{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | Dealing with Cabal.

module Stack.Package
  ,PackageException (..)

import           Prelude ()
import           Prelude.Compat

import           Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import           Control.Exception hiding (try,catch)
import           Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, (<=<), when, forM, forM_)
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Logger
import           Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader,runReaderT,ask,asks)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import           Data.List.Compat
import           Data.List.Extra (nubOrd)
import           Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Maybe.Extra
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import           Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8, decodeUtf8With)
import           Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import           Data.Version (showVersion)
import           Distribution.Compiler
import           Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as Cabal
import qualified Distribution.Package as D
import           Distribution.Package hiding (Package,PackageName,packageName,packageVersion,PackageIdentifier)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as D
import           Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (FlagName)
import           Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse as D
import           Distribution.ParseUtils
import           Distribution.Simple.Utils
import           Distribution.System (OS (..), Arch, Platform (..))
import qualified Distribution.Text as D
import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as D
import qualified Hpack
import qualified Hpack.Config as Hpack
import           Path as FL
import           Path.Extra
import           Path.Find
import           Path.IO hiding (findFiles)
import           Safe (headDef, tailSafe)
import           Stack.Build.Installed
import           Stack.Constants
import           Stack.PrettyPrint
import           Stack.Types.Build
import           Stack.Types.Compiler
import           Stack.Types.Config
import           Stack.Types.FlagName
import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
import           Stack.Types.Package
import           Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier
import           Stack.Types.PackageName
import           Stack.Types.Version
import qualified System.Directory as D
import           System.FilePath (splitExtensions, replaceExtension)
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
import           System.IO.Error

-- | Read the raw, unresolved package information.
readPackageUnresolved :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
                      => Path Abs File
                      -> m ([PWarning],GenericPackageDescription)
readPackageUnresolved cabalfp =
  liftIO (BS.readFile (FL.toFilePath cabalfp))
  >>= readPackageUnresolvedBS (Left cabalfp)

-- | Read the raw, unresolved package information from a ByteString.
readPackageUnresolvedBS :: (MonadThrow m)
                        => Either (Path Abs File) PackageIdentifier
                        -> BS.ByteString
                        -> m ([PWarning],GenericPackageDescription)
readPackageUnresolvedBS source bs =
    case parsePackageDescription chars of
       ParseFailed per ->
         throwM (PackageInvalidCabalFile source per)
       ParseOk warnings gpkg -> return (warnings,gpkg)
    chars = T.unpack (dropBOM (decodeUtf8With lenientDecode bs))

    -- https://github.com/haskell/hackage-server/issues/351
    dropBOM t = fromMaybe t $ T.stripPrefix "\xFEFF" t

-- | Reads and exposes the package information
readPackage :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
            => PackageConfig
            -> Path Abs File
            -> m ([PWarning],Package)
readPackage packageConfig cabalfp =
  do (warnings,gpkg) <- readPackageUnresolved cabalfp
     return (warnings,resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg)

-- | Reads and exposes the package information, from a ByteString
readPackageBS :: (MonadThrow m)
              => PackageConfig
              -> PackageIdentifier
              -> BS.ByteString
              -> m ([PWarning],Package)
readPackageBS packageConfig ident bs =
  do (warnings,gpkg) <- readPackageUnresolvedBS (Right ident) bs
     return (warnings,resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg)

-- | Get 'GenericPackageDescription' and 'PackageDescription' reading info
-- from given directory.
readPackageDescriptionDir :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => PackageConfig
  -> Path Abs Dir
  -> m (GenericPackageDescription, PackageDescription)
readPackageDescriptionDir config pkgDir = do
    cabalfp <- findOrGenerateCabalFile pkgDir
    gdesc   <- liftM snd (readPackageUnresolved cabalfp)
    return (gdesc, resolvePackageDescription config gdesc)

-- | Read @<package>.buildinfo@ ancillary files produced by some Setup.hs hooks.
-- The file includes Cabal file syntax to be merged into the package description
-- derived from the package's .cabal file.
-- NOTE: not to be confused with BuildInfo, an Stack-internal datatype.
readDotBuildinfo :: MonadIO m
                 => Path Abs File
                 -> m HookedBuildInfo
readDotBuildinfo buildinfofp =
    liftIO $ readHookedBuildInfo D.silent (toFilePath buildinfofp)

-- | Print cabal file warnings.
    :: (MonadLogger m)
    => Path Abs File -> PWarning -> m ()
printCabalFileWarning cabalfp =
        (PWarning x) ->
                ("Cabal file warning in " <> T.pack (toFilePath cabalfp) <>
                 ": " <>
                 T.pack x)
        (UTFWarning ln msg) ->
                ("Cabal file warning in " <> T.pack (toFilePath cabalfp) <> ":" <>
                 T.pack (show ln) <>
                 ": " <>
                 T.pack msg)

-- | Check if the given name in the @Package@ matches the name of the .cabal file
checkCabalFileName :: MonadThrow m => PackageName -> Path Abs File -> m ()
checkCabalFileName name cabalfp = do
    -- Previously, we just use parsePackageNameFromFilePath. However, that can
    -- lead to confusing error messages. See:
    -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/895
    let expected = packageNameString name ++ ".cabal"
    when (expected /= toFilePath (filename cabalfp))
        $ throwM $ MismatchedCabalName cabalfp name

