{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | The Config type. module Stack.Types.Config ( -- * Main configuration types and classes -- ** HasPlatform & HasStackRoot HasPlatform(..) ,PlatformVariant(..) -- ** Config & HasConfig ,Config(..) ,HasConfig(..) ,askLatestSnapshotUrl ,explicitSetupDeps -- ** BuildConfig & HasBuildConfig ,BuildConfig(..) ,LocalPackages(..) ,LocalPackageView(..) ,lpvRoot ,lpvName ,lpvVersion ,lpvComponents ,stackYamlL ,projectRootL ,HasBuildConfig(..) -- ** GHCVariant & HasGHCVariant ,GHCVariant(..) ,ghcVariantName ,ghcVariantSuffix ,parseGHCVariant ,HasGHCVariant(..) ,snapshotsDir -- ** EnvConfig & HasEnvConfig ,EnvConfig(..) ,HasEnvConfig(..) ,getCompilerPath -- * Details -- ** ApplyGhcOptions ,ApplyGhcOptions(..) -- ** ConfigException ,HpackExecutable(..) ,ConfigException(..) -- ** WhichSolverCmd ,WhichSolverCmd(..) -- ** ConfigMonoid ,ConfigMonoid(..) ,configMonoidInstallGHCName ,configMonoidSystemGHCName ,parseConfigMonoid -- ** DumpLogs ,DumpLogs(..) -- ** EnvSettings ,EnvSettings(..) ,minimalEnvSettings ,defaultEnvSettings ,plainEnvSettings -- ** GlobalOpts & GlobalOptsMonoid ,GlobalOpts(..) ,GlobalOptsMonoid(..) ,StackYamlLoc(..) ,defaultLogLevel -- ** LoadConfig ,LoadConfig(..) -- ** PackageIndex, IndexName & IndexLocation -- Re-exports ,PackageIndex(..) ,IndexName(..) ,indexNameText -- ** Project & ProjectAndConfigMonoid ,Project(..) ,ProjectAndConfigMonoid(..) ,parseProjectAndConfigMonoid -- ** PvpBounds ,PvpBounds(..) ,PvpBoundsType(..) ,parsePvpBounds -- ** ColorWhen ,readColorWhen -- ** SCM ,SCM(..) -- * Paths ,bindirSuffix ,configInstalledCache ,configLoadedSnapshotCache ,GlobalInfoSource(..) ,getProjectWorkDir ,docDirSuffix ,flagCacheLocal ,extraBinDirs ,hpcReportDir ,installationRootDeps ,installationRootLocal ,bindirCompilerTools ,hoogleRoot ,hoogleDatabasePath ,packageDatabaseDeps ,packageDatabaseExtra ,packageDatabaseLocal ,platformOnlyRelDir ,platformGhcRelDir ,platformGhcVerOnlyRelDir ,useShaPathOnWindows ,shaPath ,shaPathForBytes ,workDirL -- * Command-specific types -- ** Eval ,EvalOpts(..) -- ** Exec ,ExecOpts(..) ,SpecialExecCmd(..) ,ExecOptsExtra(..) -- ** Setup ,DownloadInfo(..) ,VersionedDownloadInfo(..) ,GHCDownloadInfo(..) ,SetupInfo(..) ,SetupInfoLocation(..) -- ** Docker entrypoint ,DockerEntrypoint(..) ,DockerUser(..) ,module X -- * Lens helpers ,wantedCompilerVersionL ,actualCompilerVersionL ,buildOptsL ,globalOptsL ,buildOptsInstallExesL ,buildOptsMonoidHaddockL ,buildOptsMonoidTestsL ,buildOptsMonoidBenchmarksL ,buildOptsMonoidInstallExesL ,buildOptsHaddockL ,globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL ,stackRootL ,configUrlsL ,cabalVersionL ,whichCompilerL ,envOverrideSettingsL ,loadedSnapshotL ,globalHintsL ,shouldForceGhcColorFlag ,appropriateGhcColorFlag -- * Lens reexport ,view ,to ) where import Control.Monad.Writer (tell) import Crypto.Hash (hashWith, SHA1(..)) import Stack.Prelude import Data.Aeson.Extended (ToJSON, toJSON, FromJSON, FromJSONKey (..), parseJSON, withText, object, (.=), (..:), (..:?), (..!=), Value(Bool, String), withObjectWarnings, WarningParser, Object, jsonSubWarnings, jsonSubWarningsT, jsonSubWarningsTT, WithJSONWarnings(..), noJSONWarnings, FromJSONKeyFunction (FromJSONKeyTextParser)) import Data.Attoparsec.Args (parseArgs, EscapingMode (Escaping)) import qualified Data.ByteArray.Encoding as Mem (convertToBase, Base(Base16)) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import Data.Coerce (coerce) import Data.List (stripPrefix) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid import Data.Monoid.Map (MonoidMap(..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) import Data.Yaml (ParseException) import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import Distribution.PackageDescription (GenericPackageDescription) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C import Distribution.System (Platform) import qualified Distribution.Text import qualified Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName as C import Distribution.Version (anyVersion, mkVersion') import Generics.Deriving.Monoid (memptydefault, mappenddefault) import Lens.Micro (Lens', lens, _1, _2, to) import Options.Applicative (ReadM) import qualified Options.Applicative as OA import qualified Options.Applicative.Types as OA import Path import qualified Paths_stack as Meta import Stack.Constants import Stack.PackageIndex (HasCabalLoader (..), CabalLoader (clStackRoot)) import Stack.Types.BuildPlan import Stack.Types.Compiler import Stack.Types.CompilerBuild import Stack.Types.Docker import Stack.Types.FlagName import Stack.Types.Image import Stack.Types.NamedComponent import Stack.Types.Nix import Stack.Types.PackageIdentifier import Stack.Types.PackageIndex import Stack.Types.PackageName import Stack.Types.Resolver import Stack.Types.Runner import Stack.Types.TemplateName import Stack.Types.Urls import Stack.Types.Version import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import System.PosixCompat.Types (UserID, GroupID, FileMode) import RIO.Process (ProcessContext, HasProcessContext (..), findExecutable) -- Re-exports import Stack.Types.Config.Build as X -- | The top-level Stackage configuration. data Config = Config {configWorkDir :: !(Path Rel Dir) -- ^ this allows to override .stack-work directory ,configUserConfigPath :: !(Path Abs File) -- ^ Path to user configuration file (usually ~/.stack/config.yaml) ,configBuild :: !BuildOpts -- ^ Build configuration ,configDocker :: !DockerOpts -- ^ Docker configuration ,configNix :: !NixOpts -- ^ Execution environment (e.g nix-shell) configuration ,configProcessContextSettings :: !(EnvSettings -> IO ProcessContext) -- ^ Environment variables to be passed to external tools ,configLocalProgramsBase :: !(Path Abs Dir) -- ^ Non-platform-specific path containing local installations ,configLocalPrograms :: !(Path Abs Dir) -- ^ Path containing local installations (mainly GHC) ,configHideTHLoading :: !Bool -- ^ Hide the Template Haskell "Loading package ..." messages from the -- console ,configPlatform :: !Platform -- ^ The platform we're building for, used in many directory names ,configPlatformVariant :: !PlatformVariant -- ^ Variant of the platform, also used in directory names ,configGHCVariant0 :: !(Maybe GHCVariant) -- ^ The variant of GHC requested by the user. -- In most cases, use 'BuildConfig' or 'MiniConfig's version instead, -- which will have an auto-detected default. ,configGHCBuild :: !(Maybe CompilerBuild) -- ^ Override build of the compiler distribution (e.g. standard, gmp4, tinfo6) ,configUrls :: !Urls -- ^ URLs for other files used by stack. -- TODO: Better document -- e.g. The latest snapshot file. -- A build plan name (e.g. lts5.9.yaml) is appended when downloading -- the build plan actually. ,configSystemGHC :: !Bool -- ^ Should we use the system-installed GHC (on the PATH) if -- available? Can be overridden by command line options. ,configInstallGHC :: !Bool -- ^ Should we automatically install GHC if missing or the wrong -- version is available? Can be overridden by command line options. ,configSkipGHCCheck :: !Bool -- ^ Don't bother checking the GHC version or architecture. ,configSkipMsys :: !Bool -- ^ On Windows: don't use a sandboxed MSYS ,configCompilerCheck :: !VersionCheck -- ^ Specifies which versions of the compiler are acceptable. ,configLocalBin :: !(Path Abs Dir) -- ^ Directory we should install executables into ,configRequireStackVersion :: !VersionRange -- ^ Require a version of stack within this range. ,configJobs :: !Int -- ^ How many concurrent jobs to run, defaults to number of capabilities ,configOverrideGccPath :: !(Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- ^ Optional gcc override path ,configOverrideHpack :: !HpackExecutable -- ^ Use Hpack executable (overrides bundled Hpack) ,configExtraIncludeDirs :: !(Set FilePath) -- ^ --extra-include-dirs arguments ,configExtraLibDirs :: !(Set FilePath) -- ^ --extra-lib-dirs arguments ,configConcurrentTests :: !Bool -- ^ Run test suites concurrently ,configImage :: !ImageOpts ,configTemplateParams :: !(Map Text Text) -- ^ Parameters for templates. ,configScmInit :: !(Maybe SCM) -- ^ Initialize SCM (e.g. git) when creating new projects. ,configGhcOptionsByName :: !(Map PackageName [Text]) -- ^ Additional GHC options to apply to specific packages. ,configGhcOptionsByCat :: !(Map ApplyGhcOptions [Text]) -- ^ Additional GHC options to apply to categories of packages ,configSetupInfoLocations :: ![SetupInfoLocation] -- ^ Additional SetupInfo (inline or remote) to use to find tools. ,configPvpBounds :: !PvpBounds -- ^ How PVP upper bounds should be added to packages ,configModifyCodePage :: !Bool -- ^ Force the code page to UTF-8 on Windows ,configExplicitSetupDeps :: !(Map (Maybe PackageName) Bool) -- ^ See 'explicitSetupDeps'. 'Nothing' provides the default value. ,configRebuildGhcOptions :: !Bool -- ^ Rebuild on GHC options changes ,configApplyGhcOptions :: !ApplyGhcOptions -- ^ Which packages to ghc-options on the command line apply to? ,configAllowNewer :: !Bool -- ^ Ignore version ranges in .cabal files. Funny naming chosen to -- match cabal. ,configDefaultTemplate :: !