# The `stack run` command ~~~text stack run [-- ARGUMENT(S) (e.g. stack run -- file.txt)] [--[no-]ghc-package-path] [--[no-]stack-exe] [--package PACKAGE] [--rts-options RTSFLAG] [--cwd DIR] ~~~ `stack run` builds a project executable and runs it. If the command has a first argument and it is recognised as an executable target then that is built. Otherwise, the project's first executable is built. If the project has no executables Stack reports no executables found as an error. Everything after `--` on the command line is interpreted as a command line argument to be passed to what is run, other than a first argument recognised as an executable target. By default: * the `GHC_PACKAGE_PATH` environment variable is set for the subprocess. Pass the `--no-ghc-package-path` flag to not set the variable; and * the `STACK_EXE` environment variable is set with the path to Stack. Pass the `--no-stack-exe` flag to not set the variable. The `--cwd` option can be used to set the working directory before the executable is run. The `--package` option (which can be specified multiple times) can be used to add a package name to build targets. The `--rts-options` option (which can be specified multiple times) can be used to pass a list of GHC's [runtime system (RTS) options](https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/latest/docs/users_guide/runtime_control.html#) to the executable when it is run. (The `+RTS` and `-RTS` must not be included.)