{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-- Load information on package sources
module Stack.Build.Source
    ( loadSourceMap
    , loadSourceMapFull
    , SourceMap
    , PackageSource (..)
    , getLocalFlags
    , getGhcOptions
    , getLocalPackageViews
    , parseTargetsFromBuildOpts
    , parseTargetsFromBuildOptsWith
    , addUnlistedToBuildCache
    , getDefaultPackageConfig
    , getPackageConfig
    ) where

import              Control.Applicative
import              Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import              Control.Exception (assert, catch)
import              Control.Monad hiding (sequence)
import              Control.Monad.IO.Class
import              Control.Monad.Logger
import              Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, asks)
import              Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import "cryptohash" Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256)
import              Crypto.Hash.Conduit (sinkHash)
import qualified    Data.ByteString as S
import              Data.Byteable (toBytes)
import              Data.Conduit (($$), ZipSink (..))
import qualified    Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified    Data.Conduit.List as CL
import              Data.Either
import              Data.Function
import qualified    Data.HashSet as HashSet
import              Data.List
import qualified    Data.Map as Map
import              Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified    Data.Map.Strict as M
import              Data.Maybe
import              Data.Monoid
import              Data.Set (Set)
import qualified    Data.Set as Set
import              Data.Text (Text)
import qualified    Data.Text as T
import              Data.Traversable (sequence)
import              Distribution.Package (pkgName, pkgVersion)
import              Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription, package, packageDescription)
import qualified    Distribution.PackageDescription as C
import              Path
import              Path.IO
import              Prelude hiding (sequence)
import              Stack.Build.Cache
import              Stack.Build.Target
import              Stack.BuildPlan (shadowMiniBuildPlan)
import              Stack.Config (getLocalPackages)
import              Stack.Constants (wiredInPackages)
import              Stack.Package
import              Stack.PackageIndex (getPackageVersions)
import              Stack.Types.Build
import              Stack.Types.BuildPlan
import              Stack.Types.Config
import              Stack.Types.FlagName
import              Stack.Types.Package
import              Stack.Types.PackageName
import              Stack.Types.Resolver
import              Stack.Types.StackT
import              Stack.Types.Version
import qualified    System.Directory as D
import              System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import              System.IO (withBinaryFile, IOMode (ReadMode))
import              System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)

-- | Like 'loadSourceMapFull', but doesn't return values that aren't as
-- commonly needed.
loadSourceMap :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
              => NeedTargets
              -> BuildOptsCLI
              -> m ( [LocalPackage]
                   , SourceMap
loadSourceMap needTargets boptsCli = do
    (_, _, locals, _, _, sourceMap) <- loadSourceMapFull needTargets boptsCli
    return (locals, sourceMap)

loadSourceMapFull :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
                  => NeedTargets
                  -> BuildOptsCLI
                  -> m ( Map PackageName SimpleTarget
                       , MiniBuildPlan
                       , [LocalPackage]
                       , Set PackageName -- non-local targets
                       , Map PackageName Version -- extra-deps from configuration and cli
                       , SourceMap
loadSourceMapFull needTargets boptsCli = do
    bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig
    rawLocals <- getLocalPackageViews
    (mbp0, cliExtraDeps, targets) <- parseTargetsFromBuildOptsWith rawLocals needTargets boptsCli
    -- Extend extra-deps to encompass targets requested on the command line
    -- that are not in the snapshot.
    extraDeps0 <- extendExtraDeps
        (bcExtraDeps bconfig)
        (Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (== STUnknown) targets)

    locals <- mapM (loadLocalPackage boptsCli targets) $ Map.toList rawLocals
    checkFlagsUsed boptsCli locals extraDeps0 (mbpPackages mbp0)
    checkComponentsBuildable locals

        -- loadLocals returns PackageName (foo) and PackageIdentifier (bar-1.2.3) targets separately;
        -- here we combine them into nonLocalTargets. This is one of the
        -- return values of this function.
        nonLocalTargets :: Set PackageName
        nonLocalTargets =
            Map.keysSet $ Map.filter (not . isLocal) targets
            isLocal (STLocalComps _) = True
            isLocal STLocalAll = True
            isLocal STUnknown = False
            isLocal STNonLocal = False

        shadowed = Map.keysSet rawLocals <> Map.keysSet extraDeps0
        (mbp, extraDeps1) = shadowMiniBuildPlan mbp0 shadowed

