module Main where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import System import System.Directory import System.Console.GetOpt import System.FilePath.Posix ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ usage :: String usage = unlines ["Usage:" ,"" ," snap " ,"" ," can be one of:" ," init - create a new project directory structure in the current directory" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data InitFlag = InitBareBones | InitHelp deriving (Show, Eq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initProject :: [String] -> IO () initProject args = do case getOpt Permute options args of (flags, _, []) | InitHelp `elem` flags -> do putStrLn initUsage exitFailure | otherwise -> init' (InitBareBones `elem` flags) (_, _, errs) -> do putStrLn $ concat errs putStrLn initUsage exitFailure where initUsage = unlines ["Usage:" ,"" ," snap init" ,"" ," -b --barebones Depend only on -core and -server" ," -h --help Print this message" ] options = [ Option ['b'] ["barebones"] (NoArg InitBareBones) "Depend only on -core and -server" , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg InitHelp) "Print this message" ] init' isBareBones = do cur <- getCurrentDirectory let dirs = splitDirectories cur projName = last dirs writeFile (projName++".cabal") (cabalFile projName isBareBones) createDirectory "src" writeFile "src/Main.hs" (mainFile isBareBones) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of ("init":args') -> initProject args' _ -> do putStrLn usage exitFailure ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cabalFile :: String -> Bool -> String cabalFile projName isBareBones = unlines $ ["Name: "++projName ,"Version: 0.1" ,"Synopsis: Project Synopsis Here" ,"Description: Project Description Here" ,"License: AllRightsReserved" ,"Author: Author" ,"Maintainer:" ,"Stability: Experimental" ,"Category: Web" ,"Build-type: Simple" ,"Cabal-version: >=1.2" ,"" ,"Executable "++projName ," hs-source-dirs: src" ," main-is: Main.hs" ,"" ," Build-depends:" ," base >= 4," ," haskell98," ," monads-fd >= 0.1 && <0.2," ," bytestring >= 0.9.1 && <0.10," ," snap-core >= 0.2 && <0.3," ," snap-server >= 0.3 && <0.3," ] ++ (if isBareBones then [] else [" heist >= 0.1 && <0.2,"]) ++ [" filepath >= 1.1 && <1.2" ,"" ," ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -fwarn-tabs -funbox-strict-fields -threaded -fno-warn-unused-imports" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mainFile :: Bool -> String mainFile isBareBones = unlines $ ["{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}" ,"module Main where" ,"" ,"import System" ,"import Control.Applicative" ,"import Control.Monad.Trans" ,"import Snap.Http.Server" ,"import Snap.Types" ,"import Snap.Util.FileServe" ] ++ (if isBareBones then [] else ["import Text.Templating.Heist"]) ++ ["" ,"site :: Snap ()" ,"site =" ," ifTop (writeBS \"hello world\") <|>" ," fileServe \".\"" ,"" ,"main :: IO ()" ,"main = do" ," args <- getArgs" ," let port = case args of" ," [] -> 8000" ," p:_ -> read p" ," httpServe \"*\" port \"myserver\"" ," (Just \"access.log\")" ," (Just \"error.log\")" ," site" ]