cabal-version: 3.0 name: sockets-and-pipes version: 0.3 x-revision: 3 synopsis: Support for the Sockets and Pipes book category: HTTP, Network, Streaming, Text license: Apache-2.0 license-file: license.txt author: Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki maintainer: Joy of Haskell build-type: Simple description: This package re-exports from all the libraries mentioned in /Sockets and Pipes/ (available on ). Please read the "SocketsAndPipes.Syllabus". This release is for the sixth draft of the book, released September 2022. source-repository head type: git location: git:// library default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: NoImplicitPrelude ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: SocketsAndPipes.Syllabus build-depends: ascii ^>= 1.5 reexported-modules: ASCII, ASCII.Char, ASCII.Decimal build-depends: aeson ^>= 2.0 reexported-modules: Data.Aeson, Data.Aeson.Key, Data.Aeson.KeyMap build-depends: async ^>= 2.2.2 reexported-modules: Control.Concurrent.Async build-depends: attoparsec ^>= 0.13 || ^>= 0.14 reexported-modules: Data.Attoparsec.ByteString build-depends: base ^>= 4.14 || ^>= 4.15 || ^>= 4.16 reexported-modules: Control.Concurrent, Control.Monad, Data.Char, Prelude, System.IO build-depends: blaze-html ^>= 0.9 reexported-modules: Text.Blaze.Html, Text.Blaze.Html5, Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes, Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 build-depends: bytestring ^>= 0.10 || ^>= 0.11 reexported-modules: Data.ByteString, Data.ByteString.Builder, Data.ByteString.Char8, Data.ByteString.Lazy build-depends: containers ^>= reexported-modules: Data.Map.Strict build-depends: directory ^>= 1.3.6 reexported-modules: System.Directory build-depends: filepath ^>= 1.4 reexported-modules: System.FilePath build-depends: list-transformer ^>= 1.0.7 reexported-modules: List.Transformer build-depends: network ^>= 3.1.2 reexported-modules: Network.Socket, Network.Socket.ByteString, build-depends: network-simple ^>= 0.4.2 reexported-modules: Network.Simple.TCP build-depends: relude ^>= 1.0 || ^>= 1.1 reexported-modules: Relude build-depends: resourcet ^>= 1.2.4 reexported-modules: Control.Monad.Trans.Resource build-depends: safe-exceptions ^>= reexported-modules: Control.Exception.Safe build-depends: stm ^>= 2.5 reexported-modules: Control.Concurrent.STM, Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar, Control.Monad.STM build-depends: text ^>= reexported-modules: Data.Text, Data.Text.Encoding, Data.Text.IO reexported-modules: Data.Text.Lazy, Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding, Data.Text.Lazy.IO reexported-modules: Data.Text.Lazy.Builder, Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int build-depends: time ^>= 1.10 || ^>= 1.11 || ^>= 1.12 reexported-modules: Data.Time build-depends: unfork ^>= 1.0 reexported-modules: Unfork