{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Contains web handlers to serve files from a directory. module Snap.Internal.Util.FileServe ( -- * Helper functions getSafePath -- * Configuration for directory serving , MimeMap , HandlerMap , DirectoryConfig(..) , simpleDirectoryConfig , defaultDirectoryConfig , fancyDirectoryConfig , defaultIndexGenerator , defaultMimeTypes , fileType -- * File servers , serveDirectory , serveDirectoryWith , serveFile , serveFileAs -- * Internal functions , decodeFilePath ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative (Alternative ((<|>)), Applicative ((*>), (<*)), (<$>)) import Control.Exception.Lifted (SomeException, catch, evaluate) import Control.Monad (Monad ((>>), (>>=), return), filterM, forM_, liftM, unless, void, when, (=<<)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser, char, endOfInput, option, string) import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, byteString, char8, stringUtf8, toLazyByteString) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S (append, concat, intercalate, isSuffixOf, null, pack, takeWhile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map (empty, fromList, lookup) import Data.List (drop, dropWhile, elem, filter, foldl', null, sort, (++)) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing) import Data.Monoid (Monoid (mappend, mconcat)) import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, pack, unpack) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T (decodeUtf8, encodeUtf8) import Data.Word (Word64) import Prelude (Bool (..), Eq (..), FilePath, IO, Maybe (Just, Nothing), Num (..), Ord (..), Show (show), String, const, either, flip, fromIntegral, id, maybe, not, ($), ($!), (.), (||)) import qualified Prelude import Snap.Core (MonadSnap (..), Request (rqPathInfo, rqQueryString, rqURI), deleteHeader, emptyResponse, finishWith, formatHttpTime, getHeader, getRequest, modifyResponse, parseHttpTime, pass, redirect, sendFile, sendFilePartial, setContentLength, setContentType, setHeader, setResponseBody, setResponseCode, urlDecode, writeBS) import Snap.Internal.Debug (debug) import Snap.Internal.Parsing (fullyParse, parseNum) import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents) import System.FilePath (isRelative, joinPath, splitDirectories, takeExtensions, takeFileName, ()) import System.PosixCompat.Files (fileSize, getFileStatus, modificationTime) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Gets a path from the 'Request' using 'rqPathInfo' and makes sure it is -- safe to use for opening files. A path is safe if it is a relative path -- and has no ".." elements to escape the intended directory structure. -- -- Example: -- -- @ -- ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- ghci> import qualified "Data.Map" as M -- ghci> import qualified "Snap.Test" as T -- ghci> import qualified "Data.ByteString.Char8" as B8 -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"\/foo\/bar\" M.empty) ('getSafePath' >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack) -- HTTP\/1.1 200 OK -- server: Snap\/test -- date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 16:13:20 GMT -- -- foo\/bar -- ghci> T.runHandler (T.get \"\/foo\/..\/bar\" M.empty) ('getSafePath' >>= 'writeBS' . B8.pack) -- HTTP\/1.1 404 Not Found -- ... -- @ getSafePath :: MonadSnap m => m FilePath getSafePath = do req <- getRequest let mp = urlDecode $ rqPathInfo req p <- maybe pass (return . T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8) mp -- relative paths only! when (not $ isRelative p) pass -- check that we don't have any sneaky .. paths let dirs = splitDirectories p when (elem ".." dirs) pass return $! joinPath dirs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A type alias for dynamic handlers type HandlerMap m = HashMap FilePath (FilePath -> m ()) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A type alias for MIME type type MimeMap = HashMap FilePath ByteString ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The default set of mime type mappings we use when serving files. Its -- value: -- -- > Map.fromList [ -- > ( ".asc" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), -- > ( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), -- > ( ".au" , "audio/basic" ), -- > ( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ), -- > ( ".bmp" , "image/bmp" ), -- > ( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ), -- > ( ".c" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ), -- > ( ".conf" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".css" , "text/css" ), -- > ( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".doc" , "application/msword" ), -- > ( ".docx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".wordprocessingml.document" ), -- > ( ".dotx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".wordprocessingml.template" ), -- > ( ".dtd" , "application/xml-dtd" ), -- > ( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ), -- > ( ".exe" , "application/octet-stream" ), -- > ( ".flv" , "video/x-flv" ), -- > ( ".gif" , "image/gif" ), -- > ( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ), -- > ( ".hs" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".htm" , "text/html" ), -- > ( ".html" , "text/html" ), -- > ( ".ico" , "image/x-icon" ), -- > ( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ), -- > ( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ), -- > ( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ), -- > ( ".js" , "text/javascript" ), -- > ( ".json" , "application/json" ), -- > ( ".log" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ), -- > ( ".m3u8" , "application/x-mpegURL" ), -- > ( ".mka" , "audio/x-matroska" ), -- > ( ".mk3d" , "video/x-matroska" ), -- > ( ".mkv" , "video/x-matroska" ), -- > ( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ), -- > ( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".mp4" , "video/mp4" ), -- > ( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ), -- > ( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ), -- > ( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ), -- > ( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ), -- > ( ".png" , "image/png" ), -- > ( ".potx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".presentationml.template" ), -- > ( ".ppsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".presentationml.slideshow" ), -- > ( ".ppt" , "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ), -- > ( ".pptx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".presentationml.presentation" ), -- > ( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ), -- > ( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ), -- > ( ".rtf" , "text/rtf" ), -- > ( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ), -- > ( ".sldx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" -- > ".presentationml.slide" ), -- > ( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ), -- > ( ".svg" , "image/svg+xml" ), -- > ( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ), -- > ( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ), -- > ( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), -- > ( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ), -- > ( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), -- > ( ".text" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".tif" , "image/tiff" ), -- > ( ".tiff" , "image/tiff" ), -- > ( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ), -- > ( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ), -- > ( ".ts" , "video/mp2t" ), -- > ( ".txt" , "text/plain" ), -- > ( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ), -- > ( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ), -- > ( ".webm" , "video/webm" ), -- > ( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ), -- > ( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ), -- > ( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ), -- > ( ".xlam" , "application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12" ), -- > ( ".xls" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ), -- > ( ".xlsb" , "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12" ), -- > ( ".xlsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." -- > "spreadsheetml.sheet" ), -- > ( ".xltx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." -- > "spreadsheetml.template" ), -- > ( ".xml" , "text/xml" ), -- > ( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ), -- > ( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ), -- > ( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ] defaultMimeTypes :: MimeMap defaultMimeTypes = Map.fromList [ ( ".asc" , "text/plain" ), ( ".asf" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".asx" , "video/x-ms-asf" ), ( ".au" , "audio/basic" ), ( ".avi" , "video/x-msvideo" ), ( ".bmp" , "image/bmp" ), ( ".bz2" , "application/x-bzip" ), ( ".c" , "text/plain" ), ( ".class" , "application/octet-stream" ), ( ".conf" , "text/plain" ), ( ".cpp" , "text/plain" ), ( ".css" , "text/css" ), ( ".cxx" , "text/plain" ), ( ".doc" , "application/msword" ), ( ".docx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".wordprocessingml.document" ), ( ".dotx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".wordprocessingml.template" ), ( ".dtd" , "application/xml-dtd" ), ( ".dvi" , "application/x-dvi" ), ( ".exe" , "application/octet-stream" ), ( ".flv" , "video/x-flv" ), ( ".gif" , "image