(Maybe TemplateName) -- ^ The default template to use when none is specified. -- (If Nothing, the default default is used.) ,configAllowDifferentUser :: !Bool -- ^ Allow users other than the stack root owner to use the stack -- installation. ,configDumpLogs :: !DumpLogs -- ^ Dump logs of local non-dependencies when doing a build. ,configMaybeProject :: !(Maybe (Project, Path Abs File)) -- ^ 'Just' when a local project can be found, 'Nothing' when stack must -- fall back on the implicit global project. ,configAllowLocals :: !Bool -- ^ Are we allowed to build local packages? The script -- command disallows this. ,configSaveHackageCreds :: !Bool -- ^ Should we save Hackage credentials to a file? ,configHackageBaseUrl :: !Text -- ^ Hackage base URL used when uploading packages ,configRunner :: !Runner ,configCabalLoader :: !CabalLoader } data HpackExecutable = HpackBundled | HpackCommand String deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord) -- | Which packages do ghc-options on the command line apply to? data ApplyGhcOptions = AGOTargets -- ^ all local targets | AGOLocals -- ^ all local packages, even non-targets | AGOEverything -- ^ every package deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) instance FromJSON ApplyGhcOptions where parseJSON = withText "ApplyGhcOptions" $ \t -> case t of "targets" -> return AGOTargets "locals" -> return AGOLocals "everything" -> return AGOEverything _ -> fail $ "Invalid ApplyGhcOptions: " ++ show t -- | Which build log files to dump data DumpLogs = DumpNoLogs -- ^ don't dump any logfiles | DumpWarningLogs -- ^ dump logfiles containing warnings | DumpAllLogs -- ^ dump all logfiles deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded) instance FromJSON DumpLogs where parseJSON (Bool True) = return DumpAllLogs parseJSON (Bool False) = return DumpNoLogs parseJSON v = withText "DumpLogs" (\t -> if | t == "none" -> return DumpNoLogs | t == "warning" -> return DumpWarningLogs | t == "all" -> return DumpAllLogs | otherwise -> fail ("Invalid DumpLogs: " ++ show t)) v -- | Controls which version of the environment is used data EnvSettings = EnvSettings { esIncludeLocals :: !Bool -- ^ include local project bin directory, GHC_PACKAGE_PATH, etc , esIncludeGhcPackagePath :: !Bool -- ^ include the GHC_PACKAGE_PATH variable , esStackExe :: !Bool -- ^ set the STACK_EXE variable to the current executable name , esLocaleUtf8 :: !Bool -- ^ set the locale to C.UTF-8 , esKeepGhcRts :: !Bool -- ^ if True, keep GHCRTS variable in environment } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data ExecOpts = ExecOpts { eoCmd :: !SpecialExecCmd , eoArgs :: ![String] , eoExtra :: !ExecOptsExtra } deriving (Show) data SpecialExecCmd = ExecCmd String | ExecRun | ExecGhc | ExecRunGhc deriving (Show, Eq) data ExecOptsExtra = ExecOptsPlain | ExecOptsEmbellished { eoEnvSettings :: !EnvSettings , eoPackages :: ![String] , eoRtsOptions :: ![String] , eoCwd :: !(Maybe FilePath) } deriving (Show) data EvalOpts = EvalOpts { evalArg :: !String , evalExtra :: !ExecOptsExtra } deriving (Show) -- | Parsed global command-line options. data GlobalOpts = GlobalOpts { globalReExecVersion :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ Expected re-exec in container version , globalDockerEntrypoint :: !(Maybe DockerEntrypoint) -- ^ Data used when stack is acting as a Docker entrypoint (internal use only) , globalLogLevel :: !LogLevel -- ^ Log level , globalTimeInLog :: !Bool -- ^ Whether to include timings in logs. , globalConfigMonoid :: !ConfigMonoid -- ^ Config monoid, for passing into 'loadConfig' , globalResolver :: !(Maybe AbstractResolver) -- ^ Resolver override , globalCompiler :: !(Maybe (CompilerVersion 'CVWanted)) -- ^ Compiler override , globalTerminal :: !Bool -- ^ We're in a terminal? , globalColorWhen :: !ColorWhen -- ^ When to use ansi terminal colors , globalTermWidth :: !(Maybe Int) -- ^ Terminal width override , globalStackYaml :: !(StackYamlLoc FilePath) -- ^ Override project stack.yaml } deriving (Show) data StackYamlLoc filepath = SYLDefault | SYLOverride !filepath | SYLNoConfig !(Path Abs Dir) -- ^ FilePath is the directory containing the script file, used -- for resolving custom snapshot files. deriving (Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable) -- | Parsed global command-line options monoid. data GlobalOptsMonoid = GlobalOptsMonoid { globalMonoidReExecVersion :: !(First String) -- ^ Expected re-exec in container version , globalMonoidDockerEntrypoint :: !(First DockerEntrypoint) -- ^ Data used when stack is acting as a Docker entrypoint (internal use only) , globalMonoidLogLevel :: !(First LogLevel) -- ^ Log level , globalMonoidTimeInLog :: !(First Bool) -- ^ Whether to include timings in logs. , globalMonoidConfigMonoid :: !ConfigMonoid -- ^ Config monoid, for passing into 'loadConfig' , globalMonoidResolver :: !(First AbstractResolver) -- ^ Resolver override , globalMonoidCompiler :: !(First (CompilerVersion 'CVWanted)) -- ^ Compiler override , globalMonoidTerminal :: !(First Bool) -- ^ We're in a terminal? , globalMonoidColorWhen :: !(First ColorWhen) -- ^ When to use ansi colors , globalMonoidTermWidth :: !(First Int) -- ^ Terminal width override , globalMonoidStackYaml :: !(First FilePath) -- ^ Override project stack.yaml } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Semigroup GlobalOptsMonoid where (<>) = mappenddefault instance Monoid GlobalOptsMonoid where mempty = memptydefault mappend = (<>) -- | Default logging level should be something useful but not crazy. defaultLogLevel :: LogLevel defaultLogLevel = LevelInfo readColorWhen :: ReadM ColorWhen readColorWhen = do s <- OA.readerAsk case s of "never" -> return ColorNever "always" -> return ColorAlways "auto" -> return ColorAuto _ -> OA.readerError "Expected values of color option are 'never', 'always', or 'auto'." -- | A superset of 'Config' adding information on how to build code. The reason -- for this breakdown is because we will need some of the information from -- 'Config' in order to determine the values here. -- -- These are the components which know nothing about local configuration. data BuildConfig = BuildConfig { bcConfig :: !Config , bcSnapshotDef :: !SnapshotDef -- ^ Build plan wanted for this build , bcGHCVariant :: !GHCVariant -- ^ The variant of GHC used to select a GHC bindist. , bcPackages :: ![PackageLocation Subdirs] -- ^ Local packages , bcDependencies :: ![PackageLocationIndex Subdirs] -- ^ Extra dependencies specified in configuration. -- -- These dependencies will not be installed to a shared location, and -- will override packages provided by the resolver. , bcExtraPackageDBs :: ![Path Abs Dir] -- ^ Extra package databases , bcStackYaml :: !(Path Abs File) -- ^ Location of the stack.yaml file. -- -- Note: if the STACK_YAML environment variable is used, this may be -- different from projectRootL "stack.yaml" -- -- FIXME MSS 2016-12-08: is the above comment still true? projectRootL -- is defined in terms of bcStackYaml , bcFlags :: !(Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) -- ^ Per-package flag overrides , bcImplicitGlobal :: !Bool -- ^ Are we loading from the implicit global stack.yaml? This is useful -- for providing better error messages. } stackYamlL :: HasBuildConfig env => Lens' env (Path Abs File) stackYamlL = buildConfigL.lens bcStackYaml (\x y -> x { bcStackYaml = y }) -- | Directory containing the project's stack.yaml file projectRootL :: HasBuildConfig env => Getting r env (Path Abs Dir) projectRootL = stackYamlL.to parent -- | Configuration after the environment has been setup. data EnvConfig = EnvConfig {envConfigBuildConfig :: !BuildConfig ,envConfigCabalVersion :: !Version -- ^ This is the version of Cabal that stack will use to compile Setup.hs files -- in the build process. -- -- Note that this is not necessarily the same version as the one that stack -- depends on as a library and which is displayed when running -- @stack list-dependencies | grep Cabal@ in the stack project. ,envConfigCompilerVersion :: !(CompilerVersion 'CVActual) -- ^ The actual version of the compiler to be used, as opposed to -- 'wantedCompilerL', which provides the version specified by the -- build plan. ,envConfigCompilerBuild :: !CompilerBuild ,envConfigPackagesRef :: !(IORef (Maybe LocalPackages)) -- ^ Cache for 'getLocalPackages'. ,envConfigLoadedSnapshot :: !LoadedSnapshot -- ^ The fully resolved snapshot information. } data LocalPackages = LocalPackages { lpProject :: !(Map PackageName LocalPackageView) , lpDependencies :: !(Map PackageName (GenericPackageDescription, PackageLocationIndex FilePath)) } -- | A view of a local package needed for resolving components data LocalPackageView = LocalPackageView { lpvCabalFP :: !(Path Abs File) , lpvGPD :: !GenericPackageDescription , lpvLoc :: !