{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Snap.Internal.Parsing where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Arrow                 (first, second)
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import           Data.Bits
import           Data.ByteString.Char8         (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8         as S
import           Data.ByteString.Internal      (c2w, w2c)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8    as L
import           Data.CaseInsensitive          (CI)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive          as CI
import           Data.Char                     hiding (isDigit, isSpace)
import           Data.Int
import           Data.List                     (intersperse)
import           Data.Map                      (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                      as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Word
import           GHC.Exts
import           GHC.Word                      (Word8 (..))
import           Prelude                       hiding (head, take, takeWhile)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Types
import           Snap.Internal.Parsing.FastSet (FastSet)
import qualified Snap.Internal.Parsing.FastSet as FS

{-# INLINE fullyParse #-}
fullyParse :: ByteString -> Parser a -> Either String a
fullyParse s p =
    case r' of
      (Fail _ _ e) -> Left e
      (Partial _)  -> Left "parse failed"
      (Done _ x)   -> Right x
    r  = parse p s
    r' = feed r ""

parseNum :: Parser Int64
parseNum = decimal

-- | Parsers for different tokens in an HTTP request.
sp, digit, letter :: Parser Char
sp       = char ' '
digit    = satisfy isDigit
letter   = satisfy isAlpha

untilEOL :: Parser ByteString
untilEOL = takeWhile notend
    notend c = not $ c == '\r' || c == '\n'

crlf :: Parser ByteString
crlf = string "\r\n"

generateFS :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> FastSet
generateFS f = FS.fromList $ filter f [0..255]

-- | Parser for zero or more spaces.
spaces :: Parser [Char]
spaces = many sp

pSpaces :: Parser ByteString
pSpaces = takeWhile isSpace

fieldChars :: Parser ByteString
fieldChars = takeWhile isFieldChar
    isFieldChar = flip FS.memberChar fieldCharSet

fieldCharSet :: FastSet
fieldCharSet = generateFS f
    f d = let c = (toEnum $ fromEnum d)
          in (isDigit c) || (isAlpha c) || c == '-' || c == '_'

-- | Parser for request headers.
pHeaders :: Parser [(ByteString, ByteString)]
pHeaders = many header
    header            = {-# SCC "pHeaders/header" #-}
                        liftA2 (,)
                            (char ':' *> spaces *> contents)

    fieldName         = {-# SCC "pHeaders/fieldName" #-}
                        liftA2 S.cons letter fieldChars

    contents          = {-# SCC "pHeaders/contents" #-}
                        liftA2 S.append
                            (untilEOL <* crlf)
                            (continuation <|> pure S.empty)

    isLeadingWS w     = {-# SCC "pHeaders/isLeadingWS" #-}
                        w == ' ' || w == '\t'

    leadingWhiteSpace = {-# SCC "pHeaders/leadingWhiteSpace" #-}
                        takeWhile1 isLeadingWS

    continuation      = {-# SCC "pHeaders/continuation" #-}
                        liftA2 S.cons
                               (leadingWhiteSpace *> pure ' ')

-- unhelpfully, the spec mentions "old-style" cookies that don't have quotes
-- around the value. wonderful.
pWord :: Parser ByteString
pWord = pQuotedString <|> (takeWhile (/= ';'))

pQuotedString :: Parser ByteString
pQuotedString = q *> quotedText <* q
    quotedText = (S.concat . reverse) <$> f []

    f soFar = do
        t <- takeWhile qdtext
        let soFar' = t:soFar
        -- RFC says that backslash only escapes for <">
        choice [ string "\\\"" *> f ("\"" : soFar')
               , pure soFar' ]

    q      = char '\"'
    qdtext = matchAll [ isRFCText, (/= '\"'), (/= '\\') ]

{-# INLINE isRFCText #-}
isRFCText :: Char -> Bool
isRFCText = not . isControl

{-# INLINE matchAll #-}
matchAll :: [ Char -> Bool ] -> Char -> Bool
matchAll x c = and $ map ($ c) x

pAvPairs :: Parser [(ByteString, ByteString)]
pAvPairs = do
    a <- pAvPair
    b <- many (pSpaces *> char ';' *> pSpaces *> pAvPair)
    return $! a:b

