Readme for spy-0.4


Spy is a compact file system watcher for Mac OS X using the File System Events API via hfsevents.


Spy expects a single argument, the directory or a single file to watch. Spy currently supports two different modes: watch and run mode.

Watch mode

In output mode Spy will print the path to a modified file to STDOUT (followed by a newline) whenever a file modification (new file added, file modified, file deleted) occurs.

$> spy watch .

Because watch is the default mode you can omit the watch command if you want:

$> spy .

It's possible to watch a single file (this obviously only shows changes to that particular file):

$> spy /path/to/file

The default format is the full path to the modified file followed by a newline. To make it easier to parse the output, the --format=json changes the output to be printed formatted as a JSON object (again followed by a newline).

$> spy watch --format=json .
{"path": "path/to/modified/file", "flags": ["ItemModified"], "id": 123143234}

For directories the following options apply:

An optional second argument can be used to filter the files in the given directory using a glob pattern:

$> spy watch /path/to/directory "*.md"

Run mode

In run mode Spy will execute a given command whenever a file modification occurs without printing modifications to stdout. The command will be executed with the path to the modified file as the last argument.

$> spy run "./"

In the example above the shell script would be executed with the path to the modified file as the first argument.

If the command to be executed does not expect any (additional) arguments the --notify-only flag can be used. This will cause spy to execute the command without passing the path as an argument:

$> spy run --notify-only "rake test" .


Spy only works on Mac OS X >= 10.7 (Lion and above)!

Binary distribution

The binary distribution contains a 64bit binary compiled for Mac OS X > 10.7.

Download the tarball and run "make install" to copy the binary and the man page into the correct target directories:

$> curl -OL
$> tar xfz spy-osx-x86_64-v0.4.tar.gz
$> cd spy
$> make install

The user manual should now be available via man spy and the spy executable should be on your $PATH.

Source distribution

To install spy from source you need the Haskell platform installed and cabal-install available on your $PATH:

$> cabal install --only-dependencies
$> cabal configure
$> cabal build

This will create the spy binary in the ./dist/build/spy directory.

To copy the spy binary to the cabal bin directory (which should be available on your PATH) use:

$> cabal copy