(PackageLocation FilePath) } -- | Root directory for the given 'LocalPackageView' lpvRoot :: LocalPackageView -> Path Abs Dir lpvRoot = parent . lpvCabalFP -- | Package name for the given 'LocalPackageView lpvName :: LocalPackageView -> PackageName lpvName lpv = let PackageIdentifier name _version = fromCabalPackageIdentifier $ C.package $ C.packageDescription $ lpvGPD lpv in name -- | All components available in the given 'LocalPackageView' lpvComponents :: LocalPackageView -> Set NamedComponent lpvComponents lpv = Set.fromList $ concat [ maybe [] (const [CLib]) (C.condLibrary gpkg) , go CExe (map fst . C.condExecutables) , go CTest (map fst . C.condTestSuites) , go CBench (map fst . C.condBenchmarks) ] where gpkg = lpvGPD lpv go :: (T.Text -> NamedComponent) -> (C.GenericPackageDescription -> [C.UnqualComponentName]) -> [NamedComponent] go wrapper f = map (wrapper . T.pack . C.unUnqualComponentName) $ f gpkg -- | Version for the given 'LocalPackageView lpvVersion :: LocalPackageView -> Version lpvVersion lpv = let PackageIdentifier _name version = fromCabalPackageIdentifier $ C.package $ C.packageDescription $ lpvGPD lpv in version -- | Value returned by 'Stack.Config.loadConfig'. data LoadConfig = LoadConfig { lcConfig :: !Config -- ^ Top-level Stack configuration. , lcLoadBuildConfig :: !(Maybe (CompilerVersion 'CVWanted) -> IO BuildConfig) -- ^ Action to load the remaining 'BuildConfig'. , lcProjectRoot :: !(Maybe (Path Abs Dir)) -- ^ The project root directory, if in a project. } data PackageEntry = PackageEntry { peExtraDepMaybe :: !(Maybe TreatLikeExtraDep) , peLocation :: !(PackageLocation Subdirs) , peSubdirs :: !Subdirs } deriving Show -- | Should a package be treated just like an extra-dep? -- -- 'True' means, it will only be built as a dependency -- for others, and its test suite/benchmarks will not be run. -- -- Useful modifying an upstream package, see: -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/219 -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/386 type TreatLikeExtraDep = Bool instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings PackageEntry) where parseJSON (String t) = do WithJSONWarnings loc _ <- parseJSON $ String t return $ noJSONWarnings PackageEntry { peExtraDepMaybe = Nothing , peLocation = loc , peSubdirs = DefaultSubdirs } parseJSON v = withObjectWarnings "PackageEntry" (\o -> PackageEntry <$> o ..:? "extra-dep" <*> jsonSubWarnings (o ..: "location") <*> o ..:? "subdirs" ..!= DefaultSubdirs) v -- | A project is a collection of packages. We can have multiple stack.yaml -- files, but only one of them may contain project information. data Project = Project { projectUserMsg :: !(Maybe String) -- ^ A warning message to display to the user when the auto generated -- config may have issues. , projectPackages :: ![PackageLocation Subdirs] -- ^ Packages which are actually part of the project (as opposed -- to dependencies). -- -- /NOTE/ Stack has always allowed these packages to be any kind -- of package location, but in reality only @PLFilePath@ really -- makes sense. We could consider replacing @[PackageLocation]@ -- with @[FilePath]@ to properly enforce this idea, though it will -- slightly break backwards compatibility if someone really did -- want to treat such things as non-deps. , projectDependencies :: ![PackageLocationIndex Subdirs] -- ^ Dependencies defined within the stack.yaml file, to be -- applied on top of the snapshot. , projectFlags :: !(Map PackageName (Map FlagName Bool)) -- ^ Flags to be applied on top of the snapshot flags. , projectResolver :: !Resolver -- ^ How we resolve which @SnapshotDef@ to use , projectCompiler :: !(Maybe (CompilerVersion 'CVWanted)) -- ^ When specified, overrides which compiler to use , projectExtraPackageDBs :: ![FilePath] } deriving Show instance ToJSON Project where -- Expanding the constructor fully to ensure we don't miss any fields. toJSON (Project userMsg packages extraDeps flags resolver compiler extraPackageDBs) = object $ concat [ maybe [] (\cv -> ["compiler" .= cv]) compiler , maybe [] (\msg -> ["user-message" .= msg]) userMsg , if null extraPackageDBs then [] else ["extra-package-dbs" .= extraPackageDBs] , if null extraDeps then [] else ["extra-deps" .= extraDeps] , if Map.null flags then [] else ["flags" .= flags] , ["packages" .= packages] , ["resolver" .= resolver] ] -- An uninterpreted representation of configuration options. -- Configurations may be "cascaded" using mappend (left-biased). data ConfigMonoid = ConfigMonoid { configMonoidStackRoot :: !(First (Path Abs Dir)) -- ^ See: 'clStackRoot' , configMonoidWorkDir :: !(First (Path Rel Dir)) -- ^ See: 'configWorkDir'. , configMonoidBuildOpts :: !BuildOptsMonoid -- ^ build options. , configMonoidDockerOpts :: !DockerOptsMonoid -- ^ Docker options. , configMonoidNixOpts :: !NixOptsMonoid -- ^ Options for the execution environment (nix-shell or container) , configMonoidConnectionCount :: !(First Int) -- ^ See: 'configConnectionCount' , configMonoidHideTHLoading :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configHideTHLoading' , configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrl :: !(First Text) -- ^ Deprecated in favour of 'urlsMonoidLatestSnapshot' , configMonoidUrls :: !UrlsMonoid -- ^ See: 'configUrls , configMonoidPackageIndices :: !(First [PackageIndex]) -- ^ See: @picIndices@ , configMonoidSystemGHC :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configSystemGHC' ,configMonoidInstallGHC :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configInstallGHC' ,configMonoidSkipGHCCheck :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configSkipGHCCheck' ,configMonoidSkipMsys :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configSkipMsys' ,configMonoidCompilerCheck :: !(First VersionCheck) -- ^ See: 'configCompilerCheck' ,configMonoidRequireStackVersion :: !IntersectingVersionRange -- ^ See: 'configRequireStackVersion' ,configMonoidArch :: !(First String) -- ^ Used for overriding the platform ,configMonoidGHCVariant :: !(First GHCVariant) -- ^ Used for overriding the platform ,configMonoidGHCBuild :: !(First CompilerBuild) -- ^ Used for overriding the GHC build ,configMonoidJobs :: !(First Int) -- ^ See: 'configJobs' ,configMonoidExtraIncludeDirs :: !(Set FilePath) -- ^ See: 'configExtraIncludeDirs' ,configMonoidExtraLibDirs :: !(Set FilePath) -- ^ See: 'configExtraLibDirs' , configMonoidOverrideGccPath :: !(First (Path Abs File)) -- ^ Allow users to override the path to gcc ,configMonoidOverrideHpack :: !(First FilePath) -- ^ Use Hpack executable (overrides bundled Hpack) ,configMonoidConcurrentTests :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See: 'configConcurrentTests' ,configMonoidLocalBinPath :: !(First FilePath) -- ^ Used to override the binary installation dir ,configMonoidImageOpts :: !ImageOptsMonoid -- ^ Image creation options. ,configMonoidTemplateParameters :: !(Map Text Text) -- ^ Template parameters. ,configMonoidScmInit :: !(First SCM) -- ^ Initialize SCM (e.g. git init) when making new projects? ,configMonoidGhcOptionsByName :: !(MonoidMap PackageName (Monoid.Dual [Text])) -- ^ See 'configGhcOptionsByName'. Uses 'Monoid.Dual' so that -- options from the configs on the right come first, so that they -- can be overridden. ,configMonoidGhcOptionsByCat :: !(MonoidMap ApplyGhcOptions (Monoid.Dual [Text])) -- ^ See 'configGhcOptionsAll'. Uses 'Monoid.Dual' so that options -- from the configs on the right come first, so that they can be -- overridden. ,configMonoidExtraPath :: ![Path Abs Dir] -- ^ Additional paths to search for executables in ,configMonoidSetupInfoLocations :: ![SetupInfoLocation] -- ^ Additional setup info (inline or remote) to use for installing tools ,configMonoidLocalProgramsBase :: !(First (Path Abs Dir)) -- ^ Override the default local programs dir, where e.g. GHC is installed. ,configMonoidPvpBounds :: !(First PvpBounds) -- ^ See 'configPvpBounds' ,configMonoidModifyCodePage :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See 'configModifyCodePage' ,configMonoidExplicitSetupDeps :: !(Map (Maybe PackageName) Bool) -- ^ See 'configExplicitSetupDeps' ,configMonoidRebuildGhcOptions :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See 'configMonoidRebuildGhcOptions' ,configMonoidApplyGhcOptions :: !(First ApplyGhcOptions) -- ^ See 'configApplyGhcOptions' ,configMonoidAllowNewer :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See 'configMonoidAllowNewer' ,configMonoidDefaultTemplate :: !(First TemplateName) -- ^ The default template to use when none is specified. -- (If Nothing, the default default is used.) , configMonoidAllowDifferentUser :: !(First Bool) -- ^ Allow users other than the stack root owner to use the stack -- installation. , configMonoidDumpLogs :: !(First DumpLogs) -- ^ See 'configDumpLogs' , configMonoidSaveHackageCreds :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See 'configSaveHackageCreds' , configMonoidHackageBaseUrl :: !(First Text) -- ^ See 'configHackageBaseUrl' , configMonoidIgnoreRevisionMismatch :: !