{-# INLINE pAvPair #-}
pAvPair :: Parser (ByteString, ByteString)
pAvPair = do
    key <- pToken <* pSpaces
    val <- liftM trim (option "" $ char '=' *> pSpaces *> pWord)
    return $! (key, val)

pParameter :: Parser (ByteString, ByteString)
pParameter = do
    key <- pToken <* pSpaces
    val <- liftM trim (char '=' *> pSpaces *> pWord)
    return $! (trim key, val)

{-# INLINE trim #-}
trim :: ByteString -> ByteString
trim = snd . S.span isSpace . fst . S.spanEnd isSpace

pValueWithParameters :: Parser (ByteString, [(CI ByteString, ByteString)])
pValueWithParameters = do
    value  <- liftM trim (pSpaces *> takeWhile (/= ';'))
    params <- many pParam
    return (value, map (first CI.mk) params)

    pParam = pSpaces *> char ';' *> pSpaces *> pParameter

pContentTypeWithParameters :: Parser ( ByteString
                                     , [(CI ByteString, ByteString)] )
pContentTypeWithParameters = do
    value  <- liftM trim (pSpaces *> takeWhile (not . isSep))
    params <- many (pSpaces *> satisfy isSep *> pSpaces *> pParameter)
    return $! (value, map (first CI.mk) params)

    isSep c = c == ';' || c == ','

{-# INLINE pToken #-}
pToken :: Parser ByteString
pToken = takeWhile isToken

{-# INLINE isToken #-}
isToken :: Char -> Bool
isToken c = FS.memberChar c tokenTable

tokenTable :: FastSet
tokenTable = generateFS (f . toEnum . fromEnum)
    f = matchAll [ isAscii
                 , not . isControl
                 , not . isSpace
                 , not . flip elem [ '(', ')', '<', '>', '@', ',', ';'
                                   , ':', '\\', '\"', '/', '[', ']'
                                   , '?', '=', '{', '}' ]

                              -- Url encoding --

{-# INLINE parseToCompletion #-}
parseToCompletion :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Maybe a
parseToCompletion p s = toResult $ finish r
    r = parse p s

    toResult (Done _ c) = Just c
    toResult _          = Nothing

type DList a = [a] -> [a]

pUrlEscaped :: Parser ByteString
pUrlEscaped = do
    sq <- nextChunk id
    return $! S.concat $ sq []

    nextChunk :: DList ByteString -> Parser (DList ByteString)
    nextChunk !s = (endOfInput *> pure s) <|> do
        c <- anyChar
        case c of
          '+' -> plusSpace s
          '%' -> percentEncoded s
          _   -> unEncoded c s

    percentEncoded :: DList ByteString -> Parser (DList ByteString)
    percentEncoded !l = do
        hx <- take 2
        when (S.length hx /= 2 || (not $ S.all isHexDigit hx)) $
             fail "bad hex in url"

        let code = w2c ((unsafeFromHex hx) :: Word8)
        nextChunk $ l . ((S.singleton code) :)

    unEncoded :: Char -> DList ByteString -> Parser (DList ByteString)
    unEncoded !c !l' = do
        let l = l' . ((S.singleton c) :)
        bs   <- takeTill (flip elem ['%', '+'])
        if S.null bs
          then nextChunk l
          else nextChunk $ l . (bs :)

    plusSpace :: DList ByteString -> Parser (DList ByteString)
    plusSpace l = nextChunk (l . ((S.singleton ' ') :))

-- "...Only alphanumerics [0-9a-zA-Z], the special characters "$-_.+!*'(),"
-- [not including the quotes - ed], and reserved characters used for their
-- reserved purposes may be used unencoded within a URL."

