{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This module provides a very thin wrapper around HDBC. It wraps some of the
-- HDBC functions in more convenient functions and re-exports the rest of the
-- HDBC functions.
module Snap.Snaplet.Hdbc (
  -- Snaplet functions
  ,  HasHdbc(..)
  ,  HdbcIO
  ,  HdbcPool
  ,  Row
  ,  hdbcInit
  ,  query
  ,  query'

  -- Snapletified HDBC functions
  ,  clone
  ,  commit
  ,  dbServerVer
  ,  dbTransactionSupport
  ,  describeTable
  ,  disconnect
  ,  getTables
  ,  hdbcClientVer
  ,  hdbcDriverName
  ,  prepare
  ,  proxiedClientName
  ,  proxiedClientVer
  ,  quickQuery
  ,  quickQuery'
  ,  rollback
  ,  run
  ,  runRaw
  ,  sRun
  ,  withHdbc
  ,  withHdbc'
  ,  withTransaction
  ,  withTransaction'

  -- HDBC functions
  ,  SqlValue(..)
  ,  HDBC.toSql
  ,  HDBC.fromSql
  ,  HDBC.safeFromSql
  ,  HDBC.nToSql
  ,  HDBC.iToSql
  ,  HDBC.posixToSql
  ,  HDBC.withWConn
  ,  Statement(..)
  ,  HDBC.sExecute
  ,  HDBC.sExecuteMany
  ,  HDBC.fetchRowAL
  ,  HDBC.fetchRowMap
  ,  HDBC.sFetchRow
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRows
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRows'
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRowsAL
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRowsAL'
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRowsMap
  ,  HDBC.fetchAllRowsMap'
  ,  HDBC.sFetchAllRows
  ,  HDBC.sFetchAllRows'
  ,  SqlError(..)
  ,  HDBC.throwSqlError
  ,  HDBC.catchSql
  ,  HDBC.handleSql
  ,  HDBC.sqlExceptions
  ,  HDBC.handleSqlError
  ,  module Database.HDBC.ColTypes
  ) where

import            Prelude hiding (catch)

import            Control.Concurrent.MVar
import            Control.Exception (SomeException)
import            Control.Monad.CatchIO
import            Control.Monad.IO.Class
import            Data.Map (Map)
import            Data.Pool
import qualified  Database.HDBC as HDBC
import            Database.HDBC (IConnection(), SqlValue, SqlError, Statement)
import            Database.HDBC.ColTypes
import            Snap.Snaplet
import            Snap.Snaplet.Hdbc.Types

-- | A map with the column name as key and the value from the database as value
type Row = Map String SqlValue

-- | Instantiate this typeclass on 'Handler b YourSnapletState' so this snaplet
-- can find the connection source.
class  (  IConnection c
       ,  ConnSrc s
       ,  MonadCatchIO m
  =>   HasHdbc m c s | m -> c s where
  getHdbcState :: m (HdbcSnaplet c s)

type HdbcIO    c = HdbcSnaplet c IO
type HdbcPool  c = HdbcSnaplet c Pool

-- | Initialise the snaplet by providing it with a raw HDBC connection. A
-- resource pool is created with some default parameters that should be fine
-- for most common usecases. If a custom resource pool configuration is
-- desired, use the `hdbcInit'` initialiser instead. When the snaplet is
-- unloaded, the 'disconnect' function is called to close any remaining
-- connections.
  ::  (  ConnSrc s
      ,  IConnection c
  =>  s c
  ->  SnapletInit b (HdbcSnaplet c s)
hdbcInit src = makeSnaplet "hdbc" "HDBC abstraction" Nothing $ do
  mv <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
  return $ HdbcSnaplet src mv

-- | Get a new connection from the resource pool, apply the provided function
-- to it and return the result in of the 'IO' compution in monad @m@.
withHdbc :: HasHdbc m c s => (c -> IO a) -> m a
withHdbc f = do
  st <- getHdbcState
  withConn st (liftIO . f)

-- | Get a new connection from the resource pool, apply the provided function
-- to it and return the result in of the compution in monad 'm'.
withHdbc' :: HasHdbc m c s => (c -> a) -> m a
withHdbc' f = do
  st <- getHdbcState
  withConn st (return . f)

