{- | A module exporting only functions for using interpreted templates.  If
 - you import the main Snap.Snaplet.Heist module, it's easy to accidentally
 - use the compiled render function even when you're using interpreted Heist.
 - Importing only this module will make it harder to make mistakes like that.
module Snap.Snaplet.Heist.Interpreted
  ( Heist
  , HasHeist(..)
  , SnapletHeist
  , SnapletISplice

  -- * Initializer Functions
  -- $initializerSection
  , heistInit
  , heistInit'
  , addTemplates
  , addTemplatesAt
  , addConfig
  , modifyHeistState
  , withHeistState
  , addSplices

  -- * Handler Functions
  -- $handlerSection
  , render
  , renderAs
  , heistServe
  , heistServeSingle
  , heistLocal
  , withSplices
  , renderWithSplices

  , clearHeistCache
  ) where

import Snap.Snaplet.Heist