{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Database.Sophia
  ( withEnv
    , CreateEnvFailed(..), SetKeyComparisonFailed(..)
    , Env

  , IOMode(..), AllowCreation(..)
  , openDir , OpenDirFailed(..)
  , withDb  , OpenDbFailed(..)
    , Db
  , hasValue, HasValueFailed(..)
  , getValue, GetValueFailed(..)
  , setValue, SetValueFailed(..)
  , delValue, DelValueFailed(..)

  , Order(..)
  , withCursor
    , CreateCursorFailed(..)
    , Cursor

  , fetchCursor, FetchCursorFailed(..)
  , keyAtCursor, valAtCursor, AtCursorFailed(..)

  -- Convenience wrapper:
  , fetchCursorAll
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (Ordering(..))

import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (void, when)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, packCStringLen)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Database.Sophia.Types
import Foreign.C.String (withCString, peekCString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt, CUInt, CSize(..), CChar)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, free)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr, nullPtr, castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import qualified Bindings.Sophia as S
import qualified Control.Exception as E

throwErrorIf ::
  E.Exception exc => S.Handle -> (a -> Bool) -> (String -> exc) -> IO a -> IO a
throwErrorIf h isErr mkErr action = do
  res <- action
  if isErr res
    then E.throwIO . mkErr =<< peekCString =<< S.unsafe'c'sp_error h
    else return res

throwErrorIfNeg ::
  E.Exception exc =>
  S.Handle -> (String -> exc) -> IO CInt -> IO CInt
throwErrorIfNeg h mkErr act = throwErrorIf h (< 0) mkErr act

throwErrorIfNotZero ::
  E.Exception exc =>
  S.Handle -> (String -> exc) -> IO CInt -> IO ()
throwErrorIfNotZero h mkErr act = void $ throwErrorIf h (/= 0) mkErr act

throwErrorIfNull ::
  E.Exception exc =>
  S.Handle -> (String -> exc) -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a)
throwErrorIfNull h mkErr = throwErrorIf h (nullPtr ==) mkErr

-- Likely indicates a memory allocation failure:
data CreateEnvFailed = CreateEnvFailed deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception CreateEnvFailed

data SetKeyComparisonFailed = SetKeyComparisonFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception SetKeyComparisonFailed

foreign import ccall "lexical_cmp.h &sp_compare_lexicographically"
   sp_compare_lexicographically :: FunPtr (Ptr CChar -> CSize -> Ptr CChar -> CSize -> Ptr () -> IO CInt)

withEnv :: (Env -> IO a) -> IO a
withEnv = E.bracket mkEnv destroyEnv
    mkEnv = do
      envPtr <- S.unsafe'c'sp_env
      when (envPtr == nullPtr) $
        E.throwIO $ CreateEnvFailed
      throwErrorIfNotZero envPtr SetKeyComparisonFailed
        (S.unsafe'c'sp_set_key_comparison envPtr sp_compare_lexicographically nullPtr)
      return $ Env envPtr
    destroyEnv (Env cEnv) = S.unsafe'c'sp_destroy cEnv

data IOMode = ReadOnly | ReadWrite
data AllowCreation = AllowCreation | DisallowCreation

ioModeFlags :: IOMode -> S.Flags
ioModeFlags ReadOnly = S.c'SPO_RDONLY
ioModeFlags ReadWrite = S.c'SPO_RDWR

allowCreationFlags :: AllowCreation -> S.Flags
allowCreationFlags AllowCreation = S.c'SPO_CREAT
allowCreationFlags DisallowCreation = 0

data OpenDirFailed = OpenDirFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception OpenDirFailed

openDir :: Env -> IOMode -> AllowCreation -> FilePath -> IO ()
openDir (Env cEnv) ioMode allowCreation path =
  withCString path $ \cPath ->
  throwErrorIfNotZero cEnv OpenDirFailed $ S.unsafe'c'sp_dir cEnv flags cPath
    flags = ioModeFlags ioMode .|. allowCreationFlags allowCreation

data OpenDbFailed = OpenDbFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception OpenDbFailed

withDb :: Env -> (Db -> IO a) -> IO a
withDb (Env cEnv) =
  E.bracket mkDb destroyDb
    destroyDb (Db cDb) = S.unsafe'c'sp_destroy cDb
    mkDb = Db <$> throwErrorIfNull cEnv OpenDbFailed (S.unsafe'c'sp_open cEnv)

data HasValueFailed = HasValueFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception HasValueFailed

