{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Dealing with Cabal. module Stack.Package ( readDotBuildinfo , resolvePackage , packageFromPackageDescription , Package (..) , PackageDescriptionPair (..) , GetPackageOpts (..) , PackageConfig (..) , buildLogPath , PackageException (..) , resolvePackageDescription , packageDependencies , applyForceCustomBuild ) where import Data.List ( unzip ) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion ( cabalSpecToVersionDigits ) import qualified Distribution.Compat.NonEmptySet as NES import Distribution.Compiler ( CompilerFlavor (..), PerCompilerFlavor (..) ) import Distribution.Package ( mkPackageName ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( Benchmark (..), BuildInfo (..), BuildType (..) , CondTree (..), Condition (..), ConfVar (..) , Dependency (..), Executable (..), ForeignLib (..) , GenericPackageDescription (..), HookedBuildInfo , Library (..), PackageDescription (..), PackageFlag (..) , SetupBuildInfo (..), TestSuite (..), allLanguages , allLibraries, buildType, depPkgName, depVerRange , libraryNameString, maybeToLibraryName, usedExtensions ) import Distribution.Pretty ( prettyShow ) import Distribution.Simple.PackageDescription ( readHookedBuildInfo ) import Distribution.System ( OS (..), Arch, Platform (..) ) import Distribution.Text ( display ) import qualified Distribution.Types.CondTree as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.ExeDependency as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency as Cabal import qualified Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName as Cabal import Distribution.Utils.Path ( getSymbolicPath ) import Distribution.Verbosity ( silent ) import Distribution.Version ( anyVersion, mkVersion, orLaterVersion ) import Path ( (), parent, parseAbsDir, parseRelDir, parseRelFile , stripProperPrefix ) import Path.Extra ( concatAndCollapseAbsDir, toFilePathNoTrailingSep ) import Stack.Constants (relFileCabalMacrosH, relDirLogs) import Stack.Constants.Config ( distDirFromDir ) import Stack.Prelude hiding ( Display (..) ) import Stack.ComponentFile ( buildDir, componentAutogenDir, componentBuildDir , componentOutputDir, packageAutogenDir ) import Stack.Types.BuildConfig ( HasBuildConfig (..), getProjectWorkDir ) import Stack.Types.Compiler ( ActualCompiler (..), getGhcVersion ) import Stack.Types.CompilerPaths ( cabalVersionL ) import Stack.Types.Config ( Config (..), HasConfig (..) ) import Stack.Types.EnvConfig ( HasEnvConfig ) import Stack.Types.GhcPkgId ( ghcPkgIdString ) import Stack.Types.NamedComponent ( NamedComponent (..), internalLibComponents ) import Stack.Types.Package ( BuildInfoOpts (..), ExeName (..), GetPackageOpts (..) , InstallMap, Installed (..), InstalledMap, Package (..) , PackageConfig (..), PackageException (..) , PackageLibraries (..), dotCabalCFilePath, packageIdentifier ) import Stack.Types.Version ( VersionRange, intersectVersionRanges, withinRange ) import System.FilePath ( replaceExtension ) import Stack.Types.Dependency ( DepValue (..), DepType (..) ) import Stack.Types.PackageFile ( DotCabalPath , GetPackageFiles (..) ) import Stack.PackageFile ( getPackageFile ) -- | Read @.buildinfo@ ancillary files produced by some Setup.hs hooks. -- The file includes Cabal file syntax to be merged into the package description -- derived from the package's Cabal file. -- -- NOTE: not to be confused with BuildInfo, an Stack-internal datatype. readDotBuildinfo :: MonadIO m => Path Abs File -> m HookedBuildInfo readDotBuildinfo buildinfofp = liftIO $ readHookedBuildInfo silent (toFilePath buildinfofp) -- | Resolve a parsed Cabal file into a 'Package', which contains all of the -- info needed for Stack to build the 'Package' given the current configuration. resolvePackage :: PackageConfig -> GenericPackageDescription -> Package resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg = packageFromPackageDescription packageConfig (genPackageFlags gpkg) (resolvePackageDescription packageConfig gpkg) packageFromPackageDescription :: PackageConfig -> [PackageFlag] -> PackageDescriptionPair -> Package packageFromPackageDescription packageConfig pkgFlags (PackageDescriptionPair pkgNoMod pkg) = Package { packageName = name , packageVersion = pkgVersion pkgId , packageLicense = licenseRaw pkg , packageDeps = deps , packageFiles = pkgFiles , packageUnknownTools = unknownTools , packageGhcOptions = packageConfigGhcOptions packageConfig , packageCabalConfigOpts = packageConfigCabalConfigOpts packageConfig , packageFlags = packageConfigFlags packageConfig , packageDefaultFlags = M.fromList [(flagName flag, flagDefault flag) | flag <- pkgFlags] , packageAllDeps = M.keysSet deps , packageSubLibDeps = subLibDeps , packageLibraries = let mlib = do lib <- library pkg guard $ buildable $ libBuildInfo lib Just lib in case mlib of Nothing -> NoLibraries Just _ -> HasLibraries foreignLibNames , packageInternalLibraries = subLibNames , packageTests = M.fromList [ (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ testName t), testInterface t) | t <- testSuites pkgNoMod , buildable (testBuildInfo t) ] , packageBenchmarks = S.fromList [ T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ benchmarkName b) | b <- benchmarks pkgNoMod , buildable (benchmarkBuildInfo b) ] -- Same comment about buildable applies here too. , packageExes = S.fromList [ T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ exeName biBuildInfo) | biBuildInfo <- executables pkg , buildable (buildInfo biBuildInfo) ] -- This is an action used to collect info needed for "stack ghci". -- This info isn't usually needed, so computation of it is deferred. , packageOpts = GetPackageOpts $ \installMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp -> do (componentsModules,componentFiles, _, _) <- getPackageFiles pkgFiles cabalfp let internals = S.toList $ internalLibComponents $ M.keysSet componentsModules excludedInternals <- mapM (parsePackageNameThrowing . T.unpack) internals mungedInternals <- mapM (parsePackageNameThrowing . T.unpack . toInternalPackageMungedName) internals componentsOpts <- generatePkgDescOpts installMap installedMap (excludedInternals ++ omitPkgs) (mungedInternals ++ addPkgs) cabalfp pkg componentFiles pure (componentsModules, componentFiles, componentsOpts) , packageHasExposedModules = maybe False (not . null . exposedModules) (library pkg) , packageBuildType = buildType pkg , packageSetupDeps = msetupDeps , packageCabalSpec = specVersion pkg } where extraLibNames = S.union subLibNames foreignLibNames subLibNames = S.fromList $ map (T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName) $ mapMaybe (libraryNameString . libName) -- this is a design bug in the -- Cabal API: this should -- statically be known to exist $ filter (buildable . libBuildInfo) $ subLibraries pkg foreignLibNames = S.fromList $ map (T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . foreignLibName) $ filter (buildable . foreignLibBuildInfo) $ foreignLibs pkg toInternalPackageMungedName = T.pack . prettyShow . MungedPackageName (pkgName pkgId) . maybeToLibraryName . Just . Cabal.mkUnqualComponentName . T.unpack -- Gets all of the modules, files, build files, and data files that constitute -- the package. This is primarily used for dirtiness checking during build, as -- well as use by "stack ghci" pkgFiles = GetPackageFiles $ getPackageFile pkg pkgId = package pkg name = pkgName pkgId (unknownTools, knownTools) = packageDescTools pkg deps = M.filterWithKey (const . not . isMe) (M.unionsWith (<>) [ asLibrary <$> packageDependencies packageConfig pkg -- We include all custom-setup deps - if present - in the package deps -- themselves. Stack always works with the invariant that there will be a -- single installed package relating to a package name, and this applies at -- the setup dependency level as well. , asLibrary <$> fromMaybe M.empty msetupDeps , knownTools ]) msetupDeps = fmap (M.fromList . map (depPkgName &&& depVerRange) . setupDepends) (setupBuildInfo pkg) subLibDeps = M.fromList $ concatMap (\(Dependency n vr libs) -> mapMaybe (getSubLibName n vr) (NES.toList libs)) (concatMap