{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}

module Snap.Internal.Test.RequestBuilder
  ( RequestBuilder
  , buildRequest
  , MultipartParams
  , MultipartParam(..)
  , FileData      (..)
  , RequestType   (..)
  , setQueryStringRaw
  , setQueryString
  , setRequestType
  , addHeader
  , setHeader
  , setContentType
  , setSecure
  , setHttpVersion
  , setRequestPath
  , get
  , postUrlEncoded
  , postMultipart
  , put
  , postRaw
  , delete
  , runHandler
  , runHandler'
  , dumpResponse
  , responseToString
  ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char8
import           Control.Monad.State hiding (get, put)
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16   as B16
import           Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import           Data.CaseInsensitive   (CI)
import           Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Word
import           System.PosixCompat.Time
import           System.Random.MWC
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types hiding (addHeader,
import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Types as H
import           Snap.Internal.Parsing
import           Snap.Iteratee hiding (map)
import           Snap.Core hiding (addHeader, setContentType, setHeader)
import qualified Snap.Types.Headers as H

-- | RequestBuilder is a monad transformer that allows you to conveniently
-- build a snap 'Request' for testing.
newtype RequestBuilder m a = RequestBuilder (StateT Request m a)
  deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans)

mkDefaultRequest :: IO Request
mkDefaultRequest = do
    bodyRef <- newIORef $ SomeEnumerator enumEOF
    return $ Request "localhost"

-- | Runs a 'RequestBuilder', producing the desired 'Request'.
buildRequest :: MonadIO m => RequestBuilder m () -> m Request
buildRequest mm = do
    let (RequestBuilder m) = (mm >> fixup)
    rq0 <- liftIO mkDefaultRequest
    execStateT m rq0

    fixup = do

    fixupMethod = do
        rq <- rGet
        if (rqMethod rq == GET || rqMethod rq == DELETE ||
            rqMethod rq == HEAD)
          then do
              -- These requests are not permitted to have bodies
              let rq' = deleteHeader "Content-Type" rq
              liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq') (SomeEnumerator enumEOF)
              rPut $ rq' { rqContentLength = Nothing }
          else return $! ()

    fixupCL = do
        rq <- rGet
        maybe (rPut $ deleteHeader "Content-Length" rq)
              (\cl -> rPut $ H.setHeader "Content-Length"
                                         (S.pack (show cl)) rq)
              (rqContentLength rq)

    fixupParams = do
        rq <- rGet
        let q   = rqQueryString rq
        let pms = parseUrlEncoded q

        let mbCT = getHeader "Content-Type" rq
        post <- if mbCT == Just "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
                  then do
                    (SomeEnumerator e) <- liftIO $ readIORef $ rqBody rq
                    s <- liftM S.concat (liftIO $ run_ $ e $$ consume)
                    return $ parseUrlEncoded s
                  else return Map.empty

        rPut $ rq { rqParams = Map.unionWith (++) pms post }

-- | A request body of type \"@multipart/form-data@\" consists of a set of
-- named form parameters, each of which can by either a list of regular form
-- values or a set of file uploads.
type MultipartParams = [(ByteString, MultipartParam)]

data MultipartParam =
    FormData [ByteString]
        -- ^ a form variable consisting of the given 'ByteString' values.
  | Files [FileData]
        -- ^ a file upload consisting of the given 'FileData' values.
  deriving (Show)

data FileData = FileData {
      fdFileName    :: ByteString  -- ^ the file's name
    , fdContentType :: ByteString  -- ^ the file's content-type
    , fdContents    :: ByteString  -- ^ the file contents
  deriving (Show)

-- | The 'RequestType' datatype enumerates the different kinds of HTTP
-- requests you can generate using the testing interface. Most users will
-- prefer to use the 'get', 'postUrlEncoded', 'postMultipart', 'put', and
-- 'delete' convenience functions.
data RequestType
    = GetRequest
    | RequestWithRawBody Method ByteString
    | MultipartPostRequest MultipartParams
    | UrlEncodedPostRequest Params
    | DeleteRequest
    deriving (Show)

-- | Sets the type of the 'Request' being built.
setRequestType :: MonadIO m => RequestType -> RequestBuilder m ()
setRequestType GetRequest = do
    rq <- rGet
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq) $ SomeEnumerator enumEOF
    rPut $ rq { rqMethod        = GET
              , rqContentLength = Nothing

setRequestType DeleteRequest = do
    rq <- rGet
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq) $ SomeEnumerator enumEOF
    rPut $ rq { rqMethod        = DELETE
              , rqContentLength = Nothing

setRequestType (RequestWithRawBody m b) = do
    rq <- rGet
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq) $ SomeEnumerator $ enumBS b
    rPut $ rq { rqMethod        = m
              , rqContentLength = Just $ S.length b

setRequestType (MultipartPostRequest fp) = encodeMultipart fp

setRequestType (UrlEncodedPostRequest fp) = do
    rq <- liftM (H.setHeader "Content-Type"
                           "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") rGet
    let b = printUrlEncoded fp
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq) $ SomeEnumerator $ enumBS b
    rPut $ rq { rqMethod        = POST
              , rqContentLength = Just $ S.length b

makeBoundary :: MonadIO m => m ByteString
makeBoundary = do
    xs <- liftIO $ withSystemRandom $ \rng ->
          replicateM 16 ((uniform rng) :: IO Word8)
    let x = S.pack $ map (toEnum . fromEnum) xs
    return $ S.concat [ "snap-boundary-", B16.encode x ]

multipartHeader :: ByteString -> ByteString -> Builder
multipartHeader boundary name =
    mconcat [ fromByteString boundary
            , fromByteString "\r\ncontent-disposition: form-data"
            , fromByteString "; name=\""
            , fromByteString name
            , fromByteString "\"\r\n" ]

