# The Haskell Tool Stack Stack is a cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects. It is aimed at Haskellers both new and experienced. It features: * Installing GHC automatically, in an isolated location. * Installing packages needed for your project. * Building your project. * Testing your project. * Benchmarking your project. #### How to install For many Un*x operating systems, all you need to do is run: curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh or: wget -qO- https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh On Windows, you can download and install the [Windows 64-bit Installer](https://www.stackage.org/stack/windows-x86_64-installer). For detailed instructions and downloads, including many additional operating systems, check out the [install and upgrade page](install_and_upgrade.md). #### Quick Start Guide First you need to [install it (see previous section)](#how-to-install). ##### Start your new project: ```bash stack new my-project cd my-project stack setup stack build stack exec my-project-exe ``` - The `stack new` command will create a new directory containing all the needed files to start a project correctly. - The `stack setup` will download the compiler if necessary in an isolated location (default `~/.stack`) that won't interfere with any system-level installations. (For information on installation paths, please use the `stack path` command.). - The `stack build` command will build the minimal project. - `stack exec my-project-exe` will execute the command. - If you just want to install an executable using stack, then all you have to do is`stack install `. If you want to launch a REPL: ```bash stack ghci ``` Run `stack` for a complete list of commands. ##### Workflow The `stack new` command should have created the following files: ``` . ├── LICENSE ├── Setup.hs ├── app │   └── Main.hs ├── my-project.cabal ├── src │   └── Lib.hs ├── stack.yaml └── test └── Spec.hs 3 directories, 7 files ``` So to manage your library: 1. Edit files in the `src/` directory. The `app` directory should preferably contain only files related to executables. 2. If you need to include another library (for example the package [`text`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text): - Add the package `text` to the file `my-project.cabal` in the section `build-depends: ...`. - run `stack build` another time 3. If you get an error that tells you your package isn't in the LTS. Just try to add a new version in the `stack.yaml` file in the `extra-deps` section. It was a really fast introduction on how to start to code in Haskell using `stack`. If you want to go further, we highly recommend you to read the [`stack` guide](GUIDE.md). #### How to contribute This assumes that you have already installed a version of stack, and have `git` installed. 1. Clone `stack` from git with `git clone https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git`. 2. Enter into the stack folder with `cd stack`. 3. Build `stack` using a pre-existing `stack` install with `stack setup && stack build`. 4. Once `stack` finishes building, check the stack version with `stack exec stack -- --version`. Make sure the version is the latest. 5. Look for issues tagged with [`newcomer` and `awaiting-pr` labels](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Anewcomer+label%3A%22awaiting+pr%22). Build from source as a one-liner: ```bash git clone https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack.git && \ cd stack && \ stack setup && \ stack build ``` #### Complete guide to stack This repository also contains a complete [user guide to using stack ](GUIDE.md), covering all of the most common use cases. #### Questions, Feedback, Discussion * For frequently asked questions about detailed or specific use-cases, please see [the FAQ](faq.md). * For general questions, comments, feedback and support please write to [the stack mailing list](https://groups.google.com/d/forum/haskell-stack). * For bugs, issues, or requests please [open an issue](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/new). * When using Stack Overflow, please use [the haskell-stack tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/haskell-stack). #### Why Stack? Stack is a build tool for Haskell designed to answer the needs of Haskell users new and experienced alike. It has a strong focus on reproducible build plans, multi-package projects, and a consistent, easy-to-learn interface, while providing the customizability and power experienced developers need. As a build tool, Stack does not stand alone. It is built on the great work provided by: * The __Glasgow Haskell Compiler__ (GHC), the premiere Haskell compiler. Stack will manage your GHC installations and automatically select the appropriate compiler version for your project. * The __Cabal build system__, a specification for defining Haskell packages, together with a library for performing builds. * The __Hackage package repository__, providing more than ten thousand open source libraries and applications to help you get your work done. * The __Stackage package collection__, a curated set of packages from Hackage which are regularly tested for compatibility. Stack defaults to using Stackage package sets to avoid dependency problems. Stack is provided by a team of volunteers and companies under the auspices of the [Commercial Haskell](http://commercialhaskell.com/) group. The project was spearheaded by [FP Complete](https://www.fpcomplete.com/) to answer the needs of commercial Haskell users, and has since become a thriving open source project meeting the needs of Haskell users of all stripes. If you'd like to get involved with Stack, check out the [newcomers label on the Github issue tracker](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Anewcomer).