{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables       #-}

-- | This module contains primitives and helper functions for handling
-- requests with @Content-type: multipart/form-data@, i.e. HTML forms and file
-- uploads.
-- Typically most users will want to use 'handleFileUploads', which writes
-- uploaded files to a temporary directory before sending them on to a handler
-- specified by the user.
-- Users who wish to handle their file uploads differently can use the
-- lower-level streaming 'Iteratee' interface called 'handleMultipart'. That
-- function takes uploaded files and streams them to an 'Iteratee' consumer of
-- the user's choosing.
-- Using these functions requires making \"policy\" decisions which Snap can't
-- really make for users, such as \"what's the largest PDF file a user is
-- allowed to upload?\" and \"should we read form inputs into the parameters
-- mapping?\". Policy is specified on a \"global\" basis (using
-- 'UploadPolicy'), and on a per-file basis (using 'PartUploadPolicy', which
-- allows you to reject or limit the size of certain uploaded
-- @Content-type@s).
module Snap.Util.FileUploads
  ( -- * Functions
  , handleMultipart

    -- * Uploaded parts
  , PartInfo(..)

    -- ** Policy
    -- *** General upload policy
  , UploadPolicy
  , defaultUploadPolicy
  , doProcessFormInputs
  , setProcessFormInputs
  , getMaximumFormInputSize
  , setMaximumFormInputSize
  , getMinimumUploadRate
  , setMinimumUploadRate
  , getMinimumUploadSeconds
  , setMinimumUploadSeconds
  , getUploadTimeout
  , setUploadTimeout

    -- *** Per-file upload policy
  , PartUploadPolicy
  , disallow
  , allowWithMaximumSize

    -- * Exceptions
  , FileUploadException
  , fileUploadExceptionReason
  , BadPartException
  , badPartExceptionReason
  , PolicyViolationException
  , policyViolationExceptionReason
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.CatchIO
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as Atto
import           Data.Attoparsec.Char8 hiding (many, Result(..))
import           Data.Attoparsec.Enumerator
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import           Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.DList as D
import           Data.Enumerator.Binary (iterHandle)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Int
import           Data.List hiding (takeWhile)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import           Data.Typeable
import           Prelude hiding (catch, getLine, takeWhile)
import           System.Directory
import           System.IO hiding (isEOF)
import           Snap.Iteratee hiding (map)
import qualified Snap.Iteratee as I
import           Snap.Internal.Debug
import           Snap.Internal.Iteratee.Debug
import           Snap.Internal.Iteratee.BoyerMooreHorspool
import           Snap.Internal.Parsing
import           Snap.Types

-- | Reads uploaded files into a temporary directory and calls a user handler
-- to process them.
-- Given a temporary directory, global and file-specific upload policies, and
-- a user handler, this function consumes a request body uploaded with
-- @Content-type: multipart/form-data@. Each file is read into the temporary
-- directory, and then a list of the uploaded files is passed to the user
-- handler. After the user handler runs (but before the 'Response' body
-- 'Enumerator' is streamed to the client), the files are deleted from disk;
-- so if you want to retain or use the uploaded files in the generated
-- response, you would need to move or otherwise process them.
-- The argument passed to the user handler is a list of:
-- > (PartInfo, Either PolicyViolationException FilePath)
-- The first half of this tuple is a 'PartInfo', which contains the
-- information the client browser sent about the given upload part (like
-- filename, content-type, etc). The second half of this tuple is an 'Either'
-- stipulating that either:
-- 1. the file was rejected on a policy basis because of the provided
--    'PartUploadPolicy' handler
-- 2. the file was accepted and exists at the given path.
-- If the request's @Content-type@ was not \"@multipart/formdata@\", this
-- function skips processing using 'pass'.
-- If the client's upload rate passes below the configured minimum (see
-- 'setMinimumUploadRate' and 'setMinimumUploadSeconds'), this function throws
-- a 'RateTooSlowException'. This setting is there to protect the server
-- against slowloris-style denial of service attacks.
-- If the given 'UploadPolicy' stipulates that you wish form inputs to be
-- placed in the 'rqParams' parameter map (using 'setProcessFormInputs'), and
-- a form input exceeds the maximum allowable size, this function will throw a
-- 'PolicyViolationException'.
-- If an uploaded part contains MIME headers longer than a fixed internal
-- threshold (currently 32KB), this function will throw a 'BadPartException'.