-- | Resolve a parsed cabal file into a 'Package', which contains all of
-- the info needed for stack to build the 'Package' given the current
-- configuration.
resolvePackage :: PackageConfig
               -> GenericPackageDescription
               -> Package
resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg =
        (genPackageFlags gpkg)
        (resolvePackageDescription packageConfig gpkg)

packageFromPackageDescription :: PackageConfig
                              -> [D.Flag]
                              -> PackageDescription
                              -> Package
packageFromPackageDescription packageConfig pkgFlags pkg =
    { packageName = name
    , packageVersion = fromCabalVersion (pkgVersion pkgId)
    , packageLicense = license pkg
    , packageDeps = deps
    , packageFiles = pkgFiles
    , packageTools = packageDescTools pkg
    , packageGhcOptions = packageConfigGhcOptions packageConfig
    , packageFlags = packageConfigFlags packageConfig
    , packageDefaultFlags = M.fromList
      [(fromCabalFlagName (flagName flag), flagDefault flag) | flag <- pkgFlags]
    , packageAllDeps = S.fromList (M.keys deps)
    , packageHasLibrary = maybe False (buildable . libBuildInfo) (library pkg)
    , packageTests = M.fromList
      [(T.pack (testName t), testInterface t) | t <- testSuites pkg
                                              , buildable (testBuildInfo t)]
    , packageBenchmarks = S.fromList
      [T.pack (benchmarkName biBuildInfo) | biBuildInfo <- benchmarks pkg
                                          , buildable (benchmarkBuildInfo biBuildInfo)]
    , packageExes = S.fromList
      [T.pack (exeName biBuildInfo) | biBuildInfo <- executables pkg
                                    , buildable (buildInfo biBuildInfo)]
    -- This is an action used to collect info needed for "stack ghci".
    -- This info isn't usually needed, so computation of it is deferred.
    , packageOpts = GetPackageOpts $
      \sourceMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp ->
           do (componentsModules,componentFiles,_,_) <- getPackageFiles pkgFiles cabalfp
              componentsOpts <-
                  generatePkgDescOpts sourceMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp pkg componentFiles
              return (componentsModules,componentFiles,componentsOpts)
    , packageHasExposedModules = maybe
          (not . null . exposedModules)
          (library pkg)
    , packageBuildType = buildType pkg
    , packageSetupDeps = msetupDeps
    -- Gets all of the modules, files, build files, and data files that
    -- constitute the package. This is primarily used for dirtiness
    -- checking during build, as well as use by "stack ghci"
    pkgFiles = GetPackageFiles $
        \cabalfp -> $debugBracket ("getPackageFiles" <+> display cabalfp) $ do
             let pkgDir = parent cabalfp
             distDir <- distDirFromDir pkgDir
             (componentModules,componentFiles,dataFiles',warnings) <-
                     (packageDescModulesAndFiles pkg)
                     (cabalfp, buildDir distDir)
             setupFiles <-
                 if buildType pkg `elem` [Nothing, Just Custom]
                 then do
                     let setupHsPath = pkgDir </> $(mkRelFile "Setup.hs")
                         setupLhsPath = pkgDir </> $(mkRelFile "Setup.lhs")
                     setupHsExists <- doesFileExist setupHsPath
                     if setupHsExists then return (S.singleton setupHsPath) else do
                         setupLhsExists <- doesFileExist setupLhsPath
                         if setupLhsExists then return (S.singleton setupLhsPath) else return S.empty
                 else return S.empty
             buildFiles <- liftM (S.insert cabalfp . S.union setupFiles) $ do
                 let hpackPath = pkgDir </> $(mkRelFile Hpack.packageConfig)
                 hpackExists <- doesFileExist hpackPath
                 return $ if hpackExists then S.singleton hpackPath else S.empty
             return (componentModules, componentFiles, buildFiles <> dataFiles', warnings)
    pkgId = package pkg
    name = fromCabalPackageName (pkgName pkgId)
    deps = M.filterWithKey (const . (/= name)) (M.union
        (packageDependencies pkg)
        -- We include all custom-setup deps - if present - in the
        -- package deps themselves. Stack always works with the
        -- invariant that there will be a single installed package
        -- relating to a package name, and this applies at the setup
        -- dependency level as well.
        (fromMaybe M.empty msetupDeps))
    msetupDeps = fmap
        (M.fromList . map (depName &&& depRange) . setupDepends)
        (setupBuildInfo pkg)

-- | Generate GHC options for the package's components, and a list of
-- options which apply generally to the package, not one specific
-- component.
    :: (HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, MonadIO m)
    => SourceMap
    -> InstalledMap
    -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to omit from the "-package" / "-package-id" flags
    -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to add to the "-package" flags
    -> Path Abs File
    -> PackageDescription
    -> Map NamedComponent (Set DotCabalPath)
    -> m (Map NamedComponent BuildInfoOpts)
generatePkgDescOpts sourceMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp pkg componentPaths = do
    config <- view configL
    distDir <- distDirFromDir cabalDir
    let cabalMacros = autogenDir distDir </> $(mkRelFile "cabal_macros.h")
    exists <- doesFileExist cabalMacros
    let mcabalMacros =
            if exists
                then Just cabalMacros
                else Nothing
    let generate namedComponent binfo =
            ( namedComponent
            , generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput
                { biSourceMap = sourceMap
                , biInstalledMap = installedMap
                , biCabalMacros = mcabalMacros
                , biCabalDir = cabalDir
                , biDistDir = distDir
                , biOmitPackages = omitPkgs
                , biAddPackages = addPkgs
                , biBuildInfo = binfo
                , biDotCabalPaths = fromMaybe mempty (M.lookup namedComponent componentPaths)
                , biConfigLibDirs = configExtraLibDirs config
                , biConfigIncludeDirs = configExtraIncludeDirs config
                , biComponentName = namedComponent
        ( M.fromList
                   [ maybe
                         (return . generate CLib . libBuildInfo)
                         (library pkg)
                   , fmap
                         (\exe ->
                                    (CExe (T.pack (exeName exe)))
                                    (buildInfo exe))
                         (executables pkg)
                   , fmap
                         (\bench ->
                                    (CBench (T.pack (benchmarkName bench)))
                                    (benchmarkBuildInfo bench))
                         (benchmarks pkg)
                   , fmap
                         (\test ->
                                    (CTest (T.pack (testName test)))
                                    (testBuildInfo test))
                         (testSuites pkg)]))
    cabalDir = parent cabalfp

