{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}

module Snap.Snaplet.ActionLog.Types
    ( ActionLog (..)
    , ActionType (..)
    , actionToInt
    , intToAction

    , module Snap.Snaplet.ActionLog.Types
    ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import           Data.ByteString                      (ByteString)
import           Data.Int
import           Data.Text                            (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                            as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding
import           Data.Time
import           Data.Word
import           Database.Persist
import           Database.Persist.Quasi
import           Database.Persist.TH
import           Heist.Compiled
import qualified Heist.Interpreted                    as I
import           Snap.Restful
import           Snap.Restful.TH
import           Snap.Snaplet.Persistent
import           Snap.Snaplet.ActionLog.InternalTypes

-- | The list of entity definitions this snaplet exposes. You need them so
-- that you can append to your application's list of entity definitions and
-- perform the migration in one block.
-- Here's an example of how to combine your app's own entity definitions and
-- the action log's in one migration block:
-- > share [mkMigrate "migrateAll"] $
-- >    actionLogEntityDefs ++
-- >    $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt")
actionLogEntityDefs :: [EntityDef SqlType]
actionLogEntityDefs = $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt")

share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateActionLog"]
      $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt")

loggedActionCSplices :: [(Text, Entity LoggedAction -> Builder)]
loggedActionCSplices = mapSnd (. entityVal) $(cSplices ''LoggedAction)

loggedActionISplices :: Monad m => LoggedAction -> [(Text, I.Splice m)]
loggedActionISplices = $(iSplices ''LoggedAction)

detailsCSplices :: [(Text, Entity LoggedActionDetails -> Builder)]
detailsCSplices = mapSnd (. entityVal) $(cSplices ''LoggedActionDetails)

detailsISplices :: Monad m => LoggedActionDetails -> [(Text, I.Splice m)]
detailsISplices = $(iSplices ''LoggedActionDetails)

instance PrimSplice LoggedActionId where
    iPrimSplice = iPrimShow . mkInt
    cPrimSplice = cPrimShow . mkInt

-- | Type class that must be implemented to have an action log.  You do not
-- have to have any custom splices.  If you don't need to add splices to what
-- the snaplet provides by default, just have the custom splice functions
-- return an empty list.
-- One potential use for the custom splices might be if you want to display
-- your own custom information in action log lists.  Maybe you want to display
-- a user email address in addition to their name, or maybe instead of
-- displaying raw entity IDs you want to do some DB query to get a different
-- field for display.  The custom splices allow you to make any runtime
-- function of a LoggedAction into a splice that can be displayed in action
-- log templates.
class (HasPersistPool m) => HasActionLog m where

    -- | Gets a tenant ID for the current user of your application.  If your
    -- application is not multi-tenanted, then you can just return a constant
    -- here.
    alGetTenantId :: m Int

    -- | Gets the current user's user ID.  Again, if your application does not
    -- have the concept of a user, you can return a constant.
    alGetAuthUserId :: m Int

    -- | In latency sensitive applications where time stamps are used
    -- frequently, you may want to do the system call once and then cache the
    -- results.  This function allows you to provide your own cache-aware
    -- version of getTime if you choose.  Otherwise you can just lift the
    -- getCurrentTime function from Data.Time.Clock into your monad.
    alGetTime :: m UTCTime

    -- | Function that takes a user ID and returns the user's name, email, or
    -- whatever you want the snaplet to call that user.  This function is used
    -- to generate the user dropdown box in action log filter controls.
    alGetName :: Int -> m Text

    -- | Complied version of any custom splices that you want to be available
    -- inside the @actionLogListing@ splice.
    alCustomCSplices :: [(Text, Promise (Entity LoggedAction) -> Splice m)]

    -- | Interpreted version of any custom splices that you want to be
    -- available inside the @actionLogListing@ splice.
    alCustomISplices :: Entity LoggedAction -> [(Text, I.Splice m)]

-- | To store deltas, you need to be able to get Text representations of each
-- field.
class DeltaField a where
    toBS :: a -> ByteString

instance DeltaField ByteString where
    toBS = id

instance DeltaField Text where
    toBS = encodeUtf8

instance DeltaField String where
    toBS = toBS . T.pack

instance DeltaField Bool where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Int where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Int8 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Int16 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Int32 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Int64 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Integer where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Float where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Double where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Word where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Word8 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Word16 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Word32 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField Word64 where
    toBS = toBS . show

instance DeltaField a => DeltaField (Maybe a) where
    toBS Nothing = "Nothing"
    toBS (Just a) = toBS a

instance (b ~ PersistEntityBackend e) => DeltaField (KeyBackend b e) where
    toBS = toBS . mkInt

class CanDelta a where
    deltaFields :: [(Text, a -> ByteString)]

-- | Calculates a list of fields that changed along with ByteString
-- representations of their old and new values.
getDeltas :: (CanDelta a) => a -> a -> [(Text, ByteString, ByteString)]
getDeltas old new = do
    func [] deltaFields
    func !acc [] = acc
    func !acc ((name, f):fs) =
        if oldField == newField
          then func acc fs
          else func ((name, oldField, newField):acc) fs
        oldField = f old
        newField = f new