handleFileUploads ::
       (MonadSnap m) =>
       FilePath                       -- ^ temporary directory
    -> UploadPolicy                   -- ^ general upload policy
    -> (PartInfo -> PartUploadPolicy) -- ^ per-part upload policy
    -> ([(PartInfo, Either PolicyViolationException FilePath)] -> m a)
                                      -- ^ user handler (see function
                                      -- description)
    -> m a
handleFileUploads tmpdir uploadPolicy partPolicy handler = do
    uploadedFiles <- newUploadedFiles

        xs <- handleMultipart uploadPolicy (iter uploadedFiles)
        handler xs
        ) `finally` (cleanupUploadedFiles uploadedFiles)

    iter uploadedFiles partInfo = maybe disallowed takeIt mbFs
        ctText = partContentType partInfo
        fnText = fromMaybe "" $ partFileName partInfo

        ct = TE.decodeUtf8 ctText
        fn = TE.decodeUtf8 fnText

        (PartUploadPolicy mbFs) = partPolicy partInfo

        retVal (_,x) = (partInfo, Right x)

        takeIt maxSize = do
            let it = fmap retVal $
                     joinI' $
                     takeNoMoreThan maxSize $$
                     fileReader uploadedFiles tmpdir partInfo

            it `catches` [ Handler $ \(_ :: TooManyBytesReadException) ->
                                     (skipToEof >> tooMany maxSize)
                         , Handler $ \(e :: SomeException) -> throw e

        tooMany maxSize =
            return ( partInfo
                   , Left $ PolicyViolationException
                          $ T.concat [ "File \""
                                     , fn
                                     , "\" exceeded maximum allowable size "
                                     , T.pack $ show maxSize ] )

        disallowed =
            return ( partInfo
                   , Left $ PolicyViolationException
                          $ T.concat [ "Policy disallowed upload of file \""
                                     , fn
                                     , "\" with content-type \""
                                     , ct
                                     , "\"" ] )

-- | Given an upload policy and a function to consume uploaded \"parts\",
-- consume a request body uploaded with @Content-type: multipart/form-data@.
-- Normally most users will want to use 'handleFileUploads' (which writes
-- uploaded files to a temporary directory and passes their names to a given
-- handler) rather than this function; the lower-level 'handleMultipart'
-- function should be used if you want to stream uploaded files to your own
-- iteratee function.
-- If the request's @Content-type@ was not \"@multipart/formdata@\", this
-- function skips processing using 'pass'.
-- If the client's upload rate passes below the configured minimum (see
-- 'setMinimumUploadRate' and 'setMinimumUploadSeconds'), this function throws
-- a 'RateTooSlowException'. This setting is there to protect the server
-- against slowloris-style denial of service attacks.
-- If the given 'UploadPolicy' stipulates that you wish form inputs to be
-- placed in the 'rqParams' parameter map (using 'setProcessFormInputs'), and
-- a form input exceeds the maximum allowable size, this function will throw a
-- 'PolicyViolationException'.
-- If an uploaded part contains MIME headers longer than a fixed internal
-- threshold (currently 32KB), this function will throw a 'BadPartException'.
handleMultipart ::
       (MonadSnap m) =>
       UploadPolicy                            -- ^ global upload policy
    -> (PartInfo -> Iteratee ByteString IO a)  -- ^ part processor
    -> m [a]
handleMultipart uploadPolicy origPartHandler = do
    hdrs <- liftM headers getRequest
    let (ct, mbBoundary) = getContentType hdrs

    tickleTimeout <- getTimeoutAction
    let bumpTimeout = tickleTimeout $ uploadTimeout uploadPolicy

    let partHandler = if doProcessFormInputs uploadPolicy
                        then captureVariableOrReadFile
                                 (getMaximumFormInputSize uploadPolicy)
                        else (\p -> fmap File (origPartHandler p))