(First Bool) -- ^ See 'configIgnoreRevisionMismatch' } deriving (Show, Generic) instance Semigroup ConfigMonoid where (<>) = mappenddefault instance Monoid ConfigMonoid where mempty = memptydefault mappend = (<>) parseConfigMonoid :: Path Abs Dir -> Value -> Yaml.Parser (WithJSONWarnings ConfigMonoid) parseConfigMonoid = withObjectWarnings "ConfigMonoid" . parseConfigMonoidObject -- | Parse a partial configuration. Used both to parse both a standalone config -- file and a project file, so that a sub-parser is not required, which would interfere with -- warnings for missing fields. parseConfigMonoidObject :: Path Abs Dir -> Object -> WarningParser ConfigMonoid parseConfigMonoidObject rootDir obj = do -- Parsing 'stackRoot' from 'stackRoot'/config.yaml would be nonsensical let configMonoidStackRoot = First Nothing configMonoidWorkDir <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidWorkDirName configMonoidBuildOpts <- jsonSubWarnings (obj ..:? configMonoidBuildOptsName ..!= mempty) configMonoidDockerOpts <- jsonSubWarnings (obj ..:? configMonoidDockerOptsName ..!= mempty) configMonoidNixOpts <- jsonSubWarnings (obj ..:? configMonoidNixOptsName ..!= mempty) configMonoidConnectionCount <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidConnectionCountName configMonoidHideTHLoading <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidHideTHLoadingName configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrl <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrlName configMonoidUrls <- jsonSubWarnings (obj ..:? configMonoidUrlsName ..!= mempty) configMonoidPackageIndices <- First <$> jsonSubWarningsTT (obj ..:? configMonoidPackageIndicesName) configMonoidSystemGHC <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidSystemGHCName configMonoidInstallGHC <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidInstallGHCName configMonoidSkipGHCCheck <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidSkipGHCCheckName configMonoidSkipMsys <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidSkipMsysName configMonoidRequireStackVersion <- IntersectingVersionRange . unVersionRangeJSON <$> ( obj ..:? configMonoidRequireStackVersionName ..!= VersionRangeJSON anyVersion) configMonoidArch <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidArchName configMonoidGHCVariant <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidGHCVariantName configMonoidGHCBuild <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidGHCBuildName configMonoidJobs <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidJobsName configMonoidExtraIncludeDirs <- fmap (Set.map (toFilePath rootDir FilePath.)) $ obj ..:? configMonoidExtraIncludeDirsName ..!= Set.empty configMonoidExtraLibDirs <- fmap (Set.map (toFilePath rootDir FilePath.)) $ obj ..:? configMonoidExtraLibDirsName ..!= Set.empty configMonoidOverrideGccPath <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidOverrideGccPathName configMonoidOverrideHpack <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidOverrideHpackName configMonoidConcurrentTests <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidConcurrentTestsName configMonoidLocalBinPath <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidLocalBinPathName configMonoidImageOpts <- jsonSubWarnings (obj ..:? configMonoidImageOptsName ..!= mempty) templates <- obj ..:? "templates" (configMonoidScmInit,configMonoidTemplateParameters) <- case templates of Nothing -> return (First Nothing,M.empty) Just tobj -> do scmInit <- tobj ..:? configMonoidScmInitName params <- tobj ..:? configMonoidTemplateParametersName return (First scmInit,fromMaybe M.empty params) configMonoidCompilerCheck <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidCompilerCheckName options <- Map.map unGhcOptions <$> obj ..:? configMonoidGhcOptionsName ..!= mempty optionsEverything <- case (Map.lookup GOKOldEverything options, Map.lookup GOKEverything options) of (Just _, Just _) -> fail "Cannot specify both `*` and `$everything` GHC options" (Nothing, Just x) -> return x (Just x, Nothing) -> do tell "The `*` ghc-options key is not recommended. Consider using $locals, or if really needed, $everything" return x (Nothing, Nothing) -> return [] let configMonoidGhcOptionsByCat = coerce $ Map.fromList [ (AGOEverything, optionsEverything) , (AGOLocals, Map.findWithDefault [] GOKLocals options) , (AGOTargets, Map.findWithDefault [] GOKTargets options) ] configMonoidGhcOptionsByName = coerce $ Map.fromList [(name, opts) | (GOKPackage name, opts) <- Map.toList options] configMonoidExtraPath <- obj ..:? configMonoidExtraPathName ..!= [] configMonoidSetupInfoLocations <- maybeToList <$> jsonSubWarningsT (obj ..:? configMonoidSetupInfoLocationsName) configMonoidLocalProgramsBase <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidLocalProgramsBaseName configMonoidPvpBounds <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidPvpBoundsName configMonoidModifyCodePage <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidModifyCodePageName configMonoidExplicitSetupDeps <- (obj ..:? configMonoidExplicitSetupDepsName ..!= mempty) >>= fmap Map.fromList . mapM handleExplicitSetupDep . Map.toList configMonoidRebuildGhcOptions <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidRebuildGhcOptionsName configMonoidApplyGhcOptions <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidApplyGhcOptionsName configMonoidAllowNewer <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidAllowNewerName configMonoidDefaultTemplate <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidDefaultTemplateName configMonoidAllowDifferentUser <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidAllowDifferentUserName configMonoidDumpLogs <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidDumpLogsName configMonoidSaveHackageCreds <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidSaveHackageCredsName configMonoidHackageBaseUrl <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidHackageBaseUrlName configMonoidIgnoreRevisionMismatch <- First <$> obj ..:? configMonoidIgnoreRevisionMismatchName return ConfigMonoid {..} where handleExplicitSetupDep :: Monad m => (Text, Bool) -> m (Maybe PackageName, Bool) handleExplicitSetupDep (name', b) = do name <- if name' == "*" then return Nothing else case parsePackageNameFromString $ T.unpack name' of Left e -> fail $ show e Right x -> return $ Just x return (name, b) configMonoidWorkDirName :: Text configMonoidWorkDirName = "work-dir" configMonoidBuildOptsName :: Text configMonoidBuildOptsName = "build" configMonoidDockerOptsName :: Text configMonoidDockerOptsName = "docker" configMonoidNixOptsName :: Text configMonoidNixOptsName = "nix" configMonoidConnectionCountName :: Text configMonoidConnectionCountName = "connection-count" configMonoidHideTHLoadingName :: Text configMonoidHideTHLoadingName = "hide-th-loading" configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrlName :: Text configMonoidLatestSnapshotUrlName = "latest-snapshot-url" configMonoidUrlsName :: Text configMonoidUrlsName = "urls" configMonoidPackageIndicesName :: Text configMonoidPackageIndicesName = "package-indices" configMonoidSystemGHCName :: Text configMonoidSystemGHCName = "system-ghc" configMonoidInstallGHCName :: Text configMonoidInstallGHCName = "install-ghc" configMonoidSkipGHCCheckName :: Text configMonoidSkipGHCCheckName = "skip-ghc-check" configMonoidSkipMsysName :: Text configMonoidSkipMsysName = "skip-msys" configMonoidRequireStackVersionName :: Text configMonoidRequireStackVersionName = "require-stack-version" configMonoidArchName :: Text configMonoidArchName = "arch" configMonoidGHCVariantName :: Text configMonoidGHCVariantName = "ghc-variant" configMonoidGHCBuildName :: Text configMonoidGHCBuildName = "ghc-build" configMonoidJobsName :: Text configMonoidJobsName = "jobs" configMonoidExtraIncludeDirsName :: Text configMonoidExtraIncludeDirsName = "extra-include-dirs" configMonoidExtraLibDirsName :: Text configMonoidExtraLibDirsName = "extra-lib-dirs" configMonoidOverrideGccPathName :: Text configMonoidOverrideGccPathName = "with-gcc" configMonoidOverrideHpackName :: Text configMonoidOverrideHpackName = "with-hpack" configMonoidConcurrentTestsName :: Text configMonoidConcurrentTestsName = "concurrent-tests" configMonoidLocalBinPathName :: Text configMonoidLocalBinPathName = "local-bin-path" configMonoidImageOptsName :: Text configMonoidImageOptsName = "image" configMonoidScmInitName :: Text configMonoidScmInitName = "scm-init" configMonoidTemplateParametersName :: Text configMonoidTemplateParametersName = "params" configMonoidCompilerCheckName :: Text configMonoidCompilerCheckName = "compiler-check" configMonoidGhcOptionsName :: Text configMonoidGhcOptionsName = "ghc-options" configMonoidExtraPathName :: Text configMonoidExtraPathName = "extra-path" configMonoidSetupInfoLocationsName :: Text configMonoidSetupInfoLocationsName = "setup-info" configMonoidLocalProgramsBaseName :: Text configMonoidLocalProgramsBaseName = "local-programs-path" configMonoidPvpBoundsName :: Text configMonoidPvpBoundsName = "pvp-bounds" configMonoidModifyCodePageName :: Text configMonoidModifyCodePageName = "modify-code-page" configMonoidExplicitSetupDepsName :: Text configMonoidExplicitSetupDepsName = "explicit-setup-deps" configMonoidRebuildGhcOptionsName :: Text configMonoidRebuildGhcOptionsName = "rebuild-ghc-options" configMonoidApplyGhcOptionsName :: Text configMonoidApplyGhcOptionsName = "apply-ghc-options" configMonoidAllowNewerName :: Text configMonoidAllowNewerName = "allow-newer" configMonoidDefaultTemplateName :: Text configMonoidDefaultTemplateName = "default-template" configMonoidAllowDifferentUserName :: Text configMonoidAllowDifferentUserName = "allow-different-user" configMonoidDumpLogsName :: Text configMonoidDumpLogsName = "dump-logs" configMonoidSaveHackageCredsName :: Text configMonoidSaveHackageCredsName = "save-hackage-creds" configMonoidHackageBaseUrlName :: Text configMonoidHackageBaseUrlName = "hackage-base-url" configMonoidIgnoreRevisionMismatchName :: Text configMonoidIgnoreRevisionMismatchName = "ignore-revision-mismatch" data ConfigException = ParseConfigFileException (Path Abs File) ParseException | ParseCustomSnapshotException Text ParseException | NoProjectConfigFound (Path Abs Dir) (Maybe Text) | UnexpectedArchiveContents [Path Abs Dir] [Path Abs File] | UnableToExtractArchive Text (Path Abs File) | BadStackVersionException VersionRange | NoMatchingSnapshot WhichSolverCmd (NonEmpty SnapName) | ResolverMismatch WhichSolverCmd !Text String -- Text == resolver name, sdName | ResolverPartial WhichSolverCmd !Text String -- Text == resolver name, sdName | NoSuchDirectory FilePath | ParseGHCVariantException String | BadStackRoot (Path Abs Dir) | Won'tCreateStackRootInDirectoryOwnedByDifferentUser (Path Abs Dir) (Path Abs Dir) -- ^ @$STACK_ROOT@, parent dir | UserDoesn'tOwnDirectory (Path Abs Dir) | FailedToCloneRepo String | ManualGHCVariantSettingsAreIncompatibleWithSystemGHC | NixRequiresSystemGhc | NoResolverWhenUsingNoLocalConfig | InvalidResolverForNoLocalConfig String | DuplicateLocalPackageNames ![(PackageName, [PackageLocationIndex FilePath])] deriving Typeable instance Show ConfigException where show (ParseConfigFileException configFile exception) = concat [ "Could not parse '" , toFilePath configFile , "':\n" , Yaml.prettyPrintParseException exception , "\nSee http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/" ] show (ParseCustomSnapshotException url exception) = concat [ "Could not parse '" , T.unpack url , "':\n" , Yaml.prettyPrintParseException exception -- FIXME: Link to docs about custom snapshots -- , "\nSee http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/" ] show (NoProjectConfigFound dir mcmd) = concat [ "Unable to find a stack.yaml file in the current directory (" , toFilePath dir , ") or its ancestors" , case mcmd of Nothing -> "" Just cmd -> "\nRecommended action: stack " ++ T.unpack cmd ] show (UnexpectedArchiveContents dirs files) = concat [ "When unpacking an archive specified in your stack.yaml file, " , "did not find expected contents. Expected: a single directory. Found: " , show ( map (toFilePath . dirname) dirs , map (toFilePath . filename) files ) ] show (UnableToExtractArchive url file) = concat [ "Archive extraction failed. Tarballs and zip archives are supported, couldn't handle the following URL, " , T.unpack url, " downloaded to the file ", toFilePath $ filename file ] show (BadStackVersionException requiredRange) = concat [ "The version of stack you are using (" , show (fromCabalVersion (mkVersion' Meta.version)) , ") is outside the required\n" ,"version range specified in stack.yaml (" , T.unpack (versionRangeText requiredRange) , ")." ] show (NoMatchingSnapshot whichCmd names) = concat [ "None of the following snapshots provides a compiler matching " , "your package(s):\n" , unlines $ map (\name -> " - " <> T.unpack (renderSnapName name)) (NonEmpty.toList names) , showOptions whichCmd Don'tSuggestSolver ] show (ResolverMismatch whichCmd resolver errDesc) = concat [ "Resolver '" , T.unpack resolver , "' does not have a matching compiler to build some or all of your " , "package(s).\n" , errDesc , showOptions whichCmd Don'tSuggestSolver ] show (ResolverPartial whichCmd resolver errDesc) = concat [ "Resolver '" , T.unpack resolver , "' does not have all the packages to match your requirements.\n" , unlines $ fmap (" " <>) (lines errDesc) , showOptions whichCmd (case whichCmd of IsSolverCmd -> Don'tSuggestSolver _ -> SuggestSolver) ] show (NoSuchDirectory dir) = "No directory could be located matching the supplied path: " ++ dir show (ParseGHCVariantException v) = "Invalid ghc-variant value: " ++ v show (BadStackRoot stackRoot) = concat [ "Invalid stack root: '" , toFilePath stackRoot , "'. Please provide a valid absolute path." ] show (Won'tCreateStackRootInDirectoryOwnedByDifferentUser envStackRoot parentDir) = concat [ "Preventing creation of stack root '" , toFilePath envStackRoot , "'. Parent directory '" , toFilePath parentDir , "' is owned by someone else." ] show (UserDoesn'tOwnDirectory dir) = concat [ "You are not the owner of '" , toFilePath dir , "'. Aborting to protect file permissions." , "\nRetry with '--" , T.unpack configMonoidAllowDifferentUserName , "' to disable this precaution." ] show (FailedToCloneRepo commandName) = concat [ "Failed to use " , commandName , " to clone the repo. Please ensure that " , commandName , " is installed and available to stack on your PATH environment variable." ] show ManualGHCVariantSettingsAreIncompatibleWithSystemGHC = T.unpack $ T.concat [ "stack can only control the " , configMonoidGHCVariantName , " of its own GHC installations. Please use '--no-" , configMonoidSystemGHCName , "'." ] show NixRequiresSystemGhc = T.unpack $ T.concat [ "stack's Nix integration is incompatible with '--no-system-ghc'. " , "Please use '--" , configMonoidSystemGHCName , "' or disable the Nix integration." ] show NoResolverWhenUsingNoLocalConfig = "When using the script command, you must provide a resolver argument" show (InvalidResolverForNoLocalConfig ar) = "The script command requires a specific resolver, you provided " ++ ar show (DuplicateLocalPackageNames pairs) = concat $ "The same package name is used in multiple local packages\n" : map go pairs where go (name, dirs) = unlines $ "" : (packageNameString name ++ " used in:") : map goLoc dirs goLoc loc = "- " ++ show loc instance Exception ConfigException showOptions :: WhichSolverCmd -> SuggestSolver -> String showOptions whichCmd suggestSolver = unlines $ "\nThis may be resolved by:" : options where options = (case suggestSolver of SuggestSolver -> [useSolver] Don'tSuggestSolver -> []) ++ (case whichCmd of IsSolverCmd -> [useResolver] IsInitCmd -> both IsNewCmd -> both) both = [omitPackages, useResolver] useSolver = " - Using '--solver' to ask cabal-install to generate extra-deps, atop the chosen snapshot." omitPackages = " - Using '--omit-packages to exclude mismatching package(s)." useResolver = " - Using '--resolver' to specify a matching snapshot/resolver" data WhichSolverCmd = IsInitCmd | IsSolverCmd | IsNewCmd data SuggestSolver = SuggestSolver | Don'tSuggestSolver -- | Get the URL to request the information on the latest snapshots askLatestSnapshotUrl :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => m Text askLatestSnapshotUrl = view $ configL.to configUrls.to urlsLatestSnapshot -- | @".stack-work"@ workDirL :: HasConfig env => Lens' env (Path Rel Dir) workDirL = configL.lens configWorkDir (\x y -> x { configWorkDir = y }) -- | Per-project work dir getProjectWorkDir :: (HasBuildConfig env, MonadReader env m) => m (Path Abs Dir) getProjectWorkDir = do root <- view projectRootL workDir <- view workDirL return (root workDir) -- | File containing the installed cache, see "Stack.PackageDump" configInstalledCache :: (HasBuildConfig env, MonadReader env m) => m (Path Abs File) configInstalledCache = liftM ( $(mkRelFile "installed-cache.bin")) getProjectWorkDir -- | Relative directory for the platform identifier platformOnlyRelDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Rel Dir) platformOnlyRelDir = do platform <- view platformL platformVariant <- view platformVariantL parseRelDir (Distribution.Text.display platform ++ platformVariantSuffix platformVariant) -- | Directory containing snapshots snapshotsDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Abs Dir) snapshotsDir = do root <- view stackRootL platform <- platformGhcRelDir return $ root $(mkRelDir "snapshots") platform -- | Installation root for dependencies installationRootDeps :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) installationRootDeps = do root <- view stackRootL -- TODO: also useShaPathOnWindows here, once #1173 is resolved. psc <- platformSnapAndCompilerRel return $ root $(mkRelDir "snapshots") psc -- | Installation root for locals installationRootLocal :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) installationRootLocal = do workDir <- getProjectWorkDir psc <- useShaPathOnWindows =<< platformSnapAndCompilerRel return $ workDir $(mkRelDir "install") psc -- | Installation root for compiler tools bindirCompilerTools :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) bindirCompilerTools = do config <- view configL platform <- platformGhcRelDir compilerVersion <- envConfigCompilerVersion <$> view