{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Stack.CLI ( commandLineHandler ) where import BuildInfo ( hpackVersion, versionString' ) import Data.Attoparsec.Interpreter ( getInterpreterArgs ) import Data.Char ( toLower ) import qualified Data.List as L import Options.Applicative ( Parser, ParserFailure, ParserHelp, ParserResult (..), flag , handleParseResult, help, helpError, idm, long, metavar , overFailure, renderFailure, strArgument, switch ) import Options.Applicative.Help ( errorHelp, stringChunk, vcatChunks ) import Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra ( boolFlags, extraHelpOption, textOption ) import Options.Applicative.Complicated ( addCommand, addSubCommands, complicatedOptions ) import qualified RIO.Process ( exec ) import RIO.Process ( withProcessContextNoLogging ) import Stack.Build ( buildCmd ) import Stack.Clean ( CleanCommand (..), cleanCmd ) import Stack.ConfigCmd as ConfigCmd import Stack.Constants ( globalFooter, osIsWindows, stackProgName ) import Stack.Coverage ( hpcReportCmd ) import Stack.Docker ( dockerCmdName, dockerHelpOptName, dockerPullCmdName ) import Stack.DockerCmd ( dockerPullCmd, dockerResetCmd ) import qualified Stack.Dot ( dot ) import Stack.Exec ( SpecialExecCmd (..), execCmd ) import Stack.Eval ( evalCmd ) import Stack.Ghci ( ghciCmd ) import Stack.Hoogle ( hoogleCmd ) import Stack.IDE ( ListPackagesCmd (..), OutputStream (..), idePackagesCmd , ideTargetsCmd ) import Stack.Init ( initCmd ) import Stack.List ( listCmd ) import Stack.Ls ( lsCmd ) import Stack.New ( newCmd ) import qualified Stack.Nix as Nix import Stack.Options.BuildParser ( buildOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.CleanParser ( cleanOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.DotParser ( dotOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.EvalParser ( evalOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.ExecParser ( execOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.GhciParser ( ghciOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.GlobalParser ( globalOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.HpcReportParser ( hpcReportOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.InitParser ( initOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.LsParser ( lsOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.NewParser ( newOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.PathParser ( pathParser ) import Stack.Options.SDistParser ( sdistOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.ScriptParser ( scriptOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.SetupParser ( setupOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.UpgradeParser ( upgradeOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.UploadParser ( uploadOptsParser ) import Stack.Options.Utils ( GlobalOptsContext (..) ) import qualified Stack.Path ( path ) import Stack.Prelude import Stack.Query ( queryCmd ) import Stack.Runners ( ShouldReexec (..), withConfig, withDefaultEnvConfig ) import Stack.SDist ( sdistCmd ) import Stack.Script ( ScriptOpts (..), scriptCmd ) import Stack.SetupCmd ( setupCmd ) import Stack.Templates ( templatesCmd ) import Stack.Types.AddCommand ( AddCommand ) import Stack.Types.BuildOpts ( BuildCommand (..) ) import Stack.Types.GlobalOptsMonoid ( GlobalOptsMonoid (..) ) import Stack.Types.Runner ( Runner ) import Stack.Types.Version ( stackVersion ) import Stack.Uninstall ( uninstallCmd ) import Stack.Unpack ( unpackCmd ) import Stack.Update ( updateCmd ) import Stack.Upgrade ( upgradeCmd ) import Stack.Upload ( uploadCmd ) import qualified System.Directory as D import System.Environment ( getProgName, withArgs ) import System.FilePath ( pathSeparator, takeDirectory ) commandLineHandler :: FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO (GlobalOptsMonoid, RIO Runner ()) commandLineHandler currentDir progName isInterpreter = -- Append the relevant default (potentially affecting the LogLevel) *after* -- appending the global options of the `stack` command to the global options -- of the subcommand - see #5326. first (<> defaultGlobalOpts) <$> complicatedOptions stackVersion (Just versionString') hpackVersion "stack - The Haskell Tool Stack" "" "Stack's documentation is available at https://docs.haskellstack.org/. \ \Command 'stack COMMAND --help' for help about a Stack command. Stack