withByteString :: ByteString -> ((S.Key, CSize) -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteString bs f =
  unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
  f (castPtr cKey, fromIntegral keyLen)

hasValue :: Db -> ByteString -> IO Bool
hasValue (Db cDb) key =
  withByteString key $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
    res <-
      throwErrorIfNeg cDb HasValueFailed $
      S.unsafe'c'sp_get cDb cKey keyLen nullPtr nullPtr
    return $ res /= 0

data GetValueFailed = GetValueFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception GetValueFailed

getValue :: Db -> ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
getValue (Db cDb) key =
  withByteString key $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
  alloca $ \cPtrPtr ->
  alloca $ \cLenPtr ->
    res <-
      throwErrorIfNeg cDb GetValueFailed $
      S.unsafe'c'sp_get cDb cKey  keyLen cPtrPtr cLenPtr
    if res == 0
      then return Nothing
      else Just <$> do
        cPtr <- peek cPtrPtr
        cLen <- peek cLenPtr
        packCStringLen (castPtr cPtr, fromIntegral cLen) <* free cPtr

data SetValueFailed = SetValueFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception SetValueFailed

setValue :: Db -> ByteString -> ByteString -> IO ()
setValue (Db cDb) key val =
  withByteString key $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
  withByteString val $ \(cVal, valLen) ->
  throwErrorIfNotZero cDb SetValueFailed $
  S.unsafe'c'sp_set cDb cKey keyLen cVal valLen

data DelValueFailed = DelValueFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception DelValueFailed

delValue :: Db -> ByteString -> IO ()
delValue (Db cDb) key =
  withByteString key $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
  throwErrorIfNotZero cDb DelValueFailed $
  S.unsafe'c'sp_delete cDb cKey keyLen

data Order = GT | GTE | LT | LTE

data CreateCursorFailed = CreateCursorFailed String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception CreateCursorFailed

cOrder :: Order -> CUInt
cOrder GT  = S.c'SPGT
cOrder LT  = S.c'SPLT
cOrder GTE = S.c'SPGTE
cOrder LTE = S.c'SPLTE

withCursor :: Db -> Order -> ByteString -> (Cursor -> IO a) -> IO a
withCursor (Db cDb) order key act =
  withByteString key $ \(cKey, keyLen) ->
    mkCursor =
      fmap Cursor .
      throwErrorIfNull cDb CreateCursorFailed $
      S.unsafe'c'sp_cursor cDb (cOrder order) cKey keyLen
    delCursor (Cursor cursorPtr) =
      S.unsafe'c'sp_destroy cursorPtr
  in E.bracket mkCursor delCursor act

data FetchCursorFailed = FetchCursorFailed deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception FetchCursorFailed

fetchCursor :: Cursor -> IO Bool
fetchCursor (Cursor cCursor) = do
  res <- S.unsafe'c'sp_fetch cCursor
  -- Docs say fetch can't fail, and it doesn't fill error str, but
  -- it does return -1 in some cases (without err str)
  when (res < 0) $ E.throwIO FetchCursorFailed
  return (res /= 0)

data AtCursorFailed = AtCursorFailed deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception AtCursorFailed

atCursor ::
  (S.Cursor -> IO (Ptr ())) ->
  (S.Cursor -> IO CSize) ->
  Cursor -> IO ByteString
atCursor cGetStr cGetLen (Cursor cCursor) = do
  cKey <- cGetStr cCursor
  keyLen <- cGetLen cCursor
  when (nullPtr == cKey  ) $ E.throwIO AtCursorFailed
  when (0       == keyLen) $ E.throwIO AtCursorFailed
  -- Must use O(N) copy here? Not sure what the memory semantics of
  -- sp_cursor/sp_fetch/sp_key/sp_destroy are, so for now the answer
  -- is STAY SAFE:
  packCStringLen (castPtr cKey, fromIntegral keyLen)

keyAtCursor :: Cursor -> IO ByteString
keyAtCursor = atCursor S.unsafe'c'sp_key S.unsafe'c'sp_keysize

valAtCursor :: Cursor -> IO ByteString
valAtCursor = atCursor S.unsafe'c'sp_value S.unsafe'c'sp_valuesize

fetchCursorAll :: Cursor -> IO [(ByteString, ByteString)]
fetchCursorAll cursor = do
  more <- fetchCursor cursor
  if more
    then do
      pair <- (,) <$> keyAtCursor cursor <*> valAtCursor cursor
      rest <- fetchCursorAll cursor
      return $ pair : rest
      return []