        -- Add the extra deps from the stack.yaml file to the deps grabbed from
        -- the snapshot
        extraDeps2 = Map.union
            (Map.map (\v -> (v, Map.empty, [])) extraDeps0)
            (Map.map (\mpi -> (mpiVersion mpi, mpiFlags mpi, mpiGhcOptions mpi)) extraDeps1)

        -- Add flag and ghc-option settings from the config file / cli
        extraDeps3 = Map.mapWithKey
            (\n (v, flags0, ghcOptions0) ->
                let flags =
                        case ( Map.lookup (Just n) $ boptsCLIFlags boptsCli
                             , Map.lookup Nothing $ boptsCLIFlags boptsCli
                             , Map.lookup n $ unPackageFlags $ bcFlags bconfig
                             ) of
                            -- Didn't have any flag overrides, fall back to the flags
                            -- defined in the snapshot.
                            (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> flags0
                            -- Either command line flag for this package, general
                            -- command line flag, or flag in stack.yaml is defined.
                            -- Take all of those and ignore the snapshot flags.
                            (x, y, z) -> Map.unions
                                [ fromMaybe Map.empty x
                                , fromMaybe Map.empty y
                                , fromMaybe Map.empty z
                    ghcOptions =
                        ghcOptions0 ++
                        getGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli n False False
                 -- currently have no ability for extra-deps to specify their
                 -- cabal file hashes
                in PSUpstream v Local flags ghcOptions Nothing)

    let sourceMap = Map.unions
            [ Map.fromList $ flip map locals $ \lp ->
                let p = lpPackage lp
                 in (packageName p, PSLocal lp)
            , extraDeps3
            , flip Map.mapWithKey (mbpPackages mbp) $ \n mpi ->
                let configOpts = getGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli n False False
                 in PSUpstream (mpiVersion mpi) Snap (mpiFlags mpi) (mpiGhcOptions mpi ++ configOpts) (mpiGitSHA1 mpi)
            ] `Map.difference` Map.fromList (map (, ()) (HashSet.toList wiredInPackages))

    return (targets, mbp, locals, nonLocalTargets, extraDeps0, sourceMap)

-- | All flags for a local package
    :: BuildConfig
    -> BuildOptsCLI
    -> PackageName
    -> Map FlagName Bool
getLocalFlags bconfig boptsCli name = Map.unions
    [ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty (Just name) cliFlags
    , Map.findWithDefault Map.empty Nothing cliFlags
    , Map.findWithDefault Map.empty name (unPackageFlags (bcFlags bconfig))
    cliFlags = boptsCLIFlags boptsCli

getGhcOptions :: BuildConfig -> BuildOptsCLI -> PackageName -> Bool -> Bool -> [Text]
getGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli name isTarget isLocal = concat
    [ ghcOptionsFor name (configGhcOptions config)
    , concat [["-fhpc"] | isLocal && toCoverage (boptsTestOpts bopts)]
    , if boptsLibProfile bopts || boptsExeProfile bopts
         then ["-auto-all","-caf-all"]
         else []
    , if includeExtraOptions
         then boptsCLIGhcOptions boptsCli
         else []
    bopts = configBuild config
    config = bcConfig bconfig
    includeExtraOptions =
        case configApplyGhcOptions config of
            AGOTargets -> isTarget
            AGOLocals -> isLocal
            AGOEverything -> True

-- | Use the build options and environment to parse targets.
-- If the local packages views are already known, use 'parseTargetsFromBuildOptsWith'
-- instead.
    :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
    => NeedTargets
    -> BuildOptsCLI
    -> m (MiniBuildPlan, M.Map PackageName Version, M.Map PackageName SimpleTarget)
parseTargetsFromBuildOpts needTargets boptscli = do
    rawLocals <- getLocalPackageViews
    parseTargetsFromBuildOptsWith rawLocals needTargets boptscli

