{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS -Wall #-} -- | -- Module : Network.Mail.Client.Gmail -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2014, Enzo Haussecker. All rights reserved. -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : Enzo Haussecker -- Stability : Experimental -- Portability : Unknown -- -- A simple SMTP Client for sending Gmail. module Network.Mail.Client.Gmail (sendGmail) where import Control.Monad (foldM_, forM) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Crypto.Random.AESCtr (makeSystem) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (lines, unpack) import Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy (encode) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString, readFile) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search (replace) import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace) import Data.Default (def) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text as Strict (Text, pack) import Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy (Text, fromChunks) import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Network (PortID(PortNumber), connectTo) import Network.Mail.Mime hiding (renderMail) import Network.TLS import Network.TLS.Extra import Prelude hiding (any, lines, readFile) import System.FilePath (takeExtension, takeFileName) import System.IO hiding (readFile) -- | Send an email from your Gmail account using the -- simple message transfer protocol with transport -- layer security. If you have 2-step verification -- enabled on your account, then you will need to -- retrieve an application specific password before -- using this function. Below is an example using -- ghci, where Alice sends an Excel spreadsheet to -- Bob. -- -- > >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- > >>> :module Network.Mail.Mime Network.Mail.Client.Gmail -- > >>> sendGmail "alice" "password" (Address (Just "Alice") "alice@gmail.com") [Address (Just "Bob") "bob@example.com"] [] [] "Excel Spreadsheet" "Hi Bob,\n\nThe Excel spreadsheet is attached.\n\nRegards,\n\nAlice" ["Spreadsheet.xls"] -- sendGmail :: Lazy.Text -- ^ username -> Lazy.Text -- ^ password -> Address -- ^ from -> [Address] -- ^ to -> [Address] -- ^ cc -> [Address] -- ^ bcc -> Strict.Text -- ^ subject -> Lazy.Text -- ^ body -> [FilePath] -- ^ attachments -> IO () sendGmail user pass from to cc bcc subject body attach = bracket (connectTo "smtp.gmail.com" $ PortNumber 587) hClose $ \ hdl -> do sys <- makeSystem ctx <- contextNew hdl params sys _MAIL <- renderMail from to cc bcc subject body attach hSetBuffering hdl LineBuffering sendSMTP hdl "EHLO" >> recvSMTP hdl "220" >> recvSMTP hdl "250" sendSMTP hdl "STARTTLS" >> recvSMTP hdl "220" handshake ctx sendSMTPS ctx "EHLO" >> recvSMTPS ctx "250" sendSMTPS ctx "AUTH LOGIN" >> recvSMTPS ctx "334" sendSMTPS ctx _USERNAME >> recvSMTPS ctx "334" sendSMTPS ctx _PASSWORD >> recvSMTPS ctx "235" sendSMTPS ctx _FROM >> recvSMTPS ctx "250" sendSMTPS ctx _TO >> recvSMTPS ctx "250" sendSMTPS ctx "DATA" >> recvSMTPS ctx "354" sendSMTPS ctx _MAIL >> recvSMTPS ctx "250" sendSMTPS ctx "QUIT" >> recvSMTPS ctx "221" bye ctx contextClose ctx where _USERNAME = encode $ encodeUtf8 user _PASSWORD = encode $ encodeUtf8 pass _FROM = "MAIL FROM: " <> angleBracket [from] _TO = "RCPT TO: " <> angleBracket (to ++ cc ++ bcc) -- | Display the first email address in the given list using angle bracket formatting. angleBracket :: [Address] -> ByteString angleBracket = \ case [] -> ""; (Address _ email:_) -> "<" <> encodeUtf8 (fromChunks [email]) <> ">" -- | Render an email using the RFC 2822 message format. renderMail :: Address -- ^ from -> [Address] -- ^ to -> [Address] -- ^ cc -> [Address] -- ^ bcc -> Strict.Text -- ^ subject -> Lazy.Text -- ^ body -> [FilePath] -- ^ attachments -> IO ByteString renderMail from to cc bcc subject body attach = do parts <- forM attach $ \ path -> do content <- readFile path let mime = getMime $ takeExtension path file = Just . pack $ takeFileName path return $! [Part mime Base64 file [] content] let plain = [Part "text/plain; charset=utf-8" QuotedPrintableText Nothing [] $ encodeUtf8 body] mail <- renderMail' . Mail from to cc bcc headers $ plain : parts return $! replace "\n." ("\n.."::ByteString) mail <> "\r\n.\r\n" where headers = [("Subject",subject)] -- | Send an unencrypted message using the simple message transfer protocol. sendSMTP :: Handle -> String -> IO () sendSMTP = hPutStrLn -- | Receive an unencrypted message using the simple message transfer protocol. recvSMTP :: Handle -> String -> IO () recvSMTP hdl code = go [] >> return () where go accum = hGetLine hdl >>= \ reply -> match code reply go accum -- | Send an encrypted message using the simple message transfer protocol. sendSMTPS :: Context -> ByteString -> IO () sendSMTPS ctx msg = sendData ctx $ msg <> "\r\n" -- | Receive an encrypted message using the simple message transfer protocol. recvSMTPS :: Context -> String -> IO () recvSMTPS ctx code = recvData ctx >>= foldM_ step [] . lines where step accum reply = match code (unpack reply) return accum -- | A convenient type synonym. type Continuation = [String] -> IO [String] -- | Match reply codes and perform continuation, termination, and failure case analysis. match :: String -- ^ expected reply code -> String -- ^ actual reply code -> Continuation -- ^ continuation -> [String] -- ^ accumulator -> IO [String] match code reply go accum = if not (null suffix) && head suffix == '-' then go $ drop 1 suffix:accum else if prefix == code && "" /= code then return [] else mismatch code prefix $ suffix:accum where (prefix, suffix) = break (not . isDigit) reply -- | Raise an exception for mismatched reply codes. mismatch :: String -- ^ expected reply code -> String -- ^ actual reply code -> [String] -- ^ messages -> IO [String] mismatch code other replies = fail $ if null code then "mismatch: missing expected reply code." else "mismatch: expected reply code " ++ code ++ (if null other then ", but no reply code was received" else ", but received reply code " ++ other) ++ case filter (not . null) $ map strip replies of [] -> "." (r:rs) -> ": " ++ foldl step (strip r) rs ++ "." where strip = dropWhile isSpace . filter (/='\r') step accum = flip (++) $ "; " ++ accum -- | TLS client parameters. params :: ClientParams params = (defaultParamsClient "smtp.gmail.com" "587") { clientSupported = def { supportedCiphers = ciphersuite_all } , clientShared = def { sharedValidationCache = noValidate } } where noValidate = ValidationCache (\_ _ _ -> return ValidationCachePass) (\_ _ _ -> return ()) -- | Get the mime type for the given file extension. getMime :: String -> Strict.Text getMime = \ case ".3dm" -> "x-world/x-3dmf" ".3dmf" -> "x-world/x-3dmf" ".a" -> "application/octet-stream" ".aab" -> "application/x-authorware-bin" ".aam" -> "application/x-authorware-map" ".aas" -> "application/x-authorware-seg" ".abc" -> "text/vnd.abc" ".acgi" -> "text/html" ".afl" -> "video/animaflex" ".ai" -> "application/postscript" ".aif" -> "audio/aiff" ".aifc" -> "audio/aiff" ".aiff" -> "audio/aiff" ".aim" -> "application/x-aim" ".aip" -> "text/x-audiosoft-intra" ".ani" -> "application/x-navi-animation" ".aos" -> "application/x-nokia-9000-communicator-add-on-software" ".aps" -> "application/mime" ".arc" -> "application/octet-stream" ".arj" -> "application/arj" ".art" -> "image/x-jg" ".asf" -> "video/x-ms-asf" ".asm" -> "text/x-asm" ".asp" -> "text/asp" ".asx" -> "application/x-mplayer2" ".au" -> "audio/basic" ".avi" -> "application/x-troff-msvideo" ".avs" -> "video/avs-video" ".bcpio" -> "application/x-bcpio" ".bin" -> "application/mac-binary" ".bm" -> "image/bmp" ".bmp" -> "image/bmp" ".boo" -> "application/book" ".book" -> "application/book" ".boz" -> "application/x-bzip2" ".bsh" -> "application/x-bsh" ".bz" -> "application/x-bzip" ".bz2" -> "application/x-bzip2" ".c" -> "text/plain" ".c++" -> "text/plain" ".cat" -> "application/vnd.ms-pki.seccat" ".cc" -> "text/plain" ".ccad" -> "application/clariscad" ".cco" -> "application/x-cocoa" ".cdf" -> "application/cdf" ".cer" -> "application/pkix-cert" ".cha" -> "application/x-chat" ".chat" -> "application/x-chat" ".class" -> "application/java" ".com" -> "application/octet-stream" ".conf" -> "text/plain" ".cpio" -> "application/x-cpio" ".cpp" -> "text/x-c" ".cpt" -> "application/mac-compactpro" ".crl" -> "application/pkcs-crl" ".crt" -> "application/pkix-cert" ".csh" -> "application/x-csh" ".css" -> "application/x-pointplus" ".cxx" -> "text/plain" ".dcr" -> "application/x-director" ".deepv" -> "application/x-deepv" ".def" -> "text/plain" ".der" -> "application/x-x509-ca-cert" ".dif" -> "video/x-dv" ".dir" -> "application/x-director" ".dl" -> "video/dl" ".doc" -> "application/msword" ".dot" -> "application/msword" ".dp" -> "application/commonground" ".drw" -> "application/drafting" ".dump" -> "application/octet-stream" ".dv" -> "video/x-dv" ".dvi" -> "application/x-dvi" ".dwf" -> "drawing/x-dwf (old)" ".dwg" -> "application/acad" ".dxf" -> "application/dxf" ".dxr" -> "application/x-director" ".el" -> "text/x-script.elisp" ".elc" -> "application/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp)" ".env" -> "application/x-envoy" ".eps" -> "application/postscript" ".es" -> "application/x-esrehber" ".etx" -> "text/x-setext" ".evy" -> "application/envoy" ".exe" -> "application/octet-stream" ".f" -> "text/plain" ".f77" -> "text/x-fortran" ".f90" -> "text/plain" ".fdf" -> "application/vnd.fdf" ".fif" -> "application/fractals" ".fli" -> "video/fli" ".flo" -> "image/florian" ".flx" -> "text/vnd.fmi.flexstor" ".fmf" -> "video/x-atomic3d-feature" ".for" -> "text/plain" ".fpx" -> "image/vnd.fpx" ".frl" -> "application/freeloader" ".funk" -> "audio/make" ".g" -> "text/plain" ".g3" -> "image/g3fax" ".gif" -> "image/gif" ".gl" -> "video/gl" ".gsd" -> "audio/x-gsm" ".gsm" -> "audio/x-gsm" ".gsp" -> "application/x-gsp" ".gss" -> "application/x-gss" ".gtar" -> "application/x-gtar" ".gz" -> "application/x-compressed" ".gzip" -> "application/x-gzip" ".h" -> "text/plain" ".hdf" -> "application/x-hdf" ".help" -> "application/x-helpfile" ".hgl" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl" ".hh" -> "text/plain" ".hlb" -> "text/x-script" ".hlp" -> "application/hlp" ".hpg" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl" ".hpgl" -> "application/vnd.hp-hpgl" ".hqx" -> "application/binhex" ".