{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- Types and functions related to Stack's @sdist@ command. module Stack.SDist ( SDistOpts (..) , sdistCmd , getSDistTarball , checkSDistTarball , checkSDistTarball' ) where import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry as Tar import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip as GZip import Conduit ( runConduitRes, sourceLazy, sinkFileCautious ) import Control.Concurrent.Execute ( ActionContext (..), Concurrency (..) ) import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Char ( toLower ) import Data.Data ( cast ) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( getPOSIXTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds ) import Distribution.Package ( Dependency (..) ) import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as Cabal import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Check as Check import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec as Cabal import Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint ( showGenericPackageDescription ) import Distribution.Version ( earlierVersion, hasLowerBound, hasUpperBound, isAnyVersion , orLaterVersion, simplifyVersionRange ) import Path ( (), parent, parseRelDir, parseRelFile ) import Path.IO ( ensureDir, resolveDir' ) import Stack.Build ( mkBaseConfigOpts, build, buildLocalTargets ) import Stack.Build.Execute ( ExcludeTHLoading (..), KeepOutputOpen (..), withExecuteEnv , withSingleContext ) import Stack.Build.Installed ( getInstalled, toInstallMap ) import Stack.Build.Source ( projectLocalPackages ) import Stack.Constants ( stackProgName, stackProgName' ) import Stack.Constants.Config ( distDirFromDir ) import Stack.Package ( PackageDescriptionPair (..), resolvePackage , resolvePackageDescription ) import Stack.Prelude import Stack.Runners ( ShouldReexec (..), withConfig, withDefaultEnvConfig ) import Stack.SourceMap ( mkProjectPackage ) import Stack.Types.Build ( CachePkgSrc (..), Task (..), TaskConfigOpts (..) , TaskType (..) ) import Stack.Types.BuildConfig ( BuildConfig (..), HasBuildConfig (..), stackYamlL ) import Stack.Types.BuildOpts ( BuildOpts (..), defaultBuildOpts, defaultBuildOptsCLI ) import Stack.Types.Config ( Config (..), HasConfig (..) ) import Stack.Types.ConfigureOpts ( ConfigureOpts (..) ) import Stack.Types.EnvConfig ( EnvConfig (..), HasEnvConfig (..), actualCompilerVersionL ) import Stack.Types.GhcPkgId ( GhcPkgId ) import Stack.Types.Package ( InstallMap, Installed (..), InstalledMap, LocalPackage (..) , Package (..), PackageConfig (..), installedVersion , packageIdentifier ) import Stack.Types.Platform ( HasPlatform (..) ) import Stack.Types.PvpBounds ( PvpBounds (..), PvpBoundsType (..) ) import Stack.Types.Runner ( HasRunner, Runner ) import Stack.Types.SourceMap ( CommonPackage (..), ProjectPackage (..), SMWanted (..) , SourceMap (..), ppRoot ) import Stack.Types.Version ( intersectVersionRanges, nextMajorVersion ) import System.Directory ( copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing, executable , getModificationTime, getPermissions ) import qualified System.FilePath as FP -- | Type representing \'pretty\' exceptions thrown by functions exported by the -- "Stack.SDist" module. data SDistPrettyException = CheckException (NonEmpty Check.PackageCheck) | CabalFilePathsInconsistentBug (Path Abs File) (Path Abs File) | ToTarPathException String deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Pretty SDistPrettyException where pretty (CheckException xs) = "[S-6439]" <> line <> flow "Package check reported the following errors:" <> line <> bulletedList (map (string . show) (NE.toList xs) :: [StyleDoc]) pretty (CabalFilePathsInconsistentBug cabalfp cabalfp') = "[S-9595]" <> line <> fillSep [ flow "The impossible happened! Two Cabal file paths are \ \inconsistent:" , pretty cabalfp , "and" , pretty cabalfp' <> "." ] pretty (ToTarPathException e) = "[S-7875]" <> line <> string e instance Exception SDistPrettyException -- | Type representing command line options for @stack sdist@ command. data SDistOpts = SDistOpts { sdoptsDirsToWorkWith :: [String] -- ^ Directories to package , sdoptsPvpBounds :: Maybe PvpBounds -- ^ PVP Bounds overrides , sdoptsIgnoreCheck :: Bool -- ^ Whether to ignore check of the package for common errors , sdoptsBuildTarball :: Bool -- ^ Whether to build the tarball , sdoptsTarPath :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Where to copy the tarball } -- | Function underlying the @stack sdist@ command. sdistCmd :: SDistOpts -> RIO Runner () sdistCmd sdistOpts = withConfig YesReexec $ withDefaultEnvConfig $ do -- If no directories are specified, build all sdist tarballs. dirs' <- if null (sdoptsDirsToWorkWith sdistOpts) then do dirs <- view $ buildConfigL.to (map ppRoot . Map.elems . smwProject . bcSMWanted) when (null dirs) $ do stackYaml <- view stackYamlL prettyErrorL [ style Shell "stack sdist" , flow "expects a list of targets, and otherwise defaults to all \ \of the project's packages. However, the configuration at" , pretty stackYaml , flow "contains no packages, so no sdist tarballs will be \ \generated." ] exitFailure pure dirs else mapM resolveDir' (sdoptsDirsToWorkWith sdistOpts) forM_ dirs' $ \dir -> do (tarName, tarBytes, _mcabalRevision) <- getSDistTarball (sdoptsPvpBounds sdistOpts) dir distDir <- distDirFromDir dir tarPath <- (distDir ) <$> parseRelFile tarName ensureDir (parent tarPath) runConduitRes $ sourceLazy tarBytes .| sinkFileCautious (toFilePath tarPath) prettyInfoL [flow "Wrote sdist-format compressed archive to" , pretty tarPath <> "." ] checkSDistTarball sdistOpts tarPath forM_ (sdoptsTarPath sdistOpts) $ copyTarToTarPath tarPath tarName where copyTarToTarPath tarPath tarName targetDir = liftIO $ do let targetTarPath = targetDir FP. tarName createDirectoryIfMissing True $ FP.takeDirectory targetTarPath copyFile (toFilePath tarPath) targetTarPath -- | Given the path to a local package, creates its source distribution tarball. -- -- While this yields a 'FilePath', the name of the tarball, this tarball is not -- written to the disk and instead yielded as a lazy bytestring. getSDistTarball :: HasEnvConfig env => Maybe PvpBounds -- ^ Override Config value -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ Path to local package -> RIO env (FilePath, L.ByteString, Maybe (PackageIdentifier, L.ByteString)) -- ^ Filename, tarball contents, and option Cabal file revision to upload getSDistTarball mpvpBounds pkgDir = do config <- view configL let PvpBounds pvpBounds asRevision = fromMaybe (configPvpBounds config) mpvpBounds tweakCabal = pvpBounds /= PvpBoundsNone pkgFp = toFilePath pkgDir lp <- readLocalPackage pkgDir forM_ (packageSetupDeps (lpPackage lp)) $ \customSetupDeps -> case NE.nonEmpty (map (T.pack . packageNameString) (Map.keys customSetupDeps)) of Just nonEmptyDepTargets -> do eres <- buildLocalTargets nonEmptyDepTargets case eres of Left err -> logError $ "Error: [S-8399]\n" <> "Error building custom-setup dependencies: " <> displayShow err Right _ -> pure () Nothing -> prettyWarnS "unexpected empty custom-setup dependencies." sourceMap <- view $ envConfigL.to envConfigSourceMap installMap <- toInstallMap sourceMap (installedMap, _globalDumpPkgs, _snapshotDumpPkgs, _localDumpPkgs) <- getInstalled installMap let deps = Map.fromList [ (pid, ghcPkgId) | (_, Library pid ghcPkgId _) <- Map.elems installedMap] prettyInfoL [ flow "Getting the file list for" , style File (fromString pkgFp) <> "." ] (fileList, cabalfp) <- getSDistFileList lp deps prettyInfoL [ flow "Building a compressed archive file in the sdist format for" , style File (fromString pkgFp) <> "." ] files <- normalizeTarballPaths (map (T.unpack . stripCR . T.pack) (lines fileList)) -- We're going to loop below and eventually find the Cabal file. When we do, -- we'll upload this reference, if the mpvpBounds value indicates that we -- should be uploading a Cabal file revision. cabalFileRevisionRef <- liftIO (newIORef Nothing) -- NOTE: Could make this use lazy I/O to only read files as needed for upload -- (both GZip.compress and Tar.write