# sqsd-local A local version of `sqsd`, the daemon that runs in Elastic Beanstalk's _Worker Environments_. **Current limitations:** * Only supports `application/json` content type. * Local SQS endpoint (host/port) is hardcoded. Only tested with ElasticMQ. ## Usage ```bash sqsd-local http://localhost:8080 my-worker-queue-name my-deadletter-queue-name ``` ## Install/Build Requirements: * [Stack](https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) * The `stack path --bin-path` on your `PATH` **Install from Hackage:** ```bash stack install sqsd-local ``` **Install from source:** ```bash git clone git@github.com:owickstrom/sqsd-local.git cd sqsd-local stack setup stack install ``` ## License [Mozilla Public License Version 2.0](LICENSE)