hs" -> "text/x-haskell" ".hta" -> "application/hta" ".htc" -> "text/x-component" ".htm" -> "text/html" ".html" -> "text/html" ".htmls" -> "text/html" ".htt" -> "text/webviewhtml" ".htx" -> "text/html" ".ice" -> "x-conference/x-cooltalk" ".ico" -> "image/x-icon" ".idc" -> "text/plain" ".ief" -> "image/ief" ".iefs" -> "image/ief" ".iges" -> "application/iges" ".igs" -> "application/iges" ".ima" -> "application/x-ima" ".imap" -> "application/x-httpd-imap" ".inf" -> "application/inf" ".ins" -> "application/x-internett-signup" ".ip" -> "application/x-ip2" ".isu" -> "video/x-isvideo" ".it" -> "audio/it" ".iv" -> "application/x-inventor" ".ivr" -> "i-world/i-vrml" ".ivy" -> "application/x-livescreen" ".jam" -> "audio/x-jam" ".jav" -> "text/plain" ".java" -> "text/plain" ".jcm" -> "application/x-java-commerce" ".jfif" -> "image/jpeg" ".jfif-tbnl" -> "image/jpeg" ".jpe" -> "image/jpeg" ".jpeg" -> "image/jpeg" ".jpg" -> "image/jpeg" ".jps" -> "image/x-jps" ".js" -> "application/x-javascript" ".jut" -> "image/jutvision" ".kar" -> "audio/midi" ".ksh" -> "application/x-ksh" ".la" -> "audio/nspaudio" ".lam" -> "audio/x-liveaudio" ".latex" -> "application/x-latex" ".lha" -> "application/lha" ".lhx" -> "application/octet-stream" ".list" -> "text/plain" ".lma" -> "audio/nspaudio" ".log" -> "text/plain" ".lsp" -> "application/x-lisp" ".lst" -> "text/plain" ".lsx" -> "text/x-la-asf" ".ltx" -> "application/x-latex" ".lzh" -> "application/octet-stream" ".lzx" -> "application/lzx" ".m" -> "text/plain" ".m1v" -> "video/mpeg" ".m2a" -> "audio/mpeg" ".m2v" -> "video/mpeg" ".m3u" -> "audio/x-mpequrl" ".man" -> "application/x-troff-man" ".map" -> "application/x-navimap" ".mar" -> "text/plain" ".mbd" -> "application/mbedlet" ".mc$" -> "application/x-magic-cap-package-1.0" ".mcd" -> "application/mcad" ".mcf" -> "image/vasa" ".mcp" -> "application/netmc" ".me" -> "application/x-troff-me" ".mht" -> "message/rfc822" ".mhtml" -> "message/rfc822" ".mid" -> "application/x-midi" ".midi" -> "application/x-midi" ".mif" -> "application/x-frame" ".mime" -> "message/rfc822" ".mjf" -> "audio/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mjuicemediafile" ".mjpg" -> "video/x-motion-jpeg" ".mm" -> "application/base64" ".mme" -> "application/base64" ".mod" -> "audio/mod" ".moov" -> "video/quicktime" ".mov" -> "video/quicktime" ".movie" -> "video/x-sgi-movie" ".mp2" -> "audio/mpeg" ".mp3" -> "audio/mpeg3" ".mpa" -> "audio/mpeg" ".mpc" -> "application/x-project" ".mpe" -> "video/mpeg" ".mpeg" -> "video/mpeg" ".mpg" -> "audio/mpeg" ".mpga" -> "audio/mpeg" ".mpp" -> "application/vnd.ms-project" ".mpt" -> "application/x-project" ".mpv" -> "application/x-project" ".mpx" -> "application/x-project" ".mrc" -> "application/marc" ".ms" -> "application/x-troff-ms" ".mv" -> "video/x-sgi-movie" ".my" -> "audio/make" ".mzz" -> "application/x-vnd.audioexplosion.mzz" ".nap" -> "image/naplps" ".naplps" -> "image/naplps" ".nc" -> "application/x-netcdf" ".ncm" -> "application/vnd.nokia.configuration-message" ".nif" -> "image/x-niff" ".niff" -> "image/x-niff" ".nix" -> "application/x-mix-transfer" ".nsc" -> "application/x-conference" ".nvd" -> "application/x-navidoc" ".o" -> "application/octet-stream" ".oda" -> "application/oda" ".omc" -> "application/x-omc" ".omcd" -> "application/x-omcdatamaker" ".omcr" -> "application/x-omcregerator" ".p" -> "text/x-pascal" ".p10" -> "application/pkcs10" ".p12" -> "application/pkcs-12" ".p7a" -> "application/x-pkcs7-signature" ".