targetBuildDepends (allBuildInfo' pkg)) getSubLibName pn vr lib@(LSubLibName _) = Just (MungedPackageName pn lib, asLibrary vr) getSubLibName _ _ _ = Nothing asLibrary range = DepValue { dvVersionRange = range , dvType = AsLibrary } -- Is the package dependency mentioned here me: either the package name -- itself, or the name of one of the sub libraries isMe name' = name' == name || fromString (packageNameString name') `S.member` extraLibNames -- | Generate GHC options for the package's components, and a list of options -- which apply generally to the package, not one specific component. generatePkgDescOpts :: (HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, MonadIO m) => InstallMap -> InstalledMap -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to omit from the "-package" / "-package-id" flags -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to add to the "-package" flags -> Path Abs File -> PackageDescription -> Map NamedComponent [DotCabalPath] -> m (Map NamedComponent BuildInfoOpts) generatePkgDescOpts installMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp pkg componentPaths = do config <- view configL cabalVer <- view cabalVersionL distDir <- distDirFromDir cabalDir let generate namedComponent binfo = ( namedComponent , generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput { biInstallMap = installMap , biInstalledMap = installedMap , biCabalDir = cabalDir , biDistDir = distDir , biOmitPackages = omitPkgs , biAddPackages = addPkgs , biBuildInfo = binfo , biDotCabalPaths = fromMaybe [] (M.lookup namedComponent componentPaths) , biConfigLibDirs = configExtraLibDirs config , biConfigIncludeDirs = configExtraIncludeDirs config , biComponentName = namedComponent , biCabalVersion = cabalVer } ) pure ( M.fromList ( concat [ maybe [] (pure . generate CLib . libBuildInfo) (library pkg) , mapMaybe (\sublib -> do let maybeLib = CInternalLib . T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName <$> (libraryNameString . libName) sublib flip generate (libBuildInfo sublib) <$> maybeLib ) (subLibraries pkg) , fmap (\exe -> generate (CExe (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe)))) (buildInfo exe) ) (executables pkg) , fmap (\bench -> generate (CBench (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (benchmarkName bench))) ) (benchmarkBuildInfo bench) ) (benchmarks pkg) , fmap (\test -> generate (CTest (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (testName test)))) (testBuildInfo test) ) (testSuites pkg) ] ) ) where cabalDir = parent cabalfp -- | Input to 'generateBuildInfoOpts' data BioInput = BioInput { biInstallMap :: !InstallMap , biInstalledMap :: !InstalledMap , biCabalDir :: !(Path Abs Dir) , biDistDir :: !(Path Abs Dir) , biOmitPackages :: ![PackageName] , biAddPackages :: ![PackageName] , biBuildInfo :: !BuildInfo , biDotCabalPaths :: ![DotCabalPath] , biConfigLibDirs :: ![FilePath] , biConfigIncludeDirs :: ![FilePath] , biComponentName :: !NamedComponent , biCabalVersion :: !Version } -- | Generate GHC options for the target. Since Cabal also figures out these -- options, currently this is only used for invoking GHCI (via stack ghci). generateBuildInfoOpts :: BioInput -> BuildInfoOpts generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput {..} = BuildInfoOpts { bioOpts = ghcOpts ++ fmap ("-optP" <>) (cppOptions biBuildInfo) -- NOTE for future changes: Due to this use of nubOrd (and other uses -- downstream), these generated options must not rely on multiple -- argument sequences. For example, ["--main-is", "Foo.hs", "--main- -- is", "Bar.hs"] would potentially break due to the duplicate -- "--main-is" being removed. -- -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1255 , bioOneWordOpts = nubOrd $ concat [extOpts, srcOpts, includeOpts, libOpts, fworks, cObjectFiles] , bioPackageFlags = deps , bioCabalMacros = componentAutogen relFileCabalMacrosH } where cObjectFiles = mapMaybe (fmap toFilePath . makeObjectFilePathFromC biCabalDir biComponentName biDistDir) cfiles cfiles = mapMaybe dotCabalCFilePath biDotCabalPaths