    -- not well-formed multipart? bomb out.
    when (ct /= "multipart/form-data") $ do
        debug $ "handleMultipart called with content-type=" ++ S.unpack ct
                  ++ ", passing"

    when (isNothing mbBoundary) $
         throw $ BadPartException $
         "got multipart/form-data without boundary"

    let boundary = fromJust mbBoundary
    captures <- runRequestBody (iter bumpTimeout boundary partHandler)

    procCaptures [] captures

    iter bump boundary ph = iterateeDebugWrapper "killIfTooSlow" $
                              (minimumUploadRate uploadPolicy)
                              (minimumUploadSeconds uploadPolicy)
                              (internalHandleMultipart boundary ph)

    ins k v = Map.insertWith' (\a b -> Prelude.head a : b) k [v]

    maxFormVars = maximumNumberOfFormInputs uploadPolicy

    procCaptures l [] = return $ reverse l
    procCaptures l ((File x):xs) = procCaptures (x:l) xs
    procCaptures l ((Capture k v):xs) = do
        rq <- getRequest
        let n = Map.size $ rqParams rq
        when (n >= maxFormVars) $
          throw $ PolicyViolationException $
          T.concat [ "number of form inputs exceeded maximum of "
                   , T.pack $ show maxFormVars ]
        modifyRequest $ rqModifyParams (ins k v)
        procCaptures l xs

-- | 'PartInfo' contains information about a \"part\" in a request uploaded
-- with @Content-type: multipart/form-data@.
data PartInfo =
    PartInfo { partFieldName   :: !ByteString
             , partFileName    :: !(Maybe ByteString)
             , partContentType :: !ByteString
  deriving (Show)

-- | All of the exceptions defined in this package inherit from
-- 'FileUploadException', so if you write
-- > foo `catch` \(e :: FileUploadException) -> ...
-- you can catch a 'BadPartException', a 'PolicyViolationException', etc.
data FileUploadException =
    GenericFileUploadException {
      _genericFileUploadExceptionReason :: Text
  | forall e . (Exception e, Show e) =>
    WrappedFileUploadException {
      _wrappedFileUploadException :: e
    , _wrappedFileUploadExceptionReason :: Text
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Show FileUploadException where
    show (GenericFileUploadException r) = "File upload exception: " ++
                                          T.unpack r
    show (WrappedFileUploadException e _) = show e

instance Exception FileUploadException

fileUploadExceptionReason :: FileUploadException -> Text
fileUploadExceptionReason (GenericFileUploadException r) = r
fileUploadExceptionReason (WrappedFileUploadException _ r) = r

uploadExceptionToException :: Exception e => e -> Text -> SomeException
uploadExceptionToException e r =
    SomeException $ WrappedFileUploadException e r

uploadExceptionFromException :: Exception e => SomeException -> Maybe e
uploadExceptionFromException x = do
    WrappedFileUploadException e _ <- fromException x
    cast e

data BadPartException = BadPartException { badPartExceptionReason :: Text }
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Exception BadPartException where
    toException e@(BadPartException r) = uploadExceptionToException e r
    fromException = uploadExceptionFromException

instance Show BadPartException where
  show (BadPartException s) = "Bad part: " ++ T.unpack s

data PolicyViolationException = PolicyViolationException {
      policyViolationExceptionReason :: Text
    } deriving (Typeable)

instance Exception PolicyViolationException where
    toException e@(PolicyViolationException r) =
        uploadExceptionToException e r
    fromException = uploadExceptionFromException

instance Show PolicyViolationException where
  show (PolicyViolationException s) = "File upload policy violation: "
                                            ++ T.unpack s