-- | Execute a @SELECT@ query on the database by passing the query as 'String',
-- together with a list of values to bind to it. A list of 'Row's is returned.
  :: HasHdbc m c s
  => String      -- ^ The raw SQL to execute. Use @?@ to indicate placeholders.
  -> [SqlValue]  -- ^ Values for each placeholder according to its position in
                 --   the SQL statement.
  -> m [Row]     -- ^ A 'Map' of attribute name to attribute value for each
                 --   row. Can be the empty list.
query sql bind = do
  stmt <- prepare sql
  liftIO $ HDBC.execute stmt bind
  liftIO $ HDBC.fetchAllRowsMap stmt

-- | Similar to 'query', but instead of returning a list of 'Row's, it returns
-- an 'Integer' indicating the numbers of affected rows. This is typically used
-- for @INSERT@, @UPDATE@ and @DELETE@ queries.
-- TODO: Revert to the implementation below once withTransaction' works as expected.
query' :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [SqlValue] -> m Integer
query' sql bind = withTransaction $ \conn -> do
  stmt <- HDBC.prepare conn sql
  liftIO $ HDBC.execute stmt bind

-- query' below doesn't work that well, due to withTransaction'
{- query' :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [SqlValue] -> m Integer-}
{- query' sql bind = withTransaction' $ do-}
  {- stmt <- prepare sql-}
  {- liftIO $ HDBC.execute stmt bind-}

-- | Run an action inside a transaction. If the action throws an exception, the
-- transaction will be rolled back, and the exception rethrown.
-- > withTransaction' $ \conn -> do ...
withTransaction :: HasHdbc m c s => (c -> IO a) -> m a
withTransaction f = withHdbc (`HDBC.withTransaction` f)

-- | Run an action inside a transaction. If the action throws an exception, the
-- transaction will be rolled back, and the exception rethrown.
-- > withTransaction' $ do
-- >   query "INSERT INTO ..." []
-- >   query "DELETE FROM ..." []
-- TODO: This isn't really working yet... we need something like query'
withTransaction' :: HasHdbc m c s => m a -> m a
withTransaction' action = do
  r <- action `onException` doRollback
  return r
  where  doRollback = rollback `catch` doRollbackHandler
         doRollbackHandler :: MonadCatchIO m => SomeException -> m ()
         doRollbackHandler _ = return ()

-- | The functions provided below are wrappers around the original HDBC
-- functions. Please refer to the HDBC documentation to see what they do and
-- how they work.

disconnect :: HasHdbc m c s => m ()
disconnect = withHdbc HDBC.disconnect

commit :: HasHdbc m c s => m ()
commit = withHdbc HDBC.commit

rollback :: HasHdbc m c s => m ()
rollback = withHdbc HDBC.rollback

runRaw :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> m ()
runRaw str = withHdbc (`HDBC.runRaw` str)

run :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [SqlValue] -> m Integer
run str vs = withHdbc (\conn -> HDBC.run conn str vs)

prepare :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> m Statement
prepare str = withHdbc (`HDBC.prepare` str)

clone :: HasHdbc m c s => m c
clone = withHdbc HDBC.clone

hdbcDriverName :: HasHdbc m c s => m String
hdbcDriverName = withHdbc' HDBC.hdbcDriverName

hdbcClientVer :: HasHdbc m c s => m String
hdbcClientVer = withHdbc' HDBC.hdbcClientVer

proxiedClientName :: HasHdbc m c s => m String
proxiedClientName = withHdbc' HDBC.proxiedClientName

proxiedClientVer :: HasHdbc m c s => m String
proxiedClientVer = withHdbc' HDBC.proxiedClientVer

dbServerVer :: HasHdbc m c s => m String
dbServerVer = withHdbc' HDBC.dbServerVer

dbTransactionSupport :: HasHdbc m c s => m Bool
dbTransactionSupport = withHdbc' HDBC.dbTransactionSupport

getTables :: HasHdbc m c s => m [String]
getTables = withHdbc HDBC.getTables

describeTable :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> m [(String, SqlColDesc)]
describeTable str = withHdbc (`HDBC.describeTable` str)

quickQuery' :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [SqlValue] -> m [[SqlValue]]
quickQuery' str vs = withHdbc (\conn -> HDBC.quickQuery' conn str vs)

quickQuery :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [SqlValue] -> m [[SqlValue]]
quickQuery str vs = withHdbc (\conn -> HDBC.quickQuery conn str vs)

sRun :: HasHdbc m c s => String -> [Maybe String] -> m Integer
sRun str mstrs = withHdbc (\conn -> HDBC.sRun conn str mstrs)