-- | Input to 'generateBuildInfoOpts'
data BioInput = BioInput
    { biSourceMap :: !SourceMap
    , biInstalledMap :: !InstalledMap
    , biCabalMacros :: !(Maybe (Path Abs File))
    , biCabalDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
    , biDistDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
    , biOmitPackages :: ![PackageName]
    , biAddPackages :: ![PackageName]
    , biBuildInfo :: !BuildInfo
    , biDotCabalPaths :: !(Set DotCabalPath)
    , biConfigLibDirs :: !(Set FilePath)
    , biConfigIncludeDirs :: !(Set FilePath)
    , biComponentName :: !NamedComponent

-- | Generate GHC options for the target. Since Cabal also figures out
-- these options, currently this is only used for invoking GHCI (via
-- stack ghci).
generateBuildInfoOpts :: BioInput -> BuildInfoOpts
generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput {..} =
        { bioOpts = ghcOpts ++ cppOptions biBuildInfo
        -- NOTE for future changes: Due to this use of nubOrd (and other uses
        -- downstream), these generated options must not rely on multiple
        -- argument sequences.  For example, ["--main-is", "Foo.hs", "--main-
        -- is", "Bar.hs"] would potentially break due to the duplicate
        -- "--main-is" being removed.
        -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1255
        , bioOneWordOpts = nubOrd $ concat
            [extOpts, srcOpts, includeOpts, libOpts, fworks, cObjectFiles]
        , bioPackageFlags = deps
        , bioCabalMacros = biCabalMacros
    cObjectFiles =
        mapMaybe (fmap toFilePath .
                  makeObjectFilePathFromC biCabalDir biComponentName biDistDir)
    cfiles = mapMaybe dotCabalCFilePath (S.toList biDotCabalPaths)
    -- Generates: -package=base -package=base16-bytestring- ...
    deps =
            [ case M.lookup name biInstalledMap of
                Just (_, Stack.Types.Package.Library _ident ipid) -> ["-package-id=" <> ghcPkgIdString ipid]
                _ -> ["-package=" <> packageNameString name <>
                 maybe "" -- This empty case applies to e.g. base.
                     ((("-" <>) . versionString) . piiVersion)
                     (M.lookup name biSourceMap)]
            | name <- pkgs]
    pkgs =
        biAddPackages ++
        [ name
        | Dependency cname _ <- targetBuildDepends biBuildInfo
        , let name = fromCabalPackageName cname
        , name `notElem` biOmitPackages]
    ghcOpts = concatMap snd . filter (isGhc . fst) $ options biBuildInfo
        isGhc GHC = True
        isGhc _ = False
    extOpts = map (("-X" ++) . D.display) (usedExtensions biBuildInfo)
    srcOpts =
            (("-i" <>) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
            ([biCabalDir | null (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo)] <>
             mapMaybe toIncludeDir (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo) <>
             [autogenDir biDistDir,buildDir biDistDir] <>
             [makeGenDir (buildDir biDistDir)
             | Just makeGenDir <- [fileGenDirFromComponentName biComponentName]]) ++
        ["-stubdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (buildDir biDistDir)]
    toIncludeDir "." = Just biCabalDir
    toIncludeDir relDir = concatAndColapseAbsDir biCabalDir relDir
    includeOpts =
        map ("-I" <>) (configExtraIncludeDirs <> pkgIncludeOpts)
    configExtraIncludeDirs = S.toList biConfigIncludeDirs
    pkgIncludeOpts =
        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir
        | dir <- includeDirs biBuildInfo
        , absDir <- handleDir dir
    libOpts =
        map ("-l" <>) (extraLibs biBuildInfo) <>
        map ("-L" <>) (configExtraLibDirs <> pkgLibDirs)
    configExtraLibDirs = S.toList biConfigLibDirs
    pkgLibDirs =
        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir
        | dir <- extraLibDirs biBuildInfo
        , absDir <- handleDir dir
    handleDir dir = case (parseAbsDir dir, parseRelDir dir) of
       (Just ab, _       ) -> [ab]
       (_      , Just rel) -> [biCabalDir </> rel]
       (Nothing, Nothing ) -> []
    fworks = map (\fwk -> "-framework=" <> fwk) (frameworks biBuildInfo)

-- | Make the .o path from the .c file path for a component. Example:
-- @
-- executable FOO
--   c-sources:        cbits/text_search.c
-- @
-- Produces
-- <dist-dir>/build/FOO/FOO-tmp/cbits/text_search.o
-- Example:
-- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC
--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle")
--     CLib
--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist")
--     $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c")
-- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/cbits/text_search.o"
-- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC
--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle")
--     (CExe "hoogle")
--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist")
--     $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c")
-- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/hoogle/hoogle-tmp/cbits/text_search.o"
-- λ>
    :: MonadThrow m
    => Path Abs Dir          -- ^ The cabal directory.
    -> NamedComponent        -- ^ The name of the component.
    -> Path Abs Dir          -- ^ Dist directory.
    -> Path Abs File         -- ^ The path to the .c file.
    -> m (Path Abs File) -- ^ The path to the .o file for the component.
makeObjectFilePathFromC cabalDir namedComponent distDir cFilePath = do
    relCFilePath <- stripDir cabalDir cFilePath
    relOFilePath <-
        parseRelFile (replaceExtension (toFilePath relCFilePath) "o")
    addComponentPrefix <- fileGenDirFromComponentName namedComponent
    return (addComponentPrefix (buildDir distDir) </> relOFilePath)

