{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- | The general Stack configuration that starts everything off. This should -- be smart to falback if there is no stack.yaml, instead relying on -- whatever files are available. -- -- If there is no stack.yaml, and there is a cabal.config, we -- read in those constraints, and if there's a cabal.sandbox.config, -- we read any constraints from there and also find the package -- database from there, etc. And if there's nothing, we should -- probably default to behaving like cabal, possibly with spitting out -- a warning that "you should run `stk init` to make things better". module Stack.Config ( configOptsParser , loadConfig ) where import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent (getNumCapabilities) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Logger hiding (Loc) import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256 import Data.Aeson.Extended import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8) import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Distribution.System (OS (Windows), Platform (..), buildPlatform) import qualified Distribution.Text import Distribution.Version (simplifyVersionRange) import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit (HasHttpManager, getHttpManager, Manager, parseUrl) import Network.HTTP.Download (download) import Options.Applicative (Parser, idm, strOption, long, short, metavar, help, option, auto) import Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra (maybeBoolFlags) import Path import Path.IO import qualified Paths_stack as Meta import Stack.BuildPlan import Stack.Constants import qualified Stack.Docker as Docker import Stack.Init import Stack.Types import Stack.Types.Internal import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.IO import System.Process.Read (getEnvOverride, EnvOverride, unEnvOverride, readInNull) -- | Get the latest snapshot resolver available. getLatestResolver :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasConfig env, HasHttpManager env, MonadLogger m) => m Resolver getLatestResolver = do snapshots <- getSnapshots let mlts = do (x,y) <- listToMaybe (reverse (IntMap.toList (snapshotsLts snapshots))) return (LTS x y) snap = case mlts of Nothing -> Nightly (snapshotsNightly snapshots) Just lts -> lts return (ResolverSnapshot snap) -- | Note that this will be @Nothing@ on Windows, which is by design. defaultStackGlobalConfig :: Maybe (Path Abs File) defaultStackGlobalConfig = parseAbsFile "/etc/stack/config" -- Interprets ConfigMonoid options. configFromConfigMonoid :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader env m, HasHttpManager env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ stack root, e.g. ~/.stack -> Maybe Project -> ConfigMonoid -> m Config configFromConfigMonoid configStackRoot mproject configMonoid@ConfigMonoid{..} = do let configDocker = Docker.dockerOptsFromMonoid mproject configStackRoot configMonoidDockerOpts configConnectionCount = fromMaybe 8 configMonoidConnectionCount configHideTHLoading = fromMaybe True configMonoidHideTHLoading configLatestSnapshotUrl = fromMaybe "https://s3.amazonaws.com/haddock.stackage.org/snapshots.json" configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrl configPackageIndices = fromMaybe [PackageIndex { indexName = IndexName "Hackage" , indexLocation = ILGitHttp "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/all-cabal-hashes.git" "https://s3.amazonaws.com/hackage.fpcomplete.com/00-index.tar.gz" , indexDownloadPrefix = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/hackage.fpcomplete.com/package/" , indexGpgVerify = False , indexRequireHashes = False }] configMonoidPackageIndices configSystemGHC = fromMaybe True configMonoidSystemGHC configInstallGHC = fromMaybe False configMonoidInstallGHC configSkipGHCCheck = fromMaybe False configMonoidSkipGHCCheck configExtraIncludeDirs = configMonoidExtraIncludeDirs configExtraLibDirs = configMonoidExtraLibDirs -- Only place in the codebase where platform is hard-coded. In theory -- in the future, allow it to be configured. (Platform defArch defOS) = buildPlatform arch = fromMaybe defArch $ configMonoidArch >>= Distribution.Text.simpleParse os = fromMaybe defOS $ configMonoidOS >>= Distribution.Text.simpleParse configPlatform = Platform arch os configRequireStackVersion = simplifyVersionRange configMonoidRequireStackVersion configConfigMonoid = configMonoid origEnv <- getEnvOverride configPlatform let configEnvOverride _ = return origEnv platform <- runReaderT platformRelDir configPlatform configLocalPrograms <- case configPlatform of Platform _ Windows -> do progsDir <- getWindowsProgsDir configStackRoot origEnv return $ progsDir $(mkRelDir stackProgName) platform _ -> return $ configStackRoot $(mkRelDir "programs") platform configLocalBin <- do localDir <- liftIO (getAppUserDataDirectory "local") >>= parseAbsDir return $ localDir $(mkRelDir "bin") configJobs <- case configMonoidJobs of Nothing -> liftIO getNumCapabilities Just i -> return i return Config {..} -- | Command-line arguments parser for configuration. configOptsParser :: Bool -> Parser ConfigMonoid configOptsParser docker = (\opts systemGHC installGHC arch os jobs includes libs skipGHCCheck -> mempty { configMonoidDockerOpts = opts , configMonoidSystemGHC = systemGHC , configMonoidInstallGHC = installGHC , configMonoidSkipGHCCheck = skipGHCCheck , configMonoidArch = arch , configMonoidOS = os , configMonoidJobs = jobs , configMonoidExtraIncludeDirs = includes , configMonoidExtraLibDirs = libs }) <$> Docker.dockerOptsParser docker <*> maybeBoolFlags "system-ghc" "using the system installed GHC (on the PATH) if available and a matching version" idm <*> maybeBoolFlags "install-ghc" "downloading and installing GHC if necessary (can be done manually with stack setup)" idm <*> optional (strOption ( long "arch" <> metavar "ARCH" <> help "System architecture, e.g. i386, x86_64" )) <*> optional (strOption ( long "os" <> metavar "OS" <> help "Operating system, e.g. linux, windows" )) <*> optional (option auto ( long "jobs" <> short 'j' <> metavar "JOBS" <> help "Number of concurrent jobs to run" )) <*> fmap (S.fromList . map T.pack) (many $ strOption ( long "extra-include-dirs" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Extra directories to check for C header files" )) <*> fmap (S.fromList . map T.pack) (many $ strOption ( long "extra-lib-dirs" <> metavar "DIR" <> help "Extra directories to check for libraries" )) <*> maybeBoolFlags "skip-ghc-check" "skipping the GHC version and architecture check" idm -- | Get the directory on Windows where we should install extra programs. For -- more information, see discussion at: -- https://github.com/fpco/minghc/issues/43#issuecomment-99737383 getWindowsProgsDir :: MonadThrow m => Path Abs Dir -> EnvOverride -> m (Path Abs Dir) getWindowsProgsDir stackRoot m = case Map.lookup "LOCALAPPDATA" $ unEnvOverride m of Just t -> do lad <- parseAbsDir $ T.unpack t return $ lad $(mkRelDir "Programs") Nothing -> return $ stackRoot $(mkRelDir "Programs") data MiniConfig = MiniConfig Manager Config instance HasConfig MiniConfig where getConfig (MiniConfig _ c) = c instance HasStackRoot MiniConfig instance HasHttpManager MiniConfig where getHttpManager (MiniConfig man _) = man instance HasPlatform MiniConfig -- | Load the configuration, using current directory, environment variables, -- and defaults as necessary. loadConfig :: (MonadLogger m,MonadIO m,MonadCatch m,MonadThrow m,MonadBaseControl IO m,MonadReader env m,HasHttpManager env,HasTerminal env) => ConfigMonoid -- ^ Config monoid from parsed command-line arguments -> Maybe (Path Abs File) -- ^ Override stack.yaml -> m (LoadConfig m) loadConfig configArgs mstackYaml = do stackRoot <- determineStackRoot extraConfigs <- getExtraConfigs stackRoot >>= mapM loadYaml mproject <- loadProjectConfig mstackYaml config <- configFromConfigMonoid stackRoot (fmap (\(proj, _, _) -> proj) mproject) $ mconcat $ case mproject of Nothing -> configArgs : extraConfigs Just (_, _, projectConfig) -> configArgs : projectConfig : extraConfigs unless (fromCabalVersion Meta.version `withinRange` configRequireStackVersion config) (throwM (BadStackVersionException (configRequireStackVersion config))) menv <- runReaderT getMinimalEnvOverride config return $ LoadConfig { lcConfig = config , lcLoadBuildConfig = loadBuildConfig menv mproject config stackRoot , lcProjectRoot = fmap (\(_, fp, _) -> parent fp) mproject } -- | Load the build configuration, adds build-specific values to config loaded by @loadConfig@. -- values. loadBuildConfig :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader env m, HasHttpManager env, MonadBaseControl IO m, HasTerminal env) => EnvOverride -> Maybe (Project, Path Abs File, ConfigMonoid) -> Config -> Path Abs Dir -> Maybe Resolver -- override resolver -> NoBuildConfigStrategy -> m BuildConfig loadBuildConfig menv mproject config stackRoot mresolver noConfigStrat = do env <- ask let miniConfig = MiniConfig (getHttpManager env) config (project', stackYamlFP) <- case mproject of Just (project, fp, _) -> return (project, fp) Nothing -> case noConfigStrat of ThrowException -> do currDir <- getWorkingDir cabalFiles <- findCabalFiles currDir throwM $ NoProjectConfigFound currDir $ Just $ if null cabalFiles then "new" else "init" ExecStrategy -> do let dest :: Path Abs File dest = destDir stackDotYaml destDir = implicitGlobalDir stackRoot dest' :: FilePath dest' = toFilePath dest liftIO (createDirectoryIfMissing True (toFilePath destDir)) exists <- fileExists dest if exists then do ProjectAndConfigMonoid project _ <- loadYaml dest when (getTerminal env) $ case mresolver of Nothing -> $logInfo ("Using resolver: " <> renderResolver (projectResolver project) <> " from global config file: " <> T.pack dest') Just resolver -> $logInfo ("Using resolver: " <> renderResolver resolver <> " specified on command line") return (project, dest) else do r <- runReaderT getLatestResolver miniConfig $logInfo ("Using latest snapshot resolver: " <> renderResolver r) $logInfo ("Writing global (non-project-specific) config file to: " <> T.pack dest') $logInfo "Note: You can change the snapshot via the resolver field there." let p = Project { projectPackages = mempty , projectExtraDeps = mempty , projectFlags = mempty , projectResolver = r } liftIO $ Yaml.encodeFile dest' p return (p, dest) let project = project' { projectResolver = fromMaybe (projectResolver project') mresolver } ghcVersion <- case projectResolver project of ResolverSnapshot snapName -> do mbp <- runReaderT (loadMiniBuildPlan snapName) miniConfig return $ mbpGhcVersion mbp ResolverGhc m -> return $ fromMajorVersion m let root = parent stackYamlFP packages' <- mapM (resolvePackageEntry menv root) (projectPackages project) let packages = Map.fromList $ concat packages' return BuildConfig { bcConfig = config , bcResolver = projectResolver project , bcGhcVersionExpected = ghcVersion , bcPackages = packages , bcExtraDeps = projectExtraDeps project , bcRoot = root , bcStackYaml = stackYamlFP , bcFlags = projectFlags project } -- | Resolve a PackageEntry into a list of paths, downloading and cloning as -- necessary. resolvePackageEntry :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasHttpManager env, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m ,MonadBaseControl IO m) => EnvOverride -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ project root -> PackageEntry -> m [(Path Abs Dir, Bool)] resolvePackageEntry menv projRoot pe = do entryRoot <- resolvePackageLocation menv projRoot (peLocation pe) paths <- case peSubdirs pe of [] -> return [entryRoot] subs -> mapM (resolveDir entryRoot) subs case peValidWanted pe of Nothing -> return () Just _ -> $logWarn "Warning: you are using the deprecated valid-wanted field. You should instead use extra-dep. See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/wiki/stack.yaml#packages" return $ map (, not $ peExtraDep pe) paths -- | Resolve a PackageLocation into a path, downloading and cloning as -- necessary. resolvePackageLocation :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasHttpManager env, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m ,MonadBaseControl IO m) => EnvOverride -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ project root -> PackageLocation -> m (Path Abs Dir) resolvePackageLocation _ projRoot (PLFilePath fp) = resolveDir projRoot fp resolvePackageLocation _ projRoot (PLHttpTarball url) = do let name = T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ B16.encode $ SHA256.hash $ encodeUtf8 url root = projRoot workDirRel $(mkRelDir "downloaded") fileRel <- parseRelFile $ name ++ ".tar.gz" dirRel <- parseRelDir name dirRelTmp <- parseRelDir $ name ++ ".tmp" let file = root fileRel dir = root dirRel dirTmp = root dirRelTmp exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist $ toFilePath