-- This module can (and perhaps should) be separate into its own
-- package, it's generally useful.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module Stack.StaticBytes
  ( Bytes8
  , Bytes16
  , Bytes32
  , Bytes64
  , Bytes128
  , DynamicBytes
  , StaticBytes
  , StaticBytesException (..)
  , toStaticExact
  , toStaticPad
  , toStaticTruncate
  , toStaticPadTruncate
  , fromStatic
  ) where

import Stack.Prelude hiding (words)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.Vector.Primitive as VP
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base as VU
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Storable
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.Primitive.ByteArray as BA
import Data.ByteArray

newtype Bytes8 = Bytes8 Word64
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Data, Store)
instance Show Bytes8 where -- FIXME good enough?
  show (Bytes8 w) = show (fromWordsD 8 [w] :: B.ByteString)
data Bytes16 = Bytes16 !Bytes8 !Bytes8
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Data, Store)
data Bytes32 = Bytes32 !Bytes16 !Bytes16
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Data, Store)
data Bytes64 = Bytes64 !Bytes32 !Bytes32
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Data, Store)
data Bytes128 = Bytes128 !Bytes64 !Bytes64
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, NFData, Hashable, Data, Store)

data StaticBytesException
  = NotEnoughBytes
  | TooManyBytes
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Exception StaticBytesException

-- All lengths below are given in bytes

class DynamicBytes dbytes where
  lengthD :: dbytes -> Int
  -- | Yeah, it looks terrible to use a list here, but fusion should
  -- kick in
  withPeekD :: dbytes -> ((Int -> IO Word64) -> IO a) -> IO a
  -- | May throw a runtime exception if invariants are violated!
  fromWordsD :: Int -> [Word64] -> dbytes

  :: (ForeignPtr a -> Int -> b)
  -> Int
  -> [Word64]
  -> b
fromWordsForeign wrapper len words0 = unsafePerformIO $ do
  fptr <- B.mallocByteString len
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let loop _ [] = return ()
        loop off (w:ws) = do
          pokeElemOff (castPtr ptr) off w
          loop (off + 1) ws
    loop 0 words0
  return $ wrapper fptr len

  :: (ForeignPtr a, Int, Int)
  -> ((Int -> IO Word64) -> IO b)
  -> IO b
withPeekForeign (fptr, off, len) inner =
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let f off'
          | off' >= len = return 0
          | off' + 8 > len = do
              let loop w64 i
                    | off' + i >= len = return w64
                    | otherwise = do
                        w8 :: Word8 <- peekByteOff ptr (off + off' + i)
                        let w64' = shiftL (fromIntegral w8) (i * 8) .|. w64
                        loop w64' (i + 1)
              loop 0 0
          | otherwise = peekByteOff ptr (off + off')
    inner f

instance DynamicBytes B.ByteString where
  lengthD = B.length
  fromWordsD = fromWordsForeign (\fptr len -> B.fromForeignPtr fptr 0 len)
  withPeekD = withPeekForeign . B.toForeignPtr

instance word8 ~ Word8 => DynamicBytes (VS.Vector word8) where
  lengthD = VS.length
  fromWordsD = fromWordsForeign VS.unsafeFromForeignPtr0
  withPeekD = withPeekForeign . VS.unsafeToForeignPtr

instance word8 ~ Word8 => DynamicBytes (VP.Vector word8) where
  lengthD = VP.length
  fromWordsD len words0 = unsafePerformIO $ do
    ba <- BA.newByteArray len
    let loop _ [] = do
          ba' <- BA.unsafeFreezeByteArray ba
          return $ VP.Vector 0 len ba'
        loop i (w:ws) = do
          BA.writeByteArray ba i w
          loop (i + 1) ws
    loop 0 words0
  withPeekD (VP.Vector off len ba) inner = do
    let f off'
          | off' >= len = return 0
          | off' + 8 > len = do
              let loop w64 i
                    | off' + i >= len = return w64
                    | otherwise = do
                        let w8 :: Word8 = BA.indexByteArray ba (off + off' + i)
                        let w64' = shiftL (fromIntegral w8) (i * 8) .|. w64
                        loop w64' (i + 1)
              loop 0 0
          | otherwise = return $ BA.indexByteArray ba (off + (off' `div` 8))
    inner f

