{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Handy path information. module Stack.Path ( path , pathParser ) where import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Logger import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.Control import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.Maybe.Extra import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Lens.Micro (lens) import qualified Options.Applicative as OA import Path import Path.Extra import Stack.Constants import Stack.GhcPkg as GhcPkg import Stack.Types.Config import qualified System.FilePath as FP import System.IO (stderr) import System.Process.Read (EnvOverride(eoPath)) -- | Print out useful path information in a human-readable format (and -- support others later). path :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env, MonadCatch m, MonadLogger m) => [Text] -> m () path keys = do -- We must use a BuildConfig from an EnvConfig to ensure that it contains the -- full environment info including GHC paths etc. bc <- view $ envConfigL.buildConfigL -- This is the modified 'bin-path', -- including the local GHC or MSYS if not configured to operate on -- global GHC. -- It was set up in 'withBuildConfigAndLock -> withBuildConfigExt -> setupEnv'. -- So it's not the *minimal* override path. menv <- getMinimalEnvOverride snap <- packageDatabaseDeps plocal <- packageDatabaseLocal extra <- packageDatabaseExtra whichCompiler <- view $ actualCompilerVersionL.whichCompilerL global <- GhcPkg.getGlobalDB menv whichCompiler snaproot <- installationRootDeps localroot <- installationRootLocal distDir <- distRelativeDir hpcDir <- hpcReportDir compiler <- getCompilerPath whichCompiler let deprecated = filter ((`elem` keys) . fst) deprecatedPathKeys liftIO $ forM_ deprecated $ \(oldOption, newOption) -> T.hPutStrLn stderr $ T.unlines [ "" , "'--" <> oldOption <> "' will be removed in a future release." , "Please use '--" <> newOption <> "' instead." , "" ] forM_ -- filter the chosen paths in flags (keys), -- or show all of them if no specific paths chosen. (filter (\(_,key,_) -> (null keys && key /= T.pack deprecatedStackRootOptionName) || elem key keys) paths) (\(_,key,path') -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn -- If a single path type is requested, output it directly. -- Otherwise, name all the paths. ((if length keys == 1 then "" else key <> ": ") <> path' (PathInfo bc menv snap plocal global snaproot localroot distDir hpcDir extra compiler))) pathParser :: OA.Parser [Text] pathParser = mapMaybeA (\(desc,name,_) -> OA.flag Nothing (Just name) (OA.long (T.unpack name) <> OA.help desc)) paths -- | Passed to all the path printers as a source of info. data PathInfo = PathInfo { piBuildConfig :: BuildConfig , piEnvOverride :: EnvOverride , piSnapDb :: Path Abs Dir , piLocalDb :: Path Abs Dir , piGlobalDb :: Path Abs Dir , piSnapRoot :: Path Abs Dir , piLocalRoot :: Path Abs Dir , piDistDir :: Path Rel Dir , piHpcDir :: Path Abs Dir , piExtraDbs :: [Path Abs Dir] , piCompiler :: Path Abs File } instance HasPlatform PathInfo instance HasConfig PathInfo instance HasBuildConfig PathInfo where buildConfigL = lens piBuildConfig (\x y -> x { piBuildConfig = y }) . buildConfigL -- | The paths of interest to a user. The first tuple string is used -- for a description that the optparse flag uses, and the second -- string as a machine-readable key and also for @--foo@ flags. The user -- can choose a specific path to list like @--stack-root@. But -- really it's mainly for the documentation aspect. -- -- When printing output we generate @PathInfo@ and pass it to the -- function to generate an appropriate string. Trailing slashes are -- removed, see #506 paths :: [(String, Text, PathInfo -> Text)] paths = [ ( "Global stack root directory" , T.pack stackRootOptionName , view $ stackRootL.to toFilePathNoTrailingSep.to T.pack) , ( "Project root (derived from stack.yaml file)" , "project-root" , view $ projectRootL.to toFilePathNoTrailingSep.to T.pack) , ( "Configuration location (where the stack.yaml file is)" , "config-location" , view $ stackYamlL.to toFilePath.to T.pack) , ( "PATH environment variable" , "bin-path" , T.pack . intercalate [FP.searchPathSeparator] . eoPath . piEnvOverride ) , ( "Install location for GHC and other core tools" , "programs" , view $ configL.to configLocalPrograms.to toFilePathNoTrailingSep.to T.pack) , ( "Compiler binary (e.g. ghc)" , "compiler-exe" , T.pack . toFilePath . piCompiler ) , ( "Directory containing the compiler binary (e.g. ghc)" , "compiler-bin" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . parent . piCompiler ) , ( "Local bin dir where stack installs executables (e.g. ~/.local/bin)" , "local-bin" , view $ configL.to configLocalBin.to toFilePathNoTrailingSep.to T.pack) , ( "Extra include directories" , "extra-include-dirs" , T.intercalate ", " . map T.pack . Set.elems . configExtraIncludeDirs . view configL ) , ( "Extra library directories" , "extra-library-dirs" , T.intercalate ", " . map T.pack . Set.elems . configExtraLibDirs . view configL ) , ( "Snapshot package database" , "snapshot-pkg-db" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piSnapDb ) , ( "Local project package database" , "local-pkg-db" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piLocalDb ) , ( "Global package database" , "global-pkg-db" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piGlobalDb ) , ( "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable" , "ghc-package-path" , \pi' -> mkGhcPackagePath True (piLocalDb pi') (piSnapDb pi') (piExtraDbs pi') (piGlobalDb pi')) , ( "Snapshot installation root" , "snapshot-install-root" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piSnapRoot ) , ( "Local project installation root" , "local-install-root" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piLocalRoot ) , ( "Snapshot documentation root" , "snapshot-doc-root" , \pi' -> T.pack (toFilePathNoTrailingSep (piSnapRoot pi' docDirSuffix))) , ( "Local project documentation root" , "local-doc-root" , \pi' -> T.pack (toFilePathNoTrailingSep (piLocalRoot pi' docDirSuffix))) , ( "Dist work directory, relative to package directory" , "dist-dir" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piDistDir ) , ( "Where HPC reports and tix files are stored" , "local-hpc-root" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . piHpcDir ) , ( "DEPRECATED: Use '--local-bin' instead" , "local-bin-path" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . configLocalBin . view configL ) , ( "DEPRECATED: Use '--programs' instead" , "ghc-paths" , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . configLocalPrograms . view configL ) , ( "DEPRECATED: Use '--" <> stackRootOptionName <> "' instead" , T.pack deprecatedStackRootOptionName , T.pack . toFilePathNoTrailingSep . view stackRootL ) ] deprecatedPathKeys :: [(Text, Text)] deprecatedPathKeys = [ (T.pack deprecatedStackRootOptionName, T.pack stackRootOptionName) , ("ghc-paths", "programs") , ("local-bin-path", "local-bin") ]