{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Constants used throughout the project.

module Stack.Constants

import           Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow)
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Char (toUpper)
import           Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Path as FL
import           Prelude
import           Stack.Types.Compiler
import           Stack.Types.Config
import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import           Stack.Types.PackageName

-- | Extensions for anything that can be a Haskell module.
haskellModuleExts :: [Text]
haskellModuleExts = haskellFileExts ++ haskellPreprocessorExts

-- | Extensions used for Haskell modules. Excludes preprocessor ones.
haskellFileExts :: [Text]
haskellFileExts = ["hs", "hsc", "lhs"]

-- | Extensions for modules that are preprocessed by common preprocessors.
haskellPreprocessorExts :: [Text]
haskellPreprocessorExts = ["gc", "chs", "hsc", "x", "y", "ly", "cpphs"]

-- | The filename used for completed build indicators.
builtFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                 => Path Abs Dir
                 -> m (Path Abs File)
builtFileFromDir fp = do
  dist <- distDirFromDir fp
  return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "stack.gen"))

-- | The filename used for completed configure indicators.
configuredFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                      => Path Abs Dir
                      -> m (Path Abs File)
configuredFileFromDir fp = do
  dist <- distDirFromDir fp
  return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "setup-config"))

-- | The filename used for completed build indicators.
builtConfigFileFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                       => Path Abs Dir
                       -> m (Path Abs File)
builtConfigFileFromDir fp =
    liftM (fp </>) builtConfigRelativeFile

-- | Relative location of completed build indicators.
builtConfigRelativeFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                        => m (Path Rel File)
builtConfigRelativeFile = do
  dist <- distRelativeDir
  return (dist </> $(mkRelFile "stack.config"))

-- | Default shake thread count for parallel builds.
defaultShakeThreads :: Int
defaultShakeThreads = 4

-- -- | Hoogle database file.
-- hoogleDatabaseFile :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
-- hoogleDatabaseFile docLoc =
--   docLoc </>
--   $(mkRelFile "default.hoo")

-- -- | Extension for hoogle databases.
-- hoogleDbExtension :: String
-- hoogleDbExtension = "hoo"

-- -- | Extension of haddock files
-- haddockExtension :: String
-- haddockExtension = "haddock"

-- | User documentation directory.
userDocsDir :: Config -> Path Abs Dir
userDocsDir config = configStackRoot config </> $(mkRelDir "doc/")

-- | Output .o/.hi directory.
objectInterfaceDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env)
  => BuildConfig -> m (Path Abs Dir)
objectInterfaceDir bconfig = do
  bcwd <- bcWorkDir bconfig
  return (bcwd </> $(mkRelDir "odir/"))

-- | The filename used for dirtiness check of source files.
buildCacheFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
               => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Package directory.
               -> m (Path Abs File)
buildCacheFile dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-build-cache"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | The filename used to mark tests as having succeeded
testSuccessFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory
                -> m (Path Abs File)
testSuccessFile dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-test-success"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | The filename used to mark tests as having built
testBuiltFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
              => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory
              -> m (Path Abs File)
testBuiltFile dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-test-built"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | The filename used to mark benchmarks as having built
benchBuiltFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
               => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Package directory
               -> m (Path Abs File)
benchBuiltFile dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-bench-built"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | The filename used for dirtiness check of config.
configCacheFile :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
                => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Package directory.
                -> m (Path Abs File)
configCacheFile dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-config-cache"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | The filename used for modification check of .cabal
configCabalMod :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env,HasEnvConfig env)
               => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Package directory.
               -> m (Path Abs File)
configCabalMod dir =
        (</> $(mkRelFile "stack-cabal-mod"))
        (distDirFromDir dir)

-- | Directory for HPC work.
    :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env)
    => Path Abs Dir  -- ^ Package directory.
    -> m (Path Abs Dir)
hpcDirFromDir fp =
    liftM (fp </>) hpcRelativeDir

-- | Relative location of directory for HPC work.
hpcRelativeDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env)
               => m (Path Rel Dir)
hpcRelativeDir =
    liftM (</> $(mkRelDir "hpc")) distRelativeDir

-- | Package's build artifacts directory.
distDirFromDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env)
               => Path Abs Dir
               -> m (Path Abs Dir)
distDirFromDir fp =
    liftM (fp </>) distRelativeDir

-- | Directory for project templates.
templatesDir :: Config -> Path Abs Dir
templatesDir config = configStackRoot config </> $(mkRelDir "templates")

-- | Relative location of build artifacts.
distRelativeDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasEnvConfig env)
                => m (Path Rel Dir)
distRelativeDir = do
    cabalPkgVer <- asks (envConfigCabalVersion . getEnvConfig)
    platform <- platformVariantRelDir
    wc <- getWhichCompiler
    -- Cabal version, suffixed with "_ghcjs" if we're using GHCJS.
    envDir <-
        parseRelDir $
        (if wc == Ghcjs then (++ "_ghcjs") else id) $
        packageIdentifierString $
        PackageIdentifier cabalPackageName cabalPkgVer
    platformAndCabal <- useShaPathOnWindows (platform </> envDir)
    workDir <- getWorkDir
    return $
        workDir </>
        $(mkRelDir "dist") </>

-- | Get a URL for a raw file on Github
rawGithubUrl :: Text -- ^ user/org name
             -> Text -- ^ repo name
             -> Text -- ^ branch name
             -> Text -- ^ filename
             -> Text
rawGithubUrl org repo branch file = T.concat
    [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"
    , org
    , "/"
    , repo
    , "/"
    , branch
    , "/"
    , file

