{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

Module      : Data.Snowflake
Description : Unique id generator. Port of Twitter Snowflake.
License     : Apache 2.0
Maintainer  : edofic@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental

This generates unique(guaranteed) identifiers build from time stamp,
counter(inside same millisecond) and node id - if you wish to generate 
ids across several nodes. Identifiers are convertible to `Integer` 
values which are monotonically increasing with respect to time.
module Data.Snowflake 
( SnowflakeConfig(..)
, Snowflake
, SnowflakeGen
, newSnowflakeGen
, nextSnowflake
, defaultConfig
, snowflakeToInteger
) where

import Data.Bits  ((.|.), (.&.), shift, Bits)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)

Configuration that specifies how much bits are used for each part of the id.
There are no limits to total bit sum.
data SnowflakeConfig = SnowflakeConfig { confTimeBits  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                                       , confCountBits :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                                       , confNodeBits  :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
                                       } deriving (Eq, Show)

-- |Default configuration using 40 bits for time, 16 for count and 8 for node id.
defaultConfig :: SnowflakeConfig
defaultConfig = SnowflakeConfig 40 16 8

-- |Generator which contains needed state. You should use `newSnowflakeGen` to create instances.
newtype SnowflakeGen = SnowflakeGen { genLastSnowflake :: MVar Snowflake } 

-- |Generated identifier. Can be converted to `Integer`.
data Snowflake = Snowflake { snowflakeTime  :: !Integer
                           , snowflakeCount :: !Integer
                           , snowflakeNode  :: !Integer
                           , snowflakeConf  :: !SnowflakeConfig
                           } deriving (Eq)

-- |Converts an identifier to an integer with respect to configuration used to generate it.
snowflakeToInteger :: Snowflake -> Integer
snowflakeToInteger (Snowflake time count node config) = let
  SnowflakeConfig _ countBits nodeBits = config
    (time `shift` (countBits + nodeBits))
    (count `shift` nodeBits)

instance Show Snowflake where
  show = show . snowflakeToInteger

cutBits :: (Num a, Bits a) => a -> Int -> a
cutBits n bits = n .&. ((1 `shift` bits) - 1)

currentTimestamp :: IO Integer
currentTimestamp = (round . (*1000)) `fmap` getPOSIXTime 

currentTimestampFixed :: Int -> IO Integer
currentTimestampFixed n = fmap (`cutBits` n) currentTimestamp

-- |Create a new generator. Takes a configuration and node id.
newSnowflakeGen ::  SnowflakeConfig -> Integer -> IO SnowflakeGen
newSnowflakeGen conf@(SnowflakeConfig timeBits _ nodeBits) nodeIdRaw = do
  timestamp <- currentTimestampFixed timeBits
  let nodeId    = nodeIdRaw `cutBits` nodeBits 
      initial    = Snowflake timestamp 0 nodeId conf
  mvar <- newMVar initial
  return $ SnowflakeGen mvar

-- |Generates next id. The bread and butter. See module description for details.
nextSnowflake :: SnowflakeGen -> IO Snowflake
nextSnowflake (SnowflakeGen lastRef) = do
  Snowflake lastTime lastCount node conf <- takeMVar lastRef
  let SnowflakeConfig timeBits countBits _ = conf
      getNextTime = do
        time <- currentTimestampFixed timeBits
        if (lastTime > time) then do
          threadDelay $ fromInteger $ (lastTime - time) * 1000
          return time
      loop = do
        timestamp <- getNextTime
        let count = if timestamp == lastTime then lastCount + 1 else 0
        if ((count `shift` (-1 * countBits)) /= 0) then 
          return $ Snowflake timestamp count node conf
  new <- loop          
  putMVar lastRef new
  return new