-- | Decodes an URL-escaped string (see
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396.html#section-2.4>)
urlDecode :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
urlDecode = parseToCompletion pUrlEscaped
{-# INLINE urlDecode #-}

-- | URL-escapes a string (see
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396.html#section-2.4>)
urlEncode :: ByteString -> ByteString
urlEncode = toByteString . urlEncodeBuilder
{-# INLINE urlEncode #-}

-- | URL-escapes a string (see
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396.html#section-2.4>) into a 'Builder'.
urlEncodeBuilder :: ByteString -> Builder
urlEncodeBuilder = go mempty
    go !b !s = maybe b' esc (S.uncons y)
        (x,y)     = S.span (flip FS.memberChar urlEncodeTable) s
        b'        = b `mappend` fromByteString x
        esc (c,r) = let b'' = if c == ' '
                                then b' `mappend` fromWord8 (c2w '+')
                                else b' `mappend` hexd c
                    in go b'' r

urlEncodeTable :: FastSet
urlEncodeTable = generateFS f
    f c = any ($ (w2c c)) [\x -> isAscii x && isAlphaNum x,
                          flip elem [ '$', '_', '-', '.', '!'
                                    , '*' , '\'', '(', ')', ',' ] ]

hexd :: Char -> Builder
hexd c0 = fromWord8 (c2w '%') `mappend` fromWord8 hi `mappend` fromWord8 low
    !c        = c2w c0
    toDigit   = c2w . intToDigit
    !low      = toDigit $ fromEnum $ c .&. 0xf
    !hi       = toDigit $ (c .&. 0xf0) `shiftr` 4

    shiftr (W8# a#) (I# b#) = I# (word2Int# (uncheckedShiftRL# a# b#))

finish :: Result a -> Result a
finish (Partial f) = flip feed "" $ f ""
finish x           = x

                    -- application/x-www-form-urlencoded --

-- | Parses a string encoded in @application/x-www-form-urlencoded@ format.
parseUrlEncoded :: ByteString -> Map ByteString [ByteString]
parseUrlEncoded s = foldr ins Map.empty decoded

    ins (!k,v) !m = Map.insertWith' (++) k [v] m

    parts :: [(ByteString,ByteString)]
    parts = map breakApart $
            S.splitWith (\c -> c == '&' || c == ';') s

    breakApart = (second (S.drop 1)) . S.break (== '=')

    urldecode = parseToCompletion pUrlEscaped

    decodeOne (a,b) = do
        !a' <- urldecode a
        !b' <- urldecode b
        return $! (a',b')

    decoded = go id parts
        go !dl []     = dl []
        go !dl (x:xs) = maybe (go dl xs)
                              (\p -> go (dl . (p:)) xs)
                              (decodeOne x)

buildUrlEncoded :: Map ByteString [ByteString] -> Builder
buildUrlEncoded m = mconcat builders
    builders        = intersperse (fromWord8 $ c2w '&') $
                      concatMap encodeVS $ Map.toList m

    encodeVS (k,vs) = map (encodeOne k) vs

    encodeOne k v   = mconcat [ urlEncodeBuilder k
                              , fromWord8 $ c2w '='
                              , urlEncodeBuilder v ]

printUrlEncoded :: Map ByteString [ByteString] -> ByteString
printUrlEncoded = toByteString . buildUrlEncoded

                             -- Cookie parsing --

-- these definitions try to mirror RFC-2068 (the HTTP/1.1 spec) and RFC-2109
-- (cookie spec): please point out any errors!
pCookies :: Parser [Cookie]
pCookies = do
    -- grab kvps and turn to strict bytestrings
    kvps <- pAvPairs
    return $! map toCookie $ filter (not . S.isPrefixOf "$" . fst) kvps

    toCookie (nm,val) = Cookie nm val Nothing Nothing Nothing False False

parseCookie :: ByteString -> Maybe [Cookie]
parseCookie = parseToCompletion pCookies

                            -- utility functions --

strictize :: L.ByteString -> ByteString
strictize = S.concat . L.toChunks

unsafeFromHex :: (Enum a, Num a, Bits a) => ByteString -> a
unsafeFromHex = S.foldl' f 0
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)
    sl = unsafeShiftL
    sl = shiftL

    f !cnt !i = sl cnt 4 .|. nybble i

    nybble c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = toEnum $! fromEnum c - fromEnum '0'
             | c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' = toEnum $! 10 + fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a'
             | c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' = toEnum $! 10 + fromEnum c - fromEnum 'A'
             | otherwise            = error $ "bad hex digit: " ++ show c
{-# INLINE unsafeFromHex #-}

unsafeFromInt :: (Enum a, Num a, Bits a) => ByteString -> a
unsafeFromInt = S.foldl' f 0
    f !cnt !i = cnt * 10 + toEnum (digitToInt i)
{-# INLINE unsafeFromInt #-}