p7c" -> "application/pkcs7-mime" ".p7m" -> "application/pkcs7-mime" ".p7r" -> "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp" ".p7s" -> "application/pkcs7-signature" ".part" -> "application/pro_eng" ".pas" -> "text/pascal" ".pbm" -> "image/x-portable-bitmap" ".pcl" -> "application/vnd.hp-pcl" ".pct" -> "image/x-pict" ".pcx" -> "image/x-pcx" ".pdb" -> "chemical/x-pdb" ".pdf" -> "application/pdf" ".pfunk" -> "audio/make" ".pgm" -> "image/x-portable-graymap" ".pic" -> "image/pict" ".pict" -> "image/pict" ".pkg" -> "application/x-newton-compatible-pkg" ".pko" -> "application/vnd.ms-pki.pko" ".pl" -> "text/plain" ".plx" -> "application/x-pixclscript" ".pm" -> "image/x-xpixmap" ".pm4" -> "application/x-pagemaker" ".pm5" -> "application/x-pagemaker" ".png" -> "image/png" ".pnm" -> "application/x-portable-anymap" ".pot" -> "application/mspowerpoint" ".pov" -> "model/x-pov" ".ppa" -> "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ".ppm" -> "image/x-portable-pixmap" ".pps" -> "application/mspowerpoint" ".ppt" -> "application/mspowerpoint" ".ppz" -> "application/mspowerpoint" ".pre" -> "application/x-freelance" ".prt" -> "application/pro_eng" ".ps" -> "application/postscript" ".psd" -> "application/octet-stream" ".pvu" -> "paleovu/x-pv" ".pwz" -> "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ".py" -> "text/x-script.phyton" ".pyc" -> "applicaiton/x-bytecode.python" ".qcp" -> "audio/vnd.qcelp" ".qd3" -> "x-world/x-3dmf" ".qd3d" -> "x-world/x-3dmf" ".qif" -> "image/x-quicktime" ".qt" -> "video/quicktime" ".qtc" -> "video/x-qtc" ".qti" -> "image/x-quicktime" ".qtif" -> "image/x-quicktime" ".ra" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ".ram" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ".ras" -> "application/x-cmu-raster" ".rast" -> "image/cmu-raster" ".rexx" -> "text/x-script.rexx" ".rf" -> "image/vnd.rn-realflash" ".rgb" -> "image/x-rgb" ".rm" -> "application/vnd.rn-realmedia" ".rmi" -> "audio/mid" ".rmm" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ".rmp" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio" ".rng" -> "application/ringing-tones" ".rnx" -> "application/vnd.rn-realplayer" ".roff" -> "application/x-troff" ".rp" -> "image/vnd.rn-realpix" ".rpm" -> "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" ".rt" -> "text/richtext" ".rtf" -> "application/rtf" ".rtx" -> "application/rtf" ".rv" -> "video/vnd.rn-realvideo" ".s" -> "text/x-asm" ".s3m" -> "audio/s3m" ".saveme" -> "application/octet-stream" ".sbk" -> "application/x-tbook" ".scm" -> "application/x-lotusscreencam" ".sdml" -> "text/plain" ".sdp" -> "application/sdp" ".sdr" -> "application/sounder" ".sea" -> "application/sea" ".set" -> "application/set" ".sgm" -> "text/sgml" ".sgml" -> "text/sgml" ".sh" -> "application/x-bsh" ".shar" -> "application/x-bsh" ".shtml" -> "text/html" ".sid" -> "audio/x-psid" ".sit" -> "application/x-sit" ".skd" -> "application/x-koan" ".skm" -> "application/x-koan" ".skp" -> "application/x-koan" ".skt" -> "application/x-koan" ".sl" -> "application/x-seelogo" ".smi" -> "application/smil" ".smil" -> "application/smil" ".snd" -> "audio/basic" ".sol" -> "application/solids" ".spc" -> "application/x-pkcs7-certificates" ".spl" -> "application/futuresplash" ".spr" -> "application/x-sprite" ".sprite" -> "application/x-sprite" ".src" -> "application/x-wais-source" ".ssi" -> "text/x-server-parsed-html" ".ssm" -> "application/streamingmedia" ".sst" -> "application/vnd.ms-pki.certstore" ".