installVersion = snd -- Generates: -package=base -package=base16-bytestring- ... deps = concat [ case M.lookup name biInstalledMap of Just (_, Stack.Types.Package.Library _ident ipid _) -> ["-package-id=" <> ghcPkgIdString ipid] _ -> ["-package=" <> packageNameString name <> maybe "" -- This empty case applies to e.g. base. ((("-" <>) . versionString) . installVersion) (M.lookup name biInstallMap)] | name <- pkgs ] pkgs = biAddPackages ++ [ name | Dependency name _ _ <- targetBuildDepends biBuildInfo -- TODO: cabal 3 introduced multiple public libraries in a single dependency , name `notElem` biOmitPackages ] PerCompilerFlavor ghcOpts _ = options biBuildInfo extOpts = map (("-X" ++) . display) (allLanguages biBuildInfo) <> map (("-X" ++) . display) (usedExtensions biBuildInfo) srcOpts = map (("-i" <>) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep) (concat [ [ componentBuildDir biCabalVersion biComponentName biDistDir ] , [ biCabalDir | null (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo) ] , mapMaybe (toIncludeDir . getSymbolicPath) (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo) , [ componentAutogen ] , maybeToList (packageAutogenDir biCabalVersion biDistDir) , [ componentOutputDir biComponentName biDistDir ] ]) ++ [ "-stubdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (buildDir biDistDir) ] componentAutogen = componentAutogenDir biCabalVersion biComponentName biDistDir toIncludeDir "." = Just biCabalDir toIncludeDir relDir = concatAndCollapseAbsDir biCabalDir relDir includeOpts = map ("-I" <>) (biConfigIncludeDirs <> pkgIncludeOpts) pkgIncludeOpts = [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir | dir <- includeDirs biBuildInfo , absDir <- handleDir dir ] libOpts = map ("-l" <>) (extraLibs biBuildInfo) <> map ("-L" <>) (biConfigLibDirs <> pkgLibDirs) pkgLibDirs = [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir | dir <- extraLibDirs biBuildInfo , absDir <- handleDir dir ] handleDir dir = case (parseAbsDir dir, parseRelDir dir) of (Just ab, _ ) -> [ab] (_ , Just rel) -> [biCabalDir rel] (Nothing, Nothing ) -> [] fworks = map ("-framework=" <>) (frameworks biBuildInfo) -- | Make the .o path from the .c file path for a component. Example: -- -- @ -- executable FOO -- c-sources: cbits/text_search.c -- @ -- -- Produces -- -- /build/FOO/FOO-tmp/cbits/text_search.o -- -- Example: -- -- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC -- $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle") -- CLib -- $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist") -- $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c") -- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/cbits/text_search.o" -- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC -- $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle") -- (CExe "hoogle") -- $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist") -- $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c") -- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/hoogle/hoogle-tmp/cbits/text_search.o" -- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC :: MonadThrow m => Path Abs Dir -- ^ The cabal directory. -> NamedComponent -- ^ The name of the component. -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ Dist directory. -> Path Abs File -- ^ The path to the .c file. -> m (Path Abs File) -- ^ The path to the .o file for the component. makeObjectFilePathFromC cabalDir namedComponent distDir cFilePath = do relCFilePath <- stripProperPrefix cabalDir cFilePath relOFilePath <- parseRelFile (replaceExtension (toFilePath relCFilePath) "o") pure (componentOutputDir namedComponent distDir relOFilePath) -- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only). -- -- Note that for Cabal versions 1.22 and earlier, there is a bug where Cabal -- requires dependencies for non-buildable components to be present. We're going -- to use GHC version as a proxy for Cabal library version in this case for -- simplicity, so we'll check for GHC being 7.10 or earlier. This obviously -- makes our