-- | 'UploadPolicy' controls overall policy decisions relating to
-- @multipart/form-data@ uploads, specifically:
-- * whether to treat parts without filenames as form input (reading them into
--   the 'rqParams' map)
-- * because form input is read into memory, the maximum size of a form input
--   read in this manner, and the maximum number of form inputs
-- * the minimum upload rate a client must maintain before we kill the
--   connection; if very low-bitrate uploads were allowed then a Snap server
--   would be vulnerable to a trivial denial-of-service using a
--   \"slowloris\"-type attack
-- * the minimum number of seconds which must elapse before we start killing
--   uploads for having too low an upload rate.
-- * the amount of time we should wait before timing out the connection
--   whenever we receive input from the client.
data UploadPolicy = UploadPolicy {
      processFormInputs         :: Bool
    , maximumFormInputSize      :: Int
    , maximumNumberOfFormInputs :: Int
    , minimumUploadRate         :: Double
    , minimumUploadSeconds      :: Int
    , uploadTimeout             :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | A reasonable set of defaults for upload policy. The default policy is:
--   [@maximum form input size@]                128kB
--   [@maximum number of form inputs@]          10
--   [@minimum upload rate@]                    1kB/s
--   [@seconds before rate limiting kicks in@]  10
--   [@inactivity timeout@]                     20 seconds
defaultUploadPolicy :: UploadPolicy
defaultUploadPolicy = UploadPolicy True maxSize maxNum minRate minSeconds tout
    maxSize    = 2^(17::Int)
    maxNum     = 10
    minRate    = 1000
    minSeconds = 10
    tout       = 20

-- | Does this upload policy stipulate that we want to treat parts without
-- filenames as form input?
doProcessFormInputs :: UploadPolicy -> Bool
doProcessFormInputs = processFormInputs

-- | Set the upload policy for treating parts without filenames as form input.
setProcessFormInputs :: Bool -> UploadPolicy -> UploadPolicy
setProcessFormInputs b u = u { processFormInputs = b }

-- | Get the maximum size of a form input which will be read into our
--   'rqParams' map.
getMaximumFormInputSize :: UploadPolicy -> Int
getMaximumFormInputSize = maximumFormInputSize

-- | Set the maximum size of a form input which will be read into our
--   'rqParams' map.
setMaximumFormInputSize :: Int -> UploadPolicy -> UploadPolicy
setMaximumFormInputSize s u = u { maximumFormInputSize = s }

-- | Get the minimum rate (in /bytes\/second/) a client must maintain before
--   we kill the connection.
getMinimumUploadRate :: UploadPolicy -> Double
getMinimumUploadRate = minimumUploadRate

-- | Set the minimum rate (in /bytes\/second/) a client must maintain before
--   we kill the connection.
setMinimumUploadRate :: Double -> UploadPolicy -> UploadPolicy
setMinimumUploadRate s u = u { minimumUploadRate = s }

-- | Get the amount of time which must elapse before we begin enforcing the
--   upload rate minimum
getMinimumUploadSeconds :: UploadPolicy -> Int
getMinimumUploadSeconds = minimumUploadSeconds

-- | Set the amount of time which must elapse before we begin enforcing the
--   upload rate minimum
setMinimumUploadSeconds :: Int -> UploadPolicy -> UploadPolicy
setMinimumUploadSeconds s u = u { minimumUploadSeconds = s }

-- | Get the \"upload timeout\". Whenever input is received from the client,
--   the connection timeout is set this many seconds in the future.
getUploadTimeout :: UploadPolicy -> Int
getUploadTimeout = uploadTimeout

-- | Set the upload timeout.
setUploadTimeout :: Int -> UploadPolicy -> UploadPolicy
setUploadTimeout s u = u { uploadTimeout = s }