are lazy). However, it seems less error -- prone and more predictable to read everything in at once, so that's what -- we're doing for now: let tarPath isDir fp = case Tar.toTarPath isDir (forceUtf8Enc (pkgId FP. fp)) of Left e -> prettyThrowIO $ ToTarPathException e Right tp -> pure tp -- convert a String of proper characters to a String of bytes in UTF8 -- encoding masquerading as characters. This is necessary for tricking the -- tar package into proper character encoding. forceUtf8Enc = S8.unpack . T.encodeUtf8 . T.pack packWith f isDir fp = liftIO $ f (pkgFp FP. fp) =<< tarPath isDir fp packDir = packWith Tar.packDirectoryEntry True packFile fp -- This is a Cabal file, we're going to tweak it, but only tweak it as a -- revision. | tweakCabal && isCabalFp fp && asRevision = do lbsIdent <- getCabalLbs pvpBounds (Just 1) cabalfp sourceMap liftIO (writeIORef cabalFileRevisionRef (Just lbsIdent)) packWith packFileEntry False fp -- Same, except we'll include the Cabal file in the original tarball -- upload. | tweakCabal && isCabalFp fp = do (_ident, lbs) <- getCabalLbs pvpBounds Nothing cabalfp sourceMap currTime <- liftIO getPOSIXTime -- Seconds from UNIX epoch tp <- liftIO $ tarPath False fp pure $ (Tar.fileEntry tp lbs) { Tar.entryTime = floor currTime } | otherwise = packWith packFileEntry False fp isCabalFp fp = toFilePath pkgDir FP. fp == toFilePath cabalfp tarName = pkgId FP.<.> "tar.gz" pkgId = packageIdentifierString (packageIdentifier (lpPackage lp)) dirEntries <- mapM packDir (dirsFromFiles files) fileEntries <- mapM packFile files mcabalFileRevision <- liftIO (readIORef cabalFileRevisionRef) pure ( tarName , GZip.compress (Tar.write (dirEntries ++ fileEntries)) , mcabalFileRevision ) -- | Get the PVP bounds-enabled version of the given Cabal file getCabalLbs :: HasEnvConfig env => PvpBoundsType -> Maybe Int -- ^ optional revision -> Path Abs File -- ^ Cabal file -> SourceMap -> RIO env (PackageIdentifier, L.ByteString) getCabalLbs pvpBounds mrev cabalfp sourceMap = do (gpdio, _name, cabalfp') <- loadCabalFilePath (Just stackProgName') (parent cabalfp) gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio NoPrintWarnings unless (cabalfp == cabalfp') $ prettyThrowIO $ CabalFilePathsInconsistentBug cabalfp cabalfp' installMap <- toInstallMap sourceMap (installedMap, _, _, _) <- getInstalled installMap let internalPackages = Set.fromList $ gpdPackageName gpd : map (Cabal.unqualComponentNameToPackageName . fst) (Cabal.condSubLibraries gpd) gpd' = gtraverseT (addBounds internalPackages installMap installedMap) gpd gpd'' = case mrev of Nothing -> gpd' Just rev -> gpd' { Cabal.packageDescription = (Cabal.packageDescription gpd') { Cabal.customFieldsPD = (("x-revision", show rev):) $ filter (\(x, _) -> map toLower x /= "x-revision") $ Cabal.customFieldsPD $ Cabal.packageDescription gpd' } } ident = Cabal.package $ Cabal.packageDescription gpd'' -- Sanity rendering and reparsing the input, to ensure there are no Cabal -- bugs, since there have been bugs here before, and currently are at the time -- of writing: -- -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1202 -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/2353 -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4863 (current issue) let roundtripErrs = fillSep [ flow "Bug detected in Cabal library. ((parse . render . parse) \ \=== id) does not hold for the Cabal file at" , pretty cabalfp ] <> blankLine (_warnings, eres) = Cabal.runParseResult $ Cabal.parseGenericPackageDescription $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ showGenericPackageDescription gpd case eres of Right roundtripped | roundtripped == gpd -> pure () | otherwise -> prettyWarn $ roundtripErrs <> flow "This seems to be fixed in development versions of Cabal, \ \but at time of writing, the fix is not in any released \ \versions." <> blankLine <> fillSep [ flow "Please see this GitHub issue for status:" , style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3549" ] <> blankLine <> fillSep [ flow "If the issue is closed as resolved, then