envConfigL compiler <- parseRelDir $ compilerVersionString compilerVersion return $ view stackRootL config $(mkRelDir "compiler-tools") platform compiler bindirSuffix -- | Hoogle directory. hoogleRoot :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) hoogleRoot = do workDir <- getProjectWorkDir psc <- useShaPathOnWindows =<< platformSnapAndCompilerRel return $ workDir $(mkRelDir "hoogle") psc -- | Get the hoogle database path. hoogleDatabasePath :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs File) hoogleDatabasePath = do dir <- hoogleRoot return (dir $(mkRelFile "database.hoo")) -- | Path for platform followed by snapshot name followed by compiler -- name. platformSnapAndCompilerRel :: (MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Rel Dir) platformSnapAndCompilerRel = do sd <- view snapshotDefL platform <- platformGhcRelDir name <- parseRelDir $ sdRawPathName sd ghc <- compilerVersionDir useShaPathOnWindows (platform name ghc) -- | Relative directory for the platform and GHC identifier platformGhcRelDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Rel Dir) platformGhcRelDir = do ec <- view envConfigL verOnly <- platformGhcVerOnlyRelDirStr parseRelDir (mconcat [ verOnly , compilerBuildSuffix (envConfigCompilerBuild ec)]) -- | Relative directory for the platform and GHC identifier without GHC bindist build platformGhcVerOnlyRelDir :: (MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasGHCVariant env, MonadThrow m) => m (Path Rel Dir) platformGhcVerOnlyRelDir = parseRelDir =<< platformGhcVerOnlyRelDirStr -- | Relative directory for the platform and GHC identifier without GHC bindist build -- (before parsing into a Path) platformGhcVerOnlyRelDirStr :: (MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasGHCVariant env) => m FilePath platformGhcVerOnlyRelDirStr = do platform <- view platformL platformVariant <- view platformVariantL ghcVariant <- view ghcVariantL return $ mconcat [ Distribution.Text.display platform , platformVariantSuffix platformVariant , ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant ] -- | This is an attempt to shorten stack paths on Windows to decrease our -- chances of hitting 260 symbol path limit. The idea is to calculate -- SHA1 hash of the path used on other architectures, encode with base -- 16 and take first 8 symbols of it. useShaPathOnWindows :: MonadThrow m => Path Rel Dir -> m (Path Rel Dir) useShaPathOnWindows = #ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS shaPath #else return #endif shaPath :: (IsPath Rel t, MonadThrow m) => Path Rel t -> m (Path Rel t) shaPath = shaPathForBytes . encodeUtf8 . T.pack . toFilePath shaPathForBytes :: (IsPath Rel t, MonadThrow m) => ByteString -> m (Path Rel t) shaPathForBytes = parsePath . S8.unpack . S8.take 8 . Mem.convertToBase Mem.Base16 . hashWith SHA1 -- TODO: Move something like this into the path package. Consider -- subsuming path-io's 'AnyPath'? class IsPath b t where parsePath :: MonadThrow m => FilePath -> m (Path b t) instance IsPath Abs Dir where parsePath = parseAbsDir instance IsPath Rel Dir where parsePath = parseRelDir instance IsPath Abs File where parsePath = parseAbsFile instance IsPath Rel File where parsePath = parseRelFile compilerVersionDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Rel Dir) compilerVersionDir = do compilerVersion <- view actualCompilerVersionL parseRelDir $ case compilerVersion of GhcVersion version -> versionString version GhcjsVersion {} -> compilerVersionString compilerVersion -- | Package database for installing dependencies into packageDatabaseDeps :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) packageDatabaseDeps = do root <- installationRootDeps return $ root $(mkRelDir "pkgdb") -- | Package database for installing local packages into packageDatabaseLocal :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) packageDatabaseLocal = do root <- installationRootLocal return $ root $(mkRelDir "pkgdb") -- | Extra package databases packageDatabaseExtra :: (MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m [Path Abs Dir] packageDatabaseExtra = view $ buildConfigL.to bcExtraPackageDBs -- | Directory for holding flag cache information flagCacheLocal :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) flagCacheLocal = do root <- installationRootLocal return $ root $(mkRelDir "flag-cache") -- | Where to store 'LoadedSnapshot' caches configLoadedSnapshotCache :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => SnapshotDef -> GlobalInfoSource -> m (Path Abs File) configLoadedSnapshotCache sd gis = do root <- view stackRootL platform <- platformGhcVerOnlyRelDir file <- parseRelFile $ sdRawPathName sd ++ ".cache" gis' <- parseRelDir $ case gis of GISSnapshotHints -> "__snapshot_hints__" GISCompiler cv -> compilerVersionString cv -- Yes, cached plans differ based on platform return (root $(mkRelDir "loaded-snapshot-cache") platform gis' file) -- | Where do we get information on global packages for loading up a -- 'LoadedSnapshot'? data GlobalInfoSource = GISSnapshotHints -- ^ Accept the hints in the snapshot definition | GISCompiler (CompilerVersion 'CVActual) -- ^ Look up the actual information in the installed compiler -- | Suffix applied to an installation root to get the bin dir bindirSuffix :: Path Rel Dir bindirSuffix = $(mkRelDir "bin") -- | Suffix applied to an installation root to get the doc dir docDirSuffix :: Path Rel Dir docDirSuffix = $(mkRelDir "doc") -- | Where HPC reports and tix files get stored. hpcReportDir :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Path Abs Dir) hpcReportDir = do root <- installationRootLocal return $ root $(mkRelDir "hpc") -- | Get the extra bin directories (for the PATH). Puts more local first -- -- Bool indicates whether or not to include the locals extraBinDirs :: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m (Bool -> [Path Abs Dir]) extraBinDirs = do deps <- installationRootDeps local' <- installationRootLocal tools <- bindirCompilerTools return $ \locals -> if locals then [local' bindirSuffix, deps bindirSuffix, tools] else [deps bindirSuffix, tools] minimalEnvSettings :: EnvSettings minimalEnvSettings = EnvSettings { esIncludeLocals = False , esIncludeGhcPackagePath = False , esStackExe = False , esLocaleUtf8 = False , esKeepGhcRts = False } -- | Default @EnvSettings@ which includes locals and GHC_PACKAGE_PATH. -- -- Note that this also passes through the GHCRTS environment variable. -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3444 defaultEnvSettings :: EnvSettings defaultEnvSettings = EnvSettings { esIncludeLocals = True , esIncludeGhcPackagePath = True , esStackExe = True , esLocaleUtf8 = False , esKeepGhcRts = True } -- | Environment settings which do not embellish the environment -- -- Note that this also passes through the GHCRTS environment variable. -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3444 plainEnvSettings :: EnvSettings plainEnvSettings = EnvSettings { esIncludeLocals = False , esIncludeGhcPackagePath = False , esStackExe = False , esLocaleUtf8 = False , esKeepGhcRts = True } -- | Get the path for the given compiler ignoring any local binaries. -- -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1052 getCompilerPath :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => WhichCompiler -> m (Path Abs File) getCompilerPath wc = do config' <- view configL eoWithoutLocals <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings config' minimalEnvSettings { esLocaleUtf8 = True } eres <- runRIO eoWithoutLocals $ findExecutable $ compilerExeName wc case eres of Left e -> throwM e Right x -> parseAbsFile x data ProjectAndConfigMonoid = ProjectAndConfigMonoid !Project !ConfigMonoid parseProjectAndConfigMonoid :: Path Abs Dir -> Value -> Yaml.Parser (WithJSONWarnings ProjectAndConfigMonoid) parseProjectAndConfigMonoid rootDir = withObjectWarnings "ProjectAndConfigMonoid" $ \o -> do dirs <- jsonSubWarningsTT (o ..:? "packages") ..!= [packageEntryCurrDir] extraDeps <- jsonSubWarningsTT (o ..:? "extra-deps") ..!= [] flags <- o ..:? "flags" ..!= mempty -- Convert the packages/extra-deps/flags approach we use in -- the stack.yaml into the internal representation. let (packages, deps) = convert dirs extraDeps resolver <- (o ..: "resolver") >>= either (fail . show) return . parseCustomLocation (Just rootDir) compiler <- o ..:? "compiler" msg <- o ..:? "user-message" config <- parseConfigMonoidObject rootDir o extraPackageDBs <- o ..:? "extra-package-dbs" ..!