# 1.0.5 - Add EqP and OrdP classes. These are strong versions of Eq1 and Ord1, and on the other hand weaker versions of `GEq` and `GCompare`. They are exactly what's needed for `Eq` and `Ord` instances of `Some`. The naming is unfortunate: `GShow` would be better named `ShowP`, as it's similar version of `Show1`. Note: we could add `ReadP` with `readsPrecP :: Int -> ReadS (t a)` method, but it will barely have any instances. `GRead` is different, as it can reify the type index for many types, e.g. for the singletons. In some future there will be major version of `some` with following breaking changes: - `EqP` and `OrdP` will become superclasses of `GEq` and `GCompare` - `Eq (Some t)` will require `EqP t`, similarly for `Ord` and `OrdP`. - `GShow` will get `forall a. Show (f a)` superclass. (This will cause removal of `Product` and `Sum` instances for `base <4.18`). To ease future transition you may - Define `EqP` and `OrdP` instances for your types. The `defaultEq` and `defaultCompare` methods can be used to define `eqp` and `comparep` from `GEq` and `GCompare` instances respectively. - Move to use `GHC.Generics.:*:` and `:+:` instead of `Data.Functor.Product` and `Sum`, as these have better `Eq` and `Ord` instances. # - Drop support for GHC before 8.6 # 1.0.4 - Add instances for `(:~~:)` - Add instances for `:+:` and `:*:` - Add `defaultGeq :: GCompare f => f a -> f b -> Maybe (a :~: b)` - Add `defaultGshowsPrec :: Show (t a) => Int -> t a -> ShowS` # 1.0.3 - Make `GNFData` PolyKinded. - Add `GNFData ((:~:) a)` and `GNFData TypeRep` instances # 1.0.2 - Explicitly mark `Data.Some` as `Safe`. It was previously inferred, yet it was Safe too, as it only re-exports other explicitly marked modules. - Allow `base-4.15`, GHC-9.0 compatibility # 1.0.1 - Add 'withSomeM' combinator. Allows to workaround: https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/15681 # - One less `unsafeCoerce` (thanks to David Feuer) # - Broken release # - Fix issue with GHC#9585 https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/9584 # 1 - Split out of `dependent-sum` - Have `GADT`, `Newtype`, `Church` variants - Add `NFData` instance