    :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
    => Map PackageName (LocalPackageView, GenericPackageDescription)
       -- ^ Local package views
    -> NeedTargets
    -> BuildOptsCLI
    -> m (MiniBuildPlan, M.Map PackageName Version, M.Map PackageName SimpleTarget)
parseTargetsFromBuildOptsWith rawLocals needTargets boptscli = do
    $logDebug "Parsing the targets"
    bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig
    mbp0 <-
        case bcResolver bconfig of
            ResolverCompiler _ -> do
                -- We ignore the resolver version, as it might be
                -- GhcMajorVersion, and we want the exact version
                -- we're using.
                version <- asks (envConfigCompilerVersion . getEnvConfig)
                return MiniBuildPlan
                    { mbpCompilerVersion = version
                    , mbpPackages = Map.empty
            _ -> return (bcWantedMiniBuildPlan bconfig)
    workingDir <- getCurrentDir

    let snapshot = mpiVersion <$> mbpPackages mbp0
    flagExtraDeps <- convertSnapshotToExtra
        (bcExtraDeps bconfig)
        (catMaybes $ Map.keys $ boptsCLIFlags boptscli)

    (cliExtraDeps, targets) <-
            (bcImplicitGlobal bconfig)
            (flagExtraDeps <> bcExtraDeps bconfig)
            (fst <$> rawLocals)
            (boptsCLITargets boptscli)
    return (mbp0, cliExtraDeps <> flagExtraDeps, targets)

-- | For every package in the snapshot which is referenced by a flag, give the
-- user a warning and then add it to extra-deps.
    :: MonadLogger m
    => Map PackageName Version -- ^ snapshot
    -> Map PackageName Version -- ^ extra-deps
    -> Map PackageName a -- ^ locals
    -> [PackageName] -- ^ packages referenced by a flag
    -> m (Map PackageName Version)
convertSnapshotToExtra snapshot extra0 locals = go Map.empty
    go !extra [] = return extra
    go extra (flag:flags)
        | Just _ <- Map.lookup flag extra0 = go extra flags
        | flag `Map.member` locals = go extra flags
        | otherwise = case Map.lookup flag snapshot of
            Nothing -> go extra flags
            Just version -> do
                $logWarn $ T.concat
                    [ "- Implicitly adding "
                    , T.pack $ packageNameString flag
                    , " to extra-deps based on command line flag"
                go (Map.insert flag version extra) flags

-- | Parse out the local package views for the current project
getLocalPackageViews :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
                     => m (Map PackageName (LocalPackageView, GenericPackageDescription))
getLocalPackageViews = do
    $logDebug "Parsing the cabal files of the local packages"
    packages <- getLocalPackages
    locals <- forM (Map.toList packages) $ \(dir, treatLikeExtraDep) -> do
        cabalfp <- findOrGenerateCabalFile dir
        (warnings,gpkg) <- readPackageUnresolved cabalfp
        mapM_ (printCabalFileWarning cabalfp) warnings
        let cabalID = package $ packageDescription gpkg
            name = fromCabalPackageName $ pkgName cabalID
        checkCabalFileName name cabalfp
        let lpv = LocalPackageView
                { lpvVersion = fromCabalVersion $ pkgVersion cabalID
                , lpvRoot = dir
                , lpvCabalFP = cabalfp
                , lpvExtraDep = treatLikeExtraDep
                , lpvComponents = getNamedComponents gpkg
        return (name, (lpv, gpkg))
    checkDuplicateNames locals
    return $ Map.fromList locals
    getNamedComponents gpkg = Set.fromList $ concat
        [ maybe [] (const [CLib]) (C.condLibrary gpkg)
        , go CExe  C.condExecutables
        , go CTest C.condTestSuites
        , go CBench C.condBenchmarks
        go wrapper f = map (wrapper . T.pack . fst) $ f gpkg

-- | Check if there are any duplicate package names and, if so, throw an
-- exception.
checkDuplicateNames :: MonadThrow m => [(PackageName, (LocalPackageView, gpd))] -> m ()
checkDuplicateNames locals =
    case filter hasMultiples $ Map.toList $ Map.fromListWith (++) $ map toPair locals of
        [] -> return ()
        x -> throwM $ DuplicateLocalPackageNames x
    toPair (pn, (lpv, _)) = (pn, [lpvRoot lpv])
    hasMultiples (_, _:_:_) = True
    hasMultiples _ = False

splitComponents :: [NamedComponent]
                -> (Set Text, Set Text, Set Text)
splitComponents =
    go id id id
    go a b c [] = (Set.fromList $ a [], Set.fromList $ b [], Set.fromList $ c [])
    go a b c (CLib:xs) = go a b c xs
    go a b c (CExe x:xs) = go (a . (x:)) b c xs
    go a b c (CTest x:xs) = go a (b . (x:)) c xs
    go a b c (CBench x:xs) = go a b (c . (x:)) xs

