module Snap.Internal.Http.Server.ListenHelpers where

import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import           Foreign.C
import           Network.Socket (Socket, sClose)
import           Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Backend
import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.HttpPort as Http
import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.TLS      as TLS

listenSocket :: ListenSocket -> Socket
listenSocket (ListenHttp  s  ) = s
listenSocket (ListenHttps s _) = s

isSecure :: ListenSocket -> Bool
isSecure (ListenHttp  _  ) = False
isSecure (ListenHttps _ _) = True

closeSocket :: ListenSocket -> IO ()
closeSocket (ListenHttp s) = sClose s
closeSocket p              = TLS.freePort p

createSession :: ListenSocket -> Int -> CInt -> IO () -> IO NetworkSession
createSession (ListenHttp    _  ) = Http.createSession
createSession p@(ListenHttps _ _) = TLS.createSession p

endSession :: ListenSocket -> NetworkSession -> IO ()
endSession (ListenHttp  _  ) = Http.endSession
endSession (ListenHttps _ _) = TLS.endSession

-- For portable builds, we can't call read/write directly so we need the
-- original haskell socket to use with network-bytestring package.
-- Only the simple backend creates sockets in haskell so the following
-- functions only work with the simple backend.

recv :: ListenSocket -> Socket -> IO () -> NetworkSession
     -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
recv (ListenHttp  _  ) s = Http.recv s
recv (ListenHttps _ _) _ = TLS.recv

send :: ListenSocket -> Socket -> IO () -> IO () -> NetworkSession
     -> ByteString -> IO ()
send (ListenHttp  _  ) s = Http.send s
send (ListenHttps _ _) _ = TLS.send


recv :: ListenSocket -> IO () -> NetworkSession -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
recv (ListenHttp  _  ) = Http.recv
recv (ListenHttps _ _) = TLS.recv

send :: ListenSocket -> IO () -> IO () -> NetworkSession -> ByteString
     -> IO ()
send (ListenHttp  _  ) = Http.send
send (ListenHttps _ _) = TLS.send