-- | The directory where generated files are put like .o or .hs (from .x files).
    :: MonadThrow m
    => NamedComponent -> m (Path b Dir -> Path b Dir)
fileGenDirFromComponentName namedComponent =
    case namedComponent of
        CLib -> return id
        CExe name -> makeTmp name
        CTest name -> makeTmp name
        CBench name -> makeTmp name
  where makeTmp name = do
            prefix <- parseRelDir (T.unpack name <> "/" <> T.unpack name <> "-tmp")
            return (</> prefix)

-- | Make the autogen dir.
autogenDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
autogenDir distDir = buildDir distDir </> $(mkRelDir "autogen")

-- | Make the build dir.
buildDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
buildDir distDir = distDir </> $(mkRelDir "build")

-- | Make the component-specific subdirectory of the build directory.
getBuildComponentDir :: Maybe String -> Maybe (Path Rel Dir)
getBuildComponentDir Nothing = Nothing
getBuildComponentDir (Just name) = parseRelDir (name FilePath.</> (name ++ "-tmp"))

-- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).
packageDependencies :: PackageDescription -> Map PackageName VersionRange
packageDependencies pkg =
  M.fromListWith intersectVersionRanges $
  map (depName &&& depRange) $
  concatMap targetBuildDepends (allBuildInfo' pkg) ++
  maybe [] setupDepends (setupBuildInfo pkg)

-- | Get all build tool dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).
packageToolDependencies :: PackageDescription -> Map Text VersionRange
packageToolDependencies =
  M.fromList .
  concatMap (fmap (packageNameText . depName &&& depRange) .
             buildTools) .

-- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).
packageDescTools :: PackageDescription -> [Dependency]
packageDescTools = concatMap buildTools . allBuildInfo'

-- | This is a copy-paste from Cabal's @allBuildInfo@ function, but with the
-- @buildable@ test removed. The implementation is broken.
-- See: https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1725
allBuildInfo' :: PackageDescription -> [BuildInfo]
allBuildInfo' pkg_descr = [ bi | Just lib <- [library pkg_descr]
                              , let bi = libBuildInfo lib
                              , True || buildable bi ]
                      ++ [ bi | exe <- executables pkg_descr
                              , let bi = buildInfo exe
                              , True || buildable bi ]
                      ++ [ bi | tst <- testSuites pkg_descr
                              , let bi = testBuildInfo tst
                              , True || buildable bi
                              , testEnabled tst ]
                      ++ [ bi | tst <- benchmarks pkg_descr
                              , let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo tst
                              , True || buildable bi
                              , benchmarkEnabled tst ]

-- | Get all files referenced by the package.
    :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m, MonadCatch m)
    => PackageDescription
    -> m (Map NamedComponent (Set ModuleName), Map NamedComponent (Set DotCabalPath), Set (Path Abs File), [PackageWarning])
packageDescModulesAndFiles pkg = do
    (libraryMods,libDotCabalFiles,libWarnings) <-
            (return (M.empty, M.empty, []))
            (asModuleAndFileMap libComponent libraryFiles)
            (library pkg)
    (executableMods,exeDotCabalFiles,exeWarnings) <-
                 (asModuleAndFileMap exeComponent executableFiles)
                 (executables pkg))
    (testMods,testDotCabalFiles,testWarnings) <-
            (mapM (asModuleAndFileMap testComponent testFiles) (testSuites pkg))
    (benchModules,benchDotCabalPaths,benchWarnings) <-
                 (asModuleAndFileMap benchComponent benchmarkFiles)
                 (benchmarks pkg))
    dfiles <- resolveGlobFiles
                    (extraSrcFiles pkg
                        ++ map (dataDir pkg FilePath.</>) (dataFiles pkg))
    let modules = libraryMods <> executableMods <> testMods <> benchModules
        files =
            libDotCabalFiles <> exeDotCabalFiles <> testDotCabalFiles <>
        warnings = libWarnings <> exeWarnings <> testWarnings <> benchWarnings
    return (modules, files, dfiles, warnings)
    libComponent = const CLib
    exeComponent = CExe . T.pack . exeName
    testComponent = CTest . T.pack . testName
    benchComponent = CBench . T.pack . benchmarkName
    asModuleAndFileMap label f lib = do
        (a,b,c) <- f lib
        return (M.singleton (label lib) a, M.singleton (label lib) b, c)
    foldTuples = foldl' (<>) (M.empty, M.empty, [])

-- | Resolve globbing of files (e.g. data files) to absolute paths.
resolveGlobFiles :: (MonadLogger m,MonadIO m,MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m,MonadCatch m)
                 => [String] -> m (Set (Path Abs File))
resolveGlobFiles =
    liftM (S.fromList . catMaybes . concat) .
    mapM resolve
    resolve name =
        if '*' `elem` name
            then explode name
            else liftM return (resolveFileOrWarn name)
    explode name = do
        dir <- asks (parent . fst)
        names <-
                (FL.toFilePath dir)
        mapM resolveFileOrWarn names
    matchDirFileGlob' dir glob =
            (matchDirFileGlob_ dir glob)
            (\(e :: IOException) ->
                  if isUserError e
                      then do
                              ("Wildcard does not match any files: " <> T.pack glob <> "\n" <>
                               "in directory: " <> T.pack dir)
                          return []
                      else throwM e)

