{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Tests ( tests , testsDbInit) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, path) import Database.SQLite.Simple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import App import Snap.Snaplet import Snap.Snaplet.Auth import qualified Snap.Test as ST import Snap.Snaplet.Test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tests :: Test tests = mutuallyExclusive $ testGroup "Snap.Snaplet.SqliteSimple" [ testInitDbEmpty , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testsDbInit :: Test testsDbInit = mutuallyExclusive $ testGroup "Snap.Snaplet.SqliteSimple" [ -- Empty db testInitDbEmpty , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser -- Create empty db with old schema + one user , testInitDbSchema0 , testCreateUserGood , testUpdateUser -- Create empty db, add user in old schema, then access it , testInitDbSchema0WithUser , testUpdateUser ] isRight :: Either a b -> Bool isRight (Left _) = False isRight (Right _) = True dropTables :: Connection -> IO () dropTables conn = do execute_ conn "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS snap_auth_user" execute_ conn "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS snap_auth_user_version" -- Must be the first on the test list for basic database -- initialization (schema creation for snap_auth_user, etc.) testInitDbEmpty :: Test testInitDbEmpty = testCase "snaplet database init" go where go = do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True initSchema0 :: Query initSchema0 = Query $ T.concat [ "CREATE TABLE snap_auth_user (uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," , "login text UNIQUE NOT NULL," , "password text," , "activated_at timestamp,suspended_at timestamp,remember_token text," , "login_count INTEGER NOT NULL,failed_login_count INTEGER NOT NULL," , "locked_out_until timestamp,current_login_at timestamp," , "last_login_at timestamp,current_login_ip text," , "last_login_ip text,created_at timestamp,updated_at timestamp);" ] addFooUserSchema0 :: Query addFooUserSchema0 = "INSERT INTO snap_auth_user VALUES(1,'foo',X'7368613235367C31327C39426E5255534356444B4E6A3553716345774E756E513D3D7C633534506C69614A42314E483562677143494651616732454C75444B684F37745A78655479456C4F6F356F3D',NULL,NULL,'2cc0caf41bd7387150cc1416ac38bccc36e64c11a8945f72298ea366ffa8fc97',0,0,NULL,'2012-11-28 21:59:15.150153','2012-11-28 21:59:15.109848',NULL, NULL, '2012-11-28 21:59:15.052817','2012-11-28 21:59:15.052817');" -- Must be the first on the test list for basic database -- initialization (schema creation for snap_auth_user, etc.) testInitDbSchema0 :: Test testInitDbSchema0 = testCase "init db with schema0" $ do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn execute_ conn initSchema0 close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True -- Initialize db schema to an empty schema0 and add a user 'foo'. The -- expectation is that snaplet initialization needs to do schema -- migration for the tables and rows. testInitDbSchema0WithUser :: Test testInitDbSchema0WithUser = testCase "init + add foo user directly" $ do conn <- open "test.db" dropTables conn execute_ conn initSchema0 execute_ conn addFooUserSchema0 close conn (_, _handler, _doCleanup) <- runSnaplet Nothing appInit assertBool "init ok" True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testCreateUserGood :: Test testCreateUserGood = testCase "createUser good params" assertGoodUser where assertGoodUser :: Assertion assertGoodUser = do let hdl = with auth $ createUser "foo" "foo" res <- evalHandler (ST.get "" M.empty) hdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkUserFields res checkUserFields (Left _) = assertBool "createUser failed: Couldn't create a new user." False checkUserFields (Right u) = do assertEqual "login match" "foo" (userLogin u) assertEqual "login count" 0 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "fail count" 0 (userFailedLoginCount u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) assertEqual "locked until" Nothing (userLockedOutUntil u) assertEqual "empty email" Nothing (userEmail u) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Create a user, modify it, persist it and load again, check fields ok. -- Must run after testCreateUserGood testUpdateUser :: Test testUpdateUser = testCase "createUser + update good params" assertGoodUser where assertGoodUser :: Assertion assertGoodUser = do let loginHdl = with auth $ loginByUsername "foo" (ClearText "foo") True res <- evalHandler (ST.get "" M.empty) loginHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkLoggedInUser res checkLoggedInUser (Left _) = assertBool "failed login" False checkLoggedInUser (Right u) = do assertEqual "login count" 1 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "fail count" 0 (userFailedLoginCount u) assertEqual "locked until" Nothing (userLockedOutUntil u) assertEqual "local host ip" (Just "") (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "no previous login" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) let saveHdl = with auth $ saveUser (u { userLogin = "bar" }) res <- evalHandler (ST.get "" M.empty) saveHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) checkUpdatedUser res checkUpdatedUser (Left _) = assertBool "failed saveUser" False checkUpdatedUser (Right u) = do assertEqual "login rename ok?" "bar" (userLogin u) assertEqual "login count" 1 (userLoginCount u) assertEqual "local host ip" (Just "") (userCurrentLoginIp u) assertEqual "local host ip" Nothing (userLastLoginIp u) let loginHdl = with auth $ loginByUsername "bar" (ClearText "foo") True res <- evalHandler (ST.get "" M.empty) loginHdl appInit either (assertFailure . show) (assertBool "login as 'bar' ok?" . isRight) res