-- | Upload policy can be set on an \"general\" basis (using 'UploadPolicy'),
--   but handlers can also make policy decisions on individual files\/parts
--   uploaded. For each part uploaded, handlers can decide:
-- * whether to allow the file upload at all
-- * the maximum size of uploaded files, if allowed
data PartUploadPolicy = PartUploadPolicy {
      _maximumFileSize :: Maybe Int64
} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Disallows the file to be uploaded.
disallow :: PartUploadPolicy
disallow = PartUploadPolicy Nothing

-- | Allows the file to be uploaded, with maximum size /n/.
allowWithMaximumSize :: Int64 -> PartUploadPolicy
allowWithMaximumSize = PartUploadPolicy . Just

-- private exports follow. FIXME: organize

captureVariableOrReadFile ::
       Int                                     -- ^ maximum size of form input
    -> (PartInfo -> Iteratee ByteString IO a)  -- ^ file reading code
    -> (PartInfo -> Iteratee ByteString IO (Capture a))
captureVariableOrReadFile maxSize fileHandler partInfo =
    case partFileName partInfo of
      Nothing -> iter
      _       -> liftM File $ fileHandler partInfo
    iter = varIter `catchError` handler

    fieldName = partFieldName partInfo

    varIter = do
        var <- liftM S.concat $
               joinI' $
               takeNoMoreThan (fromIntegral maxSize) $$ consume
        return $ Capture fieldName var

    handler e = do
        let m = fromException e :: Maybe TooManyBytesReadException
        case m of
          Nothing -> throwError e
          Just _  -> throwError $ PolicyViolationException $
                     T.concat [ "form input '"
                              , TE.decodeUtf8 fieldName
                              , "' exceeded maximum permissible size ("
                              , T.pack $ show maxSize
                              , " bytes)" ]

data Capture a = Capture ByteString ByteString
               | File a
  deriving (Show)

fileReader :: UploadedFiles
           -> FilePath
           -> PartInfo
           -> Iteratee ByteString IO (PartInfo, FilePath)
fileReader uploadedFiles tmpdir partInfo = do
    (fn, h) <- openFileForUpload uploadedFiles tmpdir
    let i = iterateeDebugWrapper "fileReader" $ iter fn h
    i `catch` \(e::SomeException) -> throwError e

    iter fileName h = do
        iterHandle h
        debug "fileReader: closing active file"
        closeActiveFile uploadedFiles
        return (partInfo, fileName)

internalHandleMultipart ::
       ByteString                              -- ^ boundary value
    -> (PartInfo -> Iteratee ByteString IO a)  -- ^ part processor
    -> Iteratee ByteString IO [a]
internalHandleMultipart boundary clientHandler = go `catch` errorHandler

    errorHandler :: SomeException -> Iteratee ByteString IO a
    errorHandler e = do
        throwError e

    go = do
        -- swallow the first boundary
        _ <- iterParser $ parseFirstBoundary boundary
        step <- iterateeDebugWrapper "boyer-moore" $
                (bmhEnumeratee (fullBoundary boundary) $$ processParts iter)
        liftM concat $ lift $ run_ $ returnI step

    pBoundary b = Atto.try $ do
      _ <- string "--"
      string b

    fullBoundary b       = S.concat ["\r\n", "--", b]
    pLine                = takeWhile (not . isEndOfLine . c2w) <* eol
    takeLine             = pLine *> pure ()
    parseFirstBoundary b = pBoundary b <|> (takeLine *> parseFirstBoundary b)

    takeHeaders = hdrs `catchError` handler
        hdrs = liftM toHeaders $
               iterateeDebugWrapper "header parser" $
               joinI' $
               takeNoMoreThan mAX_HDRS_SIZE $$
               iterParser pHeadersWithSeparator

        handler e = do
            let m = fromException e :: Maybe TooManyBytesReadException
            case m of
              Nothing -> throwError e
              Just _  -> throwError $ BadPartException $
                         "headers exceeded maximum size"

