name: splines version: 0.1 stability: provisional cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple author: James Cook maintainer: James Cook license: PublicDomain category: Graphics, Numerical, Math synopsis: B-Splines, other splines, and NURBS. description: This is a fairly simple implementation of a general-purpose spline library, just to get the code out there. Its interface is still mildly unstable and may change (hopefully not drastically) as new needs or better style ideas come up. Patches, suggestions and/or feature requests are welcome. source-repository head type: darcs location: Library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Math.Spline Math.Spline.BezierCurve Math.Spline.BSpline Math.Spline.Class Math.Spline.ISpline Math.Spline.Knots Math.Spline.MSpline Math.NURBS other-modules: Math.Spline.BSpline.Internal build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, containers, vector-space