module Control.Concurrent.Spawn
  ( -- * Spawn 

    -- * Spawn with @'try'@
  , Result
  , spawnTry
    -- * Limiting concurrency
  , pool ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception

-- | Two ways a computation of type @'IO' a@ can end.
type Result a = Either SomeException a

-- | Spawn a concurrent computation.  Produces an action which
-- demands a @'Result'@.
spawnTry :: IO a -> IO (IO (Result a))
spawnTry m = do
  v <- newEmptyMVar
  -- block async exns, then unblock inside 'try' unless parent was blocked
  -- avoids dropping an exception
  b <- blocked
  _ <- block $ forkIO (try (if b then m else unblock m) >>= putMVar v)
  return (readMVar v)

-- | Spawn a concurrent computation.  Produces an action which
-- demands the result.  Any exception from the original computation
-- is re-thrown when and where the result is demanded.
spawn :: IO a -> IO (IO a)
spawn m = do
  r <- spawnTry m
  return (r >>= either throwIO return)

-- | Given /n/, produces a function to wrap @'IO'@ actions.
-- No more than /n/ wrapped actions will be in progress at
-- one time.
pool :: Int -> IO (IO a -> IO a)
pool n = do
  s <- newQSem n
  return $ bracket_ (waitQSem s) (signalQSem s)