function a lot more fun to write... packageDependencies :: PackageConfig -> PackageDescription -> Map PackageName VersionRange packageDependencies pkgConfig pkg' = M.fromListWith intersectVersionRanges $ map (depPkgName &&& depVerRange) $ concatMap targetBuildDepends (allBuildInfo' pkg) ++ maybe [] setupDepends (setupBuildInfo pkg) where pkg | getGhcVersion (packageConfigCompilerVersion pkgConfig) >= mkVersion [8, 0] = pkg' -- Set all components to buildable. Only need to worry library, exe, test, -- and bench, since others didn't exist in older Cabal versions | otherwise = pkg' { library = (\c -> c { libBuildInfo = go (libBuildInfo c) }) <$> library pkg' , executables = (\c -> c { buildInfo = go (buildInfo c) }) <$> executables pkg' , testSuites = if packageConfigEnableTests pkgConfig then (\c -> c { testBuildInfo = go (testBuildInfo c) }) <$> testSuites pkg' else testSuites pkg' , benchmarks = if packageConfigEnableBenchmarks pkgConfig then (\c -> c { benchmarkBuildInfo = go (benchmarkBuildInfo c) }) <$> benchmarks pkg' else benchmarks pkg' } go bi = bi { buildable = True } -- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only). -- -- This uses both the new 'buildToolDepends' and old 'buildTools' information. packageDescTools :: PackageDescription -> (Set ExeName, Map PackageName DepValue) packageDescTools pd = (S.fromList $ concat unknowns, M.fromListWith (<>) $ concat knowns) where (unknowns, knowns) = unzip $ map perBI $ allBuildInfo' pd perBI :: BuildInfo -> ([ExeName], [(PackageName, DepValue)]) perBI bi = (unknownTools, tools) where (unknownTools, knownTools) = partitionEithers $ map go1 (buildTools bi) tools = mapMaybe go2 (knownTools ++ buildToolDepends bi) -- This is similar to desugarBuildTool from Cabal, however it -- uses our own hard-coded map which drops tools shipped with -- GHC (like hsc2hs), and includes some tools from Stackage. go1 :: Cabal.LegacyExeDependency -> Either ExeName Cabal.ExeDependency go1 (Cabal.LegacyExeDependency name range) = case M.lookup name hardCodedMap of Just pkgName -> Right $ Cabal.ExeDependency pkgName (Cabal.mkUnqualComponentName name) range Nothing -> Left $ ExeName $ T.pack name go2 :: Cabal.ExeDependency -> Maybe (PackageName, DepValue) go2 (Cabal.ExeDependency pkg _name range) | pkg `S.member` preInstalledPackages = Nothing | otherwise = Just ( pkg , DepValue { dvVersionRange = range , dvType = AsBuildTool } ) -- | A hard-coded map for tool dependencies hardCodedMap :: Map String PackageName hardCodedMap = M.fromList [ ("alex", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "alex") , ("happy", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "happy") , ("cpphs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "cpphs") , ("greencard", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "greencard") , ("c2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "c2hs") , ("hscolour", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hscolour") , ("hspec-discover", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hspec-discover") , ("hsx2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hsx2hs") , ("gtk2hsC2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools") , ("gtk2hsHookGenerator", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools") , ("gtk2hsTypeGen", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools") ] -- | Executable-only packages which come pre-installed with GHC and do not need -- to be built. Without this exception, we would either end up unnecessarily -- rebuilding these packages, or failing because the packages do not appear in -- the Stackage snapshot. preInstalledPackages :: Set PackageName preInstalledPackages = S.fromList [ mkPackageName "hsc2hs" , mkPackageName "haddock" ] -- | Variant of 'allBuildInfo' from Cabal that, like versions before Cabal 2.2 -- only includes buildable components. allBuildInfo' :: PackageDescription -> [BuildInfo] allBuildInfo' pkg_descr = [ bi | lib <- allLibraries pkg_descr , let bi = libBuildInfo lib , buildable bi ] ++ [ bi | flib <- foreignLibs pkg_descr , let