also \ \supports the Haskell Error Index at https://errors.haskell.org/." (globalOpts OuterGlobalOpts) (Just failureCallback) addCommands where defaultGlobalOpts = if isInterpreter then -- Silent except when errors occur - see #2879 mempty { globalMonoidLogLevel = First (Just LevelError) } else mempty failureCallback f args = case L.stripPrefix "Invalid argument" (fst (renderFailure f "")) of Just _ -> if isInterpreter then parseResultHandler args f else secondaryCommandHandler args f >>= interpreterHandler currentDir args Nothing -> parseResultHandler args f parseResultHandler args f = if isInterpreter then do let hlp = errorHelp $ stringChunk (unwords ["Error executing interpreter command:" , progName , unwords args]) handleParseResult (overFailure (vcatErrorHelp hlp) (Failure f)) else handleParseResult (Failure f) -- The order of commands below determines the order in which they are listed -- in `stack --help`. addCommands = do unless isInterpreter $ do build install uninstall test bench haddock new templates init setup path ls unpack update upgrade upload sdist dot ghc hoogle -- These are the only commands allowed in interpreter mode as well exec run ghci repl runghc runhaskell script unless isInterpreter $ do eval clean purge query list ide docker config hpc -- Stack's subcommands are listed below in alphabetical order bench = addBuildCommand' "bench" "Shortcut for 'build --bench'." buildCmd (buildOptsParser Bench) build = addBuildCommand' "build" "Build the package(s) in this directory/configuration." buildCmd (buildOptsParser Build) clean = addCommand' "clean" "Delete build artefacts for the project packages." cleanCmd (cleanOptsParser Clean) config = addSubCommands' ConfigCmd.cfgCmdName "Subcommands for accessing and modifying configuration values." ( do addCommand' ConfigCmd.cfgCmdSetName "Sets a key in YAML configuration file to value." (withConfig NoReexec . cfgCmdSet) configCmdSetParser addCommand' ConfigCmd.cfgCmdEnvName "Print environment variables for use in a shell." (withConfig YesReexec . withDefaultEnvConfig . cfgCmdEnv) configCmdEnvParser ) docker = addSubCommands' dockerCmdName "Subcommands specific to Docker use." ( do addCommand' dockerPullCmdName "Pull latest version of Docker image from registry." dockerPullCmd (pure ()) addCommand' "reset" "Reset the Docker sandbox." dockerResetCmd ( switch ( long "keep-home" <> help "Do not delete sandbox's home directory." ) ) ) dot = addCommand' "dot" "Visualize your project's dependency graph using Graphviz dot." Stack.Dot.dot (dotOptsParser False) -- Default for --external is False. eval = addCommand' "eval" "Evaluate some Haskell code inline. Shortcut for \ \'stack exec ghc -- -e CODE'." evalCmd (evalOptsParser "CODE") exec = addCommand' "exec" "Execute a command. If the command is absent, the first of any arguments \ \is taken as the command." execCmd (execOptsParser Nothing) ghc = addCommand' "ghc" "Run ghc." execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecGhc) ghci = addGhciCommand' "ghci" "Run ghci in the context of package(s)." ghciCmd ghciOptsParser haddock = addBuildCommand' "haddock" "Shortcut for 'build --haddock'." buildCmd (buildOptsParser Haddock) hoogle = addCommand' "hoogle" "Run hoogle, the Haskell API search engine. Use the '-- ARGUMENT(S)' \ \syntax to pass Hoogle arguments, e.g. 'stack hoogle -- --count=20', \ \or 'stack hoogle -- server --local'." hoogleCmd ( (,,,) <$> many (strArgument ( metavar "-- ARGUMENT(S) (e.g. 'stack hoogle -- server --local')" )) <*> boolFlags True "setup" "If needed: install Hoogle, build Haddock documentation and \ \generate a Hoogle database." idm <*> switch ( long "rebuild" <> help "Rebuild the Hoogle database." ) <*> switch ( long "server" <> help "Start local Hoogle server." ) ) hpc = addSubCommands' "hpc" "Subcommands specific to Haskell Program Coverage." ( addCommand' "report" "Generate unified HPC coverage report from tix files and project \ \targets." hpcReportCmd hpcReportOptsParser ) ide = addSubCommands' "ide" "IDE-specific commands." ( let outputFlag = flag OutputLogInfo OutputStdout ( long "stdout" <> help "Send output to the standard output stream instead of the \ \default, the standard error stream." ) cabalFileFlag = flag ListPackageNames ListPackageCabalFiles ( long "cabal-files" <> help "Print paths to package Cabal files instead of package \ \names." ) in