    iter = do
        hdrs <- takeHeaders

        -- are we using mixed?
        let (contentType, mboundary) = getContentType hdrs

        let (fieldName, fileName) = getFieldName hdrs

        if contentType == "multipart/mixed"
          then maybe (throwError $ BadPartException $
                      "got multipart/mixed without boundary")
                     (processMixed fieldName)
          else do
              let info = PartInfo fieldName fileName contentType
              liftM (:[]) $ clientHandler info

    processMixed fieldName mixedBoundary = do
        -- swallow the first boundary
        _ <- iterParser $ parseFirstBoundary mixedBoundary
        step <- iterateeDebugWrapper "boyer-moore" $
                (bmhEnumeratee (fullBoundary mixedBoundary) $$
                 processParts (mixedIter fieldName))
        lift $ run_ $ returnI step

    mixedIter fieldName = do
        hdrs <- takeHeaders

        let (contentType, _) = getContentType hdrs
        let (_, fileName)    = getFieldName hdrs

        let info = PartInfo fieldName fileName contentType
        clientHandler info

getContentType :: Headers
               -> (ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
getContentType hdrs = (contentType, boundary)
    contentTypeValue = fromMaybe "text/plain" $
                       getHeader "content-type" hdrs

    eCT = fullyParse contentTypeValue pContentTypeWithParameters
    (contentType, params) = either (const ("text/plain", [])) id eCT

    boundary = findParam "boundary" params

getFieldName :: Headers -> (ByteString, Maybe ByteString)
getFieldName hdrs = (fieldName, fileName)
    contentDispositionValue = fromMaybe "" $
                              getHeader "content-disposition" hdrs

    eDisposition = fullyParse contentDispositionValue pValueWithParameters

    (_, dispositionParameters) =
        either (const ("", [])) id eDisposition

    fieldName = fromMaybe "" $ findParam "name" dispositionParameters

    fileName = findParam "filename" dispositionParameters

findParam :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
findParam p = fmap snd . find ((== p) . fst)

-- | Given a 'MatchInfo' stream which is partitioned by boundary values, read
-- up until the next boundary and send all of the chunks into the wrapped
-- iteratee
processPart :: (Monad m) => Enumeratee MatchInfo ByteString m a
processPart st = {-# SCC "pPart/outer" #-}
                   case st of
                     (Continue k) -> go k
                     _            -> yield st (Chunks [])
    go :: (Monad m) => (Stream ByteString -> Iteratee ByteString m a)
                    -> Iteratee MatchInfo m (Step ByteString m a)
    go !k = {-# SCC "pPart/go" #-}
            I.head >>= maybe finish process
        -- called when outer stream is EOF
        finish = {-# SCC "pPart/finish" #-}
                 lift $ runIteratee $ k EOF

        -- no match ==> pass the stream chunk along
        process (NoMatch !s) = {-# SCC "pPart/noMatch" #-} do
          !step <- lift $ runIteratee $ k $ Chunks [s]
          case step of
            (Continue k') -> go k'
            _             -> yield step (Chunks [])

        process (Match _) = {-# SCC "pPart/match" #-}
                            lift $ runIteratee $ k EOF

-- | Assuming we've already identified the boundary value and run
-- 'bmhEnumeratee' to split the input up into parts which match and parts
-- which don't, run the given 'ByteString' iteratee over each part and grab a
-- list of the resulting values.
processParts :: Iteratee ByteString IO a
             -> Iteratee MatchInfo IO [a]
processParts partIter = iterateeDebugWrapper "processParts" $ go D.empty
    iter = {-# SCC "processParts/iter" #-} do
        isLast <- bParser
        if isLast
          then return Nothing
          else do
            x <- partIter
            return $ Just x

    go soFar = {-# SCC "processParts/go" #-} do
      b <- isEOF

      if b
        then return $ D.toList soFar
        else do
           -- processPart $$ iter
           --   :: Iteratee MatchInfo m (Step ByteString m a)
           innerStep <- processPart $$ iter