= [] let project = Project { projectUserMsg = msg , projectResolver = resolver , projectCompiler = compiler , projectExtraPackageDBs = extraPackageDBs , projectPackages = packages , projectDependencies = deps , projectFlags = flags } return $ ProjectAndConfigMonoid project config where convert :: [PackageEntry] -> [PackageLocationIndex Subdirs] -- extra-deps -> ( [PackageLocation Subdirs] -- project , [PackageLocationIndex Subdirs] -- dependencies ) convert entries extraDeps = partitionEithers $ concatMap goEntry entries ++ map Right extraDeps where goEntry :: PackageEntry -> [Either (PackageLocation Subdirs) (PackageLocationIndex Subdirs)] goEntry (PackageEntry Nothing pl@(PLFilePath _) subdirs) = goEntry' False pl subdirs goEntry (PackageEntry Nothing pl _) = fail $ concat [ "Refusing to implicitly treat package location as an extra-dep:\n" , show pl , "\nRecommendation: either move to 'extra-deps' or set 'extra-dep: true'." ] goEntry (PackageEntry (Just extraDep) pl subdirs) = goEntry' extraDep pl subdirs goEntry' :: Bool -- ^ extra dep? -> PackageLocation Subdirs -> Subdirs -> [Either (PackageLocation Subdirs) (PackageLocationIndex Subdirs)] goEntry' extraDep pl subdirs = map (if extraDep then Right . PLOther else Left) (addSubdirs pl subdirs) combineSubdirs :: [FilePath] -> Subdirs -> Subdirs combineSubdirs paths DefaultSubdirs = ExplicitSubdirs paths -- this could be considered an error condition, but we'll -- just try and make it work combineSubdirs paths (ExplicitSubdirs paths') = ExplicitSubdirs (paths ++ paths') -- We do the toList/fromList bit as an efficient nub, and -- to avoid having duplicate subdir names (especially for -- the "." case, where parsing gets wonky). addSubdirs :: PackageLocation Subdirs -> Subdirs -> [PackageLocation Subdirs] addSubdirs pl DefaultSubdirs = [pl] addSubdirs (PLRepo repo) (ExplicitSubdirs subdirs) = [PLRepo repo { repoSubdirs = combineSubdirs subdirs $ repoSubdirs repo }] addSubdirs (PLArchive arch) (ExplicitSubdirs subdirs) = [PLArchive arch { archiveSubdirs = combineSubdirs subdirs $ archiveSubdirs arch }] addSubdirs (PLFilePath fp) (ExplicitSubdirs subdirs) = map (\subdir -> PLFilePath $ fp FilePath. subdir) subdirs -- | A PackageEntry for the current directory, used as a default packageEntryCurrDir :: PackageEntry packageEntryCurrDir = PackageEntry { peExtraDepMaybe = Nothing , peLocation = PLFilePath "." , peSubdirs = DefaultSubdirs } -- | A software control system. data SCM = Git deriving (Show) instance FromJSON SCM where parseJSON v = do s <- parseJSON v case s of "git" -> return Git _ -> fail ("Unknown or unsupported SCM: " <> s) instance ToJSON SCM where toJSON Git = toJSON ("git" :: Text) -- | A variant of the platform, used to differentiate Docker builds from host data PlatformVariant = PlatformVariantNone | PlatformVariant String -- | Render a platform variant to a String suffix. platformVariantSuffix :: PlatformVariant -> String platformVariantSuffix PlatformVariantNone = "" platformVariantSuffix (PlatformVariant v) = "-" ++ v -- | Specialized bariant of GHC (e.g. libgmp4 or integer-simple) data GHCVariant = GHCStandard -- ^ Standard bindist | GHCIntegerSimple -- ^ Bindist that uses integer-simple | GHCCustom String -- ^ Other bindists deriving (Show) instance FromJSON GHCVariant where -- Strange structuring is to give consistent error messages parseJSON = withText "GHCVariant" (either (fail . show) return . parseGHCVariant . T.unpack) -- | Render a GHC variant to a String. ghcVariantName :: GHCVariant -> String ghcVariantName GHCStandard = "standard" ghcVariantName GHCIntegerSimple = "integersimple" ghcVariantName (GHCCustom name) = "custom-" ++ name -- | Render a GHC variant to a String suffix. ghcVariantSuffix :: GHCVariant -> String ghcVariantSuffix GHCStandard = "" ghcVariantSuffix v = "-" ++ ghcVariantName v -- | Parse GHC variant from a String. parseGHCVariant :: (MonadThrow m) => String -> m GHCVariant parseGHCVariant s = case stripPrefix "custom-" s of Just name -> return (GHCCustom name) Nothing | s == "" -> return GHCStandard | s == "standard" -> return GHCStandard | s == "integersimple" -> return GHCIntegerSimple | otherwise -> return (GHCCustom s) -- | Build of the compiler distribution (e.g. standard, gmp4, tinfo6) -- | Information for a file to download. data DownloadInfo = DownloadInfo { downloadInfoUrl :: Text -- ^ URL or absolute file path , downloadInfoContentLength :: Maybe Int , downloadInfoSha1 :: Maybe ByteString , downloadInfoSha256 :: Maybe ByteString } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings DownloadInfo) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "DownloadInfo" parseDownloadInfoFromObject -- | Parse JSON in existing object for 'DownloadInfo' parseDownloadInfoFromObject :: Object -> WarningParser DownloadInfo parseDownloadInfoFromObject o = do url <- o ..: "url" contentLength <- o ..:? "content-length" sha1TextMay <- o ..:? "sha1" sha256TextMay <- o ..:? "sha256" return DownloadInfo { downloadInfoUrl = url , downloadInfoContentLength = contentLength , downloadInfoSha1 = fmap encodeUtf8 sha1TextMay , downloadInfoSha256 = fmap encodeUtf8 sha256TextMay } data VersionedDownloadInfo = VersionedDownloadInfo { vdiVersion :: Version , vdiDownloadInfo :: DownloadInfo } deriving Show instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings VersionedDownloadInfo) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "VersionedDownloadInfo" $ \o -> do version <- o ..: "version" downloadInfo <- parseDownloadInfoFromObject o return VersionedDownloadInfo { vdiVersion = version , vdiDownloadInfo = downloadInfo } data GHCDownloadInfo = GHCDownloadInfo { gdiConfigureOpts :: [Text] , gdiConfigureEnv :: Map Text Text , gdiDownloadInfo :: DownloadInfo } deriving Show instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings GHCDownloadInfo) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "GHCDownloadInfo" $ \o -> do configureOpts <- o ..:? "configure-opts" ..!= mempty configureEnv <- o ..:? "configure-env" ..!= mempty downloadInfo <- parseDownloadInfoFromObject o return GHCDownloadInfo { gdiConfigureOpts = configureOpts , gdiConfigureEnv = configureEnv , gdiDownloadInfo = downloadInfo } data SetupInfo = SetupInfo { siSevenzExe :: Maybe DownloadInfo , siSevenzDll :: Maybe DownloadInfo , siMsys2 :: Map Text VersionedDownloadInfo , siGHCs :: Map Text (Map Version GHCDownloadInfo) , siGHCJSs :: Map Text (Map (CompilerVersion 'CVActual) DownloadInfo) , siStack :: Map Text (Map Version DownloadInfo) } deriving Show instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings SetupInfo) where parseJSON = withObjectWarnings "SetupInfo" $ \o -> do siSevenzExe <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? "sevenzexe-info") siSevenzDll <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? "sevenzdll-info") siMsys2 <- jsonSubWarningsT (o ..:? "msys2" ..!= mempty) siGHCs <- jsonSubWarningsTT (o ..:? "ghc" ..!= mempty) siGHCJSs <- jsonSubWarningsTT (o ..:? "ghcjs" ..!= mempty) siStack <- jsonSubWarningsTT (o ..:? "stack" ..!= mempty) return SetupInfo {..} -- | For @siGHCs@ and @siGHCJSs@ fields maps are deeply merged. -- For all fields the values from the last @SetupInfo@ win. instance Semigroup SetupInfo where l <> r = SetupInfo { siSevenzExe = siSevenzExe r <|> siSevenzExe l , siSevenzDll = siSevenzDll r <|> siSevenzDll l , siMsys2 = siMsys2 r <> siMsys2 l , siGHCs = Map.unionWith (<>) (siGHCs r) (siGHCs l) , siGHCJSs = Map.unionWith (<>) (siGHCJSs r) (siGHCJSs l) , siStack = Map.unionWith (<>) (siStack l) (siStack r) } instance Monoid SetupInfo where mempty = SetupInfo { siSevenzExe = Nothing , siSevenzDll = Nothing , siMsys2 = Map.empty , siGHCs = Map.empty , siGHCJSs = Map.empty , siStack = Map.empty } mappend = (<>) -- | Remote or inline 'SetupInfo' data SetupInfoLocation = SetupInfoFileOrURL String | SetupInfoInline SetupInfo deriving (Show) instance FromJSON (WithJSONWarnings SetupInfoLocation) where parseJSON v = (noJSONWarnings <$> withText "SetupInfoFileOrURL" (pure . SetupInfoFileOrURL . T.unpack) v) <|> inline where inline = do WithJSONWarnings si w <- parseJSON v return $ WithJSONWarnings (SetupInfoInline si) w -- | How PVP bounds should be added to .cabal files data PvpBoundsType = PvpBoundsNone | PvpBoundsUpper | PvpBoundsLower | PvpBoundsBoth deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Ord, Enum, Bounded) data PvpBounds = PvpBounds { pbType :: !PvpBoundsType , pbAsRevision :: !Bool } deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Typeable, Ord) pvpBoundsText :: PvpBoundsType -> Text pvpBoundsText PvpBoundsNone = "none" pvpBoundsText PvpBoundsUpper = "upper" pvpBoundsText PvpBoundsLower = "lower" pvpBoundsText PvpBoundsBoth = "both" parsePvpBounds :: Text -> Either String PvpBounds parsePvpBounds t = maybe err Right $ do (t', asRevision) <- case T.break (== '-') t of (x, "") -> Just (x, False) (x, "-revision") -> Just (x, True) _ -> Nothing x <- Map.lookup t' m Just PvpBounds { pbType = x , pbAsRevision = asRevision } where m = Map.fromList $ map (pvpBoundsText &&& id) [minBound..maxBound] err = Left $ "Invalid PVP bounds: " ++ T.unpack t instance ToJSON PvpBounds where toJSON (PvpBounds typ asRevision) = toJSON (pvpBoundsText typ <> (if asRevision then "-revision" else "")) instance FromJSON PvpBounds where parseJSON = withText "PvpBounds" (either fail return . parsePvpBounds) -- | Provide an explicit list of package dependencies when running a custom Setup.hs explicitSetupDeps :: (MonadReader env m, HasConfig env) => PackageName -> m Bool explicitSetupDeps name = do m <- view $ configL.to configExplicitSetupDeps return $ -- Yes there are far cleverer ways to write this. I honestly