instance word8 ~ Word8 => DynamicBytes (VU.Vector word8) where
  lengthD = VU.length
  fromWordsD len words = VU.V_Word8 (fromWordsD len words)
  withPeekD (VU.V_Word8 v) = withPeekD v

class StaticBytes sbytes where
  lengthS :: proxy sbytes -> Int -- use type level literals instead?
  -- difference list
  toWordsS :: sbytes -> [Word64] -> [Word64]
  usePeekS :: Int -> (Int -> IO Word64) -> IO sbytes

instance StaticBytes Bytes8 where
  lengthS _ = 8
  toWordsS (Bytes8 w) = (w:)
  usePeekS off f = Bytes8 <$> f off

instance StaticBytes Bytes16 where
  lengthS _ = 16
  toWordsS (Bytes16 b1 b2) = toWordsS b1 . toWordsS b2
  usePeekS off f = Bytes16 <$> usePeekS off f <*> usePeekS (off + 8) f

instance StaticBytes Bytes32 where
  lengthS _ = 32
  toWordsS (Bytes32 b1 b2) = toWordsS b1 . toWordsS b2
  usePeekS off f = Bytes32 <$> usePeekS off f <*> usePeekS (off + 16) f

instance StaticBytes Bytes64 where
  lengthS _ = 64
  toWordsS (Bytes64 b1 b2) = toWordsS b1 . toWordsS b2
  usePeekS off f = Bytes64 <$> usePeekS off f <*> usePeekS (off + 32) f

instance StaticBytes Bytes128 where
  lengthS _ = 128
  toWordsS (Bytes128 b1 b2) = toWordsS b1 . toWordsS b2
  usePeekS off f = Bytes128 <$> usePeekS off f <*> usePeekS (off + 64) f

instance ByteArrayAccess Bytes8 where
  length _ = 8
  withByteArray = withByteArrayS
instance ByteArrayAccess Bytes16 where
  length _ = 16
  withByteArray = withByteArrayS
instance ByteArrayAccess Bytes32 where
  length _ = 32
  withByteArray = withByteArrayS
instance ByteArrayAccess Bytes64 where
  length _ = 64
  withByteArray = withByteArrayS
instance ByteArrayAccess Bytes128 where
  length _ = 128
  withByteArray = withByteArrayS

withByteArrayS :: StaticBytes sbytes => sbytes -> (Ptr p -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteArrayS sbytes = withByteArray (fromStatic sbytes :: ByteString)

  :: forall dbytes sbytes.
     (DynamicBytes dbytes, StaticBytes sbytes)
  => dbytes
  -> Either StaticBytesException sbytes
toStaticExact dbytes =
  case compare (lengthD dbytes) (lengthS (Nothing :: Maybe sbytes)) of
    LT -> Left NotEnoughBytes
    GT -> Left TooManyBytes
    EQ -> Right (toStaticPadTruncate dbytes)

  :: forall dbytes sbytes.
     (DynamicBytes dbytes, StaticBytes sbytes)
  => dbytes
  -> Either StaticBytesException sbytes
toStaticPad dbytes =
  case compare (lengthD dbytes) (lengthS (Nothing :: Maybe sbytes)) of
    GT -> Left TooManyBytes
    _  -> Right (toStaticPadTruncate dbytes)

  :: forall dbytes sbytes.
     (DynamicBytes dbytes, StaticBytes sbytes)
  => dbytes
  -> Either StaticBytesException sbytes
toStaticTruncate dbytes =
  case compare (lengthD dbytes) (lengthS (Nothing :: Maybe sbytes)) of
    LT -> Left NotEnoughBytes
    _  -> Right (toStaticPadTruncate dbytes)

  :: (DynamicBytes dbytes, StaticBytes sbytes)
  => dbytes
  -> sbytes
toStaticPadTruncate dbytes = unsafePerformIO (withPeekD dbytes (usePeekS 0))

  :: forall dbytes sbytes.
     (DynamicBytes dbytes, StaticBytes sbytes)
  => sbytes
  -> dbytes
fromStatic = fromWordsD (lengthS (Nothing :: Maybe sbytes)) . ($ []) . toWordsS