bi = foreignLibBuildInfo flib , buildable bi ] ++ [ bi | exe <- executables pkg_descr , let bi = buildInfo exe , buildable bi ] ++ [ bi | tst <- testSuites pkg_descr , let bi = testBuildInfo tst , buildable bi ] ++ [ bi | tst <- benchmarks pkg_descr , let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo tst , buildable bi ] -- | A pair of package descriptions: one which modified the buildable values of -- test suites and benchmarks depending on whether they are enabled, and one -- which does not. -- -- Fields are intentionally lazy, we may only need one or the other value. -- -- Michael S Snoyman 2017-08-29: The very presence of this data type is terribly -- ugly, it represents the fact that the Cabal 2.0 upgrade did _not_ go well. -- Specifically, we used to have a field to indicate whether a component was -- enabled in addition to buildable, but that's gone now, and this is an ugly -- proxy. We should at some point clean up the mess of Package, LocalPackage, -- etc, and probably pull in the definition of PackageDescription from Cabal -- with our additionally needed metadata. But this is a good enough hack for the -- moment. Odds are, you're reading this in the year 2024 and thinking "wtf?" data PackageDescriptionPair = PackageDescriptionPair { pdpOrigBuildable :: PackageDescription , pdpModifiedBuildable :: PackageDescription } -- | Evaluates the conditions of a 'GenericPackageDescription', yielding -- a resolved 'PackageDescription'. resolvePackageDescription :: PackageConfig -> GenericPackageDescription -> PackageDescriptionPair resolvePackageDescription packageConfig ( GenericPackageDescription desc _ defaultFlags mlib subLibs foreignLibs' exes tests benches ) = PackageDescriptionPair { pdpOrigBuildable = go False , pdpModifiedBuildable = go True } where go modBuildable = desc { library = fmap (resolveConditions rc updateLibDeps) mlib , subLibraries = map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateLibDeps v){libName=LSubLibName n}) subLibs , foreignLibs = map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateForeignLibDeps v){foreignLibName=n}) foreignLibs' , executables = map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateExeDeps v){exeName=n}) exes , testSuites = map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc (updateTestDeps modBuildable) v){testName=n}) tests , benchmarks = map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc (updateBenchmarkDeps modBuildable) v){benchmarkName=n}) benches } flags = M.union (packageConfigFlags packageConfig) (flagMap defaultFlags) rc = mkResolveConditions (packageConfigCompilerVersion packageConfig) (packageConfigPlatform packageConfig) flags updateLibDeps lib deps = lib { libBuildInfo = (libBuildInfo lib) {targetBuildDepends = deps} } updateForeignLibDeps lib deps = lib { foreignLibBuildInfo = (foreignLibBuildInfo lib) {targetBuildDepends = deps} } updateExeDeps exe deps = exe { buildInfo = (buildInfo exe) {targetBuildDepends = deps} } -- Note that, prior to moving to Cabal 2.0, we would set testEnabled or -- benchmarkEnabled here. These fields no longer exist, so we modify buildable -- instead here. The only wrinkle in the Cabal 2.0 story is -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1725, where older versions of Cabal -- (which may be used for actually building code) don't properly exclude -- build-depends for non-buildable components. Testing indicates that -- everything is working fine, and that this comment can be completely -- ignored. I'm leaving the comment anyway in case something breaks and you, -- poor reader, are investigating. updateTestDeps modBuildable test deps = let bi = testBuildInfo test bi' = bi { targetBuildDepends = deps , buildable = buildable bi && ( not modBuildable || packageConfigEnableTests packageConfig ) } in test { testBuildInfo = bi' } updateBenchmarkDeps modBuildable benchmark deps = let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo benchmark bi' = bi { targetBuildDepends = deps , buildable = buildable bi && ( not modBuildable || packageConfigEnableBenchmarks