{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Sound.Iteratee.Codecs.Wave (
  -- * Types
  -- ** Internal types
  WaveCodec (..),
  WAVEDE (..),
  -- ** WAVE CHUNK types
  -- * Wave reading Iteratees
  -- ** Basic wave reading
  -- ** WAVE Dictionary reading/processing functions
  -- ** Information on WAVE chunks
  -- * Wave writing files
  -- ** Writing iteratees
  -- ** Primitive wave writing functions

import Prelude as P

import Sound.Iteratee.Codecs.WaveWriter
import Sound.Iteratee.Base
import Sound.Iteratee.Codecs.Common

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V

import           Data.Iteratee as I

import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Word
import Data.Char (ord)

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ()

-- =====================================================
-- WAVE libary code

-- |A WAVE directory is a list associating WAVE chunks with
-- a record WAVEDE
type WAVEDict = IM.IntMap [WAVEDE]

  wavedeCount :: Int, -- ^length of chunk
  wavedeType :: WAVECHUNK, -- ^type of chunk
  wavedeEnum :: WAVEDEENUM -- ^enumerator to get values of chunk

instance Show WAVEDE where
  show a = "Type: " ++ show (wavedeType a) ++ " :: Length: " ++
            show (wavedeCount a)

type MEnumeratorM sfrom sto m a = Iteratee sto m a -> Iteratee sfrom m a
type MEnumeratorM2 sfrom sto m a = Iteratee sto m a
                                   -> Iteratee sfrom m (Iteratee sto m a)

  WENBYTE  (forall a m. (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
              MEnumeratorM (V.Vector Word8) (V.Vector Word8) m a)
  | WENDUB (forall a m. (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
              MEnumeratorM2 (V.Vector Word8) (V.Vector Double) m a)

-- |Standard WAVE Chunks
data WAVECHUNK = WAVEFMT -- ^Format
  | WAVEDATA              -- ^Data
  | WAVEOTHER String      -- ^Other
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Enum WAVECHUNK where
  fromEnum WAVEFMT = 1
  fromEnum WAVEDATA = 2
  fromEnum (WAVEOTHER _) = 3
  toEnum 1 = WAVEFMT
  toEnum 2 = WAVEDATA
  toEnum 3 = WAVEOTHER ""
  toEnum _ = error "Invalid enumeration value"

-- -----------------
-- wave chunk reading/writing functions

-- |Convert a string to WAVECHUNK type
waveChunk :: String -> Maybe WAVECHUNK
waveChunk str
  | str == "fmt " = Just WAVEFMT
  | str == "data" = Just WAVEDATA
  | P.length str == 4 = Just $ WAVEOTHER str
  | otherwise = Nothing

-- |Convert a WAVECHUNK to the representative string
chunkToString :: WAVECHUNK -> String
chunkToString WAVEFMT = "fmt "
chunkToString WAVEDATA = "data"
chunkToString (WAVEOTHER str) = str

-- -----------------

-- |The library function to read the WAVE dictionary
waveReader ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
   Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe WAVEDict)
waveReader = do
  isRiff <- readRiff
  when (not isRiff) $ throwErr . iterStrExc $ "Bad RIFF header: "
  tot_size <- endianRead4 LSB
  isWave <- readRiffWave
  when (not isWave) $ throwErr . iterStrExc $ "Bad WAVE header: "
  chunks_m <- findChunks $ fromIntegral tot_size
  loadDict $ joinMaybe chunks_m

-- |Read the RIFF header of a file.  Returns True if the file is a valid RIFF.
readRiff :: MonadCatchIO m => Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m Bool
readRiff = do
  cnt <- heads . V.fromList $ fmap (fromIntegral . ord) "RIFF"
  case cnt of
    4 -> return True
    _ -> return False

-- | Read the WAVE part of the RIFF header.  Returns True if the file is
--   a valid WAVE, otherwise False.
readRiffWave :: MonadCatchIO m => Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m Bool
readRiffWave = do
  cnt <- heads . V.fromList $ fmap (fromIntegral . ord) "WAVE"
  case cnt of
    4 -> return True
    _ -> return False

-- | An internal function to find all the chunks.  It assumes that the
-- stream is positioned to read the first chunk.
findChunks ::
 MonadCatchIO m =>
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe [(Int, WAVECHUNK, Int)])
findChunks n = findChunks' 12 []
  findChunks' offset acc = do
    mpad <- I.peek
    if (offset `rem` 2 == 1) && (mpad == Just 0)
      then I.drop 1 >> findChunks'2 offset acc
      else findChunks'2 offset acc
  findChunks'2 offset acc = do
    typ <- stringRead4
    count <- endianRead4 LSB
    case waveChunk typ of
      Nothing -> (throwErr . iterStrExc $
        "Bad subchunk descriptor: " ++ show typ)
      Just chk -> let newpos = offset + 8 + count in
        if newpos >= fromIntegral n
          then return . Just . reverse $
               (fromIntegral offset, chk, fromIntegral count) : acc
          else do
            I.seek $ fromIntegral newpos
            findChunks' newpos $
             (fromIntegral offset, chk, fromIntegral count) : acc

loadDict ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  [(Int, WAVECHUNK, Int)]
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe WAVEDict)
loadDict = P.foldl read_entry (return (Just IM.empty))
  read_entry dictM (offset, typ, count) = dictM >>=
    maybe (return Nothing) (\dict -> do
      enum_m <- readValue dict offset typ count
      case (enum_m, IM.lookup (fromEnum typ) dict) of
        (Just enum, Nothing) -> --last entry
          return . Just $ IM.insert (fromEnum typ)
                                    [WAVEDE (fromIntegral count) typ enum] dict
        (Just enum, Just _vals) -> --more entries to come
          return . Just $ IM.update
            (\ls -> Just $ ls ++ [WAVEDE (fromIntegral count) typ enum])
            (fromEnum typ) dict
        (Nothing, _) -> return (Just dict)

