{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Contains web handlers to serve files from a directory. module Snap.Util.FileServe ( getSafePath , fileServe , fileServe' , fileServeSingle , fileServeSingle' , defaultMimeTypes , MimeMap ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.Posix.Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Snap.Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A type alias for MIME type type MimeMap = Map FilePath ByteString ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The default set of mime type mappings we use when serving files. Its -- value: -- -- > Map.fromList [ -- > ( ".asc" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), -- > ( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), -- > ( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ), -- > ( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ), -- > ( ".c" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ), -- > ( ".conf" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".css" , "text/css" ), -- > ( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".dtd" , "text/xml" ), -- > ( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ), -- > ( ".gif" , "image/gif" ), -- > ( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ), -- > ( ".hs" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".htm" , "text/html" ), -- > ( ".html" , "text/html" ), -- > ( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ), -- > ( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ), -- > ( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ), -- > ( ".js" , "text/javascript" ), -- > ( ".log" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ), -- > ( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ), -- > ( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ), -- > ( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ), -- > ( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ), -- > ( ".png" , "image/png" ), -- > ( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ), -- > ( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ), -- > ( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ), -- > ( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ), -- > ( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ), -- > ( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ), -- > ( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), -- > ( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ), -- > ( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), -- > ( ".text" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ), -- > ( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ), -- > ( ".txt" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ), -- > ( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ), -- > ( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ), -- > ( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ), -- > ( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ), -- > ( ".xml" , "text/xml" ), -- > ( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ), -- > ( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ), -- > ( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ] -- defaultMimeTypes :: MimeMap defaultMimeTypes = Map.fromList [ ( ".asc" , "text/plain" ), ( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ), ( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ), ( ".c" , "text/plain" ), ( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ), ( ".conf" , "text/plain" ), ( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ), ( ".css" , "text/css" ), ( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ), ( ".dtd" , "text/xml" ), ( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ), ( ".gif" , "image/gif" ), ( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ), ( ".hs" , "text/plain" ), ( ".htm" , "text/html" ), ( ".html" , "text/html" ), ( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ), ( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".js" , "text/javascript" ), ( ".log" , "text/plain" ), ( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ), ( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ), ( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ), ( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ), ( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ), ( ".png" , "image/png" ), ( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ), ( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ), ( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ), ( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ), ( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ), ( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".text" , "text/plain" ), ( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ), ( ".ttf" , "application/x-font-truetype" ), ( ".txt" , "text/plain" ), ( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ), ( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ), ( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ), ( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ), ( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ), ( ".xml" , "text/xml" ), ( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ), ( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ), ( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Gets a path from the 'Request' using 'rqPathInfo' and makes sure it is -- safe to use for opening files. A path is safe if it is a relative path -- and has no ".." elements to escape the intended directory structure. getSafePath :: Snap FilePath getSafePath = do req <- getRequest let p = S.unpack $ rqPathInfo req -- check that we don't have any sneaky .. paths let dirs = splitDirectories p when (elem ".." dirs) pass return p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serves files out of the given directory. The relative path given in -- 'rqPathInfo' is searched for the given file, and the file is served with the -- appropriate mime type if it is found. Absolute paths and \"@..@\" are prohibited -- to prevent files from being served from outside the sandbox. -- -- Uses 'defaultMimeTypes' to determine the @Content-Type@ based on the file's -- extension. fileServe :: FilePath -- ^ root directory -> Snap () fileServe = fileServe' defaultMimeTypes {-# INLINE fileServe #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Same as 'fileServe', with control over the MIME mapping used. fileServe' :: MimeMap -- ^ MIME type mapping -> FilePath -- ^ root directory -> Snap () fileServe' mm root = do sp <- getSafePath let fp = root sp -- check that the file exists liftIO (doesFileExist fp) >>= flip unless pass let fn = takeFileName fp let mime = fileType mm fn fileServeSingle' mime fp {-# INLINE fileServe' #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serves a single file specified by a full or relative path. The -- path restrictions on fileServe don't apply to this function since -- the path is not being supplied by the user. fileServeSingle :: FilePath -- ^ path to file -> Snap () fileServeSingle fp = fileServeSingle' (fileType defaultMimeTypes (takeFileName fp)) fp {-# INLINE fileServeSingle #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Same as 'fileServeSingle', with control over the MIME mapping used. fileServeSingle' :: ByteString -- ^ MIME type mapping -> FilePath -- ^ path to file -> Snap () fileServeSingle' mime fp = do req <- getRequest let mbH = getHeader "if-modified-since" req mbIfModified <- liftIO $ case mbH of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just s) -> liftM Just $ parseHttpTime s -- check modification time and bug out early if the file is not modified. filestat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus fp let mt = modificationTime filestat maybe (return ()) (chkModificationTime mt) mbIfModified let sz = fromEnum $ fileSize filestat lm <- liftIO $ formatHttpTime mt modifyResponse $ setHeader "Last-Modified" lm . setContentType mime . setContentLength sz sendFile fp where -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chkModificationTime mt lt = when (mt <= lt) notModified -------------------------------------------------------------------------- notModified = finishWith $ setResponseStatus 304 "Not Modified" emptyResponse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fileType :: MimeMap -> FilePath -> ByteString fileType mm f = if null ext then defaultMimeType else fromMaybe (fileType mm (drop 1 ext)) mbe where ext = takeExtensions f mbe = Map.lookup ext mm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ defaultMimeType :: ByteString defaultMimeType = "application/octet-stream"