/gif" ), ( ".gz" , "application/x-gzip" ), ( ".hs" , "text/plain" ), ( ".htm" , "text/html" ), ( ".html" , "text/html" ), ( ".ico" , "image/x-icon" ), ( ".jar" , "application/x-java-archive" ), ( ".jpeg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".jpg" , "image/jpeg" ), ( ".js" , "text/javascript" ), ( ".json" , "application/json" ), ( ".log" , "text/plain" ), ( ".m3u" , "audio/x-mpegurl" ), ( ".m3u8" , "application/x-mpegURL" ), ( ".mka" , "audio/x-matroska" ), ( ".mk3d" , "video/x-matroska" ), ( ".mkv" , "video/x-matroska" ), ( ".mov" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".mp3" , "audio/mpeg" ), ( ".mp4" , "video/mp4" ), ( ".mpeg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".mpg" , "video/mpeg" ), ( ".ogg" , "application/ogg" ), ( ".pac" , "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig" ), ( ".pdf" , "application/pdf" ), ( ".png" , "image/png" ), ( ".potx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.template" ), ( ".ppsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.slideshow" ), ( ".ppt" , "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" ), ( ".pptx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.presentation" ), ( ".ps" , "application/postscript" ), ( ".qt" , "video/quicktime" ), ( ".rtf" , "text/rtf" ), ( ".sig" , "application/pgp-signature" ), ( ".sldx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument" ".presentationml.slide" ), ( ".spl" , "application/futuresplash" ), ( ".svg" , "image/svg+xml" ), ( ".swf" , "application/x-shockwave-flash" ), ( ".tar" , "application/x-tar" ), ( ".tar.bz2" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".tar.gz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".tbz" , "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" ), ( ".text" , "text/plain" ), ( ".tif" , "image/tiff" ), ( ".tiff" , "image/tiff" ), ( ".tgz" , "application/x-tgz" ), ( ".torrent" , "application/x-bittorrent" ), ( ".ts" , "video/mp2t" ), ( ".txt" , "text/plain" ), ( ".wav" , "audio/x-wav" ), ( ".wax" , "audio/x-ms-wax" ), ( ".webm" , "video/webm" ), ( ".wma" , "audio/x-ms-wma" ), ( ".wmv" , "video/x-ms-wmv" ), ( ".xbm" , "image/x-xbitmap" ), ( ".xlam" , "application/vnd.ms-excel.addin.macroEnabled.12" ), ( ".xls" , "application/vnd.ms-excel" ), ( ".xlsb" , "application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.binary.macroEnabled.12" ), ( ".xlsx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." "spreadsheetml.sheet" ), ( ".xltx" , S.append "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument." "spreadsheetml.template" ), ( ".xml" , "text/xml" ), ( ".xpm" , "image/x-xpixmap" ), ( ".xwd" , "image/x-xwindowdump" ), ( ".zip" , "application/zip" ) ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A collection of options for serving static files out of a directory. data DirectoryConfig m = DirectoryConfig { -- | Files to look for when a directory is requested (e.g., index.html) indexFiles :: [FilePath], -- | Handler to generate a directory listing if there is no index. indexGenerator :: FilePath -> m (), -- | Map of extensions to pass to dynamic file handlers. This could be -- used, for example, to implement CGI dispatch, pretty printing of source -- code, etc. dynamicHandlers :: HandlerMap m, -- | MIME type map to look up content types. mimeTypes :: MimeMap, -- | Handler that is called before a file is served. It will only be -- called when a file is actually found, not for generated index pages. preServeHook :: FilePath -> m () } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Style information for the default directory index generator. snapIndexStyles :: ByteString snapIndexStyles = S.intercalate "\n" [ "body { margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-family: sans-serif }" , "div.header {" , "padding: 40px 40px 0px 40px; height:35px;" , "background:rgb(25,50,87);" , "background-image:-webkit-gradient(" , "linear,left bottom,left top," , "color-stop(0.00, rgb(31,62,108))," , "color-stop(1.00, rgb(19,38,66)));" , "background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(" , "center bottom,rgb(31,62,108) 0%,rgb(19,38,66) 100%);" , "text-shadow:-1px 3px 1px rgb(16,33,57);" , "font-size:16pt; letter-spacing: 2pt; color:white;" , "border-bottom:10px solid rgb(46,93,156) }" , "div.content {" , "background:rgb(255,255,255);" , "background-image:-webkit-gradient(" , "linear,left bottom, left top," , "color-stop(0.50, rgb(255,255,255))," , "color-stop(1.00, rgb(224,234,247)));" , "background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(" , "center bottom, white 50%, rgb(224,234,247) 100%);" , "padding: 40px 40px 40px 40px }" , "div.footer {" , "padding: 16px 0px 10px 10px; height:31px;" , "border-top: 1px