{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Snap.Internal.Routing where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Map as Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Snap.Internal.Http.Types import Snap.Internal.Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-| The internal data type you use to build a routing tree. Matching is done unambiguously. 'Capture' and 'Dir' routes can have a "fallback" route: - For 'Capture', the fallback is routed when there is nothing to capture - For 'Dir', the fallback is routed when we can't find a route in its map Fallback routes are stacked: i.e. for a route like: > Dir [("foo", Capture "bar" (Action bar) NoRoute)] baz visiting the URI foo/ will result in the "bar" capture being empty and triggering its fallback. It's NoRoute, so we go to the nearest parent fallback and try that, which is the baz action. -} data Route a m = Action ((MonadSnap m) => m a) -- wraps a 'Snap' action -- captures the dir in a param | Capture ByteString (Route a m) (Route a m) -- match on a dir | Dir (Map.Map ByteString (Route a m)) (Route a m) | NoRoute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ instance Monoid (Route a m) where mempty = NoRoute mappend NoRoute r = r mappend l@(Action a) r = case r of (Action a') -> Action (a <|> a') (Capture p r' fb) -> Capture p r' (mappend fb l) (Dir _ _) -> mappend (Dir Map.empty l) r NoRoute -> l -- Whenever we're unioning two Captures and their capture variables -- differ, we have an ambiguity. We resolve this in the following order: -- 1. Prefer whichever route is longer -- 2. Else, prefer whichever has the earliest non-capture -- 3. Else, prefer the right-hand side mappend l@(Capture p r' fb) r = case r of (Action _) -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r) (Capture p' r'' fb') | p == p' -> Capture p (mappend r' r'') (mappend fb fb') | rh' > rh'' -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r) | rh' < rh'' -> Capture p' r'' (mappend fb' l) | en' < en'' -> Capture p r' (mappend fb r) | otherwise -> Capture p' r'' (mappend fb' l) where rh' = routeHeight r' rh'' = routeHeight r'' en' = routeEarliestNC r' 1 en'' = routeEarliestNC r'' 1 (Dir rm fb') -> Dir rm (mappend fb' l) NoRoute -> l mappend l@(Dir rm fb) r = case r of (Action _) -> Dir rm (mappend fb r) (Capture _ _ _) -> Dir rm (mappend fb r) (Dir rm' fb') -> Dir (Map.unionWith mappend rm rm') (mappend fb fb') NoRoute -> l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ routeHeight :: Route a m -> Int routeHeight r = case r of NoRoute -> 1 (Action _) -> 1 (Capture _ r' _) -> 1+routeHeight r' (Dir rm _) -> 1+foldl max 1 (map routeHeight $ Map.elems rm) routeEarliestNC :: Route a m -> Int -> Int routeEarliestNC r n = case r of NoRoute -> n (Action _) -> n (Capture _ r' _) -> routeEarliestNC r' n+1 (Dir _ _) -> n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A web handler which, given a mapping from URL entry points to web -- handlers, efficiently routes requests to the correct handler. -- -- The URL entry points are given as relative paths, for example: -- -- > route [ ("foo/bar/quux", fooBarQuux) ] -- -- If the URI of the incoming request is -- -- > /foo/bar/quux -- -- or -- -- > /foo/bar/quux/...anything... -- -- then the request will be routed to \"@fooBarQuux@\", with 'rqContextPath' -- set to \"@\/foo\/bar\/quux\/@\" and 'rqPathInfo' set to -- \"@...anything...@\". -- -- A path component within an URL entry point beginning with a colon (\"@:@\") -- is treated as a /variable capture/; the corresponding path component within -- the request URI will be entered into the 'rqParams' parameters mapping with -- the given name. For instance, if the routes were: -- -- > route [ ("foo/:bar/baz", fooBazHandler) ] -- -- Then a request for \"@\/foo\/saskatchewan\/baz@\" would be routed to -- @fooBazHandler@ with a mapping for: -- -- > "bar" => "saskatchewan" -- -- in its parameters table. -- -- Longer paths are matched first, and specific routes are matched before -- captures. That is, if given routes: -- -- > [ ("a", h1), ("a/b", h2), ("a/:x", h3) ] -- -- a request for \"@\/a\/b@\" will go to @h2@, \"@\/a\/s@\" for any /s/ will -- go to @h3@, and \"@\/a@\" will go to @h1@. -- -- The following example matches \"@\/article@\" to an article index, -- \"@\/login@\" to a login, and \"@\/article\/...@\" to an article renderer. -- -- > route [ ("article", renderIndex) -- > , ("article/:id", renderArticle) -- > , ("login", method POST doLogin) ] -- route :: MonadSnap m => [(ByteString, m a)] -> m a route rts = do p <- getRequest >>= maybe pass return . urlDecode . rqPathInfo route' (return ()) ([], splitPath p) Map.empty rts' where rts' = mconcat (map pRoute rts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The 'routeLocal' function is the same as 'route'', except it doesn't -- change the request's context path. This is useful if you want to route to a -- particular handler but you want that handler to receive the 'rqPathInfo' as -- it is. routeLocal :: MonadSnap m => [(ByteString, m a)] -> m a routeLocal rts = do req <- getRequest let ctx = rqContextPath req let p = rqPathInfo req p' <- maybe pass return $ urlDecode p let md = modifyRequest $ \r -> r {rqContextPath=ctx, rqPathInfo=p} (route' md ([], splitPath p') Map.empty rts') <|> (md >> pass) where rts' = mconcat (map pRoute rts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ splitPath :: ByteString -> [ByteString] splitPath = B.splitWith (== (c2w '/')) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ pRoute :: MonadSnap m => (ByteString, m a) -> Route a m pRoute (r, a) = foldr f (Action a) hier where hier = filter (not . B.null) $ B.splitWith (== (c2w '/')) r f s rt = if B.head s == c2w ':' then Capture (B.tail s) rt NoRoute else Dir (Map.fromList [(s, rt)]) NoRoute ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ route' :: MonadSnap m => m () -> ([ByteString], [ByteString]) -> Params -> Route a m -> m a route' pre (ctx, _) params (Action action) = localRequest (updateContextPath (B.length ctx') . updateParams) (pre >> action) where ctx' = B.intercalate (B.pack [c2w '/']) (reverse ctx) updateParams req = req { rqParams = Map.unionWith (++) params (rqParams req) } route' pre (ctx, []) params (Capture _ _ fb) = route' pre (ctx, []) params fb route' pre (ctx, cwd:rest) params (Capture p rt fb) = (route' pre (cwd:ctx, rest) params' rt) <|> (route' pre (ctx, cwd:rest) params fb) where params' = Map.insertWith (++) p [cwd] params route' pre (ctx, []) params (Dir _ fb) = route' pre (ctx, []) params fb route' pre (ctx, cwd:rest) params (Dir rtm fb) = case Map.lookup cwd rtm of Just rt -> (route' pre (cwd:ctx, rest) params rt) <|> (route' pre (ctx, cwd:rest) params fb) Nothing -> route' pre (ctx, cwd:rest) params fb route' _ _ _ NoRoute = pass