-- Assume initial or preceding "--" just before this
encodeFormData :: ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString] -> IO Builder
encodeFormData boundary name vals =
    case vals of
      []  -> return mempty
      [v] -> return $ mconcat [ hdr
                              , cr
                              , fromByteString v
                              , fromByteString "\r\n--" ]
      _   -> multi

    hdr = multipartHeader boundary name
    cr = fromByteString "\r\n"

    oneVal b v = mconcat [ fromByteString b
                         , cr
                         , cr
                         , fromByteString v
                         , fromByteString "\r\n--" ]

    multi = do
        b <- makeBoundary
        return $ mconcat [ hdr
                         , multipartMixed b
                         , cr
                         , fromByteString "--"
                         , mconcat (map (oneVal b) vals)
                         , fromByteString b
                         , fromByteString "--\r\n--" ]

multipartMixed :: ByteString -> Builder
multipartMixed b = mconcat [ fromByteString "Content-Type: multipart/mixed"
                           , fromByteString "; boundary="
                           , fromByteString b
                           , fromByteString "\r\n" ]

encodeFiles :: ByteString -> ByteString -> [FileData] -> IO Builder
encodeFiles boundary name files =
    case files of
      [] -> return mempty
      _  -> do
          b <- makeBoundary
          return $ mconcat [ hdr
                           , multipartMixed b
                           , cr
                           , fromByteString "--"
                           , mconcat (map (oneVal b) files)
                           , fromByteString b
                           , fromByteString "--\r\n--"

    contentDisposition fn = mconcat [
                              fromByteString "Content-Disposition: attachment"
                            , fromByteString "; filename=\""
                            , fromByteString fn
                            , fromByteString "\"\r\n"

    contentType ct = mconcat [
                       fromByteString "Content-Type: "
                     , fromByteString ct
                     , cr

    oneVal b (FileData fileName ct contents) =
        mconcat [ fromByteString b
                , cr
                , contentType ct
                , contentDisposition fileName
                , fromByteString "Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n"
                , cr
                , fromByteString contents
                , fromByteString "\r\n--"

    hdr = multipartHeader boundary name
    cr = fromByteString "\r\n"

encodeMultipart :: MonadIO m => MultipartParams -> RequestBuilder m ()
encodeMultipart kvps = do
    boundary <- liftIO $ makeBoundary
    builders <- liftIO $ mapM (handleOne boundary) kvps

    let b = toByteString $
              mconcat (fromByteString "--" : builders)
                `mappend` finalBoundary boundary

    rq0 <- rGet
    liftIO $ writeIORef (rqBody rq0) $ SomeEnumerator $ enumBS b
    let rq = H.setHeader "Content-Type"
               (S.append "multipart/form-data; boundary=" boundary)

    rPut $ rq { rqMethod        = POST
              , rqContentLength = Just $ S.length b

    finalBoundary b = mconcat [fromByteString b, fromByteString "--\r\n"]

    handleOne boundary (name, mp) =
        case mp of
          (FormData vals) -> encodeFormData boundary name vals
          (Files fs)      -> encodeFiles boundary name fs

fixupURI :: Monad m => RequestBuilder m ()
fixupURI = do
    rq <- rGet
    let u = S.concat [ rqSnapletPath rq
                     , rqContextPath rq
                     , rqPathInfo rq
                     , let q = rqQueryString rq
                       in if S.null q
                            then ""
                            else S.append "?" q
    rPut $ rq { rqURI = u }

-- | Sets the request's query string to be the raw bytestring provided,
-- without any escaping or other interpretation. Most users should instead
-- choose the 'setQueryString' function, which takes a parameter mapping.
setQueryStringRaw :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m ()
setQueryStringRaw r = do
    rq <- rGet
    rPut $ rq { rqQueryString = r }

-- | Escapes the given parameter mapping and sets it as the request's query
-- string.
setQueryString :: Monad m => Params -> RequestBuilder m ()
setQueryString p = setQueryStringRaw $ printUrlEncoded p

-- | Sets the given header in the request being built, overwriting any header
-- with the same name already present.
setHeader :: (Monad m) => CI ByteString -> ByteString -> RequestBuilder m ()
setHeader k v = rModify (H.setHeader k v)

-- | Adds the given header to the request being built.
addHeader :: (Monad m) => CI ByteString -> ByteString -> RequestBuilder m ()
addHeader k v = rModify (H.addHeader k v)