-- | This is a copy/paste of the Cabal library function, but with
-- @ext == ext'@
-- Changed to
-- @isSuffixOf ext ext'@
-- So that this will work:
-- @
-- λ> matchDirFileGlob_ "." "test/package-dump/*.txt"
-- ["test/package-dump/ghc-7.8.txt","test/package-dump/ghc-7.10.txt"]
-- @
matchDirFileGlob_ :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m) => String -> String -> m [String]
matchDirFileGlob_ dir filepath = case parseFileGlob filepath of
  Nothing -> liftIO $ die $
      "invalid file glob '" ++ filepath
      ++ "'. Wildcards '*' are only allowed in place of the file"
      ++ " name, not in the directory name or file extension."
      ++ " If a wildcard is used it must be with an file extension."
  Just (NoGlob filepath') -> return [filepath']
  Just (FileGlob dir' ext) -> do
    efiles <- liftIO $ try $ D.getDirectoryContents (dir FilePath.</> dir')
    let matches =
            case efiles of
                Left (_ :: IOException) -> []
                Right files ->
                    [ dir' FilePath.</> file
                    | file <- files
                    , let (name, ext') = splitExtensions file
                    , not (null name) && isSuffixOf ext ext'
    when (null matches) $
        $logWarn $ "WARNING: filepath wildcard '" <> T.pack filepath <> "' does not match any files."
    return matches

-- | Get all files referenced by the benchmark.
    :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => Benchmark -> m (Set ModuleName, Set DotCabalPath, [PackageWarning])
benchmarkFiles bench = do
    dirs <- mapMaybeM resolveDirOrWarn (hsSourceDirs build)
    dir <- asks (parent . fst)
    (modules,files,warnings) <-
            (Just $ benchmarkName bench)
            (dirs ++ [dir])
            (bnames <> exposed)
    cfiles <- buildOtherSources build
    return (modules, files <> cfiles, warnings)
    exposed =
        case benchmarkInterface bench of
            BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp -> [DotCabalMain fp]
            BenchmarkUnsupported _ -> []
    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
    build = benchmarkBuildInfo bench

-- | Get all files referenced by the test.
    :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => TestSuite
    -> m (Set ModuleName, Set DotCabalPath, [PackageWarning])
testFiles test = do
    dirs <- mapMaybeM resolveDirOrWarn (hsSourceDirs build)
    dir <- asks (parent . fst)
    (modules,files,warnings) <-
            (Just $ testName test)
            (dirs ++ [dir])
            (bnames <> exposed)
    cfiles <- buildOtherSources build
    return (modules, files <> cfiles, warnings)
    exposed =
        case testInterface test of
            TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp -> [DotCabalMain fp]
            TestSuiteLibV09 _ mn -> [DotCabalModule mn]
            TestSuiteUnsupported _ -> []
    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
    build = testBuildInfo test

-- | Get all files referenced by the executable.
    :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => Executable
    -> m (Set ModuleName, Set DotCabalPath, [PackageWarning])
executableFiles exe = do
    dirs <- mapMaybeM resolveDirOrWarn (hsSourceDirs build)
    dir <- asks (parent . fst)
    (modules,files,warnings) <-
            (Just $ exeName exe)
            (dirs ++ [dir])
            (map DotCabalModule (otherModules build) ++
             [DotCabalMain (modulePath exe)])
    cfiles <- buildOtherSources build
    return (modules, files <> cfiles, warnings)
    build = buildInfo exe

-- | Get all files referenced by the library.
    :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => Library -> m (Set ModuleName, Set DotCabalPath, [PackageWarning])
libraryFiles lib = do
    dirs <- mapMaybeM resolveDirOrWarn (hsSourceDirs build)
    dir <- asks (parent . fst)
    (modules,files,warnings) <-
            (dirs ++ [dir])
    cfiles <- buildOtherSources build
    return (modules, files <> cfiles, warnings)
    names = bnames ++ exposed
    exposed = map DotCabalModule (exposedModules lib)
    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
    build = libBuildInfo lib

-- | Get all C sources and extra source files in a build.
buildOtherSources :: (MonadLogger m,MonadIO m,MonadCatch m,MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
           => BuildInfo -> m (Set DotCabalPath)
buildOtherSources build =
    do csources <- liftM
                       (S.map DotCabalCFilePath . S.fromList)
                       (mapMaybeM resolveFileOrWarn (cSources build))
       jsources <- liftM
                       (S.map DotCabalFilePath . S.fromList)
                       (mapMaybeM resolveFileOrWarn (targetJsSources build))
       return (csources <> jsources)

-- | Get the target's JS sources.
targetJsSources :: BuildInfo -> [FilePath]
targetJsSources = jsSources

-- | Evaluates the conditions of a 'GenericPackageDescription', yielding
-- a resolved 'PackageDescription'.
resolvePackageDescription :: PackageConfig
                          -> GenericPackageDescription
                          -> PackageDescription
resolvePackageDescription packageConfig (GenericPackageDescription desc defaultFlags mlib exes tests benches) =
  desc {library =
          fmap (resolveConditions rc updateLibDeps) mlib
       ,executables =
          map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateExeDeps v){exeName=n})
       ,testSuites =
          map (\(n,v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateTestDeps v){testName=n})
       ,benchmarks =
          map (\(n,v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateBenchmarkDeps v){benchmarkName=n})
  where flags =
          M.union (packageConfigFlags packageConfig)
                  (flagMap defaultFlags)

        rc = mkResolveConditions
                (packageConfigCompilerVersion packageConfig)
                (packageConfigPlatform packageConfig)

        updateLibDeps lib deps =
          lib {libBuildInfo =
                 (libBuildInfo lib) {targetBuildDepends = deps}}
        updateExeDeps exe deps =
          exe {buildInfo =
                 (buildInfo exe) {targetBuildDepends = deps}}
        updateTestDeps test deps =
          test {testBuildInfo =
                  (testBuildInfo test) {targetBuildDepends = deps}
               ,testEnabled = packageConfigEnableTests packageConfig}
        updateBenchmarkDeps benchmark deps =
          benchmark {benchmarkBuildInfo =
                       (benchmarkBuildInfo benchmark) {targetBuildDepends = deps}
                    ,benchmarkEnabled = packageConfigEnableBenchmarks packageConfig}