you may be \ \able to fix this by upgrading to a newer version of \ \Stack via" , style Shell "stack upgrade" , flow "for latest stable version or" , style Shell "stack upgrade --git" , flow "for the latest development version." ] <> blankLine <> fillSep [ flow "If the issue is fixed, but updating doesn't solve the \ \problem, please check if there are similar open \ \issues, and if not, report a new issue to the Stack \ \issue tracker, at" , style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/new" ] <> blankLine <> flow "If the issue is not fixed, feel free to leave a comment \ \on it indicating that you would like it to be fixed." <> blankLine Left (_version, errs) -> prettyWarn $ roundtripErrs <> flow "In particular, parsing the rendered Cabal file is yielding a \ \parse error. Please check if there are already issues \ \tracking this, and if not, please report new issues to the \ \Stack and Cabal issue trackers, via" <> line <> bulletedList [ style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/new" , style Url "https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/new" ] <> line <> flow ("The parse error is: " <> unlines (map show (toList errs))) <> blankLine pure ( ident , TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.pack $ showGenericPackageDescription gpd'' ) where addBounds :: Set PackageName -> InstallMap -> InstalledMap -> Dependency -> Dependency addBounds internalPackages installMap installedMap dep = if name `Set.member` internalPackages then dep else case foundVersion of Nothing -> dep Just version -> Dependency name ( simplifyVersionRange $ ( if toAddUpper && not (hasUpperBound range) then addUpper version else id ) -- From Cabal-, 'hasLowerBound isAnyVersion' is 'True'. $ ( if toAddLower && (isAnyVersion range || not (hasLowerBound range)) then addLower version else id ) range ) s where Dependency name range s = dep foundVersion = case Map.lookup name installMap of Just (_, version) -> Just version Nothing -> case Map.lookup name installedMap of Just (_, installed) -> Just (installedVersion installed) Nothing -> Nothing addUpper version = intersectVersionRanges (earlierVersion $ nextMajorVersion version) addLower version = intersectVersionRanges (orLaterVersion version) (toAddLower, toAddUpper) = case pvpBounds of PvpBoundsNone -> (False, False) PvpBoundsUpper -> (False, True) PvpBoundsLower -> (True, False) PvpBoundsBoth -> (True, True) -- | Traverse a data type. gtraverseT :: (Data a,Typeable b) => (Typeable b => b -> b) -> a -> a gtraverseT f = gmapT (\x -> case cast x of Nothing -> gtraverseT f x Just b -> fromMaybe x (cast (f b))) -- | Read in a 'LocalPackage' config. This makes some default decisions about -- 'LocalPackage' fields that might not be appropriate for other use-cases. readLocalPackage :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env LocalPackage readLocalPackage pkgDir = do config <- getDefaultPackageConfig (gpdio, _, cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (Just stackProgName') pkgDir gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio YesPrintWarnings let package = resolvePackage config gpd pure LocalPackage { lpPackage = package , lpWanted = False -- HACK: makes it so that sdist output goes to a log -- instead of a file. , lpCabalFile = cabalfp -- NOTE: these aren't the 'correct values, but aren't used in -- the usage of this function in this module. , lpTestBench = Nothing , lpBuildHaddocks = False , lpForceDirty = False , lpDirtyFiles = pure Nothing , lpNewBuildCaches = pure Map.empty , lpComponentFiles = pure Map.empty , lpComponents = Set.empty , lpUnbuildable = Set.empty } -- | Returns a newline-separate list of paths, and the absolute path to the -- Cabal file. getSDistFileList :: HasEnvConfig env => LocalPackage -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -> RIO env (String, Path Abs File) getSDistFileList lp deps = withSystemTempDir (stackProgName <> "-sdist") $ \tmpdir -> do let bopts = defaultBuildOpts let boptsCli = defaultBuildOptsCLI baseConfigOpts <- mkBaseConfigOpts