do addCommand' "packages" "List all available local loadable packages." idePackagesCmd ((,) <$> outputFlag <*> cabalFileFlag) addCommand' "targets" "List all available Stack targets." ideTargetsCmd outputFlag ) init = addCommand' "init" "Create Stack project configuration from Cabal or Hpack package \ \specifications." initCmd initOptsParser install = addBuildCommand' "install" "Shortcut for 'build --copy-bins'." buildCmd (buildOptsParser Install) list = addCommand' "list" "List package id's in snapshot (experimental)." listCmd (many $ strArgument $ metavar "PACKAGE") ls = addCommand' "ls" "List command. (Supports snapshots, dependencies, Stack's styles and \ \installed tools.)" lsCmd lsOptsParser new = addCommand' "new" "Create a new project from a template. Run 'stack templates' to see \ \available templates. Will also initialise if there is no stack.yaml \ \file. Note: you can also specify a local file or a remote URL as a \ \template; or force an initialisation." newCmd newOptsParser path = addCommand' "path" "Print out handy path information." Stack.Path.path pathParser purge = addCommand' "purge" "Delete the project Stack working directories (.stack-work by \ \default). Shortcut for 'stack clean --full'." cleanCmd (cleanOptsParser Purge) query = addCommand' "query" "Query general build information (experimental)." queryCmd (many $ strArgument $ metavar "SELECTOR...") repl = addGhciCommand' "repl" "Run ghci in the context of package(s) (alias for 'ghci')." ghciCmd ghciOptsParser run = addCommand' "run" "Build and run an executable. Defaults to the first available \ \executable if none is provided as the first argument." execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecRun) runghc = addCommand' "runghc" "Run runghc." execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecRunGhc) runhaskell = addCommand' "runhaskell" "Run runghc (alias for 'runghc')." execCmd (execOptsParser $ Just ExecRunGhc) script = addCommand "script" "Run a Stack script." globalFooter scriptCmd ( \so gom -> gom { globalMonoidResolverRoot = First $ Just $ takeDirectory $ soFile so } ) (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) scriptOptsParser sdist = addCommand' "sdist" "Create source distribution tarballs." sdistCmd sdistOptsParser setup = addCommand' "setup" "Get the appropriate GHC for your project." setupCmd setupOptsParser templates = addCommand' "templates" "Show how to find templates available for 'stack new'. 'stack new' \ \can accept a template from a remote repository (default: github), \ \local file or remote URL. Note: this downloads the help file." templatesCmd (pure ()) test = addBuildCommand' "test" "Shortcut for 'build --test'." buildCmd (buildOptsParser Test) uninstall = addCommand' "uninstall" "Show how to uninstall Stack or a Stack-supplied tool. This command does \ \not itself uninstall Stack or a Stack-supplied tool." uninstallCmd (pure ()) unpack = addCommand' "unpack" "Unpack one or more packages locally." unpackCmd ( (,) <$> some (strArgument $ metavar "PACKAGE") <*> optional (textOption ( long "to" <> help "Optional path to unpack the package into (will \ \unpack into subdirectory)." )) ) update = addCommand' "update" "Update the package index." updateCmd (pure ()) upgrade = addCommand'' "upgrade" "Upgrade Stack, installing to Stack's local-bin directory and, if \ \different and permitted, the directory of the current Stack \ \executable." upgradeCmd "Warning: if you use GHCup to install Stack, use only GHCup to \ \upgrade Stack." (upgradeOptsParser onlyLocalBins) where onlyLocalBins = (lowercase progName /= lowercase stackProgName) && not ( osIsWindows && lowercase progName == lowercase (stackProgName <> ".EXE") ) lowercase = map toLower upload = addCommand' "upload" "Upload a package to Hackage." uploadCmd uploadOptsParser -- addCommand hiding global options addCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> RIO Runner ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (\_ gom -> gom) (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) -- addCommand with custom footer hiding global options addCommand'' :: String -> String -> (a -> RIO Runner ()) -> String -> Parser a -> AddCommand addCommand'' cmd title constr cmdFooter = addCommand cmd title (globalFooter <> " " <> cmdFooter) constr (\_ gom -> gom) (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) addSubCommands' :: String -> String -> AddCommand -> AddCommand addSubCommands' cmd title = addSubCommands cmd title globalFooter (globalOpts OtherCmdGlobalOpts) -- Additional helper that hides global options and shows build options addBuildCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> RIO Runner ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addBuildCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (\_ gom -> gom) (globalOpts BuildCmdGlobalOpts) -- Additional helper that hides global options and shows some ghci options addGhciCommand' :: String -> String -> (a -> RIO Runner ()) -> Parser a -> AddCommand addGhciCommand' cmd title constr = addCommand cmd title globalFooter constr (\_ gom -> gom) (globalOpts GhciCmdGlobalOpts) globalOpts :: GlobalOptsContext -> Parser GlobalOptsMonoid globalOpts kind = extraHelpOption hide progName (dockerCmdName ++ "*") dockerHelpOptName <*> extraHelpOption hide progName (Nix.nixCmdName ++ "*") Nix.nixHelpOptName <*> globalOptsParser currentDir kind where hide = kind /= OuterGlobalOpts -- | fall-through to external executables in `git` style if they exist -- (i.e. `stack something` looks for `stack-something` before -- failing with "Invalid argument `something'") secondaryCommandHandler :: [String] -> ParserFailure ParserHelp -> IO (ParserFailure ParserHelp) secondaryCommandHandler args f = -- don't even try when the argument looks like a path or flag if elem pathSeparator cmd || "-" `L.isPrefixOf` L.head args then pure f else do mExternalExec <- D.findExecutable cmd case mExternalExec of Just ex -> withProcessContextNoLogging $ do -- TODO show the command in verbose mode -- hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords $ -- ["Running", "[" ++ ex, unwords (tail args) ++ "]"] _ <- RIO.Process.exec ex (L.tail args) pure f Nothing -> pure $ fmap (vcatErrorHelp (noSuchCmd cmd)) f where -- FIXME this is broken when any options are specified before the command -- e.g. stack --verbosity silent cmd cmd = stackProgName ++ "-" ++ L.head args noSuchCmd name = errorHelp $ stringChunk ("Auxiliary command not found in path '" ++ name ++ "'.") interpreterHandler :: Monoid t => FilePath -> [String] -> ParserFailure ParserHelp -> IO (GlobalOptsMonoid, (RIO Runner (), t)) interpreterHandler currentDir args f = do -- args can include top-level config such as --extra-lib-dirs=... (set by -- nix-shell) - we need to find the first argument which is a file, everything -- afterwards is an argument to the script, everything before is an argument -- to Stack (stackArgs, fileArgs) <- spanM (fmap not . D.doesFileExist) args case fileArgs of (file:fileArgs') -> runInterpreterCommand file stackArgs fileArgs' [] -> parseResultHandler (errorCombine (noSuchFile firstArg)) where firstArg = L.head args spanM _ [] = pure ([], []) spanM p xs@(x:xs') = do r <- p x if r then do (ys, zs) <- spanM p xs' pure (x:ys, zs) else pure ([], xs) -- if the first argument contains a path separator then it might be a file, -- or a Stack option referencing a file. In that case we only show the -- interpreter error message and exclude the command related error messages. errorCombine = if pathSeparator `elem` firstArg then overrideErrorHelp else vcatErrorHelp overrideErrorHelp h1 h2 = h2 { helpError = helpError h1 } parseResultHandler fn = handleParseResult (overFailure fn (Failure f)) noSuchFile name = errorHelp $ stringChunk ("File does not exist or is not a regular file '" ++ name ++ "'.") runInterpreterCommand path stackArgs fileArgs = do progName <- getProgName iargs <- getInterpreterArgs path let parseCmdLine = commandLineHandler currentDir progName True -- Implicit file arguments are put before other arguments that -- occur after "--". See #3658 cmdArgs = stackArgs ++ case break (== "--") iargs of (beforeSep, []) -> beforeSep ++ ["--"] ++ [path] ++ fileArgs (beforeSep, optSep : afterSep) -> beforeSep ++ [optSep] ++ [path] ++ fileArgs ++ afterSep -- TODO show the command in verbose mode -- hPutStrLn stderr $ unwords $ -- ["Running", "[" ++ progName, unwords cmdArgs ++ "]"] (a,b) <- withArgs cmdArgs parseCmdLine pure (a,(b,mempty)) -- Vertically combine only the error component of the first argument with the -- error component of the second. vcatErrorHelp :: ParserHelp -> ParserHelp -> ParserHelp vcatErrorHelp h1 h2 = h2 { helpError = vcatChunks [helpError h2, helpError h1] }