step" -> "application/step" ".stl" -> "application/sla" ".stp" -> "application/step" ".sv4cpio" -> "application/x-sv4cpio" ".sv4crc" -> "application/x-sv4crc" ".svf" -> "image/vnd.dwg" ".svr" -> "application/x-world" ".swf" -> "application/x-shockwave-flash" ".t" -> "application/x-troff" ".talk" -> "text/x-speech" ".tar" -> "application/x-tar" ".tbk" -> "application/toolbook" ".tcl" -> "application/x-tcl" ".tcsh" -> "text/x-script.tcsh" ".tex" -> "application/x-tex" ".texi" -> "application/x-texinfo" ".texinfo" -> "application/x-texinfo" ".text" -> "application/plain" ".tgz" -> "application/gnutar" ".tif" -> "image/tiff" ".tiff" -> "image/tiff" ".tr" -> "application/x-troff" ".tsi" -> "audio/tsp-audio" ".tsp" -> "application/dsptype" ".tsv" -> "text/tab-separated-values" ".turbot" -> "image/florian" ".txt" -> "text/plain" ".uil" -> "text/x-uil" ".uni" -> "text/uri-list" ".unis" -> "text/uri-list" ".unv" -> "application/i-deas" ".uri" -> "text/uri-list" ".uris" -> "text/uri-list" ".ustar" -> "application/x-ustar" ".uu" -> "application/octet-stream" ".uue" -> "text/x-uuencode" ".vcd" -> "application/x-cdlink" ".vcs" -> "text/x-vcalendar" ".vda" -> "application/vda" ".vdo" -> "video/vdo" ".vew" -> "application/groupwise" ".viv" -> "video/vivo" ".vivo" -> "video/vivo" ".vmd" -> "application/vocaltec-media-desc" ".vmf" -> "application/vocaltec-media-file" ".voc" -> "audio/voc" ".vos" -> "video/vosaic" ".vox" -> "audio/voxware" ".vqe" -> "audio/x-twinvq-plugin" ".vqf" -> "audio/x-twinvq" ".vql" -> "audio/x-twinvq-plugin" ".vrml" -> "application/x-vrml" ".vrt" -> "x-world/x-vrt" ".vsd" -> "application/x-visio" ".vst" -> "application/x-visio" ".vsw" -> "application/x-visio" ".w60" -> "application/wordperfect6.0" ".w61" -> "application/wordperfect6.1" ".w6w" -> "application/msword" ".wav" -> "audio/wav" ".wb1" -> "application/x-qpro" ".wbmp" -> "image/vnd.wap.wbmp" ".web" -> "application/vnd.xara" ".wiz" -> "application/msword" ".wk1" -> "application/x-123" ".wmf" -> "windows/metafile" ".wml" -> "text/vnd.wap.wml" ".wmlc" -> "application/vnd.wap.wmlc" ".wmls" -> "text/vnd.wap.wmlscript" ".wmlsc" -> "application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc" ".word" -> "application/msword" ".wp" -> "application/wordperfect" ".wp5" -> "application/wordperfect" ".wp6" -> "application/wordperfect" ".wpd" -> "application/wordperfect" ".wq1" -> "application/x-lotus" ".wri" -> "application/mswrite" ".wrl" -> "application/x-world" ".wrz" -> "model/vrml" ".wsc" -> "text/scriplet" ".wsrc" -> "application/x-wais-source" ".wtk" -> "application/x-wintalk" ".xbm" -> "image/x-xbitmap" ".xdr" -> "video/x-amt-demorun" ".xgz" -> "xgl/drawing" ".xif" -> "image/vnd.xiff" ".xl" -> "application/excel" ".xla" -> "application/excel" ".xlb" -> "application/excel" ".xlc" -> "application/excel" ".xld" -> "application/excel" ".xlk" -> "application/excel" ".xll" -> "application/excel" ".xlm" -> "application/excel" ".xls" -> "application/excel" ".xlt" -> "application/excel" ".xlv" -> "application/excel" ".xlw" -> "application/excel" ".xm" -> "audio/xm" ".xml" -> "application/xml" ".xmz" -> "xgl/movie" ".xpix" -> "application/x-vnd.ls-xpix" ".xpm" -> "image/x-xpixmap" ".x-png" -> "image/png" ".xsr" -> "video/x-amt-showrun" ".xwd" -> "image/x-xwd" ".xyz" -> "chemical/x-pdb" ".z" -> "application/x-compress" ".zip" -> "application/x-compressed" ".zoo" -> "application/octet-stream" ".zsh" -> "text/x-script.zsh" _ -> "application/octet-stream"