boptsCli locals <- projectLocalPackages withExecuteEnv bopts boptsCli baseConfigOpts locals [] [] [] Nothing -- provide empty list of globals. This is a hack around -- custom Setup.hs files $ \ee -> withSingleContext ac ee task deps (Just "sdist") $ \_package cabalfp _pkgDir cabal _announce _outputType -> do let outFile = toFilePath tmpdir FP. "source-files-list" cabal CloseOnException KeepTHLoading ["sdist", "--list-sources", outFile] contents <- liftIO (S.readFile outFile) pure (T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode contents, cabalfp) where package = lpPackage lp ac = ActionContext Set.empty [] ConcurrencyAllowed task = Task { taskProvides = PackageIdentifier (packageName package) (packageVersion package) , taskType = TTLocalMutable lp , taskConfigOpts = TaskConfigOpts { tcoMissing = Set.empty , tcoOpts = \_ -> ConfigureOpts [] [] } , taskBuildHaddock = False , taskPresent = Map.empty , taskAllInOne = True , taskCachePkgSrc = CacheSrcLocal (toFilePath (parent $ lpCabalFile lp)) , taskAnyMissing = True , taskBuildTypeConfig = False } normalizeTarballPaths :: (HasRunner env, HasTerm env) => [FilePath] -> RIO env [FilePath] normalizeTarballPaths fps = do -- TODO: consider whether erroring out is better - otherwise the user might -- upload an incomplete tar? unless (null outsideDir) $ prettyWarn $ flow "These files are outside of the package directory, and will be \ \omitted from the tarball:" <> line <> bulletedList (map (style File . fromString) outsideDir) pure (nubOrd files) where (outsideDir, files) = partitionEithers (map pathToEither fps) pathToEither fp = maybe (Left fp) Right (normalizePath fp) normalizePath :: FilePath -> Maybe FilePath normalizePath = fmap FP.joinPath . go . FP.splitDirectories . FP.normalise where go [] = Just [] go ("..":_) = Nothing go (_:"..":xs) = go xs go (x:xs) = (x :) <$> go xs dirsFromFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] dirsFromFiles dirs = Set.toAscList (Set.delete "." results) where results = foldl' (\s -> go s . FP.takeDirectory) Set.empty dirs go s x | Set.member x s = s | otherwise = go (Set.insert x s) (FP.takeDirectory x) -- | Check package in given tarball. This will log all warnings and will throw -- an exception in case of critical errors. -- -- Note that we temporarily decompress the archive to analyze it. checkSDistTarball :: HasEnvConfig env => SDistOpts -- ^ The configuration of what to check -> Path Abs File -- ^ Absolute path to tarball -> RIO env () checkSDistTarball opts tarball = withTempTarGzContents tarball $ \pkgDir' -> do pkgDir <- (pkgDir' ) <$> (parseRelDir . FP.takeBaseName . FP.takeBaseName . toFilePath $ tarball) -- ^ drop ".tar" ^ drop ".gz" when (sdoptsBuildTarball opts) ( buildExtractedTarball ResolvedPath { resolvedRelative = RelFilePath "this-is-not-used" -- ugly hack , resolvedAbsolute = pkgDir } ) unless (sdoptsIgnoreCheck opts) (checkPackageInExtractedTarball pkgDir) checkPackageInExtractedTarball :: HasEnvConfig env => Path Abs Dir -- ^ Absolute path to tarball -> RIO env () checkPackageInExtractedTarball pkgDir = do (gpdio, name, _cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (Just stackProgName') pkgDir gpd <- liftIO $ gpdio YesPrintWarnings config <- getDefaultPackageConfig let PackageDescriptionPair pkgDesc _ = resolvePackageDescription config gpd prettyInfoL [ flow "Checking package" , style Current (fromString $ packageNameString name) , flow "for common mistakes." ] let pkgChecks = -- MSS 2017-12-12: Try out a few different variants of pkgDesc to try -- and provoke an error or warning. I don't know why, but when using -- `Just pkgDesc`, it appears that Cabal does not detect that `^>=` is -- used with `cabal-version: 1.24` or earlier. It seems like pkgDesc -- (the one we create) does not populate the `buildDepends` field, -- whereas flattenPackageDescription from Cabal does. In any event, -- using `Nothing` seems more logical for this check anyway, and the -- fallback to `Just pkgDesc` is just a crazy sanity check. case Check.checkPackage gpd Nothing of [] -> Check.checkPackage gpd (Just pkgDesc) x -> x fileChecks <- liftIO $ Check.checkPackageFiles minBound pkgDesc (toFilePath pkgDir) let checks = pkgChecks ++ fileChecks (errors, warnings) = let criticalIssue (Check.PackageBuildImpossible _) = True criticalIssue (Check.PackageDistInexcusable _) = True criticalIssue _ = False in List.partition criticalIssue checks unless (null warnings) $ prettyWarn $ flow "Package check reported the following warnings:" <> line <> bulletedList (map (fromString . show) warnings) case NE.nonEmpty errors of Nothing -> pure () Just ne -> prettyThrowM $ CheckException ne buildExtractedTarball :: HasEnvConfig env => ResolvedPath Dir -> RIO env () buildExtractedTarball pkgDir = do envConfig <- view envConfigL localPackageToBuild <- readLocalPackage $ resolvedAbsolute pkgDir -- We remove the path based on the name of the package let isPathToRemove path = do localPackage <- readLocalPackage path pure $ packageName (lpPackage localPackage) == packageName (lpPackage localPackageToBuild) pathsToKeep <- Map.fromList <$> filterM (fmap not . isPathToRemove . resolvedAbsolute . ppResolvedDir . snd) (Map.toList (smwProject (bcSMWanted (envConfigBuildConfig envConfig)))) pp <- mkProjectPackage YesPrintWarnings pkgDir False let adjustEnvForBuild env = let updatedEnvConfig = envConfig { envConfigSourceMap = updatePackagesInSourceMap (envConfigSourceMap envConfig) , envConfigBuildConfig = updateBuildConfig (envConfigBuildConfig envConfig) } updateBuildConfig bc = bc { bcConfig = (bcConfig bc) { configBuild = defaultBuildOpts { boptsTests = True } } } in set envConfigL updatedEnvConfig env updatePackagesInSourceMap sm = sm {smProject = Map.insert (cpName $ ppCommon pp) pp pathsToKeep} local adjustEnvForBuild $ build Nothing -- | Version of 'checkSDistTarball' that first saves lazy bytestring to -- temporary directory and then calls 'checkSDistTarball' on it. checkSDistTarball' :: HasEnvConfig env => SDistOpts -> String -- ^ Tarball name -> L.ByteString -- ^ Tarball contents as a byte string -> RIO env () checkSDistTarball' opts name bytes = withSystemTempDir "stack" $ \tpath -> do npath <- (tpath ) <$> parseRelFile name liftIO $ L.writeFile (toFilePath npath) bytes checkSDistTarball opts npath withTempTarGzContents :: Path Abs File -- ^ Location of tarball -> (Path Abs Dir -> RIO env a) -- ^ Perform actions given dir with tarball contents -> RIO env a withTempTarGzContents apath f = withSystemTempDir "stack" $ \tpath -> do archive <- liftIO $ L.readFile (toFilePath apath) liftIO . Tar.unpack (toFilePath tpath) . Tar.read . GZip.decompress $ archive f tpath -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copy+modified from the tar package to avoid issues with lazy IO ( see -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1344 ) packFileEntry :: FilePath -- ^ Full path to find the file on the local disk -> Tar.TarPath -- ^ Path to use for the tar Entry in the archive -> IO Tar.Entry packFileEntry filepath tarpath = do mtime <- getModTime filepath perms <- getPermissions filepath content <- S.readFile filepath let size = fromIntegral (S.length content) entryContent = Tar.NormalFile (L.fromStrict content) size entry = Tar.simpleEntry tarpath entryContent pure entry { Tar.entryPermissions = if executable perms then Tar.executableFilePermissions else Tar.ordinaryFilePermissions , Tar.entryTime = mtime } getModTime :: FilePath -> IO Tar.EpochTime getModTime path = do t <- getModificationTime path pure $ floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds $ t getDefaultPackageConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader env m, HasEnvConfig env) => m PackageConfig getDefaultPackageConfig = do platform <- view platformL compilerVersion <- view actualCompilerVersionL pure PackageConfig { packageConfigEnableTests = False , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = False , packageConfigFlags = mempty , packageConfigGhcOptions = [] , packageConfigCabalConfigOpts = [] , packageConfigCompilerVersion = compilerVersion , packageConfigPlatform = platform }