packageConfig ) } in benchmark { benchmarkBuildInfo = bi' } -- | Make a map from a list of flag specifications. -- -- What is @flagManual@ for? flagMap :: [PackageFlag] -> Map FlagName Bool flagMap = M.fromList . map pair where pair :: PackageFlag -> (FlagName, Bool) pair = flagName &&& flagDefault data ResolveConditions = ResolveConditions { rcFlags :: Map FlagName Bool , rcCompilerVersion :: ActualCompiler , rcOS :: OS , rcArch :: Arch } -- | Generic a @ResolveConditions@ using sensible defaults. mkResolveConditions :: ActualCompiler -- ^ Compiler version -> Platform -- ^ installation target platform -> Map FlagName Bool -- ^ enabled flags -> ResolveConditions mkResolveConditions compilerVersion (Platform arch os) flags = ResolveConditions { rcFlags = flags , rcCompilerVersion = compilerVersion , rcOS = os , rcArch = arch } -- | Resolve the condition tree for the library. resolveConditions :: (Semigroup target, Monoid target, Show target) => ResolveConditions -> (target -> cs -> target) -> CondTree ConfVar cs target -> target resolveConditions rc addDeps (CondNode lib deps cs) = basic <> children where basic = addDeps lib deps children = mconcat (map apply cs) where apply (Cabal.CondBranch cond node mcs) = if condSatisfied cond then resolveConditions rc addDeps node else maybe mempty (resolveConditions rc addDeps) mcs condSatisfied c = case c of Var v -> varSatisfied v Lit b -> b CNot c' -> not (condSatisfied c') COr cx cy -> condSatisfied cx || condSatisfied cy CAnd cx cy -> condSatisfied cx && condSatisfied cy varSatisfied v = case v of OS os -> os == rcOS rc Arch arch -> arch == rcArch rc PackageFlag flag -> fromMaybe False $ M.lookup flag (rcFlags rc) -- NOTE: ^^^^^ This should never happen, as all flags which are used -- must be declared. Defaulting to False. Impl flavor range -> case (flavor, rcCompilerVersion rc) of (GHC, ACGhc vghc) -> vghc `withinRange` range _ -> False -- | Path for the package's build log. buildLogPath :: (MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env, MonadThrow m) => Package -> Maybe String -> m (Path Abs File) buildLogPath package' msuffix = do env <- ask let stack = getProjectWorkDir env fp <- parseRelFile $ concat $ packageIdentifierString (packageIdentifier package') : maybe id (\suffix -> ("-" :) . (suffix :)) msuffix [".log"] pure $ stack relDirLogs fp {- FIXME -- | Create a 'ProjectPackage' from a directory containing a package. mkProjectPackage :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env) => PrintWarnings -> ResolvedPath Dir -> RIO env ProjectPackage mkProjectPackage printWarnings dir = do (gpd, name, cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (resolvedAbsolute dir) pure ProjectPackage { ppCabalFP = cabalfp , ppGPD' = gpd printWarnings , ppResolvedDir = dir , ppName = name } -- | Create a 'DepPackage' from a 'PackageLocation' mkDepPackage :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env) => PackageLocation -> RIO env DepPackage mkDepPackage pl = do (name, gpdio) <- case pl of PLMutable dir -> do (gpdio, name, _cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (resolvedAbsolute dir) pure (name, gpdio NoPrintWarnings) PLImmutable pli -> do PackageIdentifier name _ <- getPackageLocationIdent pli run <- askRunInIO pure (name, run $ loadCabalFileImmutable pli) pure DepPackage { dpGPD' = gpdio , dpLocation = pl , dpName = name } -} -- | Force a package to be treated as a custom build type, see -- applyForceCustomBuild :: Version -- ^ global Cabal version -> Package -> Package applyForceCustomBuild cabalVersion package | forceCustomBuild = package { packageBuildType = Custom , packageDeps = M.insertWith (<>) "Cabal" (DepValue cabalVersionRange AsLibrary) $ packageDeps package , packageSetupDeps = Just $ M.fromList [ ("Cabal", cabalVersionRange) , ("base", anyVersion) ] } | otherwise = package where cabalVersionRange = orLaterVersion $ mkVersion $ cabalSpecToVersionDigits $ packageCabalSpec package forceCustomBuild = packageBuildType package == Simple && not (cabalVersion `withinRange` cabalVersionRange)