-- -- | Hoogle database file.
-- hoogleDatabaseFile :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
-- hoogleDatabaseFile docLoc =
--   docLoc </>
--   $(mkRelFile "default.hoo")

-- -- | Extension for hoogle databases.
-- hoogleDbExtension :: String
-- hoogleDbExtension = "hoo"

-- -- | Extension of haddock files
-- haddockExtension :: String
-- haddockExtension = "haddock"

-- | Docker sandbox from project root.
projectDockerSandboxDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env)
  => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Project root
  -> m (Path Abs Dir)  -- ^ Docker sandbox
projectDockerSandboxDir projectRoot = do
  workDir <- getWorkDir
  return $ projectRoot </> workDir </> $(mkRelDir "docker/")

-- | Image staging dir from project root.
imageStagingDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env)
  => Path Abs Dir      -- ^ Project root
  -> m (Path Abs Dir)  -- ^ Docker sandbox
imageStagingDir projectRoot = do
  workDir <- getWorkDir
  return $ projectRoot </> workDir </> $(mkRelDir "image/")

-- | Name of the 'stack' program, uppercased
stackProgNameUpper :: String
stackProgNameUpper = map toUpper stackProgName

-- | Name of the 'stack' program.
stackProgName :: String
stackProgName = "stack"

-- | The filename used for the stack config file.
stackDotYaml :: Path Rel File
stackDotYaml = $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml")

-- | Environment variable used to override the '~/.stack' location.
stackRootEnvVar :: String
stackRootEnvVar = "STACK_ROOT"

-- See https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.10.1/docs/html/libraries/ghc/src/Module.html#integerPackageKey
wiredInPackages :: HashSet PackageName
wiredInPackages =
    maybe (error "Parse error in wiredInPackages") HashSet.fromList mparsed
    mparsed = mapM parsePackageName
      [ "ghc-prim"
      , "integer-gmp"
      , "integer-simple"
      , "base"
      , "rts"
      , "template-haskell"
      , "dph-seq"
      , "dph-par"
      , "ghc"
      , "interactive"

-- TODO: Get this unwieldy list out of here and into a datafile
-- generated by GHCJS! See https://github.com/ghcjs/ghcjs/issues/434
ghcjsBootPackages :: HashSet PackageName
ghcjsBootPackages =
    maybe (error "Parse error in ghcjsBootPackages") HashSet.fromList mparsed
    mparsed = mapM parsePackageName
      -- stage1a
      [ "array"
      , "base"
      , "binary"
      , "bytestring"
      , "containers"
      , "deepseq"
      , "integer-gmp"
      , "pretty"
      , "primitive"
      , "integer-gmp"
      , "pretty"
      , "primitive"
      , "template-haskell"
      , "transformers"
      -- stage1b
      , "directory"
      , "filepath"
      , "old-locale"
      , "process"
      , "time"
      -- stage2
      , "async"
      , "aeson"
      , "attoparsec"
      , "case-insensitive"
      , "dlist"
      , "extensible-exceptions"
      , "hashable"
      , "mtl"
      , "old-time"
      , "parallel"
      , "scientific"
      , "stm"
      , "syb"
      , "text"
      , "unordered-containers"
      , "vector"

-- | Just to avoid repetition and magic strings.
cabalPackageName :: PackageName
cabalPackageName =
    $(mkPackageName "Cabal")

-- | Deprecated implicit global project directory used when outside of a project.
implicitGlobalProjectDirDeprecated :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ Stack root.
                                   -> Path Abs Dir
implicitGlobalProjectDirDeprecated p =
    p </>
    $(mkRelDir "global")

-- | Implicit global project directory used when outside of a project.
-- Normally, @getImplicitGlobalProjectDir@ should be used instead.
implicitGlobalProjectDir :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ Stack root.
                         -> Path Abs Dir
implicitGlobalProjectDir p =
    p </>
    $(mkRelDir "global-project")

-- | Deprecated default global config path.
defaultUserConfigPathDeprecated :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
defaultUserConfigPathDeprecated = (</> $(mkRelFile "stack.yaml"))

-- | Default global config path.
-- Normally, @getDefaultUserConfigPath@ should be used instead.
defaultUserConfigPath :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File
defaultUserConfigPath = (</> $(mkRelFile "config.yaml"))

-- | Deprecated default global config path.
-- Note that this will be @Nothing@ on Windows, which is by design.
defaultGlobalConfigPathDeprecated :: Maybe (Path Abs File)
defaultGlobalConfigPathDeprecated = parseAbsFile "/etc/stack/config"

-- | Default global config path.
-- Normally, @getDefaultGlobalConfigPath@ should be used instead.
-- Note that this will be @Nothing@ on Windows, which is by design.
defaultGlobalConfigPath :: Maybe (Path Abs File)
defaultGlobalConfigPath = parseAbsFile "/etc/stack/config.yaml"

-- | Path where build plans are stored.
buildPlanDir :: Path Abs Dir -- ^ Stack root
             -> Path Abs Dir
buildPlanDir = (</> $(mkRelDir "build-plan"))

-- | Environment variable that stores a variant to append to platform-specific directory
-- names.  Used to ensure incompatible binaries aren't shared between Docker builds and host
platformVariantEnvVar :: String
platformVariantEnvVar = stackProgNameUpper ++ "_PLATFORM_VARIANT"