <- liftIO $ try (smtpConnect serverHostname (fromIntegral port))
    return $ case result :: Either SomeException (SMTPRaw, Maybe Greeting) of
      Left err -> Left ConnectionFailure
      Right (smtpRaw, _) -> Right $ SMTPContext smtpRaw serverHostname clientHostname debug
    serverHostname = smtpHost smtpParameters
    port = smtpPort smtpParameters
    debug = if smtpVerbose smtpParameters
            then putStrLn
            else const (return ())

-- | Attempt to close an SMTPContext, freeing its resource.
closeSMTPContext :: SMTPContext -> IO ()
closeSMTPContext smtpContext = hClose (smtpHandle (smtpRaw smtpContext))

-- | Send a command, without waiting for the reply.
command :: Command -> SMTP ()
command cmd = SMTP $ do
  ctxt <- lift get
  liftIO $ (smtpDebug ctxt ("Send command: " ++ show (toByteString cmd)))
  result <- liftIO $ try ((smtpSendCommand (smtpRaw ctxt) cmd))
  case result :: Either SomeException () of
    Left err -> throwE UnknownError
    Right () -> return ()

-- | Send some bytes, with a crlf inserted at the end, without waiting for
--   the reply.
bytes :: B.ByteString -> SMTP ()
bytes bs = SMTP $ do
    ctxt <- lift get
    liftIO $ (smtpDebug ctxt ("Send bytes: " ++ show bs))
    result <- liftIO $ try ((smtpSendRaw (smtpRaw ctxt) (B.append bs crlf)))
    case result :: Either SomeException () of
      Left err -> throwE UnknownError
      Right () -> return ()
    crlf = pack "\r\n"

-- | Pull a response from the server, passing it through a function which
--   checks that it's an expected response. If the response doesn't parse as
--   an SMTP response, we give an UnexpectedResponse.
expect :: ([ReplyLine] -> Maybe SMTPError) -> SMTP ()
expect ok = SMTP $ do
  ctxt <- lift get
  let smtpraw = smtpRaw ctxt
  reply <- liftIO $ smtpGetReplyLines smtpraw
  liftIO $ (smtpDebug ctxt ("Receive response: " ++ show reply))
  case reply of
    Nothing -> throwE UnexpectedResponse
    Just reply -> case ok reply of
      Just err -> throwE err
      Nothing -> return ()

-- | Like expect, but you give only the ReplyCode that is expected. Any other
--   reply code, or an unexpected reponse, is considered a failure.
expectCode :: ReplyCode -> SMTP ()
expectCode code = expect hasCode
    hasCode [] = Just UnexpectedResponse
    hasCode (reply : _) =
      if replyCode reply == code
      then Nothing
      else Just UnexpectedResponse

-- | Grab the SMTPContext.
smtpContext :: SMTP SMTPContext
smtpContext = SMTP $ lift get

-- | Try to get TLS going on an SMTP connection.
startTLS :: SMTP ()
startTLS = do
  context <- tlsContext
  command STARTTLS
  expectCode 220
  tlsUpgrade context
  ctxt <- smtpContext
  command (EHLO (pack $ getSMTPClientHostName ctxt))
  expectCode 250

-- | Attempt to create a TLS context.
tlsContext :: SMTP Context
tlsContext = SMTP $ do
  ctxt <- lift get
  tlsContext <- liftIO $ try (makeTLSContext (getSMTPHandle ctxt) (getSMTPServerHostName ctxt))
  case tlsContext :: Either SomeException Context of
    Left err -> throwE EncryptionError
    Right context -> return context

-- | Upgrade to TLS. If the handshake is successful, the underlying SMTPRaw
--   will be updated so that it pushes/pulls using the TLS context rather
--   than raw Handle.
tlsUpgrade :: Context -> SMTP ()
tlsUpgrade context = SMTP $ do
  result <- liftIO $ try (handshake context)
  case result :: Either SomeException () of
    Left err -> throwE EncryptionError
    Right () -> do
      -- Now that we have upgraded, we must change the means by which we push
      -- and pull data to and from the pipe; we must use the TLS library's
      -- sendData and recvData
      let push = sendData context . BL.fromStrict
      let pull = recvData context
      let close = contextClose context
      lift $ modify (\ctx ->
          ctx { smtpRaw = SMTPRaw push pull close (smtpHandle (smtpRaw ctx)) }

-- | Get a TLS context on a given Handle against a given HostName.
--   We choose a big cipher suite, the SystemRNG, and the system certificate
--   store. Hopefully this will work most of the time.
--   This action may throw an exception. We are careful to handle it and
--   coerce it into a first-class value.
makeTLSContext :: Handle -> HostName -> IO Context
makeTLSContext handle hostname = do
  -- Grab a random number generator.
  rng <- (createEntropyPool >>= return . cprgCreate) :: IO SystemRNG
  -- Find the certificate store. No error reporting if we can't find it; you'll
  -- just (probably) get an error later when the TLS handshake fails due to
  -- an unknown CA.
  certStore <- getSystemCertificateStore
  let params = tlsClientParams hostname certStore
  contextNew handle params rng

-- | ClientParams are a slight variation on the default: we throw in a given
--   certificate store and widen the supported ciphers.
tlsClientParams :: HostName -> CertificateStore -> ClientParams
tlsClientParams hostname certStore = dflt {
      clientSupported = supported
    , clientShared = shared
    dflt = defaultParamsClient hostname ""
    shared = (clientShared dflt) { sharedCAStore = certStore }
    supported = (clientSupported dflt) { supportedCiphers = ciphersuite_all }

-- | Description of an error in the SMTP monad evaluation.
data SMTPError
  = UnexpectedResponse
  | ConnectionFailure
  | EncryptionError
  | UnknownError
  deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Description of the state which an SMTP term needs in order to be
--   evaluated.
data SMTPContext = SMTPContext {
    smtpRaw :: SMTPRaw
    -- ^ Necessary for push/pull to/from some reasource (probably a Handle).
  , smtpServerHostName :: HostName
  , smtpClientHostName :: HostName
  , smtpDebug :: String -> IO ()
    -- ^ A pipe into which we can throw debug messages. const (return ()) for
    -- squelching, or maybe putStrLn for verbosity.

-- | Access the Handle datatype buried beneath the SMTP abstraction.
--   Use with care!
getSMTPHandle :: SMTPContext -> Handle
getSMTPHandle = smtpHandle . smtpRaw

getSMTPServerHostName :: SMTPContext -> HostName
getSMTPServerHostName = smtpServerHostName

getSMTPClientHostName :: SMTPContext -> HostName
getSMTPClientHostName = smtpClientHostName