-- | Upgrade the initial local package info to a full-blown @LocalPackage@
-- based on the selected components
    :: forall m env. (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
    => BuildOptsCLI
    -> Map PackageName SimpleTarget
    -> (PackageName, (LocalPackageView, GenericPackageDescription))
    -> m LocalPackage
loadLocalPackage boptsCli targets (name, (lpv, gpkg)) = do
    let mtarget = Map.lookup name targets
    config  <- getPackageConfig boptsCli name (isJust mtarget) True
    bopts <- asks (configBuild . getConfig)
    let pkg = resolvePackage config gpkg

        (exes, tests, benches) =
            case mtarget of
                Just (STLocalComps comps) -> splitComponents $ Set.toList comps
                Just STLocalAll ->
                    ( packageExes pkg
                    , if boptsTests bopts && not (lpvExtraDep lpv)
                        then Map.keysSet (packageTests pkg)
                        else Set.empty
                    , if boptsBenchmarks bopts && not (lpvExtraDep lpv)
                        then packageBenchmarks pkg
                        else Set.empty
                Just STNonLocal -> assert False mempty
                Just STUnknown -> assert False mempty
                Nothing -> mempty

        toComponents e t b = Set.unions
            [ Set.map CExe e
            , Set.map CTest t
            , Set.map CBench b

        btconfig = config
            { packageConfigEnableTests = not $ Set.null tests
            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = not $ Set.null benches
        testconfig = config
            { packageConfigEnableTests = True
            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
        benchconfig = config
            { packageConfigEnableTests = False
            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = True

            | Set.null tests && Set.null benches = Nothing
            | otherwise = Just (resolvePackage btconfig gpkg)
        testpkg = resolvePackage testconfig gpkg
        benchpkg = resolvePackage benchconfig gpkg
    mbuildCache <- tryGetBuildCache $ lpvRoot lpv
    (files,_) <- getPackageFilesSimple pkg (lpvCabalFP lpv)

    (dirtyFiles, newBuildCache) <- checkBuildCache
        (fromMaybe Map.empty mbuildCache)
        (Set.toList files)

    return LocalPackage
        { lpPackage = pkg
        , lpTestDeps = packageDeps testpkg
        , lpBenchDeps = packageDeps benchpkg
        , lpTestBench = btpkg
        , lpFiles = files
        , lpForceDirty = boptsForceDirty bopts
        , lpDirtyFiles =
            if not (Set.null dirtyFiles)
                then let tryStripPrefix y =
                          fromMaybe y (stripPrefix (toFilePath $ lpvRoot lpv) y)
                      in Just $ Set.map tryStripPrefix dirtyFiles
                else Nothing
        , lpNewBuildCache = newBuildCache
        , lpCabalFile = lpvCabalFP lpv
        , lpDir = lpvRoot lpv
        , lpWanted = isJust mtarget
        , lpComponents = toComponents exes tests benches
        -- TODO: refactor this so that it's easier to be sure that these
        -- components are indeed unbuildable.
        -- The reasoning here is that if the STLocalComps specification
        -- made it through component parsing, but the components aren't
        -- present, then they must not be buildable.
        , lpUnbuildable = toComponents
            (exes `Set.difference` packageExes pkg)
            (tests `Set.difference` Map.keysSet (packageTests pkg))
            (benches `Set.difference` packageBenchmarks pkg)

-- | Ensure that the flags specified in the stack.yaml file and on the command
-- line are used.
checkFlagsUsed :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env)
               => BuildOptsCLI
               -> [LocalPackage]
               -> Map PackageName extraDeps -- ^ extra deps
               -> Map PackageName snapshot -- ^ snapshot, for error messages
               -> m ()
checkFlagsUsed boptsCli lps extraDeps snapshot = do
    bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig

        -- Check if flags specified in stack.yaml and the command line are
        -- used, see https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/617
    let flags = map (, FSCommandLine) [(k, v) | (Just k, v) <- Map.toList $ boptsCLIFlags boptsCli]
             ++ map (, FSStackYaml) (Map.toList $ unPackageFlags $ bcFlags bconfig)

        localNameMap = Map.fromList $ map (packageName . lpPackage &&& lpPackage) lps
        checkFlagUsed ((name, userFlags), source) =
            case Map.lookup name localNameMap of
                -- Package is not available locally
                Nothing ->
                    case Map.lookup name extraDeps of
                        -- Also not in extra-deps, it's an error
                        Nothing ->
                            case Map.lookup name snapshot of
                                Nothing -> Just $ UFNoPackage source name
                                Just _ -> Just $ UFSnapshot name
                        -- We don't check for flag presence for extra deps
                        Just _ -> Nothing
                -- Package exists locally, let's check if the flags are defined
                Just pkg ->
                    let unused = Set.difference (Map.keysSet userFlags) (packageDefinedFlags pkg)
                     in if Set.null unused
                            -- All flags are defined, nothing to do
                            then Nothing
                            -- Error about the undefined flags
                            else Just $ UFFlagsNotDefined source pkg unused

        unusedFlags = mapMaybe checkFlagUsed flags

    unless (null unusedFlags)
        $ throwM
        $ InvalidFlagSpecification
        $ Set.fromList unusedFlags

-- | Add in necessary packages to extra dependencies
-- Originally part of https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/272,
-- this was then superseded by
-- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/651
    :: (StackM env m, HasBuildConfig env)
    => Map PackageName Version -- ^ original extra deps
    -> Map PackageName Version -- ^ package identifiers from the command line
    -> Set PackageName -- ^ all packages added on the command line
    -> m (Map PackageName Version) -- ^ new extradeps
extendExtraDeps extraDeps0 cliExtraDeps unknowns = do
    (errs, unknowns') <- fmap partitionEithers $ mapM addUnknown $ Set.toList unknowns
    case errs of
        [] -> return $ Map.unions $ extraDeps1 : unknowns'
        _ -> do
            bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig
            throwM $ UnknownTargets
                (Set.fromList errs)
                Map.empty -- TODO check the cliExtraDeps for presence in index
                (bcStackYaml bconfig)
    extraDeps1 = Map.union extraDeps0 cliExtraDeps
    addUnknown pn = do
        case Map.lookup pn extraDeps1 of
            Just _ -> return (Right Map.empty)
            Nothing -> do
                mlatestVersion <- getLatestVersion pn
                case mlatestVersion of
                    Just v -> return (Right $ Map.singleton pn v)
                    Nothing -> return (Left pn)
    getLatestVersion pn = do
        vs <- getPackageVersions pn
        return (fmap fst (Set.maxView vs))

-- | Compare the current filesystem state to the cached information, and
-- determine (1) if the files are dirty, and (2) the new cache values.
checkBuildCache :: forall m. (MonadIO m)
                => Map FilePath FileCacheInfo -- ^ old cache
                -> [Path Abs File] -- ^ files in package
                -> m (Set FilePath, Map FilePath FileCacheInfo)
checkBuildCache oldCache files = do
    fileTimes <- liftM Map.fromList $ forM files $ \fp -> do
        mmodTime <- liftIO (getModTimeMaybe (toFilePath fp))
        return (toFilePath fp, mmodTime)
    liftM (mconcat . Map.elems) $ sequence $
            (\fp mmodTime fci -> Just (go fp mmodTime (Just fci)))
            (Map.mapWithKey (\fp mmodTime -> go fp mmodTime Nothing))
            (Map.mapWithKey (\fp fci -> go fp Nothing (Just fci)))
    go :: FilePath -> Maybe ModTime -> Maybe FileCacheInfo -> m (Set FilePath, Map FilePath FileCacheInfo)
    -- Filter out the cabal_macros file to avoid spurious recompilations
    go fp _ _ | takeFileName fp == "cabal_macros.h" = return (Set.empty, Map.empty)
    -- Common case where it's in the cache and on the filesystem.
    go fp (Just modTime') (Just fci)
        | fciModTime fci == modTime' = return (Set.empty, Map.empty)
        | otherwise = do
            newFci <- calcFci modTime' fp
            let isDirty =
                    fciSize fci /= fciSize newFci ||
                    fciHash fci /= fciHash newFci
                newDirty = if isDirty then Set.singleton fp else Set.empty
            return (newDirty, Map.singleton fp newFci)
    -- Missing file. Add it to dirty files, but no FileCacheInfo.
    go fp Nothing _ = return (Set.singleton fp, Map.empty)
    -- Missing cache. Add it to dirty files and compute FileCacheInfo.
    go fp (Just modTime') Nothing = do
        newFci <- calcFci modTime' fp
        return (Set.singleton fp, Map.singleton fp newFci)

-- | Returns entries to add to the build cache for any newly found unlisted modules
    :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
    => ModTime
    -> Package
    -> Path Abs File
    -> Map FilePath a
    -> m ([Map FilePath FileCacheInfo], [PackageWarning])
addUnlistedToBuildCache preBuildTime pkg cabalFP buildCache = do
    (files,warnings) <- getPackageFilesSimple pkg cabalFP
    let newFiles =
            Set.toList $
            Set.map toFilePath files `Set.difference` Map.keysSet buildCache
    addBuildCache <- mapM addFileToCache newFiles
    return (addBuildCache, warnings)
    addFileToCache fp = do
        mmodTime <- getModTimeMaybe fp
        case mmodTime of
            Nothing -> return Map.empty
            Just modTime' ->
                if modTime' < preBuildTime
                    then do
                        newFci <- calcFci modTime' fp
                        return (Map.singleton fp newFci)
                    else return Map.empty

-- | Gets list of Paths for files in a package
    :: (StackM env m, HasEnvConfig env)
    => Package -> Path Abs File -> m (Set (Path Abs File), [PackageWarning])
getPackageFilesSimple pkg cabalFP = do
    (_,compFiles,cabalFiles,warnings) <-
        getPackageFiles (packageFiles pkg) cabalFP
        ( Set.map dotCabalGetPath (mconcat (M.elems compFiles)) <> cabalFiles
        , warnings)

-- | Get file modification time, if it exists.
getModTimeMaybe :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m (Maybe ModTime)
getModTimeMaybe fp =
                  (Just . modTime)
                  (D.getModificationTime fp))
             (\e ->
                   if isDoesNotExistError e
                       then return Nothing
                       else throwM e))

-- | Create FileCacheInfo for a file.
calcFci :: MonadIO m => ModTime -> FilePath -> m FileCacheInfo
calcFci modTime' fp = liftIO $
    withBinaryFile fp ReadMode $ \h -> do
        (size, digest) <- CB.sourceHandle h $$ getZipSink
                <$> ZipSink (CL.fold
                    (\x y -> x + fromIntegral (S.length y))
                <*> ZipSink sinkHash)
        return FileCacheInfo
            { fciModTime = modTime'
            , fciSize = size
            , fciHash = toBytes (digest :: Digest SHA256)

checkComponentsBuildable :: MonadThrow m => [LocalPackage] -> m ()
checkComponentsBuildable lps =
    unless (null unbuildable) $ throwM $ SomeTargetsNotBuildable unbuildable
    unbuildable =
        [ (packageName (lpPackage lp), c)
        | lp <- lps
        , c <- Set.toList (lpUnbuildable lp)

getDefaultPackageConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env)
  => m PackageConfig
getDefaultPackageConfig = do
  econfig <- asks getEnvConfig
  bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig
  return PackageConfig
    { packageConfigEnableTests = False
    , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
    , packageConfigFlags = M.empty
    , packageConfigGhcOptions = []
    , packageConfigCompilerVersion = envConfigCompilerVersion econfig
    , packageConfigPlatform = configPlatform $ getConfig bconfig

-- | Get 'PackageConfig' for package given its name.
getPackageConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env)
  => BuildOptsCLI
  -> PackageName
  -> Bool
  -> Bool
  -> m PackageConfig
getPackageConfig boptsCli name isTarget isLocal = do
  econfig <- asks getEnvConfig
  bconfig <- asks getBuildConfig
  return PackageConfig
    { packageConfigEnableTests = False
    , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False
    , packageConfigFlags = getLocalFlags bconfig boptsCli name
    , packageConfigGhcOptions = getGhcOptions bconfig boptsCli name isTarget isLocal
    , packageConfigCompilerVersion = envConfigCompilerVersion econfig
    , packageConfigPlatform = configPlatform $ getConfig bconfig