           -- output :: Maybe a
           output <- lift $ run_ $ returnI innerStep

           case output of
             Just x  -> go (D.append soFar $ D.singleton x)
             Nothing -> return $ D.toList soFar

    bParser = iterateeDebugWrapper "boundary debugger" $
                  iterParser $ pBoundaryEnd

    pBoundaryEnd = (eol *> pure False) <|> (string "--" *> pure True)

eol :: Parser ByteString
eol = (string "\n") <|> (string "\r\n")

pHeadersWithSeparator :: Parser [(ByteString,ByteString)]
pHeadersWithSeparator = pHeaders <* crlf

toHeaders :: [(ByteString,ByteString)] -> Headers
toHeaders kvps = foldl' f Map.empty kvps'
    kvps'     = map (first CI.mk . second (:[])) kvps
    f m (k,v) = Map.insertWith' (flip (++)) k v m

mAX_HDRS_SIZE :: Int64
mAX_HDRS_SIZE = 32768

-- We need some code to keep track of the files we have already successfully
-- created in case an exception is thrown by the request body enumerator or
-- one of the client iteratees.
data UploadedFilesState = UploadedFilesState {
      -- | This is the file which is currently being written to. If the
      -- calling function gets an exception here, it is responsible for
      -- closing and deleting this file.
      _currentFile :: Maybe (FilePath, Handle)

      -- | .. and these files have already been successfully read and closed.
    , _alreadyReadFiles :: [FilePath]

emptyUploadedFilesState :: UploadedFilesState
emptyUploadedFilesState = UploadedFilesState Nothing []

newtype UploadedFiles = UploadedFiles (IORef UploadedFilesState)

newUploadedFiles :: MonadIO m => m UploadedFiles
newUploadedFiles = liftM UploadedFiles $
                   liftIO $ newIORef emptyUploadedFilesState

cleanupUploadedFiles :: (MonadIO m) => UploadedFiles -> m ()
cleanupUploadedFiles (UploadedFiles stateRef) = liftIO $ do
    state <- readIORef stateRef
    killOpenFile state
    mapM_ killFile $ _alreadyReadFiles state
    writeIORef stateRef emptyUploadedFilesState

    killFile = eatException . removeFile

    killOpenFile state = maybe (return ())
                               (\(fp,h) -> do
                                    eatException $ hClose h
                                    eatException $ removeFile fp)
                               (_currentFile state)

openFileForUpload :: (MonadIO m) =>
                  -> FilePath
                  -> m (FilePath, Handle)
openFileForUpload ufs@(UploadedFiles stateRef) tmpdir = liftIO $ do
    state <- readIORef stateRef

    -- It should be an error to open a new file with this interface if there
    -- is already a file handle active.
    when (isJust $ _currentFile state) $ do
        cleanupUploadedFiles ufs
        throw $ GenericFileUploadException alreadyOpenMsg

    fph@(_,h) <- openBinaryTempFile tmpdir "snap-"
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering

    writeIORef stateRef $ state { _currentFile = Just fph }
    return fph

    alreadyOpenMsg =
        T.concat [ "Internal error! UploadedFiles: "
                 , "opened new file with pre-existing open handle" ]

closeActiveFile :: (MonadIO m) => UploadedFiles -> m ()
closeActiveFile (UploadedFiles stateRef) = liftIO $ do
    state <- readIORef stateRef
    let m = _currentFile state
    maybe (return ())
          (\(fp,h) -> do
               eatException $ hClose h
               writeIORef stateRef $
                 state { _currentFile = Nothing
                       , _alreadyReadFiles = fp:(_alreadyReadFiles state) })

eatException :: (MonadCatchIO m) => m a -> m ()
eatException m =
    (m >> return ()) `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return ())