dir unless exists $ do req <- parseUrl $ T.unpack url _ <- download req file removeTreeIfExists dirTmp liftIO $ withBinaryFile (toFilePath file) ReadMode $ \h -> do lbs <- L.hGetContents h let entries = Tar.read $ GZip.decompress lbs Tar.unpack (toFilePath dirTmp) entries renameDirectory (toFilePath dirTmp) (toFilePath dir) x <- listDirectory dir case x of ([dir'], []) -> return dir' (dirs, files) -> do removeFileIfExists file removeTreeIfExists dir throwM $ UnexpectedTarballContents dirs files resolvePackageLocation menv projRoot (PLGit url commit) = do let name = T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ B16.encode $ SHA256.hash $ encodeUtf8 $ T.unwords [url, commit] root = projRoot workDirRel $(mkRelDir "downloaded") dirRel <- parseRelDir $ name ++ ".git" dirRelTmp <- parseRelDir $ name ++ ".git.tmp" let dir = root dirRel dirTmp = root dirRelTmp exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist $ toFilePath dir unless exists $ do removeTreeIfExists dirTmp liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ toFilePath $ parent dirTmp readInNull (parent dirTmp) "git" menv [ "clone" , T.unpack url , toFilePath dirTmp ] Nothing readInNull dirTmp "git" menv [ "reset" , "--hard" , T.unpack commit ] Nothing liftIO $ renameDirectory (toFilePath dirTmp) (toFilePath dir) return dir -- | Get the stack root, e.g. ~/.stack determineStackRoot :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir) determineStackRoot = do env <- liftIO getEnvironment case lookup stackRootEnvVar env of Nothing -> do x <- liftIO $ getAppUserDataDirectory stackProgName parseAbsDir x Just x -> do y <- liftIO $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True x canonicalizePath x parseAbsDir y -- | Determine the extra config file locations which exist. -- -- Returns most local first getExtraConfigs :: MonadIO m => Path Abs Dir -- ^ stack root -> m [Path Abs File] getExtraConfigs stackRoot = liftIO $ do env <- getEnvironment mstackConfig <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . parseAbsFile) $ lookup "STACK_CONFIG" env mstackGlobalConfig <- maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . parseAbsFile) $ lookup "STACK_GLOBAL_CONFIG" env filterM fileExists $ fromMaybe (stackRoot stackDotYaml) mstackConfig : maybe [] return (mstackGlobalConfig <|> defaultStackGlobalConfig) -- | Load and parse YAML from the given file. loadYaml :: (FromJSON a,MonadIO m) => Path Abs File -> m a loadYaml path = liftIO $ Yaml.decodeFileEither (toFilePath path) >>= either (throwM . ParseConfigFileException path) return -- | Get the location of the project config file, if it exists. getProjectConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m) => Maybe (Path Abs File) -- ^ Override stack.yaml -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File)) getProjectConfig (Just stackYaml) = return $ Just stackYaml getProjectConfig Nothing = do env <- liftIO getEnvironment case lookup "STACK_YAML" env of Just fp -> do $logInfo "Getting project config file from STACK_YAML environment" liftM Just $ case parseAbsFile fp of Left _ -> do currDir <- getWorkingDir resolveFile currDir fp Right path -> return path Nothing -> do currDir <- getWorkingDir search currDir where search dir = do let fp = dir stackDotYaml fp' = toFilePath fp $logDebug $ "Checking for project config at: " <> T.pack fp' exists <- fileExists fp if exists then return $ Just fp else do let dir' = parent dir if dir == dir' -- fully traversed, give up then return Nothing else search dir' -- | Find the project config file location, respecting environment variables -- and otherwise traversing parents. If no config is found, we supply a default -- based on current directory. loadProjectConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m) => Maybe (Path Abs File) -- ^ Override stack.yaml -> m (Maybe (Project, Path Abs File, ConfigMonoid)) loadProjectConfig mstackYaml = do mfp <- getProjectConfig mstackYaml case mfp of Just fp -> do currDir <- getWorkingDir $logDebug $ "Loading project config file " <> T.pack (maybe (toFilePath fp) toFilePath (stripDir currDir fp)) load fp Nothing -> do $logDebug $ "No project config file found, using defaults." return Nothing where load fp = do ProjectAndConfigMonoid project config <- loadYaml fp return $ Just (project, fp, config)