{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- | Versions for packages. module Stack.Types.Version (Version ,Cabal.VersionRange -- TODO in the future should have a newtype wrapper ,IntersectingVersionRange(..) ,VersionCheck(..) ,versionParser ,parseVersion ,parseVersionFromString ,versionString ,versionText ,toCabalVersion ,fromCabalVersion ,mkVersion ,versionRangeText ,withinRange ,Stack.Types.Version.intersectVersionRanges ,toMajorVersion ,latestApplicableVersion ,checkVersion ,nextMajorVersion ,UpgradeTo(..) ,minorVersion ,stackVersion ,stackMinorVersion) where import Stack.Prelude hiding (Vector) import Data.Aeson.Extended import Data.Attoparsec.Text import Data.Hashable (Hashable (..)) import Data.List import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V import Distribution.Text (disp) import qualified Distribution.Version as Cabal import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import qualified Paths_stack as Meta import Text.PrettyPrint (render) -- | A parse fail. newtype VersionParseFail = VersionParseFail Text deriving (Typeable) instance Exception VersionParseFail instance Show VersionParseFail where show (VersionParseFail bs) = "Invalid version: " ++ show bs -- | A Package upgrade; Latest or a specific version. data UpgradeTo = Specific Version | Latest deriving (Show) -- | A package version. newtype Version = Version {unVersion :: Vector Word} deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic,Store,NFData) instance Hashable Version where hashWithSalt i = hashWithSalt i . V.toList . unVersion instance Lift Version where lift (Version n) = appE (conE 'Version) (appE (varE 'V.fromList) (listE (map (litE . IntegerL . fromIntegral) (V.toList n)))) instance Show Version where show (Version v) = intercalate "." (map show (V.toList v)) instance Display Version where display = display . versionText instance ToJSON Version where toJSON = toJSON . versionText instance FromJSON Version where parseJSON j = do s <- parseJSON j case parseVersionFromString s of Nothing -> fail ("Couldn't parse package version: " ++ s) Just ver -> return ver instance FromJSONKey Version where fromJSONKey = FromJSONKeyTextParser $ \k -> either (fail . show) return $ parseVersion k newtype IntersectingVersionRange = IntersectingVersionRange { getIntersectingVersionRange :: Cabal.VersionRange } deriving Show instance Semigroup IntersectingVersionRange where IntersectingVersionRange l <> IntersectingVersionRange r = IntersectingVersionRange (l `Cabal.intersectVersionRanges` r) instance Monoid IntersectingVersionRange where mempty = IntersectingVersionRange Cabal.anyVersion mappend = (<>) -- | Attoparsec parser for a package version. versionParser :: Parser Version versionParser = do ls <- (:) <$> num <*> many num' let !v = V.fromList ls return (Version v) where num = decimal num' = point *> num point = satisfy (== '.') -- | Convenient way to parse a package version from a 'Text'. parseVersion :: MonadThrow m => Text -> m Version parseVersion x = go x where go = either (const (throwM (VersionParseFail x))) return . parseOnly (versionParser <* endOfInput) -- | Migration function. parseVersionFromString :: MonadThrow m => String -> m Version parseVersionFromString = parseVersion . T.pack -- | Get a string representation of a package version. versionString :: Version -> String versionString (Version v) = intercalate "." (map show (V.toList v)) -- | Get a string representation of a package version. versionText :: Version -> Text versionText (Version v) = T.intercalate "." (map (T.pack . show) (V.toList v)) -- | Convert to a Cabal version. toCabalVersion :: Version -> Cabal.Version toCabalVersion (Version v) = Cabal.mkVersion (map fromIntegral (V.toList v)) -- | Convert from a Cabal version. fromCabalVersion :: Cabal.Version -> Version fromCabalVersion vs = let !v = V.fromList (map fromIntegral (Cabal.versionNumbers vs)) in Version v -- | Make a package version. mkVersion :: String -> Q Exp mkVersion s = case parseVersionFromString s of Nothing -> qRunIO $ throwString ("Invalid package version: " ++ show s) Just pn -> [|pn|] -- | Display a version range versionRangeText :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Text versionRangeText = T.pack . render . disp -- | Check if a version is within a version range. withinRange :: Version -> Cabal.VersionRange -> Bool withinRange v r = toCabalVersion v `Cabal.withinRange` r -- | A modified intersection which also simplifies, for better display. intersectVersionRanges :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Cabal.VersionRange -> Cabal.VersionRange intersectVersionRanges x y = Cabal.simplifyVersionRange $ Cabal.intersectVersionRanges x y -- | Returns the first two components, defaulting to 0 if not present toMajorVersion :: Version -> Version toMajorVersion (Version v) = case V.length v of 0 -> Version (V.fromList [0, 0]) 1 -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, 0]) _ -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, v V.! 1]) -- | Given a version range and a set of versions, find the latest version from -- the set that is within the range. latestApplicableVersion :: Cabal.VersionRange -> Set Version -> Maybe Version latestApplicableVersion r = listToMaybe . filter (`withinRange` r) . Set.toDescList -- | Get the next major version number for the given version nextMajorVersion :: Version -> Version nextMajorVersion (Version v) = case V.length v of 0 -> Version (V.fromList [0, 1]) 1 -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, 1]) _ -> Version (V.fromList [V.head v, (v V.! 1) + 1]) data VersionCheck = MatchMinor | MatchExact | NewerMinor deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance ToJSON VersionCheck where toJSON MatchMinor = String "match-minor" toJSON MatchExact = String "match-exact" toJSON NewerMinor = String "newer-minor" instance FromJSON VersionCheck where parseJSON = withText expected $ \t -> case t of "match-minor" -> return MatchMinor "match-exact" -> return MatchExact "newer-minor" -> return NewerMinor _ -> fail ("Expected " ++ expected ++ ", but got " ++ show t) where expected = "VersionCheck value (match-minor, match-exact, or newer-minor)" checkVersion :: VersionCheck -> Version -> Version -> Bool checkVersion check (Version wanted) (Version actual) = case check of MatchMinor -> V.and (V.take 3 matching) MatchExact -> V.length wanted == V.length actual && V.and matching NewerMinor -> V.and (V.take 2 matching) && newerMinor where matching = V.zipWith (==) wanted actual newerMinor = case (wanted V.!? 2, actual V.!? 2) of (Nothing, _) -> True (Just _, Nothing) -> False (Just w, Just a) -> a >= w -- | Get minor version (excludes any patchlevel) minorVersion :: Version -> Version minorVersion (Version v) = Version (V.take 3 v) -- | Current Stack version stackVersion :: Version stackVersion = fromCabalVersion (Cabal.mkVersion' Meta.version) -- | Current Stack minor version (excludes patchlevel) stackMinorVersion :: Version stackMinorVersion = minorVersion stackVersion