solid rgb(194,209,225);" , "color: rgb(160,172,186); font-size:10pt;" , "background: rgb(245,249,255) }" , "table { max-width:100%; margin: 0 auto;" `S.append` " border-collapse: collapse; }" , "tr:hover { background:rgb(256,256,224) }" , "td { border:0; font-family:monospace; padding: 2px 0; }" , "td.filename, td.type { padding-right: 2em; }" , "th { border:0; background:rgb(28,56,97);" , "text-shadow:-1px 3px 1px rgb(16,33,57); color: white}" ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | An automatic index generator, which is fairly small and does not rely on -- any external files (which may not be there depending on external request -- routing). -- -- A 'MimeMap' is passed in to display the types of files in the directory -- listing based on their extension. Preferably, this is the same as the map -- in the 'DirectoryConfig' -- -- The styles parameter allows you to apply styles to the directory listing. -- The listing itself consists of a table, containing a header row using -- th elements, and one row per file using td elements, so styles for those -- pieces may be attached to the appropriate tags. defaultIndexGenerator :: MonadSnap m => MimeMap -- ^ MIME type mapping for reporting types -> ByteString -- ^ Style info to insert in header -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to generate index for -> m () defaultIndexGenerator mm styles d = do modifyResponse $ setContentType "text/html; charset=utf-8" rq <- getRequest let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq let pInfo = rqPathInfo rq writeBS "\n\n" writeBS "Directory Listing: " writeBS uri writeBS "" writeBS "" writeBS "
Directory Listing: " writeBS uri writeBS "
" writeBS "" when (pInfo /= "") $ writeBS "" entries <- liftIO $ getDirectoryContents d dirs <- liftIO $ filterM (doesDirectoryExist . (d )) entries files <- liftIO $ filterM (doesFileExist . (d )) entries forM_ (sort $ filter (not . (`elem` ["..", "."])) dirs) $ \f0 -> do f <- liftIO $ liftM (\s -> T.encodeUtf8 s `mappend` "/") $ decodeFilePath f0 writeBS "" forM_ (sort files) $ \f0 -> do f <- liftIO $ liftM T.encodeUtf8 $ decodeFilePath f0 stat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus (d f0) tm <- liftIO $ formatHttpTime (modificationTime stat) writeBS "" writeBS "
File NameTypeLast Modified" writeBS "
" writeBS f writeBS "DIR
" writeBS f writeBS "" writeBS (fileType mm f0) writeBS "" writeBS tm writeBS "
Powered by " writeBS "Snap
" writeBS "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ decodeFilePath :: FilePath -> IO T.Text decodeFilePath fp = do evaluate (T.decodeUtf8 bs) `catch` (\(_::SomeException) -> return (T.pack fp)) where bs = S.pack fp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A very simple configuration for directory serving. This configuration -- uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', and has no index files, -- index generator, dynamic file handlers, or 'preServeHook'. simpleDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m simpleDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig { indexFiles = [], indexGenerator = const pass, dynamicHandlers = Map.empty, mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes, preServeHook = const $ return $! () } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A reasonable default configuration for directory serving. This -- configuration uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', serves -- common index files @index.html@ and @index.htm@, but does not autogenerate -- directory indexes, nor have any dynamic file handlers. The 'preServeHook' -- will not do anything. defaultDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m defaultDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig { indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"], indexGenerator = const pass, dynamicHandlers = Map.empty, mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes, preServeHook = const $ return $! () } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A more elaborate configuration for file serving. This configuration -- uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', serves common index files -- @index.html@ and @index.htm@, and autogenerates directory indexes with a -- Snap-like feel. It still has no dynamic file handlers, nor 'preServeHook', -- which should be added as needed. -- -- Files recognized as indexes include @index.html@, @index.htm@, -- @default.html@, @default.htm@, @home.html@ -- -- Example of how the autogenerated directory index looks like: -- -- <> fancyDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m fancyDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig { indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"], indexGenerator = defaultIndexGenerator defaultMimeTypes snapIndexStyles, dynamicHandlers = Map.empty, mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes, preServeHook = const $ return $! () } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serves static files from a directory using the default configuration -- as given in 'defaultDirectoryConfig'. serveDirectory :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -- ^ Directory to serve from -> m () serveDirectory = serveDirectoryWith defaultDirectoryConfig {-# INLINE serveDirectory #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serves static files from a directory. Configuration options are -- passed in a 'DirectoryConfig' that captures various choices about desired -- behavior. The relative path given in 'rqPathInfo' is searched for a -- requested file, and the file is served with the appropriate mime type if it -- is found. Absolute paths and \"@..@\" are prohibited to prevent files from -- being served from outside the sandbox. serveDirectoryWith :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m -- ^ Configuration options -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to serve from -> m () serveDirectoryWith cfg base = do b <- directory <|> file <|> redir when (not b) pass where idxs = indexFiles cfg generate = indexGenerator cfg mimes = mimeTypes cfg dyns = dynamicHandlers cfg pshook = preServeHook cfg -- Serves a file if it exists; passes if not serve f = do liftIO (doesFileExist f) >>= flip unless pass let fname = takeFileName f let staticServe f' = pshook f >> serveFileAs (fileType mimes fname) f' lookupExt staticServe dyns fname f >> return True -- Serves a directory via indices if available. Returns True on success, -- False on failure to find an index. Passes /only/ if the request was -- not for a directory (no trailing slash). directory = do rq <- getRequest let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq unless ("/" `S.isSuffixOf` uri) pass rel <- (base ) <$> getSafePath b <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist rel if b then do let serveRel f = serve (rel f) foldl' (<|>) pass (Prelude.map serveRel idxs) <|> (generate rel >> return True) <|> return False else return False -- Serves a file requested by name. Passes if the file doesn't exist. file = serve =<< ((base ) <$> getSafePath) -- If the request is for a directory but lacks a trailing slash, redirects -- to the directory name with a trailing slash. redir = do rel <- (base ) <$> getSafePath liftIO (doesDirectoryExist rel) >>= flip unless pass rq <- getRequest let uri = uriWithoutQueryString rq let qss = queryStringSuffix rq let u = S.concat [uri, "/", qss] redirect u ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Serves a single file specified by a full or relative path. If the file -- does not exist, throws an exception (not that it does /not/ pass to the -- next handler). The path restrictions on 'serveDirectory' don't apply to -- this function since the path is not being supplied by the user. serveFile :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -- ^ path to file -> m () serveFile fp = serveFileAs (fileType defaultMimeTypes (takeFileName fp)) fp {-# INLINE serveFile #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Same as 'serveFile', with control over the MIME mapping used. serveFileAs :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -- ^ MIME type -> FilePath -- ^ path to file -> m () serveFileAs mime fp = do reqOrig <- getRequest -- If-Range header must be ignored if there is no Range: header in the -- request (RFC 2616 section 14.27) let req = if isNothing $ getHeader "range" reqOrig then deleteHeader "if-range" reqOrig else reqOrig -- check "If-Modified-Since" and "If-Range" headers let mbH = getHeader "if-modified-since" req mbIfModified <- liftIO $ case mbH of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just s) -> liftM Just $ parseHttpTime s -- If-Range header could contain an entity, but then parseHttpTime will -- fail and return 0 which means a 200 response will be generated anyways mbIfRange <- liftIO $ case getHeader "if-range" req of Nothing -> return Nothing (Just s) -> liftM Just $ parseHttpTime s dbg $ "mbIfModified: " ++ Prelude.show mbIfModified dbg $ "mbIfRange: " ++ Prelude.show mbIfRange -- check modification time and bug out early if the file is not modified. -- -- TODO: a stat cache would be nice here, but it'd need the date thread -- stuff from snap-server to be folded into snap-core filestat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus fp let mt = modificationTime filestat maybe (return $! ()) (\lt -> when (mt <= lt) notModified) mbIfModified let sz = fromIntegral $ fileSize filestat lm <- liftIO $ formatHttpTime mt -- ok, at this point we know the last-modified time and the -- content-type. set those. modifyResponse $ setHeader "Last-Modified" lm . setHeader "Accept-Ranges" "bytes" . setContentType mime -- now check: is this a range request? If there is an 'If-Range' header -- with an old modification time we skip this check and send a 200 -- response let skipRangeCheck = maybe (False) (\lt -> mt > lt) mbIfRange -- checkRangeReq checks for a Range: header in the request and sends a -- partial response if it matches. wasRange <- if skipRangeCheck then return False else liftSnap $ checkRangeReq req fp sz dbg $ "was this a range request? " ++ Prelude.show wasRange -- if we didn't have a range request, we just do normal sendfile unless wasRange $ do modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 200 . setContentLength sz liftSnap $ sendFile fp where -------------------------------------------------------------------------- notModified = finishWith $ setResponseCode 304 emptyResponse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lookupExt :: a -> HashMap FilePath a -> FilePath -> a lookupExt def m f = if null ext then def else fromMaybe (lookupExt def m (next ext)) mbe where next = dropWhile (/= '.') . drop 1 ext = takeExtensions f mbe = Map.lookup ext m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Determine a given file's MIME type from its filename and the provided MIME -- map. fileType :: MimeMap -> FilePath -> ByteString fileType = lookupExt defaultMimeType ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ defaultMimeType :: ByteString defaultMimeType = "application/octet-stream" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data RangeReq = RangeReq !Word64 !(Maybe Word64) | SuffixRangeReq !Word64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rangeParser :: Parser RangeReq rangeParser = string "bytes=" *> (byteRangeSpec <|> suffixByteRangeSpec) <* endOfInput where byteRangeSpec = do start <- fromIntegral <$> parseNum void $! char '-' end <- option Nothing $ liftM Just parseNum return $! RangeReq start (fromIntegral <$> end) suffixByteRangeSpec = liftM (SuffixRangeReq . fromIntegral) $ char '-' *> parseNum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ checkRangeReq :: (MonadSnap m) => Request -> FilePath -> Word64 -> m Bool checkRangeReq req fp sz = do -- TODO/FIXME: multiple ranges maybe (return False) (\s -> either (const $ return False) withRange (fullyParse s rangeParser)) (getHeader "range" req) where withRange (RangeReq start mend) = do let end = fromMaybe (sz-1) mend dbg $ "withRange: start=" ++ Prelude.show start ++ ", end=" ++ Prelude.show end if start < 0 || end < start || start >= sz || end >= sz then send416 else send206 start end withRange (SuffixRangeReq nbytes) = do let end = sz-1 let start = sz - nbytes dbg $ "withRange: start=" ++ Prelude.show start ++ ", end=" ++ Prelude.show end if start < 0 || end < start || start >= sz || end >= sz then send416 else send206 start end -- note: start and end INCLUSIVE here send206 start end = do dbg "inside send206" let !len = end-start+1 let crng = S.concat . L.toChunks $ toLazyByteString $ mconcat [ byteString "bytes " , fromShow start , char8 '-' , fromShow end , char8 '/' , fromShow sz ] modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 206 . setHeader "Content-Range" crng . setContentLength len dbg $ "send206: sending range (" ++ Prelude.show start ++ "," ++ Prelude.show (end+1) ++ ") to sendFilePartial" -- end here was inclusive, sendFilePartial is exclusive sendFilePartial fp (start,end+1) return True send416 = do dbg "inside send416" -- if there's an "If-Range" header in the request, then we just send -- back 200 if getHeader "If-Range" req /= Nothing then return False else do let crng = S.concat . L.toChunks $ toLazyByteString $ mconcat [ byteString "bytes */" , fromShow sz ] modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 416 . setHeader "Content-Range" crng . setContentLength 0 . deleteHeader "Content-Type" . deleteHeader "Content-Encoding" . deleteHeader "Transfer-Encoding" . setResponseBody (return . id) return True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dbg :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m () dbg s = debug $ "FileServe:" ++ s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ uriWithoutQueryString :: Request -> ByteString uriWithoutQueryString rq = S.takeWhile (/= '?') uri where uri = rqURI rq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ queryStringSuffix :: Request -> ByteString queryStringSuffix rq = S.concat [ s, qs ] where qs = rqQueryString rq s = if S.null qs then "" else "?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fromShow :: Show a => a -> Builder fromShow = stringUtf8 . show