Changelog for Speculate ======================= v0.4.16 (February 2024) ----------------------- * no changes in API * fix compatibility with [express] >= v1.0.16 * bump [LeanCheck] requirement to >= 1.0.0 * improve tests of Speculate itself * add release dates on this changelog v0.4.14 (September 2021) ------------------------ * `Test.Speculate.Reason`: add `doubleCheck`; * add `lowtests` benchmark; * bump [express] requirement to v1.0.0; * fix parallel compilation when using the Makefile. v0.4.12 (July 2021) ------------------- * bump [express] requirement to v0.2.0 * add this changelog v0.4.10 (June 2021) ------------------- * no changes in the actual [Speculate] library * cleanup build files * remove uneeded typeable derivations on examples and tests v0.4.8 (June 2021) ------------------ * no changes in the actual [Speculate] library * refactor build scripts * use GitHub Workflows as the CI * fix compilation of some examples under the new [LeanCheck] v0.4.6 (April 2021) ------------------- * [`Test.Speculate`]: export `reifyName`; * "internal" modules: - `Test.Speculate.Args`: remove `compareExpr`; - `Test.Speculate.Engine`: add three new wrappers for "theory and representatives"; - `Test.Speculate.Expr.Core`: rename functions to `compareLexicographicallyBy` and `compareComplexityThenIndex`; - `Test.Speculate.Function`: add `Function.A10` and `A100` and `A1000`; - `Test.Speculate.Reason`: export `isRootNormal` and `isRootNormalE`; * add trilean benchmark; * improve order tests. Earlier versions ---------------- Please refer to the [git commit history]. [git commit history]: [Speculate]: [`Test.Speculate`]: [LeanCheck]: [express]: