{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Provide ability to upload tarballs to Hackage.
module Stack.Upload
    ( -- * Upload
    , mkUploader
    , Uploader
    , upload
    , uploadBytes
    , UploadSettings
    , defaultUploadSettings
    , setUploadUrl
    , setCredsSource
    , setSaveCreds
      -- * Credentials
    , HackageCreds
    , loadCreds
    , saveCreds
    , FromFile
      -- ** Credentials source
    , HackageCredsSource
    , fromAnywhere
    , fromPrompt
    , fromFile
    , fromMemory
    ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception                     (bracket)
import qualified Control.Exception                     as E
import           Control.Monad                         (when)
import           Data.Aeson                            (FromJSON (..),
                                                        ToJSON (..),
                                                        eitherDecode', encode,
                                                        object, withObject,
                                                        (.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                 as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy                  as L
import           Data.Conduit                          (ConduitM, runConduit, (.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary                   as CB
import           Data.Text                             (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                             as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding                    (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.IO                          as TIO
import           Data.Typeable                         (Typeable)
import           Network.HTTP.Client                   (Response,
import           Network.HTTP.Simple                   (withResponse,
import           Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData (formDataBody, partFileRequestBody)
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS               (getGlobalManager,
import           Path                                  (toFilePath)
import           Prelude -- Fix redundant import warnings
import           Stack.Types.Config
import           System.Directory                      (createDirectoryIfMissing,
import           System.FilePath                       ((</>), takeFileName)
import           System.IO                             (hFlush, hGetEcho, hSetEcho,
                                                        stdin, stdout)

-- | Username and password to log into Hackage.
-- Since
data HackageCreds = HackageCreds
    { hcUsername :: !Text
    , hcPassword :: !Text
    deriving Show

instance ToJSON HackageCreds where
    toJSON (HackageCreds u p) = object
        [ "username" .= u
        , "password" .= p
instance FromJSON HackageCreds where
    parseJSON = withObject "HackageCreds" $ \o -> HackageCreds
        <$> o .: "username"
        <*> o .: "password"

-- | A source for getting Hackage credentials.
-- Since
newtype HackageCredsSource = HackageCredsSource
    { getCreds :: IO (HackageCreds, FromFile)

-- | Whether the Hackage credentials were loaded from a file.
-- This information is useful since, typically, you only want to save the
-- credentials to a file if it wasn't already loaded from there.
-- Since
type FromFile = Bool

-- | Load Hackage credentials from the given source.
-- Since
loadCreds :: HackageCredsSource -> IO (HackageCreds, FromFile)
loadCreds = getCreds

-- | Save the given credentials to the credentials file.
-- Since
saveCreds :: Config -> HackageCreds -> IO ()
saveCreds config creds = do
    fp <- credsFile config
    L.writeFile fp $ encode creds

-- | Load the Hackage credentials from the prompt, asking the user to type them
-- in.
-- Since
fromPrompt :: HackageCredsSource
fromPrompt = HackageCredsSource $ do
    putStr "Hackage username: "
    hFlush stdout
    username <- TIO.getLine
    password <- promptPassword
    return (HackageCreds
        { hcUsername = username
        , hcPassword = password
        }, False)

credsFile :: Config -> IO FilePath
credsFile config = do
    let dir = toFilePath (configStackRoot config) </> "upload"
    createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
    return $ dir </> "credentials.json"

-- | Load the Hackage credentials from the JSON config file.
-- Since
fromFile :: Config -> HackageCredsSource
fromFile config = HackageCredsSource $ do
    fp <- credsFile config
    lbs <- L.readFile fp
    case eitherDecode' lbs of
        Left e -> E.throwIO $ Couldn'tParseJSON fp e
        Right creds -> return (creds, True)

-- | Load the Hackage credentials from the given arguments.
-- Since
fromMemory :: Text -> Text -> HackageCredsSource
fromMemory u p = HackageCredsSource $ return (HackageCreds
    { hcUsername = u
    , hcPassword = p
    }, False)

data HackageCredsExceptions = Couldn'tParseJSON FilePath String
    deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance E.Exception HackageCredsExceptions

-- | Try to load the credentials from the config file. If that fails, ask the
-- user to enter them.
-- Since
fromAnywhere :: Config -> HackageCredsSource
fromAnywhere config = HackageCredsSource $
    getCreds (fromFile config) `E.catches`
        [ E.Handler $ \(_ :: E.IOException) -> getCreds fromPrompt
        , E.Handler $ \(_ :: HackageCredsExceptions) -> getCreds fromPrompt

-- | Lifted from cabal-install, Distribution.Client.Upload
promptPassword :: IO Text
promptPassword = do
  putStr "Hackage password: "
  hFlush stdout
  -- save/restore the terminal echoing status
  passwd <- bracket (hGetEcho stdin) (hSetEcho stdin) $ \_ -> do
    hSetEcho stdin False  -- no echoing for entering the password
    fmap T.pack getLine
  putStrLn ""
  return passwd

nopUploader :: Config -> UploadSettings -> IO Uploader
nopUploader _ _ = return (Uploader nop)
  where nop :: String -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
        nop _ _ = return ()

-- | Turn the given settings into an @Uploader@.
-- Since
mkUploader :: Config -> UploadSettings -> IO Uploader
mkUploader config us = do
    (creds, fromFile') <- loadCreds $ usCredsSource us config
    when (not fromFile' && usSaveCreds us) $ saveCreds config creds
    req0 <- parseRequest $ usUploadUrl us
    let req1 = setRequestHeader "Accept" ["text/plain"] req0
    return Uploader
        { upload_ = \tarName bytes -> do
            let formData = [partFileRequestBody "package" tarName (RequestBodyLBS bytes)]
            req2 <- formDataBody formData req1
            manager <- getGlobalManager
            ereq3 <- applyDigestAuth
                    (encodeUtf8 $ hcUsername creds)
                    (encodeUtf8 $ hcPassword creds)
            req3 <-
                case ereq3 of
                    Left e -> do
                        putStrLn "WARNING: No HTTP digest prompt found, this will probably fail"
                        case E.fromException e of
                            Just e' -> putStrLn $ displayDigestAuthException e'
                            Nothing -> print e
                        return req2
                    Right req3 -> return req3
            putStr $ "Uploading " ++ tarName ++ "... "
            hFlush stdout
            withResponse req3 $ \res ->
                case getResponseStatusCode res of
                    200 -> putStrLn "done!"
                    401 -> do
                        putStrLn "authentication failure"
                        cfp <- credsFile config
                        handleIO (const $ return ()) (removeFile cfp)
                        error "Authentication failure uploading to server"
                    403 -> do
                        putStrLn "forbidden upload"
                        putStrLn "Usually means: you've already uploaded this package/version combination"
                        putStrLn "Ignoring error and continuing, full message from Hackage below:\n"
                        printBody res
                    503 -> do
                        putStrLn "service unavailable"
                        putStrLn "This error some times gets sent even though the upload succeeded"
                        putStrLn "Check on Hackage to see if your pacakge is present"
                        printBody res
                    code -> do
                        putStrLn $ "unhandled status code: " ++ show code
                        printBody res
                        error $ "Upload failed on " ++ tarName

printBody :: Response (ConduitM () S.ByteString IO ()) -> IO ()
printBody res = runConduit $ getResponseBody res .| CB.sinkHandle stdout

-- | The computed value from a @UploadSettings@.
-- Typically, you want to use this with 'upload'.
-- Since
data Uploader = Uploader
    { upload_ :: !(String -> L.ByteString -> IO ())

-- | Upload a single tarball with the given @Uploader@.
-- Since
upload :: Uploader -> FilePath -> IO ()
upload uploader fp = upload_ uploader (takeFileName fp) =<< L.readFile fp

-- | Upload a single tarball with the given @Uploader@.  Instead of
-- sending a file like 'upload', this sends a lazy bytestring.
-- Since
uploadBytes :: Uploader -> String -> L.ByteString -> IO ()
uploadBytes = upload_

-- | Settings for creating an @Uploader@.
-- Since
data UploadSettings = UploadSettings
    { usUploadUrl   :: !String
    , usCredsSource :: !(Config -> HackageCredsSource)
    , usSaveCreds   :: !Bool

-- | Default value for @UploadSettings@.
-- Use setter functions to change defaults.
-- Since
defaultUploadSettings :: UploadSettings
defaultUploadSettings = UploadSettings
    { usUploadUrl = "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/"
    , usCredsSource = fromAnywhere
    , usSaveCreds = True

-- | Change the upload URL.
-- Default: "https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/"
-- Since
setUploadUrl :: String -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings
setUploadUrl x us = us { usUploadUrl = x }

-- | How to get the Hackage credentials.
-- Default: @fromAnywhere@
-- Since
setCredsSource :: (Config -> HackageCredsSource) -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings
setCredsSource x us = us { usCredsSource = x }

-- | Save new credentials to the config file.
-- Default: @True@
-- Since
setSaveCreds :: Bool -> UploadSettings -> UploadSettings
setSaveCreds x us = us { usSaveCreds = x }

handleIO :: (E.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
handleIO = E.handle