{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The Snap HTTP server is a high performance web server library written in -- Haskell. Together with the @snap-core@ library upon which it depends, it -- provides a clean and efficient Haskell programming interface to the HTTP -- protocol. -- module Snap.Http.Server ( simpleHttpServe , httpServe , quickHttpServe , snapServerVersion , setUnicodeLocale , rawHttpServe , module Snap.Http.Server.Config ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>)) import Control.Concurrent (killThread, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, putMVar, readMVar, withMVar) import Control.Concurrent.Extended (forkIOLabeledWithUnmaskBs) import Control.Exception (SomeException, bracket, catch, finally, mask, mask_) import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as L import Control.Monad (liftM, when) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Version (showVersion) import Data.Word (Word64) import Network.Socket (Socket, sClose) import Prelude (Bool (..), Eq (..), IO, Maybe (..), Monad (..), Show (..), String, const, flip, fst, id, mapM, mapM_, maybe, snd, unzip3, zip, ($), ($!), (++), (.)) import System.IO (hFlush, hPutStrLn, stderr) #ifndef PORTABLE import System.Posix.Env #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toLazyByteString) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import qualified Paths_snap_server as V import Snap.Core (MonadSnap (..), Request, Response, Snap, rqClientAddr, rqHeaders, rqMethod, rqURI, rqVersion, rspStatus) -- Don't use explicit imports for Snap.Http.Server.Config because we're -- re-exporting everything. import Snap.Http.Server.Config import qualified Snap.Http.Server.Types as Ty import Snap.Internal.Debug (debug) import Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Config (ProxyType (..), emptyStartupInfo, setStartupConfig, setStartupSockets) import Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Session (httpAcceptLoop, snapToServerHandler) import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Socket as Sock import qualified Snap.Internal.Http.Server.TLS as TLS import Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Types (AcceptFunc, ServerConfig, ServerHandler) import qualified Snap.Types.Headers as H import Snap.Util.GZip (withCompression) import Snap.Util.Proxy (behindProxy) import qualified Snap.Util.Proxy as Proxy import System.FastLogger (combinedLogEntry, logMsg, newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction, stopLogger, timestampedLogEntry) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | A short string describing the Snap server version snapServerVersion :: ByteString snapServerVersion = S.pack $! showVersion V.version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ rawHttpServe :: ServerHandler s -- ^ server handler -> ServerConfig s -- ^ server config -> [AcceptFunc] -- ^ listening server backends -> IO () rawHttpServe h cfg loops = do mvars <- mapM (const newEmptyMVar) loops mask $ \restore -> bracket (mapM runLoop $ mvars `zip` loops) (\mvTids -> do mapM_ (killThread . snd) mvTids mapM_ (readMVar . fst) mvTids) (const $ restore $ mapM_ readMVar mvars) where -- parents and children have a mutual suicide pact runLoop (mvar, loop) = do tid <- forkIOLabeledWithUnmaskBs "snap-server http master thread" $ \r -> (r $ httpAcceptLoop h cfg loop) `finally` putMVar mvar () return (mvar, tid) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Starts serving HTTP requests using the given handler. This function never -- returns; to shut down the HTTP server, kill the controlling thread. -- -- This function is like 'httpServe' except it doesn't setup compression, -- reverse proxy address translation (via 'Snap.Util.Proxy.behindProxy'), or -- the error handler; this allows it to be used from 'MonadSnap'. simpleHttpServe :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> Snap () -> IO () simpleHttpServe config handler = do conf <- completeConfig config let output = when (fromJust $ getVerbose conf) . hPutStrLn stderr (descrs, sockets, afuncs) <- unzip3 <$> listeners conf mapM_ (output . ("Listening on " ++) . S.unpack) descrs go conf sockets afuncs `finally` (mask_ $ do output "\nShutting down.." mapM_ (eatException . sClose) sockets) where eatException :: IO a -> IO () eatException act = let r0 = return $! () in (act >> r0) `catch` \(_::SomeException) -> r0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FIXME: this logging code *sucks* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- debugE :: (MonadIO m) => ByteString -> m () debugE s = debug $ "Error: " ++ S.unpack s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logE :: Maybe (ByteString -> IO ()) -> Builder -> IO () logE elog b = let x = S.concat $ L.toChunks $ toLazyByteString b in (maybe debugE (\l s -> debugE s >> logE' l s) elog) x -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logE' :: (ByteString -> IO ()) -> ByteString -> IO () logE' logger s = (timestampedLogEntry s) >>= logger -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logA :: Maybe (ByteString -> IO ()) -> Request -> Response -> Word64 -> IO () logA alog = maybe (\_ _ _ -> return $! ()) logA' alog -------------------------------------------------------------------------- logA' logger