consider -- the explicit pattern matching much easier to parse at a glance. case Map.lookup (Just name) m of Just b -> b Nothing -> case Map.lookup Nothing m of Just b -> b Nothing -> False -- default value -- | Data passed into Docker container for the Docker entrypoint's use newtype DockerEntrypoint = DockerEntrypoint { deUser :: Maybe DockerUser -- ^ UID/GID/etc of host user, if we wish to perform UID/GID switch in container } deriving (Read,Show) -- | Docker host user info data DockerUser = DockerUser { duUid :: UserID -- ^ uid , duGid :: GroupID -- ^ gid , duGroups :: [GroupID] -- ^ Supplemantal groups , duUmask :: FileMode -- ^ File creation mask } } deriving (Read,Show) data GhcOptionKey = GOKOldEverything | GOKEverything | GOKLocals | GOKTargets | GOKPackage !PackageName deriving (Eq, Ord) instance FromJSONKey GhcOptionKey where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \t -> case t of "*" -> return GOKOldEverything "$everything" -> return GOKEverything "$locals" -> return GOKLocals "$targets" -> return GOKTargets _ -> case parsePackageName t of Left e -> fail $ show e Right x -> return $ GOKPackage x fromJSONKeyList = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \_ -> fail "GhcOptionKey.fromJSONKeyList" newtype GhcOptions = GhcOptions { unGhcOptions :: [Text] } instance FromJSON GhcOptions where parseJSON = withText "GhcOptions" $ \t -> case parseArgs Escaping t of Left e -> fail e Right opts -> return $ GhcOptions $ map T.pack opts ----------------------------------- -- Lens classes ----------------------------------- -- | Class for environment values which have a Platform class HasPlatform env where platformL :: Lens' env Platform default platformL :: HasConfig env => Lens' env Platform platformL = configL.platformL {-# INLINE platformL #-} platformVariantL :: Lens' env PlatformVariant default platformVariantL :: HasConfig env => Lens' env PlatformVariant platformVariantL = configL.platformVariantL {-# INLINE platformVariantL #-} -- | Class for environment values which have a GHCVariant class HasGHCVariant env where ghcVariantL :: Lens' env GHCVariant default ghcVariantL :: HasBuildConfig env => Lens' env GHCVariant ghcVariantL = buildConfigL.ghcVariantL {-# INLINE ghcVariantL #-} -- | Class for environment values that can provide a 'Config'. class (HasPlatform env, HasProcessContext env, HasCabalLoader env) => HasConfig env where configL :: Lens' env Config default configL :: HasBuildConfig env => Lens' env Config configL = buildConfigL.lens bcConfig (\x y -> x { bcConfig = y }) {-# INLINE configL #-} class HasConfig env => HasBuildConfig env where buildConfigL :: Lens' env BuildConfig default buildConfigL :: HasEnvConfig env => Lens' env BuildConfig buildConfigL = envConfigL.lens envConfigBuildConfig (\x y -> x { envConfigBuildConfig = y }) class (HasBuildConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => HasEnvConfig env where envConfigL :: Lens' env EnvConfig ----------------------------------- -- Lens instances ----------------------------------- instance HasPlatform (Platform,PlatformVariant) where platformL = _1 platformVariantL = _2 instance HasPlatform Config where platformL = lens configPlatform (\x y -> x { configPlatform = y }) platformVariantL = lens configPlatformVariant (\x y -> x { configPlatformVariant = y }) instance HasPlatform LoadConfig instance HasPlatform BuildConfig instance HasPlatform EnvConfig instance HasGHCVariant GHCVariant where ghcVariantL = id {-# INLINE ghcVariantL #-} instance HasGHCVariant BuildConfig where ghcVariantL = lens bcGHCVariant (\x y -> x { bcGHCVariant = y }) instance HasGHCVariant EnvConfig instance HasProcessContext Config where processContextL = runnerL.processContextL instance HasProcessContext LoadConfig where processContextL = configL.processContextL instance HasProcessContext BuildConfig where processContextL = configL.processContextL instance HasProcessContext EnvConfig where processContextL = configL.processContextL instance HasCabalLoader Config where cabalLoaderL = lens configCabalLoader (\x y -> x { configCabalLoader = y }) instance HasCabalLoader LoadConfig where cabalLoaderL = configL.cabalLoaderL instance HasCabalLoader BuildConfig where cabalLoaderL = configL.cabalLoaderL instance HasCabalLoader EnvConfig where cabalLoaderL = configL.cabalLoaderL instance HasConfig Config where configL = id {-# INLINE configL #-} instance HasConfig LoadConfig where configL = lens lcConfig (\x y -> x { lcConfig = y }) instance HasConfig BuildConfig where configL = lens bcConfig (\x y -> x { bcConfig = y }) instance HasConfig EnvConfig instance HasBuildConfig BuildConfig where buildConfigL = id {-# INLINE buildConfigL #-} instance HasBuildConfig EnvConfig instance HasEnvConfig EnvConfig where envConfigL = id {-# INLINE envConfigL #-} instance HasRunner Config where runnerL = lens configRunner (\x y -> x { configRunner = y }) instance HasRunner LoadConfig where runnerL = configL.runnerL instance HasRunner BuildConfig where runnerL = configL.runnerL instance HasRunner EnvConfig where runnerL = configL.runnerL instance HasLogFunc Config where logFuncL = runnerL.logFuncL instance HasLogFunc LoadConfig where logFuncL = runnerL.logFuncL instance HasLogFunc BuildConfig where logFuncL = runnerL.logFuncL instance HasLogFunc EnvConfig where logFuncL = runnerL.logFuncL ----------------------------------- -- Helper lenses ----------------------------------- stackRootL :: HasCabalLoader s => Lens' s (Path Abs Dir) stackRootL = cabalLoaderL.lens clStackRoot (\x y -> x { clStackRoot = y }) -- | The compiler specified by the @SnapshotDef@. This may be -- different from the actual compiler used! wantedCompilerVersionL :: HasBuildConfig s => Getting r s (CompilerVersion 'CVWanted) wantedCompilerVersionL = snapshotDefL.to sdWantedCompilerVersion -- | The version of the compiler which will actually be used. May be -- different than that specified in the 'SnapshotDef' and returned -- by 'wantedCompilerVersionL'. actualCompilerVersionL :: HasEnvConfig s => Lens' s (CompilerVersion 'CVActual) actualCompilerVersionL = envConfigL.lens envConfigCompilerVersion (\x y -> x { envConfigCompilerVersion = y }) snapshotDefL :: HasBuildConfig s => Lens' s SnapshotDef snapshotDefL = buildConfigL.lens bcSnapshotDef (\x y -> x { bcSnapshotDef = y }) buildOptsL :: HasConfig s => Lens' s BuildOpts buildOptsL = configL.lens configBuild (\x y -> x { configBuild = y }) buildOptsMonoidHaddockL :: Lens' BuildOptsMonoid (Maybe Bool) buildOptsMonoidHaddockL = lens (getFirst . buildMonoidHaddock) (\buildMonoid t -> buildMonoid {buildMonoidHaddock = First t}) buildOptsMonoidTestsL :: Lens' BuildOptsMonoid (Maybe Bool) buildOptsMonoidTestsL = lens (getFirst . buildMonoidTests) (\buildMonoid t -> buildMonoid {buildMonoidTests = First t}) buildOptsMonoidBenchmarksL :: Lens' BuildOptsMonoid (Maybe Bool) buildOptsMonoidBenchmarksL = lens (getFirst . buildMonoidBenchmarks) (\buildMonoid t -> buildMonoid {buildMonoidBenchmarks = First t}) buildOptsMonoidInstallExesL :: Lens' BuildOptsMonoid (Maybe Bool) buildOptsMonoidInstallExesL = lens (getFirst . buildMonoidInstallExes) (\buildMonoid t -> buildMonoid {buildMonoidInstallExes = First t}) buildOptsInstallExesL :: Lens' BuildOpts Bool buildOptsInstallExesL = lens boptsInstallExes (\bopts t -> bopts {boptsInstallExes = t}) buildOptsHaddockL :: Lens' BuildOpts Bool buildOptsHaddockL = lens boptsHaddock (\bopts t -> bopts {boptsHaddock = t}) globalOptsL :: Lens' GlobalOpts ConfigMonoid globalOptsL = lens globalConfigMonoid (\x y -> x { globalConfigMonoid = y }) globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL :: Lens' GlobalOpts BuildOptsMonoid globalOptsBuildOptsMonoidL = globalOptsL.lens configMonoidBuildOpts (\x y -> x { configMonoidBuildOpts = y }) configUrlsL :: HasConfig env => Lens' env Urls configUrlsL = configL.lens configUrls (\x y -> x { configUrls = y }) cabalVersionL :: HasEnvConfig env => Lens' env Version cabalVersionL = envConfigL.lens envConfigCabalVersion (\x y -> x { envConfigCabalVersion = y }) loadedSnapshotL :: HasEnvConfig env => Lens' env LoadedSnapshot loadedSnapshotL = envConfigL.lens envConfigLoadedSnapshot (\x y -> x { envConfigLoadedSnapshot = y }) whichCompilerL :: Getting r (CompilerVersion a) WhichCompiler whichCompilerL = to whichCompiler envOverrideSettingsL :: HasConfig env => Lens' env (EnvSettings -> IO ProcessContext) envOverrideSettingsL = configL.lens configProcessContextSettings (\x y -> x { configProcessContextSettings = y }) globalHintsL :: HasBuildConfig s => Getting r s (Map PackageName (Maybe Version)) globalHintsL = snapshotDefL.to sdGlobalHints shouldForceGhcColorFlag :: (HasRunner env, HasEnvConfig env) => RIO env Bool shouldForceGhcColorFlag = do canDoColor <- (>= $(mkVersion "8.2.1")) . getGhcVersion <$> view actualCompilerVersionL shouldDoColor <- view useColorL return $ canDoColor && shouldDoColor appropriateGhcColorFlag :: (HasRunner env, HasEnvConfig env) => RIO env (Maybe String) appropriateGhcColorFlag = f <$> shouldForceGhcColorFlag where f True = Just ghcColorForceFlag f False = Nothing