{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Web.SocketIO.Server
    (   server
    ,   serverConfig
    ,   defaultConfig
    ) where

import              Web.SocketIO.Types
import              Web.SocketIO.Connection
import              Web.SocketIO.Request

import              Control.Concurrent.Chan
import              Control.Concurrent              (forkIO)
import              Control.Monad                   (forever)
import              Control.Monad.Trans             (liftIO)
import              Network.HTTP.Types              (status200)
import qualified    Network.Wai                     as Wai
import qualified    Network.Wai.Handler.Warp        as Warp

-- | Run a socket.io application, build on top of Warp.
server :: Port -> HandlerM () -> IO ()
server p h = serverConfig p defaultConfig h

-- | Run a socket.io application with configurations applied.
serverConfig :: Port -> Configuration -> HandlerM () -> IO ()
serverConfig port config handler = do

    tableRef <- newSessionTable

    stdout <- newChan :: IO (Chan String)

    globalChannel <- newChan :: IO (Buffer)

    forkIO . forever $ do
        readChan stdout >>= putStrLn 

    let env = Env tableRef handler config stdout globalChannel

    Warp.run port (httpApp (runConnection env))

httpApp :: (Request -> IO Text) -> Wai.Application
httpApp runConnection' httpRequest = liftIO $ do
    req <- processHTTPRequest httpRequest
    response <- runConnection' req
    text response

-- | Default configurations to be overridden.
        -- > defaultConfig :: Configuration
        -- > defaultConfig = Configuration
        -- >    {   transports = [XHRPolling]
        -- >    ,   logLevel = 3                
        -- >    ,   closeTimeout = 60
        -- >    ,   pollingDuration = 20
        -- >    ,   heartbeats = True
        -- >    ,   heartbeatTimeout = 60
        -- >    ,   heartbeatInterval = 25
        -- >    }
defaultConfig :: Configuration
defaultConfig = Configuration
    {   transports = [XHRPolling]
    ,   logLevel = 3
    ,   heartbeats = True
    ,   closeTimeout = 60
    ,   heartbeatTimeout = 60
    ,   heartbeatInterval = 25
    ,   pollingDuration = 20

text :: Monad m => Text -> m Wai.Response
text = return . Wai.responseLBS status200 header . fromText
            header = [
                ("Content-Type", "text/plain"),
                ("Connection", "keep-alive"),
                ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true"),
                ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "http://localhost:3000") 