-- | Make a map from a list of flag specifications.
-- What is @flagManual@ for?
flagMap :: [Flag] -> Map FlagName Bool
flagMap = M.fromList . map pair
  where pair :: Flag -> (FlagName, Bool)
        pair (MkFlag (fromCabalFlagName -> name) _desc def _manual) = (name,def)

data ResolveConditions = ResolveConditions
    { rcFlags :: Map FlagName Bool
    , rcCompilerVersion :: CompilerVersion
    , rcOS :: OS
    , rcArch :: Arch

-- | Generic a @ResolveConditions@ using sensible defaults.
mkResolveConditions :: CompilerVersion -- ^ Compiler version
                    -> Platform -- ^ installation target platform
                    -> Map FlagName Bool -- ^ enabled flags
                    -> ResolveConditions
mkResolveConditions compilerVersion (Platform arch os) flags = ResolveConditions
    { rcFlags = flags
    , rcCompilerVersion = compilerVersion
    , rcOS = os
    , rcArch = arch

-- | Resolve the condition tree for the library.
resolveConditions :: (Monoid target,Show target)
                  => ResolveConditions
                  -> (target -> cs -> target)
                  -> CondTree ConfVar cs target
                  -> target
resolveConditions rc addDeps (CondNode lib deps cs) = basic <> children
  where basic = addDeps lib deps
        children = mconcat (map apply cs)
          where apply (cond,node,mcs) =
                  if condSatisfied cond
                     then resolveConditions rc addDeps node
                     else maybe mempty (resolveConditions rc addDeps) mcs
                condSatisfied c =
                  case c of
                    Var v -> varSatisifed v
                    Lit b -> b
                    CNot c' ->
                      not (condSatisfied c')
                    COr cx cy ->
                      condSatisfied cx || condSatisfied cy
                    CAnd cx cy ->
                      condSatisfied cx && condSatisfied cy
                varSatisifed v =
                  case v of
                    OS os -> os == rcOS rc
                    Arch arch -> arch == rcArch rc
                    Flag flag ->
                      fromMaybe False $ M.lookup (fromCabalFlagName flag) (rcFlags rc)
                      -- NOTE:  ^^^^^ This should never happen, as all flags
                      -- which are used must be declared. Defaulting to
                      -- False.
                    Impl flavor range ->
                      case (flavor, rcCompilerVersion rc) of
                        (GHC, GhcVersion vghc) -> vghc `withinRange` range
                        (GHC, GhcjsVersion _ vghc) -> vghc `withinRange` range
                        (GHCJS, GhcjsVersion vghcjs _) ->
                          vghcjs `withinRange` range
                        _ -> False

-- | Get the name of a dependency.
depName :: Dependency -> PackageName
depName (Dependency n _) = fromCabalPackageName n

-- | Get the version range of a dependency.
depRange :: Dependency -> VersionRange
depRange (Dependency _ r) = r

-- | Try to resolve the list of base names in the given directory by
-- looking for unique instances of base names applied with the given
-- extensions, plus find any of their module and TemplateHaskell
-- dependencies.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadCatch m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => Maybe String         -- ^ Package component name
    -> [Path Abs Dir]       -- ^ Directories to look in.
    -> [DotCabalDescriptor] -- ^ Base names.
    -> [Text]               -- ^ Extensions.
    -> m (Set ModuleName,Set DotCabalPath,[PackageWarning])
resolveFilesAndDeps component dirs names0 exts = do
    (dotCabalPaths, foundModules, missingModules) <- loop names0 S.empty
    warnings <- liftM2 (++) (warnUnlisted foundModules) (warnMissing missingModules)
    return (foundModules, dotCabalPaths, warnings)
    loop [] _ = return (S.empty, S.empty, [])
    loop names doneModules0 = do
        resolved <- resolveFiles dirs names exts
        let foundFiles = mapMaybe snd resolved
            (foundModules', missingModules') = partition (isJust . snd) resolved
            foundModules = mapMaybe (dotCabalModule . fst) foundModules'
            missingModules = mapMaybe (dotCabalModule . fst) missingModules'
        pairs <- mapM (getDependencies component) foundFiles
        let doneModules =
                    (S.fromList (mapMaybe dotCabalModule names))
            moduleDeps = S.unions (map fst pairs)
            thDepFiles = concatMap snd pairs
            modulesRemaining = S.difference moduleDeps doneModules
        -- Ignore missing modules discovered as dependencies - they may
        -- have been deleted.
        (resolvedFiles, resolvedModules, _) <-
            loop (map DotCabalModule (S.toList modulesRemaining)) doneModules
            ( S.union
                       (foundFiles <> map DotCabalFilePath thDepFiles))
            , S.union
                  (S.fromList foundModules)
            , missingModules)
    warnUnlisted foundModules = do
        let unlistedModules =
                foundModules `S.difference`
                S.fromList (mapMaybe dotCabalModule names0)
        return $
            if S.null unlistedModules
                then []
                else [ UnlistedModulesWarning
                           (S.toList unlistedModules)]
    warnMissing _missingModules = do
        return []
        -- TODO: bring this back - see
        -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2649
        cabalfp <- asks fst
        return $
            if null missingModules
               then []
               else [ MissingModulesWarning

-- | Get the dependencies of a Haskell module file.
    :: (MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadLogger m)
    => Maybe String -> DotCabalPath -> m (Set ModuleName, [Path Abs File])
getDependencies component dotCabalPath =
    case dotCabalPath of
        DotCabalModulePath resolvedFile -> readResolvedHi resolvedFile
        DotCabalMainPath resolvedFile -> readResolvedHi resolvedFile
        DotCabalFilePath{} -> return (S.empty, [])
        DotCabalCFilePath{} -> return (S.empty, [])
    readResolvedHi resolvedFile = do
        dumpHIDir <- getDumpHIDir
        dir <- asks (parent . fst)
        case stripDir dir resolvedFile of
            Nothing -> return (S.empty, [])
            Just fileRel -> do
                let dumpHIPath =
                            (toFilePath (dumpHIDir </> fileRel))
                dumpHIExists <- liftIO $ D.doesFileExist dumpHIPath
                if dumpHIExists
                    then parseDumpHI dumpHIPath
                    else return (S.empty, [])
    getDumpHIDir = do
        bld <- asks snd
        return $ maybe bld (bld </>) (getBuildComponentDir component)