-- | Sets the request's @content-type@ to the given MIME type.
setContentType :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m ()
setContentType c = rModify (H.setHeader "Content-Type" c)

-- | Controls whether the test request being generated appears to be an https
-- request or not.
setSecure :: Monad m => Bool -> RequestBuilder m ()
setSecure b = rModify $ \rq -> rq { rqIsSecure = b }

-- | Sets the test request's http version
setHttpVersion :: Monad m => (Int,Int) -> RequestBuilder m ()
setHttpVersion v = rModify $ \rq -> rq { rqVersion = v }

-- | Sets the request's path. The path provided must begin with a \"@/@\" and
-- must /not/ contain a query string; if you want to provide a query string
-- in your test request, you must use 'setQueryString' or 'setQueryStringRaw'.
-- Note that 'rqContextPath' is never set by any 'RequestBuilder' function.
setRequestPath :: Monad m => ByteString -> RequestBuilder m ()
setRequestPath p = do
    rModify $ \rq -> rq { rqSnapletPath = ""
                        , rqContextPath = ""
                        , rqPathInfo    = p }

-- | Builds an HTTP \"GET\" request with the given query parameters.
get :: MonadIO m =>
       ByteString               -- ^ request path
    -> Params                   -- ^ request's form parameters
    -> RequestBuilder m ()
get uri params = do
    setRequestType GetRequest
    setQueryString params
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Builds an HTTP \"DELETE\" request with the given query parameters.
delete :: MonadIO m =>
          ByteString            -- ^ request path
       -> Params                -- ^ request's form parameters
       -> RequestBuilder m ()
delete uri params = do
    setRequestType DeleteRequest
    setQueryString params
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Builds an HTTP \"POST\" request with the given form parameters, using the
-- \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" MIME type.
postUrlEncoded :: MonadIO m =>
                  ByteString    -- ^ request path
               -> Params        -- ^ request's form parameters
               -> RequestBuilder m ()
postUrlEncoded uri params = do
    setRequestType $ UrlEncodedPostRequest params
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Builds an HTTP \"POST\" request with the given form parameters, using the
-- \"form-data/multipart\" MIME type.
postMultipart :: MonadIO m =>
                 ByteString        -- ^ request path
              -> MultipartParams   -- ^ multipart form parameters
              -> RequestBuilder m ()
postMultipart uri params = do
    setRequestType $ MultipartPostRequest params
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Builds an HTTP \"PUT\" request.
put :: MonadIO m =>
       ByteString               -- ^ request path
    -> ByteString               -- ^ request body MIME content-type
    -> ByteString               -- ^ request body contents
    -> RequestBuilder m ()
put uri contentType putData = do
    setRequestType $ RequestWithRawBody PUT putData
    setHeader "Content-Type" contentType
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Builds a \"raw\" HTTP \"POST\" request, with the given MIME type and body
-- contents.
postRaw :: MonadIO m =>
           ByteString           -- ^ request path
        -> ByteString           -- ^ request body MIME content-type
        -> ByteString           -- ^ request body contents
        -> RequestBuilder m ()
postRaw uri contentType postData = do
    setRequestType $ RequestWithRawBody POST postData
    setHeader "Content-Type" contentType
    setRequestPath uri

-- | Given a web handler in some 'MonadSnap' monad, and a 'RequestBuilder'
-- defining a test request, runs the handler, producing an HTTP 'Response'.
runHandler' :: (MonadIO m, MonadSnap n) =>
               (forall a . Request -> n a -> m Response)
            -- ^ a function defining how the 'MonadSnap' monad should be run
            -> RequestBuilder m ()
            -- ^ a request builder
            -> n b
            -- ^ a web handler
            -> m Response
runHandler' rSnap rBuilder snap = do
    rq  <- buildRequest rBuilder
    rsp <- rSnap rq snap
    t1  <- liftIO (epochTime >>= formatHttpTime)
    return $ H.setHeader "Date" t1 rsp

-- | Given a web handler in the 'Snap' monad, and a 'RequestBuilder' defining
-- a test request, runs the handler, producing an HTTP 'Response'.
runHandler :: MonadIO m =>
              RequestBuilder m ()   -- ^ a request builder
           -> Snap a                -- ^ a web handler
           -> m Response
runHandler = runHandler' rs
    rs rq s = do
        (_,rsp) <- liftIO $ run_ $ runSnap s
                                      (const $ return $! ())
                                      (const $ return $! ())
        return rsp

-- | Dumps the given response to stdout.
dumpResponse :: Response -> IO ()
dumpResponse resp = responseToString resp >>= S.putStrLn

-- | Converts the given response to a bytestring.
responseToString :: Response -> IO ByteString
responseToString resp = do
    b <- run_ (rspBodyToEnum (rspBody resp) $$
               liftM mconcat consume)

    return $ toByteString $ fromShow resp `mappend` b

rGet :: Monad m => RequestBuilder m Request
rGet   = RequestBuilder State.get

rPut :: Monad m => Request -> RequestBuilder m ()
rPut s = RequestBuilder $ State.put s

rModify :: Monad m => (Request -> Request) -> RequestBuilder m ()
rModify f = RequestBuilder $ modify f