{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} module Snap.Internal.Iteratee.BoyerMooreHorspool ( bmhEnumeratee , MatchInfo(..) ) where import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.ByteString as S import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString.Unsafe as S import Data.Enumerator hiding (head, filter, last, map) import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as EL import Data.Int import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MV import Prelude hiding (head, last) --{-# INLINE debug #-} --debug :: MonadIO m => String -> m () --debug s = liftIO $ putStrLn s --debug _ = return () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data MatchInfo = Match !ByteString | NoMatch !ByteString deriving (Show) -- We return strict bytestring because we always expect a chunk to be bigger -- than the needle lookahead :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> Iteratee ByteString m (Either ByteString ByteString) lookahead n = go id n where go !dlist !k = do EL.head >>= maybe (do let !ls = S.concat $ dlist [] -- debug $ "lookahead " ++ show n -- ++ " failing, returning " ++ show ls return $! Left ls) (\x -> do let !l = S.length x let !r = k - l let !d' = dlist . (x:) if r <= 0 then do let !ls = S.concat $ d' [] -- debug $ "lookahead " ++ show n -- ++ " successfully returning " -- ++ show ls return $! Right ls else go d' r) {-# INLINE lookahead #-} matches :: ByteString -- ^ needle -> Int -- ^ needle start -> Int -- ^ needle end (inclusive) -> ByteString -- ^ haystack -> Int -- ^ haystack start -> Int -- ^ haystack end (inclusive) -> Bool matches !needle !nstart !nend' !haystack !hstart !hend' = go nend' hend' where go !nend !hend = if nend < nstart || hend < hstart then True else let !nc = S.unsafeIndex needle nend !hc = S.unsafeIndex haystack hend in if nc /= hc then False else go (nend-1) (hend-1) {-# INLINE matches #-} bmhEnumeratee :: (MonadIO m) => ByteString -> Step MatchInfo m a -> Iteratee ByteString m (Step MatchInfo m a) bmhEnumeratee needle _step = do -- debug $ "boyermoore: needle=" ++ show needle cDone _step iter where {-# INLINE cDone #-} cDone (Continue k) f = f k cDone step _ = yield step (Chunks []) iter !k = {-# SCC "bmh/iter" #-} do lookahead nlen >>= either (finishAndEOF k . (:[])) (startSearch k) finishAndEOF k xs = {-# SCC "finishAndEOF" #-} do -- debug $ "finishAndEOF, returning NoMatch for " ++ show xs step <- lift $ runIteratee $ k $ Chunks (map NoMatch $ filter (not . S.null) xs) cDone step (\k' -> lift $ runIteratee $ k' EOF) startSearch !k !haystack = {-# SCC "startSearch" #-} do -- debug $ "startsearch: " ++ show haystack if S.null haystack then lookahead nlen >>= either (\s -> finishAndEOF k [s]) (startSearch k) else go 0 where !hlen = S.length haystack go !hidx | hend >= hlen = crossBound hidx | otherwise = {-# SCC "go" #-} do let match = matches needle 0 last haystack hidx hend -- debug $ "go " ++ show hidx ++ ", hend=" ++ show hend -- ++ ", match was " ++ show match if match then {-# SCC "go/match" #-} do let !nomatch = S.take hidx haystack let !aftermatch = S.drop (hend+1) haystack step <- if not $ S.null nomatch then lift $ runIteratee $ k $ Chunks [NoMatch nomatch] else return $! Continue k cDone step $ \k' -> do step' <- lift $ runIteratee $ k' $ Chunks [Match needle] cDone step' $ \k'' -> startSearch k'' aftermatch else {-# SCC "go/nomatch" #-} do -- skip ahead let c = S.unsafeIndex haystack hend let !skip = V.unsafeIndex table $ fromEnum c go (hidx + skip) where !hend = hidx + nlen - 1 mkCoeff hidx = let !ll = hlen - hidx !nm = nlen - ll in (ll,nm) crossBound !hidx0 = {-# SCC "crossBound" #-} do let (!leftLen, needMore) = mkCoeff hidx0 lookahead needMore >>= either (\s -> finishAndEOF k [haystack, s]) (runNext hidx0 leftLen needMore) where runNext !hidx !leftLen !needMore !nextHaystack = do let match1 = matches needle leftLen last nextHaystack 0 (needMore-1) let match2 = matches needle 0 (leftLen-1) haystack hidx (hlen-1) -- debug $ "crossbound match1=" ++ show match1 -- ++ " match2=" ++ show match2 if match1 && match2 then {-# SCC "crossBound/match" #-} do let !nomatch = S.take hidx haystack let !aftermatch = S.drop needMore nextHaystack -- FIXME: merge this code w/ above step <- if not $ S.null nomatch then lift $ runIteratee $ k $ Chunks [NoMatch nomatch] else return $! Continue k -- debug $ "matching" cDone step $ \k' -> do step' <- lift $ runIteratee $ k' $ Chunks [Match needle] cDone step' $ \k'' -> startSearch k'' aftermatch else {-# SCC "crossBound/nomatch" #-} do let c = S.unsafeIndex nextHaystack $ needMore-1 let p = V.unsafeIndex table (fromEnum c) -- debug $ "p was " ++ show p ++ ", ll=" ++ show leftLen if p < leftLen then do let !hidx' = hidx+p let (!leftLen', needMore') = mkCoeff hidx' let !nextlen = S.length nextHaystack if (nextlen < needMore') then do -- this should be impossibly rare lookahead (needMore' - nextlen) >>= either (\s -> finishAndEOF k [ haystack , nextHaystack , s ]) (\s -> runNext hidx' leftLen' needMore' $ S.append nextHaystack s) else runNext hidx' leftLen' needMore' nextHaystack else do let sidx = p - leftLen let (!crumb, !rest) = S.splitAt sidx nextHaystack step <- lift $ runIteratee $ k $ Chunks $ map NoMatch $ filter (not . S.null) [haystack, crumb] cDone step $ flip startSearch rest !nlen = S.length needle !last = nlen - 1 !table = V.create $ do t <- MV.replicate 256 nlen go t where go !t = go' 0 where go' !i | i >= last = return t | otherwise = do let c = fromEnum $ S.unsafeIndex needle i MV.unsafeWrite t c (last - i) go' $! i+1 {- testIt :: ByteString -> [ByteString] -> IO [MatchInfo] testIt needle haystack = do consumeStep <- runIteratee EL.consume eteeStep <- runIteratee $ etee consumeStep -- iter :: Iteratee ByteString m (Step MatchInfo m [MatchInfo]) let iter = enumList 1 haystack eteeStep finalInnerStep <- run_ iter run_ $ returnI finalInnerStep where etee = bmhEnumeratee needle -}