-- | Parse a .dump-hi file into a set of modules and files.
    :: (MonadReader (Path Abs File, void) m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m, MonadLogger m)
    => FilePath -> m (Set ModuleName, [Path Abs File])
parseDumpHI dumpHIPath = do
    dir <- asks (parent . fst)
    dumpHI <- liftIO $ fmap C8.lines (C8.readFile dumpHIPath)
    let startModuleDeps =
            dropWhile (not . ("module dependencies:" `C8.isPrefixOf`)) dumpHI
        moduleDeps =
            S.fromList $
            mapMaybe (D.simpleParse . T.unpack . decodeUtf8) $
            C8.words $
            C8.concat $
            C8.dropWhile (/= ' ') (headDef "" startModuleDeps) :
            takeWhile (" " `C8.isPrefixOf`) (tailSafe startModuleDeps)
        thDeps =
            -- The dependent file path is surrounded by quotes but is not escaped.
            -- It can be an absolute or relative path.
                (fmap T.unpack .
                  (T.stripSuffix "\"" <=< T.stripPrefix "\"") .
                  T.dropWhileEnd (== '\r') . decodeUtf8 . C8.dropWhile (/= '"')) $
            filter ("addDependentFile \"" `C8.isPrefixOf`) dumpHI
    thDepsResolved <- liftM catMaybes $ forM thDeps $ \x -> do
        mresolved <- forgivingAbsence (resolveFile dir x) >>= rejectMissingFile
        when (isNothing mresolved) $
            $logWarn $ "Warning: addDependentFile path (Template Haskell) listed in " <> T.pack dumpHIPath <>
                " does not exist: " <> T.pack x
        return mresolved
    return (moduleDeps, thDepsResolved)

-- | Try to resolve the list of base names in the given directory by
-- looking for unique instances of base names applied with the given
-- extensions.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ Directories to look in.
    -> [DotCabalDescriptor] -- ^ Base names.
    -> [Text] -- ^ Extensions.
    -> m [(DotCabalDescriptor, Maybe DotCabalPath)]
resolveFiles dirs names exts =
    forM names (\name -> liftM (name, ) (findCandidate dirs exts name))

-- | Find a candidate for the given module-or-filename from the list
-- of directories and given extensions.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
    => [Path Abs Dir]
    -> [Text]
    -> DotCabalDescriptor
    -> m (Maybe DotCabalPath)
findCandidate dirs exts name = do
    pkg <- asks fst >>= parsePackageNameFromFilePath
    candidates <- liftIO makeNameCandidates
    case candidates of
        [candidate] -> return (Just (cons candidate))
        [] -> do
            case name of
                DotCabalModule mn
                  | D.display mn /= paths_pkg pkg -> logPossibilities dirs mn
                _ -> return ()
            return Nothing
        (candidate:rest) -> do
            warnMultiple name candidate rest
            return (Just (cons candidate))
    cons =
        case name of
            DotCabalModule{} -> DotCabalModulePath
            DotCabalMain{} -> DotCabalMainPath
            DotCabalFile{} -> DotCabalFilePath
            DotCabalCFile{} -> DotCabalCFilePath
    paths_pkg pkg = "Paths_" ++ packageNameString pkg
    makeNameCandidates =
        liftM (nubOrd . concat) (mapM makeDirCandidates dirs)
    makeDirCandidates :: Path Abs Dir
                      -> IO [Path Abs File]
    makeDirCandidates dir =
        case name of
            DotCabalMain fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
            DotCabalFile fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
            DotCabalCFile fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
            DotCabalModule mn ->
                liftM concat
                $ mapM
                  ((\ ext ->
                     resolveCandidate dir (Cabal.toFilePath mn ++ "." ++ ext))
                   . T.unpack)
        :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
        => Path Abs Dir -> FilePath.FilePath -> m [Path Abs File]
    resolveCandidate x y = do
        -- The standard canonicalizePath does not work for this case
        p <- parseCollapsedAbsFile (toFilePath x FilePath.</> y)
        exists <- doesFileExist p
        return $ if exists then [p] else []

-- | Warn the user that multiple candidates are available for an
-- entry, but that we picked one anyway and continued.
    :: MonadLogger m
    => DotCabalDescriptor -> Path b t -> [Path b t] -> m ()
warnMultiple name candidate rest =
        ("There were multiple candidates for the Cabal entry \"" <>
         showName name <>
         "\" (" <>
         T.intercalate "," (map (T.pack . toFilePath) rest) <>
         "), picking " <>
         T.pack (toFilePath candidate))
  where showName (DotCabalModule name') = T.pack (D.display name')
        showName (DotCabalMain fp) = T.pack fp
        showName (DotCabalFile fp) = T.pack fp
        showName (DotCabalCFile fp) = T.pack fp

-- | Log that we couldn't find a candidate, but there are
-- possibilities for custom preprocessor extensions.
-- For example: .erb for a Ruby file might exist in one of the
-- directories.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m)
    => [Path Abs Dir] -> ModuleName -> m ()
logPossibilities dirs mn = do
    possibilities <- liftM concat (makePossibilities mn)
    case possibilities of
        [] -> return ()
        _ ->
                ("Unable to find a known candidate for the Cabal entry \"" <>
                 T.pack (D.display mn) <>
                 "\", but did find: " <>
                 T.intercalate ", " (map (T.pack . toFilePath) possibilities) <>
                 ". If you are using a custom preprocessor for this module " <>
                 "with its own file extension, consider adding the file(s) " <>
                 "to your .cabal under extra-source-files.")
    makePossibilities name =
            (\dir ->
                  do (_,files) <- listDir dir
                                   (isPrefixOf (D.display name) .
                                    toFilePath . filename)

