speculation =========== This package provides speculative evaluation primitives for Haskell, very loosely based on the paper "Safe Programmable Speculative Parallelism" by Prabhu, Ramalingam, and Vaswani. ## Combinators ### speculative function application #### spec spec :: Eq a => a -> (a -> b) -> a -> b `spec g f a` evaluates `f g` while forcing `a`, if `g == a` then `f g` is returned. Otherwise `f a` is evaluated. Furthermore, if the argument has already been evaluated, we avoid sparking the parallel computation at all. If `g` is a good guess at the value of `a`, this is one way to induce parallelism in an otherwise sequential task. However, if `g` isn\'t available more cheaply than `a`, then this saves no work, and if `g` is wrong, you risk evaluating the function twice. spec a f a = f $! a The best-case timeline looks like: [---- f g ----] [----- a -----] [-- spec g f a --] The worst-case timeline looks like: [---- f g ----] [----- a -----] [---- f a ----] [------- spec g f a -----------] Compare these to the timeline of @f $! a@: [---- a -----] [---- f a ----] #### specSTM `specSTM` provides a similar compressed timeline for speculated STM actions, but also rolls back side-effects. ### folds A number of speculative folds are also provided. These take an extra argument which is a function that guesses the result of of the fold up to a given point. #### specFoldr specFoldr :: (Foldable f, Eq b) => (Int -> b) -> (a -> b -> b) -> b -> f a -> b Given a valid estimator `g`, `'specFoldr g f z xs` yields the same answer as `foldr' f z xs`. `g n` should supply an estimate of the value returned from folding over the /last/ `n` elements of the container. As with `spec`, if the guess `g n` is accurate a reasonable percentage of the time and faster to compute than the fold, then this can provide increased opportunities for parallelism. #### specFoldl specFoldl :: (Foldable f, Eq b) => (Int -> b) -> (b -> a -> b) -> b -> f a -> b `specFoldl` works similarly to `foldl'`, except that `g n` should provide an estimate for the /first/ `n` elements.