-- The following functions are not yet implemented: -- setFilterFloatRange, setGeoAnchor -- resetFilters, resetGroupBy -- updateAttributes, -- buildKeyWords, escapeString, status, open, close module Text.Search.Sphinx ( module Text.Search.Sphinx , Configuration(..), defaultConfig ) where import qualified Text.Search.Sphinx.Types as T ( VerCommand(VcSearch, VcExcerpt), SearchdCommand(ScSearch, ScExcerpt), Filter, Filter(..), fromEnumFilter, Filter(..), QueryStatus(..), toStatus, Status(..), SearchResult, Result(..), QueryResult(..)) import Text.Search.Sphinx.Configuration (Configuration(..), defaultConfig) import qualified Text.Search.Sphinx.ExcerptConfiguration as ExConf (ExcerptConfiguration(..)) import Text.Search.Sphinx.Get (times, getResult, readHeader, getStr) import Text.Search.Sphinx.Put (num, num64, enum, list, numC, strC, numC64, stringIntList, str, cmd, verCmd) import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut) import Data.Binary.Get (runGet, getWord32be) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS (ByteString, length, hGet, hPut, tail, append) import Data.Int (Int64) import Network (connectTo, PortID(PortNumber)) import IO (Handle, hFlush) import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Prelude hiding (filter, tail) {- the funnest way to debug this is to run the same query with an existing working client and look at the difference - sudo tcpflow -i lo dst port 9306 -} import Debug.Trace; debug a = trace (show a) a {- weren't working properly, should try out on latest version now setFilter :: Configuration -> String -> [Int64] -> Bool -> Configuration setFilter cfg attr values exclude = let f = (T.FilterValues attr values) in addFilter cfg (if exclude then T.ExclusionFilter f else f) setFilterRange :: Configuration -> String -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Bool -> Configuration setFilterRange cfg attr min max exclude = let f = (T.FilterRange attr min max) in addFilter cfg (if exclude then T.ExclusionFilter f else f) --setFilterFloatRange :: Configuration -> String -> Float -> Float -> Bool -> Configuration --setFilterFloatRange cfg attr min max exclude = --let f = (T.FilterFloatRange attr min max) --in addFilter cfg (if exclude then T.ExclusionFilter f else f) -- | alternative interface to setFilter* using Filter constructors addFilter :: Configuration -> T.Filter -> Configuration addFilter cfg filter = cfg { filters = filter : (filters cfg) } -} -- | The 'query' function runs a single query against the Sphinx daemon. query :: Configuration -- ^ The configuration -> String -- ^ The indexes, "*" means every index -> String -- ^ The query string -> IO (T.Result T.SearchResult) -- ^ just one search result back query config indexes s = do conn <- connect (host config) (port config) let q = addQuery config s indexes "" results <- runQueries conn [q] 1 return $ case results of T.Ok rs -> case head rs of -- there is just 1 result T.QueryOk result -> T.Ok result T.QueryWarning w result -> T.Warning w result T.QueryError code e -> T.Error code e T.Error code error -> T.Error code error T.Retry retry -> T.Retry retry T.Warning warning (result:results) -> case result of T.QueryOk result -> T.Warning warning result T.QueryWarning w result -> T.Warning (BS.append warning w) result T.QueryError code e -> T.Error code e connect :: String -> Int -> IO Handle connect host port = do connection <- connectTo host (PortNumber $ fromIntegral $ port) bs <- BS.hGet connection 4 let version = runGet getWord32be bs myVersion = runPut (num 1) BS.hPut connection myVersion return connection -- | TODO: add configuration options buildExcerpts :: ExConf.ExcerptConfiguration -- ^ Contains host and port for connection and optional configuration for buildExcerpts -> [String] -- ^ list of document contents to be highlighted -> String -- ^ The indexes, "*" means every index -> String -- ^ The query string to use for excerpts -> IO (T.Result [BS.ByteString]) -- ^ the documents with excerpts highlighted buildExcerpts config docs indexes words = do conn <- connect (ExConf.host config) (ExConf.port config) let req = runPut $ makeBuildExcerpt addExcerpt BS.hPut conn req hFlush conn (status, response) <- getResponse conn case status of T.OK -> return $ T.Ok (getResults response) T.WARNING -> return $ T.Warning (runGet getStr response) (getResults response) T.RETRY -> return $ T.Retry (errorMessage response) T.ERROR n -> return $ T.Error n (errorMessage response) where getResults response = runGet ((length docs) `times` getStr) response errorMessage response = BS.tail (BS.tail (BS.tail (BS.tail response))) makeBuildExcerpt putExcerpt = do cmd T.ScExcerpt verCmd T.VcExcerpt num $ fromEnum $ BS.length (runPut putExcerpt) putExcerpt addExcerpt :: Put addExcerpt = do num 0 -- mode num $ excerptFlags config str indexes str words strC config [ExConf.beforeMatch, ExConf.afterMatch, ExConf.chunkSeparator] numC config [ExConf.limit, ExConf.around, ExConf.limitPassages, ExConf.limitWords, ExConf.startPassageId] str $ ExConf.htmlStripMode config list str docs modeFlag :: ExConf.ExcerptConfiguration -> (ExConf.ExcerptConfiguration -> Bool) -> Int -> Int modeFlag cfg setting value = if setting cfg then value else 0 excerptFlags :: ExConf.ExcerptConfiguration -> Int excerptFlags cfg = foldl (.|.) 1 (map (\(s,v) -> modeFlag cfg s v) [ (ExConf.exactPhrase, 2 ) , (ExConf.singlePassage, 4 ) , (ExConf.useBoundaries, 8 ) , (ExConf.weightOrder, 16 ) , (ExConf.queryMode, 32 ) , (ExConf.forceAllWords, 64 ) , (ExConf.loadFiles, 128 ) , (ExConf.allowEmpty, 256 ) ]) -- | right now this is just a lower leve method used by the query method -- | eventually it will be its own entry point that can run multiple queries by using addQuery -- | right now it just runs the first query and ignores the rest runQueries :: Handle -> [Put] -> Int -> IO (T.Result [T.QueryResult]) runQueries conn qs numQueries = do let nQueries = 1 let req = runPut $ makeRunQuery (head qs) nQueries BS.hPut conn req hFlush conn getSearchResult conn nQueries where makeRunQuery query n = do cmd T.ScSearch verCmd T.VcSearch num $ fromEnum $ BS.length (runPut query) + 4 num n query getSearchResult :: Handle -> Int -> IO (T.Result [T.QueryResult]) getSearchResult conn numResults = do (status, response) <- getResponse conn case status of T.OK -> return $ T.Ok (getResults response) T.WARNING -> return $ T.Warning (runGet getStr response) (getResults response) T.RETRY -> return $ T.Retry (errorMessage response) T.ERROR n -> return $ T.Error n (errorMessage response) where getResults response = runGet (numResults `times` getResult) response errorMessage response = BS.tail (BS.tail (BS.tail (BS.tail response))) getResponse :: Handle -> IO (T.Status, BS.ByteString) getResponse conn = do header <- BS.hGet conn 8 let (status, version, len) = readHeader header if len == 0 then error "received zero-sized searchd response (bad query?)" else return () response <- BS.hGet conn (fromIntegral len) return (status, response) -- | right now this is just a lower level method used by the query method -- | when runQueries works properly this is used to run batched queries addQuery :: Configuration -> String -> String -> String -> Put addQuery cfg query indexes comment = do numC cfg [ offset , limit , fromEnum . mode , fromEnum . ranker , fromEnum . sort] str (sortBy cfg) str query list num (weights cfg) str indexes num 1 -- id64 range marker numC64 cfg [minId, maxId] -- id64 range list putFilter (filters cfg) enum (groupByFunc cfg) str (groupBy cfg) num (maxMatches cfg) str (groupSort cfg) num (cutoff cfg) num (retryCount cfg) num (retryDelay cfg) str (groupDistinct cfg) num 0 -- anchor point for setGeoAnchor stringIntList (indexWeights cfg) num (maxQueryTime cfg) stringIntList (fieldWeights cfg) str comment num 0 -- attribute overrides (none) str (selectClause cfg) -- select-list where {- Not working properly -} putFilter :: T.Filter -> Put putFilter (T.ExclusionFilter filter) = putFilter_ filter True putFilter filter = putFilter_ filter False putFilter_ f@(T.FilterValues attr values) ex = putFilter__ f attr (list num64) [values] ex putFilter_ f@(T.FilterRange attr min max) ex = putFilter__ f attr num64 [min, max] ex putFilter__ filter attr puter values exclude = do str (debug attr) num $ (debug $ T.fromEnumFilter filter) mapM_ puter (debug values) num $ (debug $ fromEnum exclude)