-- | Get the filename for the cabal file in the given directory.
-- If no .cabal file is present, or more than one is present, an exception is
-- thrown via 'throwM'.
-- If the directory contains a file named package.yaml, hpack is used to
-- generate a .cabal file from it.
    :: forall m. (MonadThrow m, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m)
    => Path Abs Dir -- ^ package directory
    -> m (Path Abs File)
findOrGenerateCabalFile pkgDir = do
    hpack pkgDir
    findCabalFile :: m (Path Abs File)
    findCabalFile = findCabalFile' >>= either throwM return

    findCabalFile' :: m (Either PackageException (Path Abs File))
    findCabalFile' = do
        files <- liftIO $ findFiles
            (flip hasExtension "cabal" . FL.toFilePath)
            (const False)
        return $ case files of
            [] -> Left $ PackageNoCabalFileFound pkgDir
            [x] -> Right x
            -- If there are multiple files, ignore files that start with
            -- ".". On unixlike environments these are hidden, and this
            -- character is not valid in package names. The main goal is
            -- to ignore emacs lock files - see
            -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1897.
            (filter (not . ("." `isPrefixOf`) . toFilePath . filename) -> [x]) -> Right x
            _:_ -> Left $ PackageMultipleCabalFilesFound pkgDir files
      where hasExtension fp x = FilePath.takeExtension fp == "." ++ x

-- | Generate .cabal file from package.yaml, if necessary.
hpack :: (MonadIO m, MonadLogger m) => Path Abs Dir -> m ()
hpack pkgDir = do
    let hpackFile = pkgDir </> $(mkRelFile Hpack.packageConfig)
    exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist hpackFile
    when exists $ do
        let fpt = T.pack (toFilePath hpackFile)
        $logDebug $ "Running hpack on " <> fpt
#if MIN_VERSION_hpack(0,18,0)
        r <- liftIO $ Hpack.hpackResult (Just $ toFilePath pkgDir)
        r <- liftIO $ Hpack.hpackResult (toFilePath pkgDir)
        forM_ (Hpack.resultWarnings r) $ \w -> $logWarn ("WARNING: " <> T.pack w)
        let cabalFile = T.pack (Hpack.resultCabalFile r)
        case Hpack.resultStatus r of
            Hpack.Generated -> $logDebug $
                "hpack generated a modified version of " <> cabalFile
            Hpack.OutputUnchanged -> $logDebug $
                "hpack output unchanged in " <> cabalFile
            -- NOTE: this is 'logInfo' so it will be outputted to the
            -- user by default.
            Hpack.AlreadyGeneratedByNewerHpack -> $logWarn $
                "WARNING: " <> cabalFile <> " was generated with a newer version of hpack, please upgrade and try again."

-- | Path for the package's build log.
buildLogPath :: (MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env, MonadThrow m)
             => Package -> Maybe String -> m (Path Abs File)
buildLogPath package' msuffix = do
  env <- ask
  let stack = getProjectWorkDir env
  fp <- parseRelFile $ concat $
    packageIdentifierString (packageIdentifier package') :
    maybe id (\suffix -> ("-" :) . (suffix :)) msuffix [".log"]
  return $ stack </> $(mkRelDir "logs") </> fp

-- Internal helper to define resolveFileOrWarn and resolveDirOrWarn
resolveOrWarn :: (MonadLogger m, MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
              => Text
              -> (Path Abs Dir -> String -> m (Maybe a))
              -> FilePath.FilePath
              -> m (Maybe a)
resolveOrWarn subject resolver path =
  do cwd <- getCurrentDir
     file <- asks fst
     dir <- asks (parent . fst)
     result <- resolver dir path
     when (isNothing result) $
       $logWarn ("Warning: " <> subject <> " listed in " <>
         T.pack (maybe (FL.toFilePath file) FL.toFilePath (stripDir cwd file)) <>
         " file does not exist: " <>
         T.pack path)
     return result

-- | Resolve the file, if it can't be resolved, warn for the user
-- (purely to be helpful).
resolveFileOrWarn :: (MonadCatch m,MonadIO m,MonadLogger m,MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
                  => FilePath.FilePath
                  -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File))
resolveFileOrWarn = resolveOrWarn "File" f
  where f p x = forgivingAbsence (resolveFile p x) >>= rejectMissingFile

-- | Resolve the directory, if it can't be resolved, warn for the user
-- (purely to be helpful).
resolveDirOrWarn :: (MonadCatch m,MonadIO m,MonadLogger m,MonadReader (Path Abs File, Path Abs Dir) m)
                 => FilePath.FilePath
                 -> m (Maybe (Path Abs Dir))
resolveDirOrWarn = resolveOrWarn "Directory" f
  where f p x = forgivingAbsence (resolveDir p x) >>= rejectMissingDir

-- | Extract the @PackageIdentifier@ given an exploded haskell package
-- path.
    :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
    => Path Abs File -> m PackageIdentifier
cabalFilePackageId fp = do
    pkgDescr <- liftIO (D.readPackageDescription D.silent $ toFilePath fp)
    (toStackPI . D.package . D.packageDescription) pkgDescr
    toStackPI (D.PackageIdentifier (D.PackageName name) ver) = do
        name' <- parsePackageNameFromString name
        ver' <- parseVersionFromString (showVersion ver)
        return (PackageIdentifier name' ver')