{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}


The Snap HTTP server is a high performance, epoll-enabled, iteratee-based web
server library written in Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@ library upon
which it depends, it provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming
interface to the HTTP protocol.


module Snap.Http.Server
  ( simpleHttpServe
  , httpServe
  , quickHttpServe
  , snapServerVersion
  , setUnicodeLocale
  , module Snap.Http.Server.Config
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent (newMVar, withMVar)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.CatchIO
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.Char
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Prelude hiding (catch)
import           Snap.Http.Server.Config
import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server as Int
import           Snap.Core
import           Snap.Util.GZip
#ifndef PORTABLE
import           System.Posix.Env
import           System.IO
import           System.FastLogger

-- | A short string describing the Snap server version
snapServerVersion :: ByteString
snapServerVersion = Int.snapServerVersion

-- | Starts serving HTTP requests using the given handler. This function never
-- returns; to shut down the HTTP server, kill the controlling thread.
-- This function is like 'httpServe' except it doesn't setup compression or
-- the error handler; this allows it to be used from 'MonadSnap'.
simpleHttpServe :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> Snap () -> IO ()
simpleHttpServe config handler = do
    conf <- completeConfig config
    let output   = when (fromJust $ getVerbose conf) . hPutStrLn stderr
    mapM_ (output . ("Listening on "++) . show) $ listeners conf

    go conf `finally` output "\nShutting down..."
    go conf = do
        let tout = fromMaybe 60 $ getDefaultTimeout conf
        setUnicodeLocale $ fromJust $ getLocale conf
        withLoggers (fromJust $ getAccessLog conf)
                    (fromJust $ getErrorLog conf) $
            \(alog, elog) -> Int.httpServe tout
                             (listeners conf)
                             (fmap backendToInternal $ getBackend conf)
                             (fromJust $ getHostname  conf)
                             (runSnap handler)

    maybeSpawnLogger f (ConfigFileLog fp) =
        liftM Just $ newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction f fp
    maybeSpawnLogger _ _                  = return Nothing

    maybeIoLog (ConfigIoLog a) = Just a
    maybeIoLog _               = Nothing

    withLoggers afp efp act =
        bracket (do mvar <- newMVar ()
                    let f s = withMVar mvar
                                (const $ BS.hPutStr stderr s >> hFlush stderr)
                    alog <- maybeSpawnLogger f afp
                    elog <- maybeSpawnLogger f efp
                    return (alog, elog))
                (\(alog, elog) -> do
                    maybe (return ()) stopLogger alog
                    maybe (return ()) stopLogger elog)
                (\(alog, elog) -> act ( liftM logMsg alog <|> maybeIoLog afp
                                      , liftM logMsg elog <|> maybeIoLog efp))
{-# INLINE simpleHttpServe #-}

listeners :: Config m a -> [Int.ListenPort]
listeners conf = catMaybes [ httpListener, httpsListener ]
    httpsListener = do
        b    <- getSSLBind conf
        p    <- getSSLPort conf
        cert <- getSSLCert conf
        key  <- getSSLKey conf
        return $ Int.HttpsPort b p cert key

    httpListener = do
        p <- getPort conf
        b <- getBind conf
        return $ Int.HttpPort b p

-- | Starts serving HTTP requests using the given handler, with settings from
-- the 'Config' passed in. This function never returns; to shut down the HTTP
-- server, kill the controlling thread.
httpServe :: Config Snap a -> Snap () -> IO ()
httpServe config handler = do
    conf <- completeConfig config
    let serve = compress conf . catch500 conf $ handler
    simpleHttpServe conf serve
{-# INLINE httpServe #-}

catch500 :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> m () -> m ()
catch500 conf = flip catch $ fromJust $ getErrorHandler conf
{-# INLINE catch500 #-}

compress :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> m () -> m ()
compress conf = if fromJust $ getCompression conf then withCompression else id
{-# INLINE compress #-}

-- | Starts serving HTTP using the given handler. The configuration is read
-- from the options given on the command-line, as returned by
-- 'commandLineConfig'. This function never returns; to shut down the HTTP
-- server, kill the controlling thread.
quickHttpServe :: Snap () -> IO ()
quickHttpServe m = commandLineConfig emptyConfig >>= \c -> httpServe c m

-- | Given a string like \"en_US\", this sets the locale to \"en_US.UTF-8\".
-- This doesn't work on Windows.
setUnicodeLocale :: String -> IO ()
setUnicodeLocale =
#ifndef PORTABLE
    \lang -> mapM_ (\k -> setEnv k (lang ++ ".UTF-8") True)
               [ "LANG"
               , "LC_CTYPE"
               , "LC_NUMERIC"
               , "LC_TIME"
               , "LC_COLLATE"
               , "LC_MONETARY"
               , "LC_MESSAGES"
               , "LC_PAPER"
               , "LC_NAME"
               , "LC_ADDRESS"
               , "LC_TELEPHONE"
               , "LC_MEASUREMENT"
               , "LC_IDENTIFICATION"
               , "LC_ALL" ]
    const $ return ()

backendToInternal :: ConfigBackend -> Int.EventLoopType
backendToInternal ConfigSimpleBackend = Int.EventLoopSimple
backendToInternal ConfigLibEvBackend  = Int.EventLoopLibEv