req rsp cl = do let hdrs = rqHeaders req let host = rqClientAddr req let user = Nothing -- TODO we don't do authentication yet let (v, v') = rqVersion req let ver = S.concat [ "HTTP/", bshow v, ".", bshow v' ] let method = bshow (rqMethod req) let reql = S.intercalate " " [ method, rqURI req, ver ] let status = rspStatus rsp let referer = H.lookup "referer" hdrs let userAgent = fromMaybe "-" $ H.lookup "user-agent" hdrs msg <- combinedLogEntry host user reql status cl referer userAgent logger msg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- go conf sockets afuncs = do let tout = fromMaybe 60 $ getDefaultTimeout conf let shandler = snapToServerHandler handler setUnicodeLocale $ fromJust $ getLocale conf withLoggers (fromJust $ getAccessLog conf) (fromJust $ getErrorLog conf) $ \(alog, elog) -> do let scfg = Ty.setDefaultTimeout tout . Ty.setLocalHostname (fromJust $ getHostname conf) . Ty.setLogAccess (logA alog) . Ty.setLogError (logE elog) $ Ty.emptyServerConfig maybe (return $! ()) ($ mkStartupInfo sockets conf) (getStartupHook conf) rawHttpServe shandler scfg afuncs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mkStartupInfo sockets conf = setStartupSockets sockets $ setStartupConfig conf emptyStartupInfo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybeSpawnLogger f (ConfigFileLog fp) = liftM Just $ newLoggerWithCustomErrorFunction f fp maybeSpawnLogger _ _ = return Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybeIoLog (ConfigIoLog a) = Just a maybeIoLog _ = Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------- withLoggers afp efp act = bracket (do mvar <- newMVar () let f s = withMVar mvar (const $ S.hPutStr stderr s >> hFlush stderr) alog <- maybeSpawnLogger f afp elog <- maybeSpawnLogger f efp return (alog, elog)) (\(alog, elog) -> do maybe (return ()) stopLogger alog maybe (return ()) stopLogger elog) (\(alog, elog) -> act ( liftM logMsg alog <|> maybeIoLog afp , liftM logMsg elog <|> maybeIoLog efp)) {-# INLINE simpleHttpServe #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ listeners :: Config m a -> IO [(ByteString, Socket, AcceptFunc)] listeners conf = TLS.withTLS $ do let fs = catMaybes [httpListener, httpsListener, unixListener] mapM (\(str, mkAfunc) -> do (sock, afunc) <- mkAfunc return $! (str, sock, afunc)) fs where httpsListener = do b <- getSSLBind conf p <- getSSLPort conf cert <- getSSLCert conf chainCert <- getSSLChainCert conf key <- getSSLKey conf return (S.concat [ "https://" , b , ":" , bshow p ], do (sock, ctx) <- TLS.bindHttps b p cert chainCert key return (sock, TLS.httpsAcceptFunc sock ctx) ) httpListener = do p <- getPort conf b <- getBind conf return (S.concat [ "http://" , b , ":" , bshow p ], do sock <- Sock.bindSocket b p if getProxyType conf == Just HaProxy then return (sock, Sock.haProxyAcceptFunc sock) else return (sock, Sock.httpAcceptFunc sock)) unixListener = do path <- getUnixSocket conf let accessMode = getUnixSocketAccessMode conf return (T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ "unix:" ++ path, do sock <- Sock.bindUnixSocket accessMode path return (sock, Sock.httpAcceptFunc sock)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Starts serving HTTP requests using the given handler, with settings from -- the 'Config' passed in. This function never returns; to shut down the HTTP -- server, kill the controlling thread. httpServe :: Config Snap a -> Snap () -> IO () httpServe config handler0 = do conf <- completeConfig config let !handler = chooseProxy conf let serve = compress conf . catch500 conf $ handler simpleHttpServe conf serve where chooseProxy conf = maybe handler0 (\ptype -> pickProxy ptype handler0) (getProxyType conf) pickProxy NoProxy = id pickProxy HaProxy = id -- we handle this case elsewhere pickProxy X_Forwarded_For = behindProxy Proxy.X_Forwarded_For ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ catch500 :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> m () -> m () catch500 conf = flip L.catch $ fromJust $ getErrorHandler conf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ compress :: MonadSnap m => Config m a -> m () -> m () compress conf = if fromJust $ getCompression conf then withCompression else id ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Starts serving HTTP using the given handler. The configuration is read -- from the options given on the command-line, as returned by -- 'commandLineConfig'. This function never returns; to shut down the HTTP -- server, kill the controlling thread. quickHttpServe :: Snap () -> IO () quickHttpServe handler = do conf <- commandLineConfig defaultConfig httpServe conf handler ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given a string like \"en_US\", this sets the locale to \"en_US.UTF-8\". -- This doesn't work on Windows. setUnicodeLocale :: String -> IO () #ifndef PORTABLE setUnicodeLocale lang = mapM_ (\k -> setEnv k (lang ++ ".UTF-8") True) [ "LANG" , "LC_CTYPE" , "LC_NUMERIC" , "LC_TIME" , "LC_COLLATE" , "LC_MONETARY" , "LC_MESSAGES" , "LC_PAPER" , "LC_NAME" , "LC_ADDRESS" , "LC_TELEPHONE" , "LC_MEASUREMENT" , "LC_IDENTIFICATION" , "LC_ALL" ] #else setUnicodeLocale = const $ return () #endif ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bshow :: (Show a) => a -> ByteString bshow = S.pack . show