readValue ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  -> Int -- ^ Offset
  -> WAVECHUNK -- ^ Chunk type
  -> Int -- ^ Count
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe WAVEDEENUM)
readValue _dict offset _ 0 = throwErr . iterStrExc $
  "Zero count in the entry of chunk at: " ++ show offset

readValue dict offset WAVEDATA count = do
  fmt_m <- dictReadLastFormat dict
  case fmt_m of
    Just fmt ->
      fmt `seq` (return . Just $ WENDUB (\iter_dub -> do
        I.seek (8 + fromIntegral offset)
        let iter = convStream (convFunc fmt) iter_dub
        joinI . takeUpTo count $ iter)
    Nothing -> throwErr . iterStrExc $
      "No valid format for data chunk at: " ++ show offset

-- return the WaveFormat iteratee
readValue _dict offset WAVEFMT count =
  return . Just $ WENBYTE $ \iter -> do
    I.seek (8 + fromIntegral offset)
    joinI $ I.takeUpTo count iter

-- for WAVEOTHER, return Word8s and maybe the user can parse them
readValue _dict offset (WAVEOTHER _str) count =
  return . Just $ WENBYTE $ \iter -> do
    I.seek (8 + fromIntegral offset)
    joinI $ I.takeUpTo count iter

-- |An Iteratee to read a wave format chunk
sWaveFormat :: MonadCatchIO m =>
  Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe AudioFormat)
sWaveFormat = do
  f' <- endianRead2 LSB
  nc <- endianRead2 LSB
  sr <- endianRead4 LSB
  I.drop 6
  bd <- endianRead2 LSB
  if f' == 1
    then return . Just $ AudioFormat (fromIntegral nc)
                                     (fromIntegral sr)
                                     (fromIntegral bd)
    else return Nothing

-- ---------------------
-- functions to assist with reading from the dictionary

-- |Read the first format chunk in the WAVE dictionary.
dictReadFirstFormat ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe AudioFormat)
dictReadFirstFormat dict = case IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEFMT) dict of
  Just [] -> return Nothing
  Just (WAVEDE _ WAVEFMT (WENBYTE enum) : _xs) -> enum sWaveFormat
  _ -> return Nothing

-- |Read the last fromat chunk from the WAVE dictionary.  This is useful
-- when parsing all chunks in the dictionary.
dictReadLastFormat ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe AudioFormat)
dictReadLastFormat dict = case IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEFMT) dict of
  Just [] -> return Nothing
  Just xs -> let (WAVEDE _ WAVEFMT (WENBYTE enum)) = P.last xs
             in enum sWaveFormat
  _ -> return Nothing

-- |Read the specified format chunk from the WAVE dictionary
dictReadFormat ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  Int -- ^ Index in the format chunk list to read
  -> WAVEDict -- ^ Dictionary
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe AudioFormat)
dictReadFormat ix dict = case IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEFMT) dict of
  Just xs -> let (WAVEDE _ WAVEFMT (WENBYTE enum)) = xs !! ix
             in enum sWaveFormat
  _ -> return Nothing

-- |Read the specified data chunk from the dictionary, applying the
-- data to the specified Iteratee.
dictProcessData ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  Int -- ^ Index in the data chunk list to read
  -> WAVEDict -- ^ Dictionary
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Double) m a
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Iteratee (V.Vector Double) m a)
dictProcessData ix dict iter = case IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEDATA) dict of
  Just xs -> let (WAVEDE _ WAVEDATA (WENDUB enum)) = (!!) xs ix
             in (enum iter)
  _ -> error "didn't find requested enumerator in WAVEDict for dictProcessData"

dictProcessData_ ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  Int -- ^ Index in the data chunk list to read
  -> WAVEDict -- ^ Dictionary
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Double) m a
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m (Maybe a)
dictProcessData_ ix dict iter = case IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEDATA) dict of
  Just xs -> let (WAVEDE _ WAVEDATA (WENDUB enum)) = (!!) xs ix
             in fmap Just . joinI . enum $ iter
  _ -> return Nothing

-- | Get the length of data in a dictionary chunk, in bytes.
dictGetLengthBytes :: WAVECHUNK -> -- type of chunk to read
                      Int ->        -- index in the chunk list to read
                      WAVEDict ->   -- dictionary
                      Maybe Integer -- length of chunk in bytes
dictGetLengthBytes wc ix dict = IM.lookup (fromEnum wc) dict >>= \xs ->
  let (WAVEDE off _ _) = (!!) xs ix in Just (fromIntegral off)

-- | Get the length of a data chunk, in samples.
dictGetLengthSamples :: AudioFormat ->
                        Int ->
                        WAVEDict ->
                        Maybe Integer
dictGetLengthSamples af ix dict = IM.lookup (fromEnum WAVEDATA) dict >>= \xs ->
  let (WAVEDE off _ _) = (!!) xs ix in Just (fromIntegral off `div` bd)
  bd = bitDepth af `div` 8

-- ---------------------
-- combination/utility functions

-- |Get the AudioFormat and data length from a file
dictSoundInfo ::
 (MonadCatchIO m, Functor m) =>
  -> Iteratee (V.Vector Word8) m
      (Maybe (AudioFormat, Integer))
dictSoundInfo dict = do
  fmtm <- dictReadFirstFormat dict
  return $ fmtm >>=
           (\fmt -> fmap (\l -> (fmt, l)) $ dictGetLengthSamples fmt 0 dict)